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It's kinda crazy after what she did to Ella there she plastered her all over IG first with her arranged pap shot in her most vulnerable moment (which is WTF regardless if arranged or not) and then later with feel good stories.

It's really heartbreaking when a young child is used like this and probably doesnt even realize that she is being abused. Instead actually bonding with her abuser.
I'm looking at Alice's Instagram post again (I concealed the girls' faces).

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 12.56.35.png

Text in red
Alice claims that the long lens paparazzi photos were taken without her permission and then the photos then "turned up" online. But doesn't permission need to be explicitly given in California by parents for children to appear in photos? How would Alice have found the photos so quickly too, unless she was looking for them, and/or gave permission for the photo agency and Page Six to publish them?

A decent mother would not have posted those photos or drawn attention to them. Hell, a decent mother wouldn't have put her children in that position in the first place.

Text in green
For the text in green - how would Alice have managed to plead "Look at these two, look how much they care" if she didn't have the paparazzi photos "taken without her permission"? This Instagram post would have been severely lacking in content if not for the pap photos of the distressed girls.

Text in blue
Oh don't you worry Alice, the whole story really is more interesting now that @Hiraeth and @ButterTart got the court transcript and showed what really happened there.

Text in pink
You're goddamn right it was a traumatic day. First of all, there was no need for Elsie to be there. But then Alice wouldn't have got the prize pap shot of her comforting Ella, would she? Secondly, Alice made Ella go through with the restraining order charade, so it was her fault that Ella was put in this position. And then she didn't get Ella a lawyer, and left her alone on the stand to be questioned by the judge.

Alice - the trauma is ALL because of you.
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Al just can't shut her trap, can she. And Ella came to court not having a clue about anything and was lied to about needing to file herself because she's over 12.
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Yep it's exactly as you would imagine Alice to behave in court. Still eye opening though.

The judge telling Alice to 'be good'. :ROFLMAO:
Alice HEARING "I really fancy you Ms Evans, can't wait to see you in my court again! You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met"

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Will there be a transcript of the bifurcation and the DVRO against Ioan? First post under this handle, but I am a long term user. I had to change because The Texan tried to doxx me under my last user name.
I remember those early days, and I'm so sorry that happened to you. Welcome back.

Yesterday I checked the last couple of minute orders to see if transcripts could be ordered because I'm clearly a glutton for punishment . There isn't a transcript for the July 13 hearing (dismissal of the DVRO request against Ioan and orders for therapy for the children), but there may be a transcript for the bifurcation hearing on July 3. I'm checking into that, but since bifurcation is pretty routine, I don't expect that the transcript will be very long, or very interesting, but we shall see! I'll keep you all updated.
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Ella nods affirmatively.

Judge: “Okay. And then, the flipside of that, of course, is that I would presume that we have to resolve this issue—that is, was there domestic violence or not, before we can have the custody hearing. Is that not right or wrong? I think that’s right.”

Anne Kiley states that she would also oppose a continuance and that there are complicated issues in the dissolution proceeding, which Ella is not part of, such as the influence and “the problems in the case and why she’s here.” Anne Kiley states that “there are serious issues that need to be dealt with in the dissolution proceeding. Frankly, there are reasons that this case should be in dependency court, not because Ms. Wallace or Mr. Gruffudd are child abusers, but because we believe that Ella and her sister are victims of abuse by their mom. So we’re—”

Alice again interrupts the court.

Alice: “Oh my God!”

Anne Kiley: “We want—”

Judge: “Please. Please. I’m going to ask everybody to refrain.”

Alice: “No. It—it—”

Judge: “No. No. No. There’s no “No.” Please just—everybody keep your composure. Go ahead, counsel.”

Anne Kiley: “Family Code 3044 applies as it relates to Ms. Evans, because we have a restraining order against her, and the situation is so horrible for the family—”

Alice interrupts again but her words are unintelligible to the court reporter because she is speaking at the same time as Anne Kiley.

Anne Kiley: “—that we want it heard today. And we oppose the continuance.”

