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Chatty Member
There's something very sad about 13.5kg of crap guy. The daily updates on the parcel status 😬. The best I can say about AE in this is at least she hasn't said "FFS, I don't care!"
Pretty sure that I posted previously about how creepy this is, but there's a part of me feels quite sorry for this person who's obviously spent a lot of time, effort and money - possibly which they can ill afford - to send over to a group of people they don't know, have no famial connection with and who in all likelihood will not appreciate the gifts one little bit and just bin the lot!

Call me soppy, but encouraging this is just mean and exploitative. She could even have said, if you really want to give us a present please donate a couple of pounds/dollars to a charity of your choice (e.g. kids, animals, domestic abuse) in our name.
It's just another facet of her grooming the vulnerable, in my opinion.

(Having said all that about feeling a wee bit sorry for the guy, there's no way on God's green earth that I would let me or my weans touch anything received from a stranger in the post - and all your pithy & witty comments about it yesterday had me crying with laughter 🤣🤣🤣).
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It's racism is what it

It's racism is what it is, why should "I" be told by someone else, especially from a person of colour. She thinks she wants, equals she gets. She has rarely if ever I doubt been verbally batted down. What a bitch.
YEP. What a surprise that Alice is depicting a Black woman doing her job and keeping Alice to the rules as oh so aggressive, intimidating, frightening, a bully. No stereotypes there, not at all! She’s just gross.
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It’s no wonder her dad and his wife don’t reach out to her during this time. I’m lost for words with these tweets.
She has taken an absolute tragedy and put her own twist on it. Flipped the narrative to make herself both the hero and victim when she has never had a relationship with this girl. No one can possibly know the reasons for this tragedy, sometimes there isn’t any. She is blaming her own dad and step mother when she doesn’t even know!!
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One of the things that I find amusing is that every time Alice or FMs go on about how evil our den of evil evilness is and how wicked and cruel we are, I think about how compassionate the posters here have been.

I've just remembered that even when someone vandalised her Wikipedia page it was one of the posters here that went in and fixed it back to how it was originally. No matter how we feel about Alice someone was kind and decent enough to basically do her a favour, because of the don't poke the bear, it's cruel rule.

Compare and contrast Alice, one of these things is not like the other... :confused:

It's scary! 😂
Frankly I'm wondering how @M33L4 got hold of my selfies? 🤔 IP address? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I bet he has been waiting for an opportunity like this to stick the boot in Alice but masked as writing about someone else.

Can just see him now gleefully rubbing his malevolent hands together 😂.

Cant stand him usually but today I am more gooooooooo Piers 👏
It'll go whooosh! Straight over Alice's head though, coz she's so AmAzEbAlLs 🤪
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An affair turns emotional cheating when you are telling someone who isn’t your partner things you shouldn’t be, and your relationship is suffering

so instead of leaving it, or fixing it you emotionally connect with someone new and maybe have strong feelings for them, and you emotionally invest in them

it is cheating even if it’s not physical IMO
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that's what I want, I've never actually seen her in anything but I want her to get help.
We all do. I think a lot of people think this is a we hate Alice club. I don’t.
I don’t think she has ever had consequences to her behaviour before. I’m not team Ioan by any means. I laugh at the fangirling because it’s light hearted and fun. I also agree those pics of him that he didn’t want shared shouldn’t be shared.
When your boundaries are broken and you’ve lived with a narc your sympathies tend to lie with other victims.
I am fully team E’s.
Too much oversharing by me tonight already, but my own mum did the parent alienation thing to me. It’s horrendous being the child in this situation.

My mother was raised by her aunt, who died before I was born, but sounded like a lovely woman, but for whatever reason my mum can't cope with stress and takes it out on her more passive children who she knows won't strike back. My sister threatened to punch her if she yelled at her again, so she started taking it out on me because she knows I'm not violent. She's beaten me so much as a child that I got welts even though I hadn't done anything wrong, and when I asked her how many times she got hit growing up she said "once". So I can't find any excuse for her behaviour either other than she's never had someone properly stand up to her and teach her how to behave differently. I guess that's what I'd like for Alice, to not take it personally, realise she's done some things wrong and change for the better.
I am so sorry you’ve been through that. Sending love x
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I might have been like “ok it’s a shock for her” if she had only included the way in which she died; but to include what she believes the girls planning and motive was alongside how that persons body was discovered is abhorrent.

Also is this her saying it happened in two separate places - earlier said in the living room, then this post it’s a hallway?

My partner lost his father to suicide and he never spoke to me about the details, I don’t know what happened and I don’t want to. What do I gain from knowing details of a persons death? Nothing. You can absolutely be sad about hearing the death of somebody you don’t know or know in passing, but it isn’t a topic of conversation. In my opinion you would treat it as a private matter, express your sympathies privately and advise that if those impacted by the loss wish to talk, you are there for them. Her shouting it all over Twitter is purely a form of emotional and mental abuse - she is finding something to hurt her dad and step mum with and using every inch of it to her ability. Foul, a real sewer human. I imagine the moment these tweets were published, it was absolute proof that they did the right thing cutting her off many years before, that she has not changed at all and more than enough evidence for those who have outwardly judged their decision to do so to see what she is like.

