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If I was Alice (god forbid) The absolute last thing on my mind would be tattle but it’s almost as if she’s putting on this show especially for us.

And it’s making me think she’s filed something about Ioan or got one of the kids to say it - that was often predicted would happen.

She seemed to toy with the idea often.
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I'm not fussed either way and in reality Ioan and thus Bianca are always going to be linked to Alice unless and until either him or the kids go no contact. But if we need to choose one or the other I would go with Alice. (Never in a million years did I think I'd say that!) As much as most of us support Ioan and Bianca and want to see them live a happy, healthy, successful life, it's really Alice that these threads are about. We're all here watching her burn her world down in shock, awe, amazement, amusement, and hope for the three E's to escape to safety and normalcy. Thanks to all those who bring the receipts, these threads are a great resource to study a narc in action. While I've no doubt Ioan doesn't want to be linked to her, pretty much everything Alice does revolves around him and Bianca so we're never going to be able to talk about her without them being involved somehow. Plus, to be practical, this is a gossip forum, and I seriously doubt Ioan and Bianca read here. If we were really going to prioritize what Ioan wants these threads wouldn't exist tbw.
Agree with all of this but he does literally nothing to warrant having his name on the title. He gives us no content at all. He doesn’t even respond to any of the crap that’s dished out about him. He totally blanks all of it.

Over time we’ll lose interest in her but he never gave us anything that warranted a thread in the first place.

ETA and that’s the thing about Tattle, it’s a response to the crap people put out into the public domain one way or another. He’s not putting anything out. It just doesn’t sit right to have this 100% Alice shitfest tied to him whenever his name is googled.
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Alice is going to go full Betty Broderick and attempt to cross examine Ioan about the "affair" if she self reps in court.
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This is insane. I mean, it’s not a surprise. We all saw it coming. And she’s likely planning to ask for an extension. I really hope it’s not granted. They all really need some closure. If they have the report and the GAL is there, is there really any reason to put it off AGAIN when she’s been dragging it out for years and doing this same trick over and over? Fire the lawyer right before the court date. It’s infuriating. I can’t even imagine how hard everyone involved is rolling their eyes at this point.

I forgot about that!
It's about him burning through his money on more fees until he runs out.
Note to Alice: he still won't talk to you directly
Is Bernal Caesar? I'm lost
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Pretty sure she liked the comments calling Tattlers cockroaches a few years ago. Some of the most disturbing tweets during the whole thing. Actively trying to incite someone to take their life. So yeah, Alice and her “friend” can suck it.
Remember the Twitter account that was named after Bianca and was about murdering people and pushing them down stairs. Alice followed that account. The only person to follow it. Sick
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brie l

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I don’t think this is a victory at all. She’s fired her lawyer to stall for two reasons. She didn’t get what she wanted and blamed Bernal as per her usual MO and/or she’s stalling submitting financials and witness forms.
I think it's the financials. She has been cagey and far from transparent up until now when it comes to money. She knows she owes a lot for her fair share of expenses post separation/divorce. My guess is she thinks she has already won the kids because they will pick her regardless of any custody agreement. But money is a different kettle of fish. That she can't PA.
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Disclaimer - Although the people in the below story are real all events are a work of fiction

Mrs Rhys’s suspicions about Mrs Gruffudd’s involvement in illicit activities had been growing, and she felt compelled to investigate further. She decided to pay Mrs Gruffudd a visit at her allotment, hoping to get some answers.

As she approached Mrs Gruffudd’s plot, Mrs Rhys noticed something strange hidden away in a dark corner of the plot. Cautiously she moved closer, only to stumble upon a hidden laboratory tucked away in a makeshift shed.

Before she could process her discovery, Mrs Gruffudd emerged from the shadows, a mixture of surprise and apprehension crossing her face. “Mrs Rhys, what are you doing here?” she asked.

Ignoring Mrs Gruffudd’s question, Mrs Rhys pointed to the equipment in the shed. “What is all this, Mrs Gruffudd? What are you hiding?”