Gregory Jessner: “Your Honor, if I may. I agree with what Ms. Kiley said. I should add, my client, unfortunately, does suffer from a very serious medical condition. She has M.S. and the stress of this proceeding is debilitating for her, and she needs to get this past so she can reclaim her health, your Honor. So I do, for that reason, very strongly oppose a continuance to the extent that one is requested.”

The Judge states that he will read the case over a little closer and asks Ella if she is asking the court for a continuance and, if so, if she intends to hire a lawyer. Ella responds, “I’d like to hire a lawyer. Yeah.” The Judge inquires whether Ella has the ability to get counsel. Ella responds, “I think so, yeah.”

The Judge states that Anne Kiley makes a good point, that this is a well-noticed hearing, that Ella or someone on her behalf put together a fairly comprehensive pleading, and that he has to weigh Ella’s interest in getting her case effectively tried against Bianca’s interest in getting some finality in light of her medical condition and the hardship a delay would cause her.

Ella: “Could I also add, my mom also has a medical condition?”

Alice interrupts the court again.

Alice: “Thank you.”

Ella: “My mom also has a medical condition that’s like—it’s hard for her as well.”

Judge: “Right. Except your mom—I don’t mean to sound insensitive, okay, but your mom isn’t a party—”

Ella: “Okay. I’m sorry.”

Judge: “—to the two cases that we’re dealing with today. Okay?”

Alice: “We tried. I tried to, but she’s over—she’s over 12.”

Ella: “My mom—”

Judge (to Alice): “I just—I can’t hear from you. You don’t have standing right now, ma’am.”

Alice: “Go ahead.”

Ella: “All I knew was that I had to file it because I was over the age of 12. But I didn’t—like, anything I was supposed to do. So like, I didn’t know I was supposed to get an attorney or anything.”

Judge: “You don’t have to get an attorney.”

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “I want to be clear with you. I just want to make sure—you’re a child in the midst of a highly contentious divorce between your parents, and I want to make sure that what you’re doing here today, whether it happens today or it happens at a later date, I want to make sure that what’s happening is in your best interests and that you really want it.”

Ella: “Okay. Thank you.”

Judge: “And that this isn’t a subtext to something else. That’s my concern.”

Ella: “Okay.”

The Judge asks if there is anything else the parties wish to discuss before breaking for lunch and then diving deeper into the two issues after lunch. Hearing nothing, the court adjourns for lunch.

~Noon Recess~

So basically, Alice made an ass if herself in front of the judge and threw Ella under the bus.
Spin this shit, Alice.
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Unidentified voice and unregulated lunatic. That’s some legacy she is leaving for herself, the dumb fuck!! I can’t bear to watch her on Instagram any more. This abusive cunt deserves to be rolled into the sea. She knows exactly what went down in court, this transcript is real and she knew we were getting it. Instead of comforting and supporting her kid that she threw to the wolves (lupine included! The sick fuck) she’s all over twitter arguing with randoms and trying to denigrate the judge, the therapists, Ioan and Bianca. Grow the fuck up. I hope her birthday is shite, I hope she realises how lonely she actually is. Absolute piece of shit.
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I’m only on page 6 but a thought. Alice claims the kids are ‘terrified’ of Ioan.
Does a terrified child dump oats on their father’s head? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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curious km

Chatty Member
@Hiraeth wrote “Anne Kiley states that Ella had every opportunity to have someone represent her; that Ella and her mother prepared the papers with someone’s help; and that Ella brought the request for the restraining order and appeared to seek the restraining order. She could have hired an attorney and she hasn’t.”