Sending love and hugs (and from the dog and cat if you prefer those to people!!) to those who struggle with reading this information and to those who’ve lost friends, family, colleagues to this 💖
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I can’t get past that psychopathic letter she wrote. Using a child’s suicide as a stick to beat the mother with. She inflicts maximum pain and maximum damage.
That’s what she meant when she said ‘What was he thinking? .. he knows what I’m like ..’
He knows she’s a psychopath and so does she.
Telling her to put her kids first won’t help. She doesn’t have that kind of chip.
The letter is important, it answers a lot of questions and reveals a lot about AE.
And yes, we all have skeletons in our past but you can bet none of them reveal that we’re callous psychopaths.
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House of Tea

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I wonder if her stepmother is looking at the mess AE has made of her life and thinking karma, bitch. I think you would need to be a saint not to feel a glimmer of pleasure after her disgusting comments about her stepsister. Although saying that, somebody wronged me quite badly (sounds dramatic but just an act of betrayal by someone I considered a friend) and for a while I was thinking about revenge, just acting it out in my head, not with any intention to do anything. A bad situation happened to her last year, and whilst I did not contact her to commiserate I did not feel the pleasure I thought I would. I didn’t really feel anything, I didn’t feel there’s karma, I just felt sorry for her in the way I would do for a stranger. Moving on is the best thing you can do for yourself. I think it quite clear that AE is a holder of grudges, which does not bode well for IG and whoever ends up as his permanent partner (BW or another). She is a pitbull, clinging on for a very long time.
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I think the marriage was in trouble for a quite a while but I do think BW was the catalyst for him to finally divorce AE. An exit affair if you like ? I definitely think they were shagging while he was in Australia . The thing if Alice just shut up about it took it gracefully the media would be all on her side even if she has a horrible personality !! Hollywood is changing and the discarding for a younger model would be horrible for his image AE would get more work , financial independence and she would have "won" instead she just looks like a sad drunk mess.

She must be really stupid and petty.
Exactly. I think a lot of people would still be very sympathetic if she’d buttoned it and let them get papped together, and if people could’ve drawn their own conclusions from that. This is why I don’t think she’s particularly smart, she’s way too reactive and impulsive to be a stone cold psychopath level manipulator
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Just William

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~ some quotes on Narcs ~



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Oh god do we really have to keep rehashing this about when their relationship did or didn't start. We may never find out.
To be fair, I read through a lot of gushing dog posts about bubba bear and how sweet IG and BW are together so I don't really see the problem with saying I'm not convinced and explaining my reason why.

A lot gets rehashed on these threads every single day. Whether or not he cheated is more relevant than a lot of other stuff that routinely gets discussed.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if her stepmother is looking at the mess AE has made of her life and thinking karma, bitch. I think you would need to be a saint not to feel a glimmer of pleasure after her disgusting comments about her stepsister. Although saying that, somebody wronged me quite badly (sounds dramatic but just an act of betrayal by someone I considered a friend) and for a while I was thinking about revenge, just acting it out in my head, not with any intention to do anything. A bad situation happened to her last year, and whilst I did not contact her to commiserate I did not feel the pleasure I thought I would. I didn’t really feel anything, I didn’t feel there’s karma, I just felt sorry for her in the way I would do for a stranger. Moving on is the best thing you can do for yourself. I think it quite clear that AE is a holder of grudges, which does not bode well for IG and whoever ends up as his permanent partner (BW or another). She is a pitbull, clinging on for a very long time.
I can only imagine the things Alice has said and done behind closed doors to try and get attention from her father too. Same in this situation, the emails, texts and calls to Ioan must be absolutely insane.

Somebody earlier referred to them as ‘Stephanie’s mum and step dad’ and I’ve thought about it since because I do think it is probably the correct way to address these innocent people.
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Not one four year old I’ve ever known knows that word. I’ve known a lot!
She is full of shit.
It’s kinda sad she felt she has to make this stuff up for attention and likes.
I second this. And if a 4 year old knew what sex is, then someone should have a talk with the parents!
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i agree it’s totally possible but I feel that if you’re getting out of a difficult marraige would you be so quick to get right into another committed relationship, he seems a little too reserved to get so spontaneous about something that serious. You’d have to be really sure it was going to work. It seems like a short time frame to me but in reality these things do sometimes happen.
Life is short. We are in a pandemic, and she apparently has an illness that may affect the quality/ length of her life. He’s had some pretty unhappy years in his marriage. I bet that plays into moving swiftly for them both, as well as immigration issues that can put pressure on a relationship to move faster than it maybe would have without those constraints (as it did in my relationship and many others I know). Maybe prudent to wait, but also - he’s not getting any younger. Doesn’t have to be a forever thing either, and doesn’t mean it’s a failure if it doesn’t work out. They obviously both think they need this in their lives right now and I think that should be enough for anyone.
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Why bring that up.. I have decided now i am far from being on anyone's team as some of AE's tweets are awful BUT tbh i think it serves no purpose to dredge through posts from years back for 'evidence'. Posts like this make me feel very uncomfortable. If you go digging far enough you will find all sorts in anyone's history. I actually don't think AE did anything wrong in that post. Yes maybe she referenced her own pain but i think she was being honest. This is feeling like a witch hunt. I will not defend AE's behaviour but some posts i think go a bit too far. I don't want the poster here to feel attacked. That is not my intention. I'm just playing devils advocate here in the interests of fairness.

