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Bernal was always going to be sacked before the was just a matter of when. Alice's aim is delay. that's why I think she will have avoided seeing the report through Bernal and will rock up and claim she needs time to review it now. The judge might refuse a continuance just because she has no lawyer (he's seen this excuse used before), but might grant one to enable her to properly evaluate the report if she hasn't reviewed it. We know it's bollocks - but judge has to be seen to be doing the right thing so as to give no grounds for appeal.
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unless Ioan has a new war like this against Bianca in a few years, or Alice with someone else, there is no need to change anything. the parties of this conflict are still the same, and I expect it to stay for a long time. When there is no interest anymore the thread will die a natural dead

At most if you dont want to have fluff stuff interfer in serious discussions you could make a more individual thread about Ioan. but I dont think that it's bad to post dog pics and very broad acting stuff in this topic here

If I had one request I'd changed it from Gruffudd & Evans to Gruffudd vs Evans, it makes them way less look like a couple
Agree it's definitely vs, and not and!
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Ally Pally

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Tone clearly isn’t very internet-savvy. The information about that name is readily available in about three seconds if you google his name and location.
It’s similar to the old woman opening sixty Twitter accounts to abuse us.
Oh of course the chicken account is involved. Just saw they follow that account. Case closed. Next…
They're so obvious it's painful to watch, Tony trying to pretend he's a victim but at the same time posting a violent video using Bianca's surname. Impotent vile little man threatening women is all he's capable of. What sad pathetic people these siblings are!!
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View attachment 2770734Also not sure if this was mentioned but one of the socks was talking about victory two days ago.

Of course, Alice would see the kids staying with her as a win but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’ll get to sit on her arse in BH spending Ioan’s money for the next 10 years.
wait till they find out that Hiraeth is a real lawyer

which account is that? either they are reaching to conclusions based on our reaction or Alice has breached a order again.

edit: found it, it's a troll, they once claimed Bianca met me in Dusseldorf lol. When Alice interacted with them she seemed to think they are a tattler trying to pretend otherwise lol. iirc they actually trolled Alice with their real account on IG
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Ninas purse

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Bernal has been sacked!!!

Court document to follow shortly.
This is not going to end well for her. Crazy buffalo. The end is nigh and she is going down! Bet Ioan got the message from his attorney and just went back to whatever he was doing.
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Not gonna lie, I want to be in that courtroom now more than ever 🤣🤣
I'm still trying to catch up, but as soon as I saw she was self representing I was like "IDC about the debate in the last thread, Old Soak better be getting that plane ticket!" 😂

I have to be in LA next week for work, I'm lucky/unlucky that my job schedule will make me unable to sneak over to court and be nosy... but man do I want to call out and take a peek. Guess it would be a waste of time since she's fully not going to show up.

(if anyone reading this owns a Prius and isn't sure what I mean by "job schedule," it's this thing where someone pays you to perform a series of tasks, for which you need to expend mental and/or physical energy, and be at least somewhat reliable in when and how you perform them. It's a really tried and true way of getting money, too. Hope this helps!)
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I can’t imagine crowing about deliberately keeping two girls from their father and seeing it as a win. If we believe MonoTone, which I don’t.
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Matthew’s concern for his mother’s safety grew with each passing moment until he felt compelled to step in. As he boarded the plane bound for Cardiff International Airport he hoped that reason would prevail and that he could somehow convince Mrs Gruffudd to abandon her dangerous path.

Upon arriving in the tranquil village, Matthew wasted no time and made his way straight to Mrs Gruffudd’s house. As he stepped inside, a sense of unease washed over him. Something felt off.

Curiosity led Matthew to explore further, and he found himself in a spare bedroom that seemed oddly out of place. Pushing open the door, he stumbled upon an horrific sight: Mrs. Gruffudd’s Situation Room.

Rows of monitors and high-tech equipment filled the room, revealing a network of surveillance feeds and encrypted communications. Matthew’s heart raced as he realized the magnitude of Mrs Gruffudd’s operations.

Before he could process his discovery, Mrs Gruffudd entered the room, her expression cold and calculating. “You’ve made a big mistake coming here, Matthew,” she said, her voice devoid of emotion.

Matthew’s mind reeled as the screens in front of him revealed the shocking truth. Mrs Gruffudd was responsible for orchestrating the war in Ukraine, manipulating Vladimir Putin like a puppet on strings. To Matthew’s disbelief, Mrs Gruffudd revealed that Putin was nothing more than a robot which she operated via remote control, a tool in her quest for world domination.

As Mrs Gruffudd’s sinister intentions became clear, Matthew’s sense of dread deepened. He realized the extent of her power-hungry ambitions and the danger she posed not only to their village but to the entire world.