Bets on loopy, the Texan, or the opioid activist lady “author” helping prepare form ? And then AE trying to present it to lawyer Marie Pharoahly who promptly said “and this is where we part ways now that my fee is paid up”. AE is a Twat. If there was any merit to her daughter’s injury why didn’t she procure a lawyer ?
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And Dog Cunt is off! No mention of the court docs yet...
Oh god you stupid, stupid, fucking CUNT. What does it even matter?? It makes zero difference to anything at all in your life, anything in your divorce, anything in your custody battle if Bianca has fucked a thousand married men, including your ex husband. YOU are the only adulterer here!
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Just re-reading the transcript in full, while I’m stuck underneath a sleeping babe. (Teething can do one)

Whenever Ella speaks, it’s painfully obvious how out of her depth and unprepared she is for the situation. The fact that she’s filed for this RO, but hasn’t seen any of the declarations, speaks volumes about the manipulation going on here.

She’s clearly going through all the normal feelings a child whose parents are divorcing acrimoniously would do. But instead of supporting her, Alice has weaponised all this anger and fear and confusion for her own end, and magnified it a hundred times over.

View attachment 2350841
A few things struck me about this part.

1.The kids are “terrified” of their father? So terrified that they vandalise his house in his presence?

2. The therapists keep being “on his side” is an astonishingly childish, belligerent and reductive thing for a grown woman to say in a court setting.

3. To allege a nine year-old child has made this kind of statement is serious, to say the least. If you were a parent putting your kids welfare first, this would be the first thing you raised, when given the chance. Not an “and also” afterthought tacked onto the end of a rant about respected professionals “taking sides”.

I think the Judge handled things sensitively and compassionately in Ella’s presence, and I get the impression he sees exactly what’s going on. There’s just no good outcome for anyone here, because of Alice’s three year toddler tantrum. She isn’t fit to parent, she’s already done untold emotional damage to those kids and it will be a long and challenging road to untangle it all. I have so much respect for Ioan. He’s a wonderful dad. 💜
I also love that Alice mentions Iris twice in this outburst. And both times referred to her as "this/that woman Iris".

She hates Iris just as much as she hates Anne Kiley. It's Alice who wants the girls to be left alone with Ioan, so she can accuse Ioan of abusing them or SA them. Iris being there fucks up her evil plans and she hates her for it.

I really want to know what she subpoenaed Iris about, and what that's going to lead to (i.e. court case of some sort).
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I’m still over here fuming at anyone referring to the legend that is Kathy Bates as “that chick from Misery”. FFS. Anyone who compares A to Kathy Bates and Glenn Close is a troll. I refuse to believe otherwise. I don’t even think A is the worst actress. But she’s no Kathy Bates or Glenn Close. And there is no way she could have played a nuanced character like Cersei Lannister.
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You know how since the RO hearing the socks have really been going in hard about Bianca's appearance? That tells me that Alice was really shook at seeing just how well Ioan now looks and also how serene and attractive Bianca is. I'm not talking about 'beauty contest/model' type looks, but just looking attractive, gentle, well-dressed and well made-up.

Someone said that Bianca was wearing white, and we saw Alice in her black mess of an outfit. No wonder she scuttled away and abandoned her daughter. Everything about Bianca is the opposite of what Alice is. It's almost poetic.
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@Hiraeth wrote “Anne Kiley states that Ella had every opportunity to have someone represent her; that Ella and her mother prepared the papers with someone’s help; and that Ella brought the request for the restraining order and appeared to seek the restraining order. She could have hired an attorney and she hasn’t.”

Bets on loopy, the Texan, or the opioid activist lady “author” helping prepare form ? And then AE trying to present it to lawyer Marie Pharoahly who promptly said “and this is where we part ways now that my fee is paid up”. AE is a Twat. If there was any merit to her daughter’s injury why didn’t she procure a lawyer ?
It was all done by the Abuser for her own narc supply on her sm, and to shame Ioan and Bianca. It would torment Ella’s father having to appear in court against his own daughter too. A slam dunk for the Abuser. I don’t think she believed that both Ioan and Bianca would defend themselves against Ella’s allegations either. She has no care, consideration, or love for her daughter. The Abuser is a monstrous cunt and is totally irredeemable. The shopping trolley and life amongst the homeless can’t come soon enough for her, and I hate wishing bad things on people, I really do, but I have to make an exception with this cunt.
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Even Alice would realise that a free public defender would still need time to get acquainted with the case. They don't just rock up and represent you with no time to prepare!!

