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I still hold out hope for Ella, as she is not using SM to defame her Dad. I think back to Claudia Conway, who seemed like a very angry teen during the Trump era. She spilled all the dirt about her parents and was very vocal about it. She was 15 at the time, not far off Ella's age. She is definitely a very mixed up young lady.
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I don’t understand - what part of anyone’s life would be over if…some unknown tit in Bristol published their name on Twitter saying they’d been mean about someone who was on telly in the 90s? This isn’t making the national papers. It wouldn’t even make it beyond 5 people on Twitter.
unknown tit in Bristol 🤣
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Chatty Member
One of Tones supporters. Why don’t they see the hypocrisy and double standard ? Tone has continually bullied and mocked a disabled woman.


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There's something deeply chilling about an open-eye mouth kiss.

Annnnyway, when's the next court date again? 😏
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I like how she's managed to break the DVRO and dust off the undiagnosed malady all at once. She's also lost followers.

View attachment 2778720
I love humans is such a weird thing to say btw.
Who sits there thinking up their bio and comes up with that random shit??
If Tracy said that she was just upset by Tone's posts, would that make everything OK with Alice? 'Look what you made me do' is Alice's go to excuse.
That’s the narcs prayer
TIL getting someones details takes 3 years
View attachment 2779936
Nooooooo waaaayyyyyyy 😩🫠🫠🫠🫠
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The absolute delusion that halfTone has to think that he has the clout to get Tattle shut down. I am sure that Meghan, Harry, Phillip Schofield and all the other infinitely more famous people that have threads on here would love to see the back of Tattle and put a stop to the documentation of their behaviour. It may well be brought down in the future, or struggle like the Antipodean fruit growers, given how free speech is going these days, but sure as eggs is eggs it won't be Tone that does it. Absolutely delusional (as usual).
I'm sure quite a few of those with threads on Tattle would genuinely like to see it shut down. But many more, including the ones you've named, would hate not to be publicly talked about anymore, for all they protest otherwise. For a lot of "celebrities" gossip sites are like the paparazzi and trashy magazines - they wouldn't have careers if they weren't in the gossip columns and being talked about.
No, the last company she was involved in was abandoned in 2020. There is someone on Twitter who claims to know her who said she is openly in a relationship with another guy,plus that Tony is still alive and kicking in Bristol, but she has no idea if Tony is really behind the Tony account.

Any information I have on Tony is easy to find online; I am not much of a detective! I think Alice is the main contributor to that account, but why is she going barmy now if she has 'won' as she has been claiming for the last few weeks? It is not as if X is agog with either of them. Search and very little comes up these days, even with IG. Mostly, fans of Mr. Fantastic's character are bemoaning that he hasn't been recast. Hopefully IG will have more jobs coming up with the release of BB4, but it will be mostly bit parts I suspect, unless he has a renaissance like Hugh Grant, which is unlikely. Alice's glory days are behind her. I don't know anything about Bianca's acting abilities, but she got praise for her recent short film performance. Hopefully, she is networking like crazy in Miami. It would be fantastic if she became a bigger 'star' than Alice.🤣😂
Yes, I do trawl through Alice's Instagram occasionally, and I noticed she had a photo of her and the Evans twins when she was about 21. Someone commented that it was at UCL, her university. She looks nothing like the 32-year-old one she posted recently. She was very average-looking. I wouldn't have recognised her if it weren't on her feed.
Alice goes on her "I'm winning HAHAHA" SM sprees when she's actually losing. Not that she's not losing all the fucking time, but especially when she's had a big loss. Partly because she's in denial, mainly to get ahead of the curve and get her own spin on the narrative out there before the truth comes out.
I’m not Tone so cannot upload YouTube links but we do need to add Will Smith - Miami to the playlist.

Nothing better than a bit of winter sun.

Out of interest is this Alice posting on this Facebook page?

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She looks like she's trying to remember her lines.
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*hums* Tonely, I'm Mr Tonely, I have nobody for my own...

There it goes again. Like clockwork.
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His ‘metal state’ is not good.
What’s his metal state? Does he own a scrap yard?

Why have none of his loved ones offered him one? She will use her imaginary illness as an excuse but there are other family members. None want to give him a kidney. How odd. And three years on the NHS waiting list is a long time and fast becoming unusually long.
it’s all very strange. 🤔

Remember her welcoming him onto to Twitter when he didn’t have a clue what it was about and mothering him to get his wife Rach to open an account too because “ even worse than him”?.. yep. Me too.

Ol’ Tone before mental and physical health crumbled into the dust

Any old iron, any old iron
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Yeah, you can see her jealousy in this clip of an interview Piers did with Ioan and Alice:

We've spoken about it before on here.
  • At the start of the clip, she seems annoyed when Piers complements Ioan on his acting career, and she shuffles in her seat so the attention is back on her
  • Ioan seems to be soothing Alice by rubbing her thigh/hand
  • She tries to dominate the conversation, even though Ioan is the far, far bigger star

And then there's this clip:

Alice looks demented and so intense here. She interrupts, and dominates the conversation and then makes sure to say something completely irrelevant ("It's my brother's birthday! Sorry Tone!").
She's definitely off her face in both of these videos and is also "trying" to act, in an interview ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣. No wonder she hasn't acted in 20 odd years, even i can act better than that!
Ioan looks so young in the first video 😱
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Just a reminder for those posting screenshats of Instagram - your own profile picture appears bottom right when you do this.
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I really dont know how 21 and 37 is inappropriate. In my view at 21 a level headed girl is as likely to be attracted to a mature man that found his feet in life and actually accomplished something and is ready to commit, as to a meandering pot head surfer of her own age. Of course Tone is a different story but I suspect he presented as a successful businessman with a "famous Hollywood star" sister. I suspect Rach and maybe even her parents were invited to "bulk up" bride’s side, especially after mAlice’s conflict with her father. And I think she fell for aTone because she was star struck by all the glamour and famousness he was seemingly surrounded with by proxy. She may have thought him and mAlice were very close and he hang around in glitzy Hollywood parties.
It’s enough yo swipe a girl of her feet, if that’s what she is into
I assume swipe was a typo but it works....
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I think Alice is going to try to move far away so as to properly isolate Ioan from the kids, especially if he is working a lot. A couple of hours by car will make things difficult for him and eat into custody time. She is such a cunt.
If she wasn't so hung up on Hollywood and being seen as a Hollywood star she'd definitely do this. But as it is, I think she'll try to stay as celebrity adjacent as possible. After all, she's not going to hook that Disney executive if she's living out in the sticks!
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View attachment 2780523

Classic AFE. Commenting is not battling. Also we know a lot, and she's raging about that. As for depraved, if anything, we give her too much credit and then find out she's even worse than we thought.
Erm, malice love, I think it's more like you have no ide what's going on 🤣🤣
If she took Ozempic and has stopped now, more than likely her weight will be spiraling out of control soon. I know a couple of people who took Ozempic, lost at least 20 pounds really fast, stopped taking it and gained back 30 pounds in no time.
Yep, you need to combine it with a healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy eating, or the weight will come back, and as you said you usually gain more than you lost. I've read a fair bit about it and quite a few sites say that you have to remain on a certain level of it, to maintain what you lost. With all the money she spent on it, she could have had fat freezing done and joined a gym 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Also unless her skin is very elastic, she will have a fair amount of excess skin, and only surgery will get rid of that. My sister lost a load of weight years ago, and needed a tummy tuck, and she was a lot younger than mAlice is now, when she needed it done.
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Tone must have had something to get that first date with his wife, who he met at an unfortunate wedding.

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