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Alice shouldn’t be mentioning BW’s medical status. I’m unsure of either condition but aren’t they similar? Fatigue etc.
Just another oxymoron by AE. If MS takes its toll on children I’m sure Fibromyalgia would too.
She shouldn’t be mentioning anyone’s medical status. Yet she seems to revel in it. Despicable cow
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Oh ok it's just that I think most of this in general is directed at me because I was the one who mentioned getting a message from BW. Wish I hadn't mentioned it now - I didn't realise it would ruin the thread for people which seems to be the case.
You haven’t ruined the thread silly! Let’s just all move on, recalibrate and take a few breaths! I know I need to 😂
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It sure would be. Do you know IG - you mention his point of view? This suggests you are privy to his thinking. Quite a few people seem to know BW or IG on here now, their thinking, their motives etc. A few people have “reached out” to them and reported back here. I find this a bit odd. The FMs get rightly flamed about their perceived relationship with AE, acting as the Praetorian Guard for her. The same thing is happening on here for IG and BW. We seem to have moved away from discussing the emerging story with all its twists and turns, to people saying they know what is happening, that they know BW and IG, and the majority of us commenting in what we think is an objective way, are barking up the wrong tree because we don’t know BW and IG.

Just how many people here know them properly, and how many are strangers but have taken the leap to make contact with BW, and through her, IG.
I don’t know IG or BW.
Why am I getting attacked for an opinion?
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Chatty Member
Oh God. This reminds me of when my sister was diagnosed with MND and she was in hospital having testing. I had to put on a brave face for her and at one point I went to get a coffee while she was getting something done. I sat at the table in the hospital cafe and sobbed for about ten minutes. A lady came and asked me what was wrong and I told her my sister had just been diagnosed with a terrible terminal illness. It was very awkward!
I’m so sorry you went through that 😓 Would you have preferred for nobody to approach you?

I always approach someone crying in public, not in an intense way, I just go over and say are you okay, can I help? And back right off if they want to be left alone. But I know for some people in those moments they feel so incredibly alone and desperate, and someone showing they care can mean a lot.

I couldn’t just turn my back on someone so distraught in public until I’d checked if I could help or talk or do anything. I’ve been that person and always appreciated the human touch of someone just asking if you’re okay.

We once saw a lady crying on a train station bench at 11pm, spoke to her and she was homeless and said she didn’t have anywhere to go for the night, it was freezing. She said the nearest hostel was £20 so we gave her it and I gave her my scarf and gloves and bought her a Burger King on the way walking her over to the hostel. Obviously we had no way of knowing what she’d use the cash on but that’s not our business, it’s her business to decide what made the most sense for her in that moment. At least she had an experience of someone caring.
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Also, this is extremely important for everyone to be aware of:

If there are any people in here who identify as ladies, pls drop me a hint at some point so that I may casually call you "sis-turd." (I'm non-binary so if any of y'all NB folks feelin' the lady vibe ever, you count, too, lmao)

Don't ask me if I spent all night thinking about this, I will not answer.
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Chatty Member
Thread #25 recap:

Much discussion surrounding the hilarity, instability and all-round bonkers characteristics of select FMs.

Mod has stepped in and reminded us that this thread isn't about them, let's stop talking about them! (But it's soooooo hard not to!)

Three articles have popped up on the Daily Mail:

1) BW and IG wandering around, apparently buying a lottery ticket (?)
2) AE's barmy video showing off her fake lip fillers, which is really a filter call Pillow ... something. Believes she is hilarious, looks like a tool.
3) AE spotted in a shop. A whoop-de-doo.

Some thread members suspect AE has led the paps to BW and IG. Both do not seem particularly delighted to be papped. Timing of odd, smug Insta video and the bizarre calm being radiated by AE is also suspect.

Public opinion of AE on said articles began supportive, then completely went the other way on 2 and 3. General DM commenter consensus is that she's a lunatic.

AE has tweeted a few more bits in the last 20 mins or so, see final page of last thread for details.

Uuuuuuh that's all I can think of right now!

Thanks @curious km ! Also, AE spent her time deleting various Instagram pics and Tweets which would damage her. If you want more details, go through @welp s postings, I think they were hers/his/theirs.
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brie l

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I tend to be black and white on cheating in theory, but in reality, human beings and relationships aren't black and white and a lot of things can lead to infidelity. My opinion with IG and AE is that she has been relentlessly abusing and sucking the soul out of him for years, from subtle, coercive control to outright degradation and abuse. You can't continually disrespect, hurt and outright abuse someone and expect them to continue to love and respect you let alone really be shocked when they turn to someone else who gives them the comfort, affection and validation you deliberately withhold or ration. And given the way AE ignored IG's privacy and boundaries and the interesting rumours about her own cheating, I doubt she's got the moral high ground when it comes to loyalty, physical and otherwise.
I gave up on black & white a long time ago. Human frailty is what it is. And I have made the call to accept parts of it otherwise I would hate myself, never forgive and generally be an angry person all the time. Not saying I have completely lost my moral compass, I just try not to be so judgemental as there is back story to everything.
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Why couldn’t they both work? I don’t get it.
The kids are in full time education and will have been for about four years. This narrative that she has created that she gave up everything for the kids boils my pee. They had Gloria too.
She was what 40 when they had the oldest daughter? What was her career like up till then? Non-existent. Stop talking utter shite Alice.
I've been laid up with a heavy cold this week and have been bingewatching the Vampire Diaries. And I have to say - Alice is a terrible actress. Emotionless (save when she's hamming it up - like an eleven year old Daniel Radcliffe: 'pull the frightened face!' 'Pull the angry face!' 'Pull the grief-stricken face!' 'Declaim, declaim, declaim!') and flat, she adds nothing to the narrative whatsoever. Incidentally, for all her claims of being so well-bred, her voice is very... how shall I put this? Mumsy, with a surfeit of glottal stops. No cut-glass RP there at all.
No wonder the show killed her character off within a series.
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Contacting them out of the blue to comment on their (very) personal life is unlikely to make either of them feel comfortable is it.
Except you don't have proof of this. My exchange with her was brief but she was definitely pleased and comforted.