With a sigh, Mrs Gruffudd decided she had no option other than to come clean. “I suppose there’s no use denying it now. Yes, Mrs Rhys, I was responsible for creating Covid-19.”

Shock reverberated through Mrs Rhys as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of Mrs Gruffudd’s revelation. “But why?” she demanded, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Mrs Gruffudd’s expression softened as she explained, “I did it to ensure Ioan was stuck in Australia, where he was filming Harrow. I needed time for him to come to his senses and leave Alice. Although I previously rescued him from a cult, Alice was proving harder work.”

Mrs Rhys staggered backward, unable to fathom the depths of Mrs Gruffudd’s actions. The village of Llwydcoed had become entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation, and Mrs Rhys realized that she had stumbled upon a truth far more sinister than she had ever imagined.

Unbeknownst to Mrs Rhys, Mrs Gruffudd harboured another dark secret, one she chose to keep hidden even as she confessed to creating Covid-19. She remained silent about Ioan’s clandestine activities while filming Harrow in Australia. Ioan had been acting as a drug runner for the cast and crew, catering to their insatiable appetite for masses of cocaine. Evil HQ’s profits had skyrocketed as a result of this lucrative enterprise, further entangling Mrs Gruffudd in a web of deception and criminality. The weight of these additional secrets weighed heavily on her conscience, but she was determined to protect her illicit global import and export empire at all costs.

As the weight of Mrs Gruffudd’s confession settled upon her, Mrs Rhys knew that she had a decision to make. The tranquility of their once-peaceful village had been shattered, and the secrets that lay buried beneath the surface were finally beginning to emerge. It was only a matter of time before the truth would be revealed, and the consequences would be far-reaching for everyone involved.
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brie l

VIP Member
I don't even understand what Tone is going on about half the time.

Looking at how much engagement he gets on his incoherent tweets, not many other people understand him either.
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“European tour” = flying into Heathrow before heading down the M4 because believe it or not, Caerphilly doesn’t have an international airport. So 2 countries. Followed by back to Heathrow to fly to France.

So 3 countries in total and A summer holiday in France is hardly outrageous.
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Odious cunt is trying to blame IG?? In her narc's brain, somehow this decision proves how she's the best parent. Nope not at all....

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I can only go by what we see on BW's insta. I see a genuinely happy man despite it all. I think with the help of B, Bubba and his therapist IG is in a place of acceptance after a very rough time of it.

On the other hand, I don't believe AFE is really happy despite her 'win'. We see try hard BS for her Insta interspersed with explosions from 'Tone' and Abby.
He is such an embarrassing simpleton. Tweeting that juvenile crap from his hovel in Bristol about a happier, healthier, wealthier, more successful and all round better human than he could ever hope to be. Sad little sack of shite.
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I don't think she's seen the custody report yet. There will have been a sick child or Alice has been so busy she hasn't had time to come to the lawyers office.
This is how narcs work. They pretend to not have been told things, not know things, be in the dark, feign ignorance when it suits them.
She will be desperate to get her mitts on it without being under supervision by a lawyer.
She will now apply to delay the hearing because she hasn't had access to the report and hasn't had a chance to read it
My prediction....
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I detect glee. Is Dupee the ref?? Sounds like she might have recommended the kids stay with AFE. That's what I predicted would happen given how far gone things are. Not that AFE is a good parent, but it's about doing the least harm at this late stage. The only question mark was about Elsie but she is pretty far gone now as the 'sleepover' behaviour showed. Oh well, IG tried his best so the kids can never say otherwise. On the bright side, IG can have more kids.

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I wonder what that means for CS payments?
tbh I wouldn't take Tones ramblings too serious based on his record, but it is indeed possible that professionals can reach false conclusions or are as you say concluding that the worse outcome is currently the best given the destruction that has been caused by said individual
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Here's the party list as it stands now. As you can see, Alice is back to representing herself.

Really not sure what Bernal did to earn that $25,000 he got from the blocked account, but I wonder if any will be clawed back since he is not handling the trial.


She might have lost her attorney but she still has her ATonY. 🥸🥸
Thread title!! 😂
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