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I've perused Alice’s sock puppets before but had no idea they were this bad

I’ve amended it slightly to turn it back on the deranged harpy*.

*No animals were insulted in calling out this loon.

Tho yes it does draw upon a long history of misogyny.
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I loled when she apparently said to Ioan asking her if she can bring him her luggage with clothes from the house that she "isnt taking a side". There is no side to take here. A human wants his basic necessity out of his house that he cant access, he is literally employing you for doing these sort of tasks (and months later he rightly fired you). By disobeyeing you are aiding the coercive abuse of someone (withholding propery/belongings). You are taking the side of an abuser and participate in their abuse live in action (coz if Gloria says "I wont take a side" this implies that Alice wants to withhold Ioan's belongings from him, coz why would there be even a "side"?).
I have some sympathy here...I can imagine Alice saying "if you want your stuff you can have it but you will have to come to the house and get it yourself" she was desperate to get him to the house at the time.
So Gloria would be going against Alice's wishes by handing the stuff over to him.
Personally I think that's too much to expect from someone who (although paid by Ioan) was having to deal with Alice and her rage on a daily basis.

ETA: was this before he went to France and did Alice have his passport I wonder?
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Love bombing and saying we don't have any heat, which is a lie, as she also says that have heaters 👀
I lived in a flat that had those for 8 years and they didn't have a timer, so we just brought a timer plug - problem solved 🤷🏼‍♀️

OMG feck orfffff I'm dying 💀🤣👏🏻
I’m so confused. Is she implying she’s had the heat turned off? Like she can’t pay her bills?
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Feather fans

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Wow! Now that is really living with no heating 😱.
I don't remember metres like that in houses here in the UK, although I'm sure they existed. I remember my nan and grandad (not saying you're their age btw) telling me how they had no heating, no fridge, rations etc, but they were born in the 1920s!
Im about your age though! :) you would be amazed at what is still lurking out there in the private rentals in small uk seaside towns! I keep meaning to ask my landlord (despite spartan conditions in the flat we are still friends, and he did after all install the heating - four years later into me renting, but he did 🫣😂) if he still has the meter - it’s museum kind of stuff, I tell ya! X
Ps posted before finishing: so yes I agree with others, mAlice has no clue (or have thoroughly forgotten) what its like to be cold!
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Chatty Member
I'm cringing so hard at the second comment.

She's pretending they're BFFs when in reality she was probably just picking up her daughter from her friend's house.

It reeks of desperation. No wonder CW doesn't publicly reply.
I agree. I don’t think the Morgans give a rats ass about her anymore. However, they might be a good option as guardians after Alice loses custody while the girls get deprogrammed.
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Probably more suitable for thread #220: Alice Evans: Indulgent Instagram Pity Party & Browsing Ebay For Shitty Panties (who buys used underwear apart from fetishists and weirdos? I don't care if they're designer or disinfected 1,000 times, it's still horrid). Better off finding some Spanx in a bargain bin, Alice, at least the gussets would be brand new.

Yeah, she's so transparent at this point "look at my rich and powerful media friends" - it could be a veiled threat to Ioan (pretty much all of her online activity is, the tiresome b!tch), but we know DM readers don't have any sympathy for her, now, either. Took them a bit longer to suss her out (or Alice ran out of socks to cheerlead), but they got there.

The fact none of her powerful friends publicly reply means they care more about how the world may see them than displays of friendship. I'd have had her blocked long ago, personally. Celia must be a fucking saint.
She's married to Piers so she must be a very tolerant woman?! But good on her if she's keeping the kids' welfare in mind.
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Well her chickens are all coming home to roost at the same time

Her rent is due on 5 November (either she has switched to paying monthly after the initial six months upfront - or she has to sign a new lease with rent upfront again or procure a guarantor from somewhere).

At the same time she will be looking for people to vouch for her parenting to Dr D and say how she has never abused anyone in her life and never drunk any alcohol or taken any drugs ever.

So there are all sorts of reasons she could have fallen out with her rich 'friends'
Whilst I think it's most likely it's just Alice reading tattle and fucking with us - it could be Alice is trying to get something.
Alice views everything as transactional so if you don't pay up when she needs you, what's the point of you?
If she fails to pay her rent on the 5th, she will have a 30 day eviction notice, I think, which would tally with her statement last week of being homeless in about 5 weeks. I am sure she put that up to shame Ioan into paying their rent for the duration until the custody hearing. It wouldn't look good to see her evicted, as she would no doubt call the paps. They don’t care she has ripped through all that money. It will just be, see how heartless her ex husband is. Not sure how he is going to pay it, as he hasn't had any visible income for most of the year, apart from the one acting job and the convention.
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he probably has several contingencies in place for the kids to be provided for
He doesn't have an obligation to house Alice. The kids need to be provided for though. I would look at boarding schools if I was him. Giving them to Gloria and paying her is another option but Gloria is compromised so it's far from ideal.
seems to me the PA “rules” were written by a man…
To be fair, your ex is not Ioan and it's unfair to compare them. He seems more of an Alice to me. All he has in common with your ex is he is the same sex.
How does she have the front to say this stuff to people who must know she was never much of an actress and hasn't had a job in years?
She knows most people on Insta know nothing and will buy her bullshit. Hell they even bought her hideous bags - talk about buying bullshit...
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I believe he tried hard to tell her how unhappy he was but, Alice being Alice didn’t care, didn’t listen and didn’t change.