Some people are getting so wrapped up in it they think they are part of the story and that’s effed-up no matter how good your intentions are.
It's not a story. It's reality. And we're in this reality together because separate realities don't exist. And where we witness struggle we're allowed to offer compassion. And if that compassion is rejected then we disappear.

Tell me where that's fucked up. Tell me.

I don’t know If BW really is sending thank you messages to tattlers, I hope it isn’t true.
She's really sending messages. I received them. She's allowed to do this as an individual, regardless of her ties to other people.

Y'all maybe this discussion needs to go back in the closet since there are some differing opinions, some of them grounded in quite a bit of frustration that doesn't nurture anyone in here. I'm not telling nobody what to do, I just think this is gonna nosedive, and fast.
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As today has been quiet, so far, something does not add up to this recycled anecdote: for sure, in 2014, BigE was only 5, right? while in the second anecdote, wildly similar, she is 7, and in the third, 8. So.. how often does AE offer coffee to her daughters in public?
alice evans coffee humour.jpg
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But of course you can be angry a man cheats on you. Who wouldn’t be angry?

what you can’t do though is destroy the relationship between your kids and their father for spiteful revenge
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New member
Hello all- while there's a lull, I’ll introduce myself and then fade away again! Wanted to let everyone know I’ve enjoyed reading different perspectives and opinions- it’s been what’s made this whole story impossible to stop following.

Only reason I became aware of these people was re: Hoarse Whisperer on twitter, and the exchange with Alice. Crazy stuff! And I'm not certain how I heard about this next phase in the divorce saga, but like most of you have been unable to look away. I’ve changed my mind several times on AE- thought she was a clown, felt badly for her for the Twitter girlfriend reveal, completely disgusted by her Twitter trash talking, and then trying to determine if she was some master manipulator who would achieve some big end goal from being so vocal? I really hope she is calming down, but based on history I would say it’s unlikely.

I’ve judged the other two as well. For some reason, AE's photo of her older daughter at Halloween really affected me. I remember that age, everything changing physically/mentally/socially. To have the acrimonious divorce of your public parents added to that would be misery. It made me judge IG more harshly- perhaps unfairly. But these two kids have a parent with a diarrhea mouth in complete meltdown, and I wanted the other parent to be on his A game. He’s only human, retrospect is 20/20, but the reveal when you’re away from your daughters + bringing the girlfriend back to (apparently) live with him, disappointed me. Just my opinion, but I do also think there was an affair happening earlier- I actually hope it, because if he made this decision to start a serious committed relationship all based on zoom calls and a two month stay in France, I would be more concerned. Just wish he would have gotten out of this marriage sooner. Alice certainly couldn’t have been easy to leave, but from my high horse I wish he had bucked up and done it for those kids. BW seems like a nice person with a supportive family, who has unfortunately started dating a public person, and if you spend any time online you know that social media is full of people with lots of things to say. If she has been following AE since 2018, I would hope that she also had some heads up that Alice was not going to go quietly into the night.

I come from a family that had it’s share of divorce, complete with step siblings/parents and emotional baggage. As someone stated earlier, working out these new relationships takes gobs of time and patience, as then still may not work. One thing we had going for us was our extended family- grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins –helped keep us grounded. I worry these kids don’t seem to have that stability close by, but who knows if that would make a difference.

Anyway, thanks to all of you. I feel a bit like I know all of you after spending so much time following these threads! Let’s see what happens next, and hoping for the best for those kids, stuck in this only due to their parents decisions.
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House of Tea

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Very recently on twitter
Why is BW (and IG too?) so keen to talk about this on social media. Wasn’t that IG’s criticism of AE. I think I live on a different planet. Why must the world know your business. Okay, it gives us something to talk about on here, but from a privacy point of view, it is weird.
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House of Tea

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You were new once. Everybody has to start somewhere. The more posters the better. Otherwise it gets cliquey. There will be people who have been reading all the threads but not active themselves, but feel informed enough to join in now. Would you be suspicious if the new poster’s views aligned with yours, or just suspicious with those whose views you did not agree with?
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Mad Betty

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What is it with the scarfs and gilets?
Alice, in her deep desire to hide her changing neck shape, has opted to try and camouflage it with accessories that merely leave one entirely focused on.... her missing neck. She looks like a professional football player in full uniform. The result is the antithesis of the desired effect.
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