Alice seems to have thought that it would be an easy win and therefore no lawyer was required. Smartest person in the room!!!
I think mAlice is too stupid to realise that there is a difference between a civil RO application and a criminal RO breach. mAlice coached Ella to do exactly what she did in her criminal RO breach case - rock up to court with no lawyer, ask for a public defender and demand a continuance
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I love that Alice couldn't help herself and started ranting about the therapists being in cahoots with each other. That will have been another red flag for the judge. They're generally not down with conspiracy theories regarding court appointed (?), respected professionals who don't have an axe to grind against either of the parents, but would be looking at the best interests of the children.

I wonder what old Josh had to say to his fellow judges when the day was done and they were exchanging notes on the day's cases? He'd have definitely been the winner of the 'Who had the nuttiest party appearing before them?' award for the day. Hell, even for the month and most certainly in the running for the grand annual award!:D
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Okay, I'm still summarizing this thing but here is part 1. At the end there will be a link to the entire summary for the Wiki, so if you'd rather wait for that, it's on its way.


Court Transcript Summary

In re The Matter of: Ella B. Evans v. Ioan Gruffudd (Case No. 23SMRO00218) and Ella B. Evans v. Bianca Wallace (Case No. 23STRO03504)

June 23, 2023 – Los Angeles County Superior Court

Hon. Josh Freeman Stinn, Superior Court Judge


Ella B. Evans (“Ella”), Petitioner, representing herself

Ioan Gruffudd (“Ioan”), Respondent, represented by Anne Kiley (also present)

Bianca Wallace (“Bianca”), Respondent, represented by Gregory Jessner and Kyle McGuire (also present)

Also Present:

Alice Evans (“Alice”), representing herself

The hearing begins. The Judge greets Ella and introduces himself to her. The Judge asks Alice if she is Ella’s mother and she responds that she is. Anne Kiley introduces herself as Ioan’s attorney and states that Alice is a party in the dissolution case, not the Domestic Violence Restraining Order (“DVRO”) or Civil Harassment Restraining Order (“CHRO”) request. Anne Kiley states that Alice is not only a party but a potential witness. The Judge notes that Alice may be there as “a support person” for Ella. Gregory Jessner introduces himself and Kyle McGuire as Bianca’s attorneys, and states that the CHRO proceeding is related to the DVRO proceeding against Ioan by Ella. The judge acknowledges this and states that he is going to use the court time before lunch to get everyone “calibrated” and that the main issues probably won’t come up until after lunchtime.

The Judge states that there is an upcoming contested evidentiary hearing on custody on July 13 and July 20, that there is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against Alice, and that there is Family Code 3044 “lurking in the background.”

(Note: Family Code 3044 is a California law that states that if a party seeking custody of a child has perpetrated domestic violence against the other party seeking custody of the child or against the child or the child’s siblings within the previous 5 years, there is a rebuttable presumption that an award of sole or joint physical or legal custody of a child to a person who has perpetrated domestic violence is detrimental to the best interest of the child.)

The Judge states that he has read through the DVRO request Ella filed against Ioan and the CHRO request that Ella filed against Bianca, and the responses and supportive declarations. He also read Ioan’s response to the DVRO request that morning. The Judge states that his concern is, though Ella has a prerogative and a right to try to bring a domestic violence and civil harassment restraining order case, but that she is 13 years old, and because there is a custody hearing coming up, he wants to make sure that Ella has someone neutral advocating for her. His inclination was to appoint minor’s counsel for Ella and continue the CHRO and DVRO hearings since they all arise out of the same alleged facts that occurred on May 23, 2023. However, he understands that everyone wants to go forward that day.

Alice interrupts the Judge and says “No, not me. I would love for her to have her, your Honor.”

Judge: “Huh?”

Alice: “I would love – she wants a minor’s counsel.”

Judge: “So with – with so much respect, because today you don’t have standing. Okay? You’re not a guardian ad litem—”

Alice: “Yeah. Okay.”

