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House of Tea

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I agree completely. I LOVE dogs and even I was a bit confused as to how much was being ascribed to the Bear video. The reality is, with 32 threads with over 1K posts each, there will be repetition of many, MANY things if you're going to clock in over 32,000 posts, especially in the space of less than 1 year.

I feel like some people don't like to discuss the origins of the IG/BW romance, because it doesn't exactly cast them in the best light. I mean, if you're going to discuss a car crash of a divorce, a possible affair is highly relevant and it's disingenuous to say that BW & IG's relationship has no bearing on the AE/IG divorce or the subsequent fallout. It also means that the 3 adult parties in this debacle all have some degree of culpability, some MUCH more so than others.
Also new people join all the time. The discussion will be new to some people all the time even if the “veterans” have read it over and over. This thread has to cater for all of us.
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Looks like she had another mass deleting session today (-79 is today)
View attachment 926603
bit random what she deleted, but I noticed one of the tweets was the one where she said that Bianca not being like Helen McCrory took the pain away and thus she no longer loves him lol
This is also one of the reasons I’m suspecting heavy lawyer involvement again.
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Laughing at an FM accusing us of being Groupthinkers
It seems that they can no longer trash IG and BW (I wonder why) and found a new enemy: this den of evil, occupied by creatures right out of the ‘inferno’: tattle! In AE and her FM’s world there must always be an enemy, someone to hate with all their existence.
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Yeah, anything she claims either of her daughters said appears to be bollocks. The Tone account is so weird to me too. If it’s real, why does she never ask him about the fact his kidneys are failing? The conversation is all one way about how tough his “sis” has it, while apparently he’s house bound and waiting for a transplant??

Aww this is giving me “wonky donkey” flashbacks.
Oh, pshaw! Kidney failure? Alice is getting a divorce! Focus!!!!!!!!
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A few people have said Alice is racist, has she done something because I don't know about it.
Sorry still catching up so don't know if this has been covered but other examples of Alice showing her racism are:

When she was talking snobbishly about an area in LA that she wouldn't be seen dead in. The area is just a regular place with people working regular jobs but IIRC is in a lower income area and has a higher population of Black and Hispanic people. It is also the area that Gloria the Nanny lives in. She thinks it's beneath her to live there. She's made derisory jokes about the area.

That time she went off on that Franklin Leonard who is a Black politician(ETA: thanks to @ktjd for reminding me of his name!) on twitter shouting him down about how he was basically doing BLM wrong and that she's done more for the democrats than anyone.

This one I think should be kept in mind even though there was no overt racism being shown but I don't think it's coincidental that the lady she was being so aggressive at in the car park video was not white either!

There's more I'm sure I've missed or forgotten but any time she speaks about these things it becomes rapidly clear that she is:

Anti Women

Again this is not an exhaustive list, I am tired sorry but some kind poster may pop up some screenshots or you could wade through the threads to try and find them x
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Just William

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In a post to Instagram last week she penned: 'I've been so careful for 20 years. because I wanted a private life. so I looked at them, felt a little embarrassed, also a little warm...

'If they’re that in love then let’s try to make it work for them. and I deliberately did not post or mention anything. and no longer intend to...

Yeah riiiiight! She's such a brazen LIAR! 🤥🤥🤥
On a happier note, so good to see little E enjoying something so nice & normal! 🥰 She has grown!
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Looks like she had another mass deleting session today (-79 is today)

bit random what she deleted, but I noticed one of the tweets was the one where she said that Bianca not being like Helen McCrory took the pain away and thus she no longer loves him lol
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I watched the “daddy is home” clip and had to ask …. Why did she need to film that??? If it was my beloved husband back after a long absence, I would not want a phone/camera between us. I would have been right there with my kids waiting to greet him, living the moment. So if it’s not on social media/her phone, it didn’t happen?
She was controlling him. He didn’t see her at first so the grab of the children is real. Then he sees her, and his face drops. She had forced him to come home, after making a huge fuss with the production company. She was always punishing him for not loving her the way she “deserves” in her own warped mind.
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So the girl moved out at 14, and came home one year later just to hang herself? Is that what she's saying?

Shit the gorey detail. Alice was overthinking this. Possibly gleefully because it hurt the parents. Fuck her.

