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We all know that this is the Texan's modus operandi of overblown internet posturing and it's endlessly amusing. 😂

Besides, I'd hate to be the poor lawyer.
Tex: "I am SUING the anonymous Internet user that made this statement about me!1!1!!"
Attorney: "Ma'am, there are obvious free speech issues here and actually finding the user would cost thousands of dollars that you don't have. Plus truth is an ultimate defense to slander allegations."
Tex: *froths* "How DARE you!"
Attorney: "Ma'am, do you rescue dogs?"
Tex: "Yes."
Attorney: "And are you famous, something to write home about?"
Tex: "I'm big in Japan!"
Attorney: "Um, okay... regardless, you do know that the statement that you're nothing to write home about is an opinion and not at all actionable?"
Tex: "FINE! What about the last bit, then?!?"
Attorney: "Have you SEEN the screenshots of your own internet posts? I can't reasonably argue the falsity of that statement. This concludes our consultation. That will be $600. Have a nice day."
Late to the party on this one, but I fucking love it. Can we please have more “court scenarios” lovely legal bods?

Hello Turds! I”m not on this thread much anymore so feel like I’m always playing catch up! Plus AE is quiet at the mo so been floating around other threads (especially JM)and I’ve also been busy trying to improve myself.

I’m currently doing a level 2 Business Admkn course, alongside an Excel course, because I need to refresh and update my skill set to see if I can get a flexible work from home job doing even something very basic. I HATE not working, but now my MH is better and my Tietzes isn’t sending me into hospital so much, I’ve decided to try and restart a career of sorts and do my best to find that kind of job. I’ve got lots of other things lined up so please wish me luck 🤞🏻

P.S Alice is a complete cunt! 🧡
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Yes, Alice would never criticise anyone for their dress sense, so how dare other people point out her questionable taste in clothing?

Oh wait:

View attachment 2678441

(For anyone who doesn't know what Marks and Spencer's is, it's a long-standing UK shop which sells incredible food, but their clothing doesn't have a glamorous reputation (although there's nothing at all wrong with it, and I buy stuff from there))

MAlice, so very socialist, sneering at the poors (and the budget conscious) wearing their so-very-common affordable fashion labels. IMHO, Bianca would look good in an M&S tea towel.
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Ally Pally

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The only person Alice loves is herself, she's done irreparable harm to those two girls and dressed it up as love. Moo.
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A person with a DVRO who keeps breaking it?
A person who makes her kid file a fake RO request?
A person who tells her hack buddy at the DM that she's starving and homeless to show up an actor who pays $10k a month to her?

Sometimes Alice walks right into it lol
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To be fair, I don’t find it creepy. I’m not referring to any relationships or anything - just the statement. And it’s a social media bio about loving her kids. In the whole realm of what I’d call a red flag, this isn’t one of them. It’s just the kind of thing you see parents post on social media. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I would usually agree. It’s just a bit sickening to me to see how she treats her children. Ie - threatening suicide on twitter to need her 13 year old daughter to tweet she loves her to her suicidal tweet. Alienating them to their entire family bar a mad uncle who is equally as abusive as his sister. She has literally brought them up amongst abuse and taught them to abuse. She’s a sick fuck so to put that up on her instagram is somewhat questionable. How could someone who declares such love for her children use them the way she has.
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It’s been making me laugh and I don’t think people are “losing their shit” over him. Some people have different taste and sense of humour to you, that’s all.
It was all the running. And the shorts. And the legs. Who but the coldest heart couldn't imagine Alun (during his warm-up sessions) whispering in his Welsh lilt, "Catch me if you can"?

Alun for next Bachelor!
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Alice saying "love trumps hate" reminds me of when she barks "be kind!".

Are we sure she didn't meant to write "I love Trump"? Seeing as they have so many similarities.
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I don't get the impression they are baiting Alice. It does seem like with Alice somewhat silenced and the girls seemingly in therapy that they feel safe to just post normally on SM again. I feel like they are living their lives with a little bit more carefreeness now.

Sorry for the quote screwing up. Tattle has obviously had too many champagnes in anticipation on NYE and is being a bit sloppy atm.
I think they have been very respectful of what they've posted on SM, probably more because it only angers "it" (mAlice) and then she does shit like a fake RO.
Maybe they are starting to think, fuck it mAlice posts whatever the fuck she wants, so will we.
I definitely think that B was being respectful and mindful of the kids, by not posting, but maybe now that they are going to therapy, and are starting to realise that mummy dearest has been feeding them lies for three years, the tide might be turning; with little E anyway, I think she is just following her sisters lead most of the time.
Either way, they can post what the fuck they want. If mAlice can post pictures of herself tits akimbo, and with a fake engagement ring, I & B can post, themselves having fun 🎊🩷

Also note, that none of the photos are Ioan in a headlock, being nearly strangled! and they are genuinely happy and having fun like normal people 😍
7. Alice still doesn't get a job
8. Alice still says he's not paying childcare.
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Chatty Member
I think given the way they’ve behaved to date they wouldn’t do a pregnancy reveal this way they both have more regard for the girls and any impact on them
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according to her story it's cold af there: her choice of wearing legging is as bizarre as Alice's scarf in the summer lol
Not bizarre are all! I wear leggings a lot in winter for walks and hikes.

