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She definitely thought she could just rock up and just address the court herself, probably planning to regale with the judge with all sorts of irrelevant nonsense. His response so far seems to be shut up and sit down.
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Nadia Vulvokov

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I have a feeling Ioan’s heart was breaking. 🙁

@Hiraeth thankyou for doing all you do, you legend. You too @ButterTart 😊

I just can't comprehend what I have just read. Those poor girls. Ella is clearly being coached by her mum and PA is blindingly obvious. The judge was so compassionate with her and thats all it took for her to question her (read Alice's) motives, which speaks volumes. We all know why Alice doesn't want the girls in therapy. She knows exactly what she's doing to her own children and it's abhorrent and it's abuse. You just know she's screamed at those girls 'I have a health condition too!!' Sickening.

No 13 year old should be in that position, regardless of the kindness of the judge. In awe of Ioans strength to remain composed. The judge 100% has Alice sussed and I hope that is what is keeping he and B strong and focused on the light at the end of the tunnel which is beginning to appear.

ETA - who leaves their child alone in a daunting, intimidating courtroom like that!! Just wow.
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Happy cunting Yorkshire Day, fuckos! (ding!) With our warmth, honesty and commitment to a good argument, we are surely all a little bit Yorkshire!

I’m raising my mug (it’s decaf but it’s still the best) to @lulooo and @TheMogadon on your anniversaries, May you and your partners have many more happy years of not behaving like unhinged banshees in your relationships. Alice could never. Cunt. 💜 (ding!)

Also cheersing you @Ametrine, you lyrical cunting genius you. (ding!) Show of hands who has that theme tinkling round in their head now?

@brie l, no cunting for you, (ding!) just like to offer a squeeze if I may. 😘

I started following this thread when I was newly pregnant and stuck in bed/hospital with hyperemesis (a real debilitating illness, as opposed to… yknow). Then I plucked up the courage to join in during the baby’s early weeks, many long sleepless nights of feeding him every hour and holding him for every nap. It is absolutely WILD (sorry Alicecaps) that that tiny bean is now a fully-fledged small toddler, crashing around my house with his own thoughts and mad facial expressions, and about as much self control and emotional regulation as Alice has. Like, he’s a proper little human now, and she’s still dragging out this absolute circus. His entire lifetime! 🤯

Anyway, all that to say, give your fucking head a wobble, Alice. Life is short and you’re burning yours because you’ve got hurty feelings. Pathetic, embarrassing, selfish waster. Roll off a cliff you hairy old walrus.
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Tone FFS shut up. Nobody is sending you anything you crusty chav. now go wash those pot noodle stains out of your hair and take a breather. You'll do yourself a mischief.

Oh and FYI, Gruffudd is one of the oldest names in Wales, right far back as the Celts. Cymru am byth!!
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Honestly, that previous thread. Thinking Alice could play Cersei? Laughable! That role is complex and nuanced. Lena Headey did all sorts of things with her face and voice that Alice wouldn’t even think to do.

Playing Cersei requires talent, depth and sex appeal, which Alice and her cunt don’t have.

Don’t even get me started on the Kathy Bates and Glenn Close comparison. 😂😂

I do think she’s large, empty and wooden enough to play the horse in Troy, though.
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House of Tea

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Alice really does think that when she enters a room, she is the star of the show, the one with all the power and the smarts, the one in control. The judge politely disabused her of that idea. I can imagine she left the room because she was told to button it, she saw that Ioan was in granite mode, that Bianca was looking poised and pretty, and that nobody was interested in her - all focus was on the child.

Alice is not used to this level of indifference to hear her words of irrelevant wisdom.

The judge has her number. She scored a massive own goal, using her child as the football. Reprehensible actions as a mother. I truly hope full custody is granted. She isn’t fit to be a parent, she is too self centred and narcissistic for that role.
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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
First of all, massive thanks to @Hiraeth and @ButterTart – with you two on her side, Alice might stand a chance at the court ordering Ioan to move back into the garage (or whatever the equivalent is in the new flat). 🤩

I keep asking myself in what room Alice is the smartest one. Ever since I started following this saga, she hasn’t taken a single decision one might consider even remotely okay. I always thought I was bad at responsible life choices, but she makes me look like the Marie Kondo of adulting. Being irresponsible, chaotic and all over the place may have a certain bohème charm in one’s twenties, but in the second half of life, it just makes you look pathetic and inadequate.