ETA: Fuck this shit. I want both kids with Ioan. This woman is so horrendously twisted I can't believe she's even real.
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Ally Pally

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I came across an old 2017 Instagram post of Alice's today about the death of her 15-year-old stepsister. I am sure it has been covered on Tattle before, but it was the first time I have read it. It was so appalling and self-serving that any sympathy I have had for Alice has evaporated. It is revolting. Alice's stepmother was 51 when she lost her daughter, who was not much older than Ella. In the guise of 'honouring and raising awareness', Alice went into minute detail about the event and blamed her grieving stepmother and father for the tragedy. She hashtagged her post with her stepsister's full name which I have cropped out, the only reason she would have hashtagged the full name was in the hope it would be found by the people it would hurt most .

There's just no line she won't cross for attention is there.
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I think that is a very unfair comment.
The mental hurt in my heart when my eyes opened as to who I was with was immense.
I have been through various types of abuse. I was a very mentally and physically strong person. However I now feel my Kind nature was taken as weakness and I'd been raised to be very polite, so felt scared to air any discrepancies in that.
When the final straw hit the camels back I had thirteen weeks as an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital to try to start unraveling the mess I was.
Then to be told you were stupid and weak? ??
A phrase I learned on here a few days ago was “death by a thousand cuts” and it blew my mind. There isn’t a catastrophic event that finally makes you realise. It’s a combination of many things and time.
I think I can safely say that your compassion and willingness to give people the benefit of the doubt stood you in good stead. It may take time for you to process what you’ve been through, the fact you’re here still with compassion for others means you are far from stupid and weak.
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Im sorry I tried to put spoilers over all my posts :(
I wasn't talking about you, it just seemed like there were loads of posts that basically said (paraphrasing) 'OMG now I've seen her dog and how sweet her and IG were together with the dog all my red flags have gone and I hope they get married!'
I didn't share the same sentiment, which was fine, I just sort of skim read that stuff. Not every post on here has to interest everyone but surely it doesn't mean we should be policing what's being said on the basis that 'it's been said before'? We'd have practically nothing to talk about if we did that!
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My best friend’s husband had an affair for five years before she found out. They were not (other than that!) having issues, needing marriage counseling, etc. and she was not worried about the state of their marriage. This was just before their 30th anniversary. She started to go back over five years of their history and question why she didn’t see things, but once she knew, a lot of somewhat odd at the time events made perfect sense. With AE and IG, he has said there was trouble for four years, he moved out nearly a year ago and filed for divorce in March of this year. Nope, we don’t know when he started to become romantically involved with BW …. But this was not a solid marriage and they did not go public until well after the split. The pearl clutching here is a bit surprising to me.

I frankly don’t care when they started their relationship. This is now … there are two young children to consider. That’s what they should be focused on, Alice and Ioan more than anyone.
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We all have imaginary conversations with ourselves, in various forms. I’m the queen of knowing exactly what to say when the person has left the room.

But why would you post these imaginary conversations on SM?

They are clearly bull shit.

To me this is indicative of her issues, she doesn’t just create her own response but imagines the other persons. She just imagines these things and believes them to be true. Watching her behaviour in the last few months has made me so mindful of how I frame my responses, am I creating a personal narrative? Am I projecting my beliefs into their response?

I can honestly say that AE’s postings have made me a more reflective person.
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lol Is it just me or is this thread like REALLY philosophical? Like I have bookmarked SO MANY quotes and spiritual concepts, I am so about this and I hope we can keep sprinkling in this life-bettering wisdom in between our criticism of AE; idk about anyone else but it is so healing for me and perfectly relates to our areas of dismay with this utter bullshit.

Can't wait to see the screenshots tweeted at Alice eventually: "omg alice look at them!! 😂they're using big words now and talking about absolute rubbish LOL what are books and cultural wisdom LOLOLOL so sad, they have no lives they wanna be u soooooo bad 😂🤣😂🤣"

Keep up the diversity, Turd University! 📚
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she actually tried that by sharing the petition to get it shut down and several media reports

When I watched the Baddiel documentary on BBC2 yesterday night and tattle popped up I was half expecting Alice instead of Sali Hughes to appear with her sobbering story about this site. Probably next time LOL
I think some gossip sites are toxic and problematic, especially if they spread false news. I don't know about the rest of Tattle but these AE threads have been assiduous in sticking to the truth, even when we speculate, and with a lot of respect even when we disagree. If anything embodies the nasty, deceptive, bullying, echo chamber of supposed gossip sites, it's AE's SM and her FMs.
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