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The timeline is so messed up lmao. her seeing the picture Bianca took (and even commenting on it) happened well before they posted their reveal pic (as s reaction to Alice outing them already on twitter). How can you take any of them seriously if they dont even get the basics right?
View attachment 2435636
Well I've just updated the list of lies in the wiki to add more proof to show Alice was/is lying:

Alice claimed she found out about Ioan's relationship with Bianca due to his posting a photo of the two of them with the caption "Thank you for making me smile" to his Instagram. She also implied Ioan wanted to deliberately hurt her by making her find out this way, and that he added her on back on Instagram just before he posted the photo.
However, Alice actually found out about Bianca by reading Tattle, and then phoned Ioan from his daughter's phone and said "Bianca Wallace" to him. Ioan and Bianca were then forced to reveal their relationship on Instagram before Alice did.
Here is a screenshot from Ioan's restraining order application, which shows that Alice found out about Bianca before Ioan posted the photo of him and Bianca to his Instagram profile.
Here is Alice's statement to the court where she admits she called Ioan and said Bianca's name, which occurred before Ioan posted his photo to Instagram.
Here is Welp's post showing proof that Alice was lying.
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When I write a happy birthday to one of my kids on SM, it usually goes like this:

"Happy birthday kiddo"

Not "me,me,me,me,me. Oh and happy birthday child".

Christ how anyone has lived with her this omg is beyond me.
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”She is an abhorrent person, a pathological liar, somebody who takes pleasure in the pain she causes others (even her own partner!) and a very dark strange person”.

This is a wonderfully succinct description of Alice herself. Tattleworthy in fact 😀

Sorry if something similar has been posted already. It’s just so ironic and lacking in ANY self awareness.
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God it’s awful when you spell it out like that. She seems to have spent her whole life causing pain and emotional damage to those around her, and even people associated with those around her. And she’s done it deliberately, with malice aforethought. Why?? Is it just for kicks? Is she really that sick?
One example: I still cannot comprehend her behaviour around her teenage step-sister’s funeral. She quite likely never even met the girl, due to her estrangement from her father and step-mother, the 30+ year age difference, and the fact they lived on different continents. So why on earth would she fly across the ocean to attend the funeral, when specifically asked not to, unless the purpose was to inflict further pain and distress on the grieving mother. It takes an exceptionally sick and twisted person to do that. To anyone with even a scrap of human decency, it’s incomprehensible.
And as for Bianca: I’m afraid if I were in her shoes, I’d have scarpered ages ago. I simply couldn’t put up with that toxic witch in my life. Most people couldn’t. Bianca is obviously made of very strong stuff, and Ioan is lucky to have her.
I forgot about the step sister. She absolutely did that to torment her step mother. She wanted to inflict as much pain as possible and assert her dominance over her father. She has to be the center of attention even at a funeral that she wasn't invited to. She is sick in the head.
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Ooh, I see this, his position is 100 out of 103, all the ones after 103 have lost the position number. Go Alun!
🥳🥳🥳 So invested in this! 🥳🥳🥳
IIRC mAlice once ridiculed Alun as „just“ a civil servant, but the Gruffudd brothers are fighters.
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Alice seems to think that real abuse is only physical. Emotional and mental abuse isn’t a big deal to her. If I& B did 1/100th of the online crap that she has done under her accounts she’d be at the police station with her ‘little pieces of paper with words on it’, no question.

It’s why the Ella RO is plausibly Alice’s doing because Al comes across as obsessed with proving Ioan is abusive because she was accused of it. ‘If I am, then you are’ is her thinking. It’s so childish.
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What a pity that TD didn't keep her mouth shut like everyone who is really close to BW. I don't think she was that close to her - she's BW's friend's sister - if she were really close she would have kept quiet like everyone else around Bianca. I don't know why she engaged with the lunatics on twitter - they love that there is a (tenuous) connection to Bianca. Maybe she wanted her five minutes of fame who knows. BW hasn't set a foot wrong throughout and yet she's dragged down by some relative of a friend she probably didn't have much to do with before all this.
With hindsight, I agree you.

I just think that when that Tamika came onto here, it was crazy as Alice had embarked on her worldwide defamation media tour. If my friend was being attacked by her boyfriend's crazy ex, who was coming out with lie after lie, and I knew the truth, I might have done the same thing.