By the way, Alice and your two imbecilic followers: Leaving a teenager to fend for herself in a courtroom after shoving her right into this mess (without proper representation at that)? That’s not just pathetic and inadequate; it’s something only a genuinely egotistical coward would do.

Face it, Ms Evans-no-longer-Gruff: All that remains of you is a hysterical, senseless cluster of cells with no smarts, no plans, no prospects (and no manners, which is a pet peeve of mine – I detest people who lack minimum essential politeness, no matter their age or circumstances). Yes, you were attractive once. Yes, you appeared on the silver screen once. Yes, you had all the requisites to lead a charmed life once. But that is not who you are any longer. You threw it all away, and for what? Dumb, Dumber and Loopy on Twitter? You wouldn’t give these people the time of day if you met them on the street, and they are who you want to spend the rest of your days with? As I said – pathetic and inadequate.
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Congratulations to @MrsDimSum for the brilliant thread title 😂

Newbies please read the Wiki for all you intros and info into this never ending craziness that is the World of Alice Evans and co.

Keep it on Tattle - as if you need reminding lol, It takes a brave Turd to even look at the nonsense posted. It would take a truly crazy Turd to go there 😵💫

Previous thread:

Carry on you hubris of bogans ( We still need this as a thread title 😂)
Wow! Can’t believe my title won! Thank you for voting you fabulous bunch of salty seahags!

Thanks to Tony for the inspiration- the actual Meme of this makes me laugh a lot but not as much as Tone’s over reaction when he thought it was about his late Mother*

*no Mothers or any other Jan’s were hurt in the making of this thread title
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Active member
Beck … wtf??? What kind of insect? Good lord, the UK is fraught!
It was either a fly or a spider. Dropped into my eye last night and went round the back. ☹ It’s been pulled out now but my cornea is scratched. Surprisingly painful. What with foxes and flies Britain is fraught with danger. We just need a badger mauling and a stag attack to complete the picture!
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Well mAlice managed to demonstrate to the Judge very clearly that she is manipulative, happy to throw her kids under the bus and cannot control herself even in court
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Chatty Member
Hi Alice! How many times do you refresh this page?

I find it absolutely astonishing that she doesn’t see how badly she’s giving herself away with all the manic rage-tweeting. As if any other human external to this shitshow would be so invested they’d spend literally all their waking hours tweeting about this one topic and nothing else. Such a massively overinflated sense of self-importance to think that’s plausible. 😂
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Can I tell my wasp went down the front of my wedding dress so I grabbed it and it stung me on my wedding ring finger ON MY WEDDING DAY 🐝 story?
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Okay, I'm still summarizing this thing but here is part 1. At the end there will be a link to the entire summary for the Wiki, so if you'd rather wait for that, it's on its way.


Court Transcript Summary

In re The Matter of: Ella B. Evans v. Ioan Gruffudd (Case No. 23SMRO00218) and Ella B. Evans v. Bianca Wallace (Case No. 23STRO03504)

June 23, 2023 – Los Angeles County Superior Court

Hon. Josh Freeman Stinn, Superior Court Judge


Ella B. Evans (“Ella”), Petitioner, representing herself

Ioan Gruffudd (“Ioan”), Respondent, represented by Anne Kiley (also present)

Bianca Wallace (“Bianca”), Respondent, represented by Gregory Jessner and Kyle McGuire (also present)

Also Present:

Alice Evans (“Alice”), representing herself

The hearing begins. The Judge greets Ella and introduces himself to her. The Judge asks Alice if she is Ella’s mother and she responds that she is. Anne Kiley introduces herself as Ioan’s attorney and states that Alice is a party in the dissolution case, not the Domestic Violence Restraining Order (“DVRO”) or Civil Harassment Restraining Order (“CHRO”) request. Anne Kiley states that Alice is not only a party but a potential witness. The Judge notes that Alice may be there as “a support person” for Ella. Gregory Jessner introduces himself and Kyle McGuire as Bianca’s attorneys, and states that the CHRO proceeding is related to the DVRO proceeding against Ioan by Ella. The judge acknowledges this and states that he is going to use the court time before lunch to get everyone “calibrated” and that the main issues probably won’t come up until after lunchtime.

The Judge states that there is an upcoming contested evidentiary hearing on custody on July 13 and July 20, that there is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against Alice, and that there is Family Code 3044 “lurking in the background.”

