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I'm now much more interested in what Alun is doing. Alice who? 🤪

Alun took a little rest at check point 4 but is now on the move again. While I'm eating ice cream, sitting under a fan.
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I suck for missing Ella’s birthday. 😕

Really hope she had a day of sheer joy and necessary peace amidst the chaos. My heart breaks over her having been manipulated and misguided by the one soul who brought her into this world and was tasked with the responsibility of uplifting and enlightening her. It’s really a damn shame. I hope she ate something yummy. I hope she wore a cute, comfy outfit. I hope she spent time with her favorite people. I hope she laughed. And I hope she both gave and received love. ❤ (That last one is most important, I think.)

Also, Hiraeth, thank you for following up regarding the transcript! I’m (patiently) itching with anticipation, haha.

Y’all, I tested positive for Covid last night—I dodged the motherf*cker EVER since it was discovered but it finally ding dang got me. 😩 Fuck.

I’m alright so far—holed up in my school apartment; floormates & classmates are offering to buy me groceries/deliver my mail and packages and medicine to my door; new herbalist friend down the hall gave me some hardcore organic tinctures and broths to boost my immune system. People are so ASTOUNDINGLY benevolent, I swear. 💕 I don’t deserve them.

If anyone who’s had it—or tended to someone who had it—has any tips or things they think I should know about, anything they wish THEY had known, pls pls don’t hesitate to @ me in Tattle Turds (so as not to derail this thread lol), I’m kind of scared and I’m all ears haha. 😩😂 Fuck, I hate this already.

Now I’m gonna be surfing these threads EXTRA-hard with y’all as the symptoms ramp up. I needa go look at Alice’s IG to read the birthday post.

Hope everyone is having a great day or is enjoying their night. 💚🥹 Only love!!
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This is all she can do.
I don't really agree. She has been cossetted and protected by rich men since she was 25 and is desperately trying to hang on to that lifestyle even with no rich man on board any more. But she won't change until there really is no other option.

Just looking at what Lin wrote on FB

"Ioan’s legal team has all the emails and texts and have since last summer. She needs to be worried but she pretends she’s not."

I'm glad this happened. L and D used to be really scared of AE so I wondered if L would do it. D was even too scared to join Tattle as she told me in the summer of 2022 that "I’ve been tempted to join there and settle things but alice very boldly informed us she has spies there Plus she’s there a lot I think".

They said that "Lupine thing" was what ended the friendship as AE preferred him to them but in Feb 2022 the TRO doc dropped... Anyway I'm glad that AE and her big mouth has provided Anne K with even more evidence of PA. FAAFO
D and L spent money on the fanclub and it seems they bought the kids stuff too. She doesn't deny she will backstab all her online 'friends' LOL

New lips 1.png
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26 truly is a magic number

PS: Alice did post first. Fact
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fun fact: Alice back then sounded pretty angry when commenting under this pic. writing eg "WHOSE HAIR?" and poor Ioan explained how he randomly caughed it from random people standing there across (which is clearly the case). and then he wished her happy vday (this was the day the hoarse whisperer shit happened)

these posts are gone now due to Alice getting blovked
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yes this worked well for other abusers
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because he knows that Alice would go online regardless, hence also the instant screenshots. thats what you do if you are up against an abuser
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Alice is spilling all the time, and yet with no substance
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Streisand effect galore
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just leak it again, or are you scared?
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He had moved out and filed for divorce. That means goodbye, Alice. He didn't tell you because the way you have been acting since you found out. You don't own other people. He doesn't have to answer to you anymore. Keep talking to your socks.
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this new lips account isn't Alice. It's too childish.
Alice is a child in an adults body. People have a tendency to give her too much credit and make excuses for her eg, she's hurting, she's unwell, she just needs to do this this and this....

Alice is always nastier, stupider and more childish than you imagine. I am never really that surprised by her as I always thought she was garbage anyway and I've been proven right every time.
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Yes I get this but I still think that with IG being a successful actor and desirable male he wouldn't have had to be single for too long. We saw that with him and B, where he is older, not as successful anymore and with the ex from hell, and yet she still wanted him. Also, if he was concerned about AE's age then why did she had to give him an ultimatum before he proposed 6 years into the relationship? The whole thing never made sense but that's why he's in therapy I guess.
She definitely guilted him into it. Poor me...I'm an mother father abandoned me...nobody is as alone as I I will never have've had the best years out of me...I'm all alone in the world
And he's a nice person who probably couldn't see how he was going to get out of it, so married her
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Old Soak

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I think birthday dinners are reserved only for Alice, to make Alice feel better. The girls birthdays only represent that their birth made Alice a mom, not a celebration of their growth, milestones or development. I feel like had they done something special, Alice would have instagrammed.
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@ReturningthePearls ...No AC in good old England, we're freezing our nuts off for 9 months out of 12, so it's never really been a "thing" here. Our weather veers from arctic blasts to tropical heatwave in a matter of days sometimes, I've got photographs of snow days in May, and of sunbathing in October. That's why us Brits talk about the weather all the time! 🤣🤣😭.