Before he could react, Mrs Gruffudd’s tone turned menacing. “I’ve never forgiven you for preventing Ioan from running away before his marriage to Alice,” she said. “And now, you’re going to pay for your interference.”

With a swift motion, Mrs Gruffudd incapacitated Matthew with a powerful nerve agent and dragged him to her garage, where she held him captive. Matthew’s mind raced as he grappled with the gravity of the situation. Trapped in Mrs Gruffudd’s clutches, he knew that escaping her grasp would be no easy feat. The tranquil facade of Llwydcoed had been shattered, and Matthew found himself at the mercy of an enemy more formidable than he could have ever imagined.
I am DYING of laughter here. 😂😂😂😂 Thank you so much for these chapters, @kingseven!

Very soon I hope to read the "backstory" behind this old tweet of Alice's from 2018. Who knew it referred to WORLD DOMINATION?? 🤭


(As with all of Alice's threats, we're still waiting.)
As ever, the real Alice and her abrasive, disagreeable, demanding personality is revealed if you look closely:

‘Focus on my face,’ she says, slightly too loudly. ‘My face,’ she snaps.

‘another glass of Chardonnay!’ she trills at the waitress.
And this was written from the perspective of someone who liked Alice, so I'm guessing the context clues to her real "peonality" were not that subtle. 😂
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House of Tea

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I think Piers has asked his wife to ask Alice to take it down. He’s quite vocal about the rights and wrongs of what he thinks is right and wrong. It’s not a good look for him that his wife is cosying up with a domestic violence abuser.
It’s not a good look for him to be caught publishing faked war photos or being involved in phone hacking or borderline harassing Meghan Markle. His wife taking friendly snaps with Alice pales into insignificance against that.
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At the Hotel Cap du Eden Roc, Olivier Picasso, the discreet associate of Evil HQ, sat in his lavish office overlooking the sea. The view was in stark contrast to the news he had to deliver to Mrs. Gruffudd.

Olivier Picasso decided to FaceTime Mrs. Gruffudd, his expression unreadable as the call connected. Mrs. Gruffudd’s face appeared on the screen, and she greeted him with an air of confidence.

“Mrs. Gruffudd, I regret to inform you that Gloria’s new role in housekeeping at the Hotel Cap du Eden Roc is proving to be a total failure,” Olivier said, cutting straight to the chase.

Mrs. Gruffudd, taken aback, raised an eyebrow. “A failure? What happened? She was supposed to blend in seamlessly.”

Olivier Picasso sighed, “Well, Mrs. Gruffudd, it seems Gloria’s understanding of being a housekeeper is to spend the day glued to Twitter using a variety of sock accounts. She’s hardly attended to her duties, and the guests are becoming increasingly disgruntled.”

Mrs. Gruffudd, now both frustrated and worried, rubbed her temples. “This is unacceptable, Olivier. We can’t afford any hiccups. Find a way to rectify the situation and keep a closer eye on her.”

Olivier nodded, “I’ll do my best to salvage the situation, but we need a backup plan. The last thing we want is to draw attention to ourselves.”

As the FaceTime call ended, Mrs. Gruffudd realized that Gloria’s unexpected penchant for social media was jeopardizing the delicate balance of their covert operations. The village of Llwydcoed remained oblivious to the international web of intrigue that had ensnared Gloria, but the consequences of her actions were reaching far beyond the tranquil shores of Wales.

Unbeknownst to both Mrs. Gruffudd and Olivier Picasso, Gloria’s unintentional foray into the world of Twitter was about to set off a chain of events that would test the limits of their carefully crafted plans and bring the secrets of Llwydcoed closer to exposure. The tranquil facade of the village was about to crack, revealing the tangled web of deception that lay beneath.
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I don’t get it, it’s not like she has some cunning plan and is winning anything. She’s a few dollars closer to bankruptcy and is spray painting her shiny head. That’s all she has going on. Not much of a win is it.
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I love the way the really stupid supporters feel sorry for poor venerable Tone when the police allegedly rock up.

Why do none of them point out the best way to lower the chances of the rozzers turning up and making you anxious is by not engaging in illegal activities?
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Malice should be careful what she wishes for. If those threads stopped existing there would be no one left to talk about her. She would fade into total obscurity. At least she’s on the celebrity threads here.
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The thing that all Alice's "friends" have in common (even those with rich husbands)?
Brianna D - WORKS as a real estate agent
Celia W - WORKS as an author and journalist
Caroline F - WORKS as a reporter
Mrs Hilfiger - WORKS as a shoe/bag designer (a real one)

I wonder what these WORKING women think of Alice, sitting on her arse expecting to be paid for....
I doubt if they are real or close friends tbh. Though I'm expecting Celia W to release a new fictional thriller on a narcissistic psycho and Alice to excitedly exclaim "You based that on IOAN!"
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