Also i really dislike Bianca putting up that video of bubba bear. I love animals but ffs it is vomit inducing plus her liking stuff on twitter that is clearly going to try and inflame things re narcissists. Bianca is being very subtle but i can see her manipulation clearly. I definitely think she has her people/friends on here. I do feel like another poster said earlier, a certain anger against certain behaviours and tweets but also then feel bad for feeling that way. So i have mixed feelings. I don't say much but i feel like there comes a point when i have to say ah this is going a step too far and several posts have made me feel that way. I just have to say my piece in the interests of fairness. I hope others can respect that and not take this as a personal attack...#ducksandhides
Past behaviour is the best indicator of future behaviour. AE's behaviour in the past shows she has always been like this and it's not just the pain of a divorce setting her off as AE and her defenders claim. It gives a clearer view of her true character, especially when these are not isolated incidents at stressful times but a pattern of behaviour over years. As for posting about her step-sisters suicide, her father went no contact with AE when she was 31, her step-sister was about 2 years old then. AE barely knew her. She was co-opting the terrible tragedy of a teenage girl's suicide for her own benefit, co-opting the pain of the girl's parents for herself, and hurting them in the process, all to make it about herself, how she tried so hard to help her when no one else did. She isn't grieving for her step-sister. She's using her death to aggrandize herself and to hurt her father and step-mother.

As for BW, I'm a bit iffy about her and I do think it's passive aggressive of her liking and following SM posts on narcissism. She could just bookmark them privately. But maybe she feels it's a way of defending herself/getting the truth out there without outright accusing anyone of anything. Imo the dog reunion video was lovely. To call it vomit-inducing seems full of projected rage tbh. And while we aren't certain BW has people on here we do know from AE and the FM's themselves that they are reading here.

I have thought this for a while but I will post it now. We all assume the things BW had liked or followed relates to IG/AE. She has an ex husband don’t forget and a life beforehand that they can relate to aswell.
I'd like to know the timeline of when she and IG started dating and when she started publicly liking/following narcissist related content before assuming this. That she's still liking/following that content now is indicative to me that it is about AE. Perhaps she feels it's the only way she can get her side out, but it still feels passive aggressive to me.

I go back and forth on how I feel about the whole situation.
Imagine it honestly, your husband starts pulling away, not wanting sex, sleeps in a different room, hates having pictures taken with you, always seems annoyed by you, then he breaks up with you… ok this happens. But to then have it all played out on the internet and in newspapers and seeing him with his new love, how horrible!
It must feel to her like he died that day he left, so in a way I get why she’s clinging on, desperate.
The only reason it's played out publicly is because AE has blown it up publicly. IG is a very minor star. I doubt even the Daily Fail would have been interested in their divorce if AE hadn't wailed all over SM about it.

Am many pages back but I'm appalled, Alice is a total empathy void of a monster, how she stayed married for more than 5 minutes is a mystery to me. Ioan was stupid, weak and perhaps too maliable. I hope he can get his daughters away from this toxic bitch
Calling a victim of domestic abuse stupid and weak is incredibly offensive, especially to the many posters on here who have suffered narc and domestic abuse.

Am many pages back but I'm appalled, Alice is a total empathy void of a monster, how she stayed married for more than 5 minutes is a mystery to me. Ioan was stupid, weak and perhaps too maliable. I hope he can get his daughters away from this toxic bitch
There have been many explanations on these threads why victims stay with their abusers, and there are a multitude more all over the internet. Educate yourself before you make such sweeping, disgusting and ignorant comments!
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One is #andwatchsports. Was she nagging him during football/rugby? Or did he go and watch sports after the fight because that's his happy place?

God, that Piers Morgan piece. I hope Piers is helping Ioan now, but taking swipes at his manhood back then because the poor sod cried, that's just nasty (well, it's Piers, but he could at least be kinder to his friends). Ioan was obviously very worried what the future holds. If he was jobless for a couple of years, the finances were starting to run dry. And he had a house, mortgage, 2 kids, and a lazy ass of a wife who probably demanded more for herself all the time. It's human to break down under stress. Eh.
Piers Morgan wrote a column dissing Daniel Craig carrying his baby in a sling. Obviously he's too macho to understand that for most woman a hands on dad who loves and takes care of his kid is hot AF.
(In PM particular case macho also means enmeshed in his own toxic masculinity because for all his height he has little man syndrome.)
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