IIRC she even said somewhere that during marriage counselling he brought up her complete lack of respect (and that’s putting it mildly) for his mother and she just brushed it aside. She just didn’t give one fuck about how he felt.
Her with the "happy marriage" renewing the feckin vows scenario of lies had to go to marriage counselling .
Dead on Jan!
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Alice is in a fondly remembered Hallmark Xmas movie. She could earn more than enough for a steady paycheck with cameo leaning into her Christmas card audience. She doesn't want to work and is not broke.
It wouldn't be a 'steady paycheck' but it would be something. Instead AE fucked up Cameos like she does everything else. Half assed videos that were delivered late or not delivered at all. She never even bothered promoting her Cameos on Insta properly. She really really doesn't want to work, even a 5 minute job is too much.

Not only is her activity online unsupervised but also her purchases, using *someone's* card
What AE meant was that she was surprised that Elsie didn't want to be a teletubby not that Ella had ordered. I don't think AE has given her her card lol. She would only get free reign if IG was paying for it.
I’ve been side eyeing this one too
The Texan? It could be AE I suppose...
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I just read OP's post and cracked up where they say "it's not about my dad's money. My father gives me money every month..." It's not about his money but pretty much every sentence is about his money. Giving Alice a run for cognitive dissonance. 😂
That's an hilarious thread. I only read the first 10 or so of the thousands. I reckon he's burning somewhere.
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Didn’t Alice comment on MP‘s book last year. I remember thinking it was obvious she hadn’t read it and was parroting the Daily Mail sensational headline stuff that didn’t reflect a thoughtful and insightful account of addiction.
yeah, while I do think that even for Alice tributes for celebs are fine I fear based on her past attempts and her comments on him last year that she'd come up with uninformed and unsensitive shit. i'm glad she hasnt done it (so far)
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I found this from the pdf from Alice "I never lie" Evans. Then she put it in her bio lol as she was so pleased with it.


As for this, the FM in question is trolling as some people said they believe she is Ella. I have always said she isn't Ella, as a middle aged FM would use the word 'necessities', not a 14 yo.

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My biggest issue is not her refusing to help with clothes - that indeed could be self protection from mAlice wrath, not even showing up in court - she could indeed be just there to look after Elsie or provide emotional
support as "the only family" - hard to get away from doing it if you are asked, but refusing to putt girls on the phone when Ioan called and mAlice was not around. That is active taking sides. Of course even that can be argued as she was protecting herself, but all those things put together shows me she was covering her arse and holding on to a cushy job.
Now, I never liked Gloria. And before anybody jumps on me its nothing to do with her background, but a lot to do with her situation. To me she comes across as somebody for whatever reason not able to get a better position (even as a housekeeper in a "normal" household - not an easy job actually as well as cleaner) and with fluid morals in the sense that she sees no problem taking money for little work (lets face it the house was a mess, she was not a good cleaner and girls didnt need much looking after). Im sure she is a kindly lady and is probably genuinely attached to the kids - to certain extent, because she did not seem to suggest to continue seeing kids at least sometimes when Ioan fired her (although I realise most of the drama is known from mAlice’s description and only a little from court documents) so yes she is probably attached, but if mAlice stops paying her she would genuinely cry and then move on. I have known people in similar position as her: I have a few wealthy friends who hire domestic aid but also myself worked in care agency and met and became friends with some people that also worked as domestic aids. They have one common trait: regardless of their personal qualities they have a love hate relationship with their employer. They usually have very hard life and work extremely hard. But even when their employer is fair to them (which is rare as wealthy people tend to take advantage: can you stay another hour please? Do you mind to do this as well please?) and it’s difficult not to feel some sort of resentment but also many of them do not know how to set up proper boundaries and firmly refuse to do things they are not hired to do and as the result they always tend to take advantage as a payback whenever they get a chance.
Phew, Ive had this brewing a long time
All of this is MOO of course
And I dont blame Gloria. I just dont think the is this angelic guardian ever helping grounding presence that some believed she was. She is not their fairy godmother.
And also she spoils the kids - its inevitable, she is not allowed to say no or discipline them - not in mAlice’s household anyway
Again - MOO
Did Gloria refuse to put them on the phone or has this info come from Alice ?

I think he used to call them when Gloria was taking them to school in the mornings so he could get to speak to them.

She did also stop when passing him & B in the street so he could speak to little E.
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