Whilst I'm here, I'd just like to show some appreciation for the folks who spend their free time working on the wiki. This is an amazing document, and really helps to show Alice for what she is (a complete loon, mostly 🤭)...thank you! ♥♥♥
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Come again? When Ioan was still married to Alice, her whole instagram and twitter identity was based on being married to him. All those posts about him, having to mark her territory, all those pictures of him she had to upload on her instagram even if he asked her not to do so. So Alice is allowed to post all about him but Bianca isn't? Why?
I think it's funny how they tell on themselves here. They wouldn't know about what Bianca does unless they frantically follow her every move. They read every comment she makes on instagram in hopes of finding something to use against her. There's nothing tho so they make shit up like always. Also bringing up her illness again. Why do they care about how her illness affects her?
They say they don't care about her but literally stalk her instagram page. She really has them rattled and lives in their heads rent free.😜

Edit: Welcome back, @Lulugrace! ☺
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VIP Member
26 truly is a magic number

PS: Alice did post first. Fact

fun fact: Alice back then sounded pretty angry when commenting under this pic. writing eg "WHOSE HAIR?" and poor Ioan explained how he randomly caughed it from random people standing there across (which is clearly the case). and then he wished her happy vday (this was the day the hoarse whisperer shit happened)

these posts are gone now due to Alice getting blovked


yes this worked well for other abusers

because he knows that Alice would go online regardless, hence also the instant screenshots. thats what you do if you are up against an abuser

Alice is spilling all the time, and yet with no substance

Streisand effect galore

just leak it again, or are you scared?
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It would have been so fun for the girls to cheer on an Uncle on in a worthy endeavor. Unfortunately they're stuck with Tone who appears to have no admirable qualities and just abuses and harasses people via SM. Great role model right there. Bang up job Alice, alienating your children from one entire half of their family.
It's so sad that they have been deprived of a loving extended family and a cultural heritage they would have celebrated and been rightly proud of. I remember the initial custody filing when Ioan texted Elsie happy new year and about a fortnight later she sent him the Welsh flag emoji, I bet that meant the whole World to him.
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What a pity that TD didn't keep her mouth shut like everyone who is really close to BW. I don't think she was that close to her - she's BW's friend's sister - if she were really close she would have kept quiet like everyone else around Bianca. I don't know why she engaged with the lunatics on twitter - they love that there is a (tenuous) connection to Bianca. Maybe she wanted her five minutes of fame who knows. BW hasn't set a foot wrong throughout and yet she's dragged down by some relative of a friend she probably didn't have much to do with before all this.
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Apparently it’s all going to be horrific for Ioan when the truth about his affair comes out.

Also he’s a Z-lister (unnecessary hyphen) who no one is interested in.

He’s also also a loser who’s worth nothing and broke but should give the ex $300k a year.
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bruv, Alice's own sworn declarations proved she lied already
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so..what do they want? for Ioan to "take the kids" (50/50) or leaving them at Alice. somehow they seem unhappy about both
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I detect a Alice-ism "they noticed him walkinf out and not returning"

PS: yes, we know what she tells them because she bragged about it on SM
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yeah this stage was too tough. Alun was today actually relatively better than the previous days, mixing up with people that had him well gapped the other days. The top finisher took 3 hours from where he was timed out to finish. that was never going to work out in the end.
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Sock says “What kind of repulsive person wants to actively separate mother and child?”

AE spends every waking hour for three years actively separating a father from his kids???

Make it make sense, you stupid dirty sock
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Have just updated the Wiki with details of Alice's harassment of Bianca, and Alice vs Tamika.
I'm sick of reading the same crap from her side now. "When the truth comes out". NOBODY cares if he had an affair except her. It's been two years Alice, play a different tune.
I really don't blame him even if he did cheat. Who wouldn't she's fucking horrible. Why be stuck with that melting walrus when he could meet someone like Bianca? FFS everyone has left her in her life for a reason. Because she's a horrible, bat shit crazy human being.
Ioan has said that he didn't cheat and didn't have an affair with Bianca.

It's actually been three years now since he told Alice he didn't love her anymore and was leaving her.
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Is that normal in the UK? Not the heat wave—I’m talking about the lack of AC in people’s homes. Because most Americans have cooling systems in their homes (…if they can afford them, which is unjust but that’s a whole separate convo). It just stunned me and kind of broke my heart that my friend doesn’t have AC. She must be exhausted and miserable tbh I might DM her again in a bit…
Yes it's normal. I'm sweltering too and no AC. The weather is weird - it's normally nice in September and NEVER this hot. We don't need AE 99.9% of the time so it's no big deal.

lol looked at my typo. That's true too. It should have read - We don't need AC 99.9% of the time so it's no big deal.
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He had already left her. Who cares if there was an affair? He had already filed for a divorce, the marriage was over long before he left. Alice, you need to start the next chapter of your life. By the way, Alice would make a sorry detective.

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direct contradictions - “Tony might know” vs “she kept asking.

Either the sock knows intimate details and conversations or they don’t. Show yourself fucko.

this Twitter stuff is just so tedious. 8 billion people on the planet and exactly 5 actually GAF/see these rantings.

don’t you even bore yourself Alice?
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The fact we all think these socks are Alice or Ella tells you more about them than Ioan or Bianca. Who do we know has all this time to make up these accounts? A kid who is being “home schooled” who we know hacks instagrams and steals money enabled and encouraged by her alcoholic lazy cunt of a mother who has a “nanny” sitting on various devices making up X accounts? What lesson does that come under, IT?
Slow hand clap that you cow.
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I really hope Ella has a great day today, full of love and happiness. Sadly, I don't think that's gonna happen.
I'd love to know how and if Ioan will reach out to her. Surely, if he tries to contact her in any way, Alice will probably make it public again or the socks will tweet about it. How do you advise someone in his position to handle this?
it's seen as ruining her birthday, so he shouldnt imo (unless they are actually speaking again, but I doubt it)

of course it's as always no win because he will also get grief from the lowly educated for not wishing his child happy birthday, but that's what you get when you abuse your father, file a false RO against him and as far as I am aware not even apologise to him.

If she truly wanted that RO she should feel happy about this

Hopefully by now the therapy and reunification work is well underway and that Ioan and Ella are able to go out for a nice dinner somewhere, just the two of them.
zero chance that anything remotely like this is the case
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