The compression is helpful for blood pressure issues, and when you're walking, you heat up as you're exercising, so you don't need anything thicker on your legs.
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It’s astonishing how much hatred and jealousy Alice had for his family all those years they were together. She was open from the onset about how much she wanted to hurt everyone he cared for and harming the girls emotionally has been part of her revenge. She did her very best to isolate them and turn them into the kind of oddballs and weirdos she surrounds herself with on Twitter.

It’s very sad but with all the requests for evaluations it seems Ioan knew all along she was causing them serious damage. All the while she spent their whole childhoods telling them to never trust a therapist or MH profesional because she knew she was totally messing up their MH and she wanted it to be their little secret.

It’s really sad but he couldn’t have done any more than he did to try to help them. In the end you can only help someone who wants to he helped or save someone who wants to be saved. As is so often the case in abusive relationships, (incl parent child), the victims are made to feel responsible for the well being of their abuser and the abuser threatens ‘you-know-what if they step out of line or are not “loyal” to them 💯 of the time.

It’s a lose/lose situation for everyone including Alice but she’s a slave to her tantrums and an empty vessel.
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I doubt Ioan Gruffudd's girlfriend gives a rats ass at this point.

View attachment 2664389
I wonder if Alice Evans' stan is aware that they and Alice Evans are abusing the ex-husband of Alice Evans, the father of Alice Evans' children, and the girlfriend of Alice Evans' ex-husband.

Same logic, except of course it's even more absurd in Bianca's case because why would she care if other people are mean about her own abuser 🤣
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I just find it really hard to believe that brother Tone is using his account at Bristol 3am when it’s wine time 7pm in LA and that particular Twitter account is losing their shit in an identical way that mAlice did on Twitter. I do believe he uses it and is aware of what’s going on but he’s either completely obsessed with his sister, ex brother in law and Bianca or it’s mAlice in his account. I think it’s mAlice and she’s angry AF over the pregnancy rumours and perhaps even that Ioan, Bianca and Alun are out happily enjoying life. All the while she has her 2 kids trapped and alienated from nearly every single family member for their third? Christmas.
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I know what it's like and everything is scrutinized. That's what I consider a real fandom. IG had it once, but not now and Alice never had it and was jealous. ..And most fans never become stalkers or other type of criminal either, it's just a fairly intense hobby.

Until now? ;)

I think the majority of us are primarily followers of Alice’s shitshow rather than her or Ioan fans. Hence the interest in the kids and court docs as opposed to the acting.

The FB page is a proxy Alicedom that she created from his fan group. He can’t put the genie back in the bottle in terms of their boundaries but he seems to be doing a pretty good job of being polite and keeping them at arms length.

Ultimately I think he will be seen as a separate entity to the Alice shitshow because he doesn’t engage in it at any level and he keeps his space and his privacy and is selective in what he shares.
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the woman seems to live in LA

but very happy that Ioan gets family visits at this time of the year. I always wondered how he copes to spend Xmas without his kids for 3 years straight with no fault of his own, so that his brother comes around must lessen the pain a lot.

at the same time makes it all the more sad that the kids have spend Xmas the last 3 years just with their abuser and not the large lovely family they are being conditioned against
The guy has to be really battling depression. Christmas holidays would be so extremely hard and magnify the loss of your children in your life. Your home was once filled with the life energy of your children, the excitement of it all leading up to Christmas morning, to now virtual silence for years, his children treating him with disdain because of Alice. This is the time of year where you are around other people with Ioan listening to friends or social acquaintances at holiday get-togethers talking about their children and festivities.

I imagine he is on an antidepressant. Bianca can empathize and be a comfort to him, be a strong support system to him, but she can never, ever feel the loss and pain he feels, just like someone close to you can empathize and comfort you over the passing of a loved one, but they can never feel the pain you are in until it happens to them. Bianca doesn't have a child and hasn't experienced losing their love, like Ioan not holding little Elsie in his arms and feeling her love for two-and-a-half years. I have tremendous sympathy for Ioan and what it takes to get up every day feeling that loss and what he has been dealing with emotionally because of the actions of his vile ex-wife. But Christmas magnifies that loss.
One can only hope better days for Ioan and his children are ahead.
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Feather fans

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And here’s me thinking oldsoak got it. 🤣 I’m glad I didn’t start this thread! 🥂

Dupee’s presence is working absolute wonders though. Apart from Alice’s old lady anecdotes and the recycled pity-party article there’s hardly a peep out of her.

But oh how they laughed!! 🙄
What I find interesting (unfortunate choice of word, not interesting but you know what I mean) is why she seems to be unable to post anything normal. Its always some "hilarious" made up story, or a back story with a fake laugh - it’s like she is "terrified" of coming across as boring or thinks she absolutely has to do something zany (god I hate this word) to he likeable.
The combination of threats and polite "please" is especially endearing

They do have a Christmas theme after all :) of the sorts… except it could be somewhere else
Im 4 posts away from VIP (finally got there!) so feel the need to post more so I get there today.
Achievement of 2023! 😆
P.s and the bastard thing combined the posts!
oh well, Ill be back later 👹
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Ally Pally

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I agree with that. I dunno, I was momentarily uncharitable there. I saw the IG post, all smiles "I have a devastating mental illness 🎉🎉🎉" and it rubbed me the wrong way. She is no doubt doing her lemons/ lemonade thing and I'm being a grump 🙂
That's the thing when you have an invisible illness everything might look fine on the surface but no-one knows what trauma your hiding.
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