Judge: “And you’re not a party in either of the actions before me.”

Alice: “Oh.”

Judge: “So I really—I can’t hear from you—”

Alice: “Sure.”

Judge: “—in that capacity. Okay?”

Alice: “Sure.”

The Judge addresses the audience and asks if Ella, Ioan, and Bianca want to go forward. Bianca’s attorney agrees. Ioan’s attorney brings up the Family Code as well as a case decided in April of 2023 (A.F. v. Jeffrey F.) which held that the court cannot appoint minor’s counsel in an action seeking relief under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act. The judge states that he hasn’t read that case, but will read it closely over lunch, and that the cases here are so intertwined that it’s difficult to separate them with regard to appointing a minor’s counsel. The judge acknowledges that the court cannot appoint a minor’s counsel in a CHRO proceeding but wants to make sure someone is advocating for Ella.

Anne Kiley states that Ella had every opportunity to have someone represent her; that Ella and her mother prepared the papers with someone’s help; and that Ella brought the request for the restraining order and appeared to seek the restraining order. She could have hired an attorney and she hasn’t.

Alice interrupts the court.

Alice: “Her wants to—sorry. Can you please—”

Judge: “Yes, ma’am?”

Ella: “I’m confused. Like, I don’t know what’s going on.”

The Judge explains to Ella that in a family law case, the court has the authority to appoint minor’s counsel, whereas in a domestic violence proceeding, the court doesn’t have the authority to appoint minor’s counsel. So, the Judge explained that he was trying to see if there was an argument to distinguish Ella’s case from others and appoint minor’s counsel for her. He said, “My instinct is that we go forward after lunch and we don’t have minor’s counsel. And I assume you’re fine with that, because I haven’t heard you ask for an attorney, I haven’t heard you—you certainly didn’t prepare any of your documents and—you know, you’re representing yourself; correct?”

Ella: “I don’t really know. I thought—like I hoped to get one.”

Judge: “Well, I don’t have the authority to appoint one. If you wanted to go out on your own and hire one, I think you have the prerogative to do that.

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “But you didn’t do that. And so, I suppose if you wanted to do that, you could.”

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “That’s up to you.”

Ella: “Could I—”

Gregory Jessner states that he would oppose a continuance of the matter. The Judge inquires further of Ella.

Judge: “Ella, do you feel like you want to go forward today if you didn’t have a lawyer? Do you know what you want to do?”

Ella: “No. I don’t want to push it if I don’t have—”

Judge: “Okay. You understand that the court doesn’t have the authority to—I don’t believe, have—to appoint one for you. And so, that would mean that if I were to entertain a continuance, you would have to go out and get your own lawyer. Do you understand that?

Ella nods affirmatively.

God, it’s just so SAD. Ella is so young and clueless. What Malice is doing to her is absolutely evil.
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Didn't the socks start attacking the judge saying he didn't have much experience and was only appointed recently? From this transcript I think he did an excellent job of dealing with Ella...bringing her along to a conclusion with his reasoning and not humiliating her for this ridiculous waste of time. He sees what is going on.
I wonder if the request to have any judge hear the case rather than wait for this particular judge to be available (I recall this was somewhere in the later stipulation) was an attempt by Alice to get anyone other than him to hear the custody case because he clearly has a very good handle on the dynamics.
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What’s the purpose of this? Is it even a good idea?
Interesting that his website says

Joseph A. Langlois is the owner of Langlois Family Law, APC. From the firm's office in Calabasas, California, he focuses his practice exclusively on family law, representing clients throughout Los Angeles and Ventura counties in complex and high-profile divorce cases and such related issues as property division, child custody and support, and spousal support. While he frequently recommends seeking resolutions through mediation or negotiations, he is an aggressive courtroom advocate on behalf of his clients when those alternative methods prove to be unfruitful. Mr. Langlois also has experience in preparing and reviewing prenuptial and cohabitation agreements.

Sounds like he is a hard hitter for complex situations and specialises in prenups - which Ioan must be looking to enforce
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