IMO she wasn't looking for fame. However, she definitely didn't know Bianca that well or for that long at that time, and she definitely shouldn't have posted that screenshot of their conversation to Twitter, which Alice and FMs wheel out all the time.
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In fairness these threads tend to be bianca rave threads lol
True, but there are two reasons for this:
1. Malice constantly attacks her in the most vicious ways, which makes everyone side with B.
2. She has chosen to stay dignified and positive, at least on SM, despite this. Her SM persona is the complete opposite of Malice. She comes across as kind, down to earth, compassionate, and sweet. If that’s an act, Malice should take notes. This is how it’s done.
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From someone with
Hopefully by now the therapy and reunification work is well underway and that Ioan and Ella are able to go out for a nice dinner somewhere, just the two of them.
I love the optimism but…I just can’t see it happening ☹

Alice isn’t done - not by a long shot - and she will be finding every excuse under the sun for why the babiezzzz can’t go to therapy. Court ordered or not, she’s shown repeatedly that she doesn’t give a shit, and part of that is her awful personality and the other part is because she faces no real consequences for her actions.

She’s sticking two fingers up to the law in a way only a white, wealthy, over privileged, middle aged woman in BH can. She can spout all the “I’m on the bones of my arse” shit all she wants, but she’s clearly HAD money, pissed it up the wall on shite and living beyond her means - doesn’t mean she’s destitute despite what she tells her moronic followers. Especially not destitute by the standards of normal people and especially not in the throes of a catastrophic cost of living crisis.

The socks are the real AE and she’s clearly in a pure narc rage storm, especially since Ioan, B and his family are getting great feedback and support from the general public this week.

The grief thievery, the “Happy Birthday” diatribe that was ALL ABOUT ALICE IIIIIIMEMEMEME and the faux attempt for sympathy from her basket case stans regarding this site and our supposed behaviour towards her and the kids…it’s all a bunch of hooey for her to hide behind so when people start openly accusing her of being a sock, she can direct them specifically to those Instagram posts in the hope it’ll shut any detractors down. Anyway, I’m rambling probably because I’m in pain tonight with my DIAGNOSED illnesses and she can frankly just fuck off, the total melt.

We see you Alice 👀 Better luck next time. Dickhead.

ETA - No idea about the bit at the top before the quote. Think I was answering someone and got waylaid somewhere 🤣
It’s so hot here at the mo ( for me anyway ) and I’ve not slept properly for ages so I’ll blame it on that!
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The addiction that costed her marriage
View attachment 2430563
also her sock was last night obsessed wit the jail thing too
She is literally like an alcholic, who has lost everything to alcohol, sitting with a bottle of wine and saying, "but I love it"! It would be tragic if it wasn't so unbelievably self destructive and destructive to all around her.
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He had already left her. Who cares if there was an affair? He had already filed for a divorce, the marriage was over long before he left. Alice, you need to start the next chapter of your life. By the way, Alice would make a sorry detective.


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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
I've recently started working out again after a very long time - I was never much of a sports enthusiast, to put it mildly - and invested in 10 sessions with a personal trainer. During yesterday's session, I told him about the Dragon's Back Race, and he seriously suggested it as my new long-term fitness goal. Strange - he really didn't seem like a delusional crazy person when I first met him. :unsure:😁

All joking aside, I am in absolute awe of Alun. Whether he crosses the finish line or not, getting this far in the toughest mountain race in the world is an unbelievable feat. Go, Alun, go!!!

PS - It's just adorable how Ioan keeps cheering him on. 🥰
(And no, Alice, before you say anything: I don't want to shag either of the Gruffudd bois, believe it or not.)
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eBay - mAlice bought used jeans for Ella:
OMG you know what? If that girl wants to find a way to send me a message I will literally give her $200 to go to forever 21 or the gap and she can go and buy new clothes. I'm not even kidding. I feel so sorry for her. Buying second hand clothes is not the issue. Its that Alice would rather buy herself makeup and shoes and panda express, but not buy her kids new clothes. The money she gets from Ioan should be going to the kids and the kids only IMO. She's awful.
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Alice bores on, a one-trick pony: change the record (and stop calling yourself Tony)
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Looks a lot like we’ve reached the point we can take weeks away and little of interest happens. The FMs are reduced to regurgitating old tattle posts. I guess there’s nothing left to say.
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