(Note: Family Code 3044 is a California law that states that if a party seeking custody of a child has perpetrated domestic violence against the other party seeking custody of the child or against the child or the child’s siblings within the previous 5 years, there is a rebuttable presumption that an award of sole or joint physical or legal custody of a child to a person who has perpetrated domestic violence is detrimental to the best interest of the child.)

The Judge states that he has read through the DVRO request Ella filed against Ioan and the CHRO request that Ella filed against Bianca, and the responses and supportive declarations. He also read Ioan’s response to the DVRO request that morning. The Judge states that his concern is, though Ella has a prerogative and a right to try to bring a domestic violence and civil harassment restraining order case, but that she is 13 years old, and because there is a custody hearing coming up, he wants to make sure that Ella has someone neutral advocating for her. His inclination was to appoint minor’s counsel for Ella and continue the CHRO and DVRO hearings since they all arise out of the same alleged facts that occurred on May 23, 2023. However, he understands that everyone wants to go forward that day.

Alice interrupts the Judge and says “No, not me. I would love for her to have her, your Honor.”

Judge: “Huh?”

Alice: “I would love – she wants a minor’s counsel.”

Judge: “So with – with so much respect, because today you don’t have standing. Okay? You’re not a guardian ad litem—”

Alice: “Yeah. Okay.”

Judge: “And you’re not a party in either of the actions before me.”

Alice: “Oh.”

Judge: “So I really—I can’t hear from you—”

Alice: “Sure.”

Judge: “—in that capacity. Okay?”

Alice: “Sure.”

The Judge addresses the audience and asks if Ella, Ioan, and Bianca want to go forward. Bianca’s attorney agrees. Ioan’s attorney brings up the Family Code as well as a case decided in April of 2023 (A.F. v. Jeffrey F.) which held that the court cannot appoint minor’s counsel in an action seeking relief under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act. The judge states that he hasn’t read that case, but will read it closely over lunch, and that the cases here are so intertwined that it’s difficult to separate them with regard to appointing a minor’s counsel. The judge acknowledges that the court cannot appoint a minor’s counsel in a CHRO proceeding but wants to make sure someone is advocating for Ella.

Anne Kiley states that Ella had every opportunity to have someone represent her; that Ella and her mother prepared the papers with someone’s help; and that Ella brought the request for the restraining order and appeared to seek the restraining order. She could have hired an attorney and she hasn’t.

Alice interrupts the court.

Alice: “Her wants to—sorry. Can you please—”

Judge: “Yes, ma’am?”

Ella: “I’m confused. Like, I don’t know what’s going on.”

The Judge explains to Ella that in a family law case, the court has the authority to appoint minor’s counsel, whereas in a domestic violence proceeding, the court doesn’t have the authority to appoint minor’s counsel. So, the Judge explained that he was trying to see if there was an argument to distinguish Ella’s case from others and appoint minor’s counsel for her. He said, “My instinct is that we go forward after lunch and we don’t have minor’s counsel. And I assume you’re fine with that, because I haven’t heard you ask for an attorney, I haven’t heard you—you certainly didn’t prepare any of your documents and—you know, you’re representing yourself; correct?”

Ella: “I don’t really know. I thought—like I hoped to get one.”

Judge: “Well, I don’t have the authority to appoint one. If you wanted to go out on your own and hire one, I think you have the prerogative to do that.

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “But you didn’t do that. And so, I suppose if you wanted to do that, you could.”

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “That’s up to you.”

Ella: “Could I—”

Gregory Jessner states that he would oppose a continuance of the matter. The Judge inquires further of Ella.

Judge: “Ella, do you feel like you want to go forward today if you didn’t have a lawyer? Do you know what you want to do?”

Ella: “No. I don’t want to push it if I don’t have—”

Judge: “Okay. You understand that the court doesn’t have the authority to—I don’t believe, have—to appoint one for you. And so, that would mean that if I were to entertain a continuance, you would have to go out and get your own lawyer. Do you understand that?

Ella nods affirmatively.

Jesus Christ, that poor child.
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Alice’s instagram post is just shots of the super moon, just to show her spiritual side.

The transcripts show the truth. The only spirits in her are malevolence and vodka.
A super moon? Isn't that what Ioan saw when she lifted her skirt?
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It's kinda crazy after what she did to Ella there she plastered her all over IG first with her arranged pap shot in her most vulnerable moment (which is WTF regardless if arranged or not) and then later with feel good stories.

It's really heartbreaking when a young child is used like this and probably doesnt even realize that she is being abused. Instead actually bonding with her abuser.
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