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And here's another thing! I doubt if Bianca or Ioan particularly want to rush into marriage. They have both been married to abusers and probably really need to breath.

But these constant threats and continual working on ways to deport Bianca are making ME nervous. Lord knows what Alice is saying or who she is trying to contact behind the scenes to report her.

It was not founded - clearly - but I can still see Alice calling immigration services with her bullshit and trying to get 🐝 tied up with senseless paperwork and visits.

So if Bianca and Ioan get immediately married to insure her legal status here - Alice has no one to blame but herself.

Oh and Alice - good luck trying to call immigration and scream it's a fake marriage for a green card. It's a two year, well documented relationship.

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Oh I agree, it’s an horrific situation. I can’t say I agree with you fully - I have seen quite a few “he needs custody now” comments which yah, I agree with at heart but the reality is horrific and way more complex. Alice should be blamed almost fully for the reality, for sure - however, I haven’t seen that many realistic conclusions which just makes me so, so sad for those kids. I *know* everyone sees this, but my god - those poor kids.
There’s been a strategy with Ioan & his lawyers right from the very beginning. This is not Anne’s first rodeo. Ioan took oversea trips when it was obvious Alice was going to restrict access to the children. I would guess Ioan’s therapist also advised him to spend some time healing himself, ready for the battle ahead - putting on his oxygen mask as it were! If he did win 100% custody, which is not beyond the realms of possibility, I’m sure there is a plan in place going forward. I very much doubt he is planning numerous overseas adventures when he has kids solely dependent on him. People adapt to current situations. When Alice & Ioan were still together, it was blatantly obvious which one did the majority of the parenting. He had his hand forced to be able to extract himself from an abusive relationship. I won’t judge a man until I’ve walked in his shoes.
It’s all speculation on my part, but offering an alternative point of view 😊.
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I think I'm a crazier cat lady than you!
Still can’t believe we found each other as we both foster for the same charity! Bonkers! And you’ve been such a massive help with a difficult foster, but she’s so settled now.

Get this Tattlers, @Bwidge now fosters the same kittens that I had for a few days. How mad is that?

On topic, Alice, I hope tomorrow is the worst day of your life. You deserve it.
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Thanks everyone for your welcomes & also the the answers to my questions. I’m relieved to know the salad cream story, whilst tragically hilarious, isn’t as gross as I feared. I forgot to ask what BIB meant, but quite honestly, I’m happy for it to be a mystery until the day I finally decode it. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed receiving likes from all of you - as I do feel like I know you from reading this site.

As a silent observer, I’ve often wanted to comment on Alice’s fashion sense; we’ve all noticed that Al’s style is ‘niche’. If I was to define it, I would say she looks like someone who has purchased some higher end bits in TK Maxx and has thrown them altogether in the hope of looking continental and classy (not successfully) Her outfits (until she gained weight) also gave me vibes of someone who watched and actively took advice from trinny and Suzannah in the late 90s. not in a good way. These days she looks more a slovenly mother who’s had to drag her best clothes from the bottom of the pile of clothes in her wardrobe to try and look as smart as possible for a parents evening at school.
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Feather fans

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Wait, have you been cheating on us?? 😜
After our three peaks challenge trip I found this - somebody left it in my cooler bag. I should have realised it was a bad omen!!!

Im currently rolling on the floor eating cheese strings, but once I finished, @ButterTart can I have your family’s emails so I can write how pharaonly devastated I am and how selfish and narcissistic they are? And your boss’ one too, while you at it. Ta. Im writing in two languages
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Didn't salad cream Clive have a wife too and loved to announce every time he watched The Christmas Card

Love the guy, sat there filling his heinz bottle...
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House of Tea

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I don't get why Alice has never turned up in court or turned in a single piece of all this evidence she supposedly has? Like shes so adamant we haven't seen Ioans texts or this or that- but why is she dead set on releasing them in a book only and not in the court of law where (if they did exist) could actually help her and her baybeez?

She complains about being silenced but then doesn't go to the judge and speak up. I know she's a liar but my mind is just blown she thinks this book will actually get published lol.
There is no book, there is no documentary, there is no evidence. Evidence is offered at court to win your case or prove your innocence- that is the correct place to deploy it. The fact she has never done that speaks legions about its existence. She is a bag of wind when it comes to evidence.
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Ally Pally

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I don't consider myself a "new" member as I've been reading religiously for 18 months. Every day! And I regal my co-workers and friends with the gory details. I simply can't understand people who support Alice. All this evidence that supposedly will come out. I bet none of the FMs have seen "it" so why do they support her abuse so blithely?
Funnily enough one of Alice's supporters has apologised to Bianca on her IG it's in the comments section under the photo of Bianca and Selma. Some are seemingly beginning to see through Alice's victim act.
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Just reading the level of madness, vitriol, hatefulness in the court documents, insta and Twitter posts is so suffocating I honestly can't imagine living with it in real life. I think even just the basics of sitting in a calm peaceful home would be so foreign and cathartic for Ioan, a million miles away from the lunacy that must have went on in his old home. I just hope the kids get to experience it 🤞🏻
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Admittedly there’s about a hundred pages I need to catch up on, which is my intention over the next day or so.

malice is a maniac, we all know this. However, I’m hearing a lot about him getting full custody…anyone care to explain how that looks? Cos it ain’t his current life. Believe me, I feel for those kids (and Emma) but there doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of reality being expressed if he got full custody. I 1000% am team kids, and he clearly is the responsible parent, however the chatter isn’t remotely reflective of his current life. He can’t fuck off to Palm Springs, Wales, Australia or wherever. His kids *should* be in full time education and quite evidently need supportive therapy. His life as it current stands would be kaput…yet nobody references this. Can we…? Always, I’m team kids, and sadly I think, in reference to their parents, they’re fucked.
Ioan only works intermittently. If he had full custody of the girls he could've taken them to Miami while he was filming with a Nanny to take them around. This is the first big job he's had on two years. When he goes to Wales, if it during the school term he could hire a Nanny to stay home with them. That's his next job. Lots of parents have to find work arounds for child care when they have a career or job. That's life. Ioan is no different and I'm sure he'll work it out. He'll have a plan in his custody submissions I'm sure. He is home the majority of the time anyway!
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Long time lurker here ,first time posting, I cannot believe how much of a car crash mAlice is . When this first happened i had a lot of sympathy for her even when her behaviour became cringy i thought it was understandable if not always right or wise ,however lately its become obvious shes a fat sad alcholic who needs to get a grip quickly. Its a fixation and i fear for the final ending as her behaviour is escalating ,big E needs intervention and quick although from previous posts shes clearly emotionally intelligent and can see through her mothers behaviours,makes me laugh that shes dropped her fathers surname in order to take alices fathers whom is also estranged from her mother and them . Id never wish for anyone to lose custody of their children but i think its the only sensible and safe option for the kids now shes had chance after chance to use some commen sense and make the best of a bad situation and has made it worse time after time ,shes blinkered on desteying ioan even it means her own and her childrens destruction with it ,madness .
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As someone who lived with an addicted person it is EXHAUSTING. No rational convesrations, they are never wrong. They don't remember or recall. Then anything they say after is absolute fact. EXHAUSTING I hope Monday finds Ioan some much needed peace.
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Alice's latest two IG follows is a celeb couple that is currently going through a divorce too. Alice has scared too many users away to get the same critical treatment on her IG page seemingly since Addison calling herself a "single mom" didnt went down well with her followers

btw that wedding tweet triggers me. not like I would expect his kids to behave at a potential wedding. but portraying attending your fathers wedding as abuse (normally its the other way around: that children of previous relationships often dont get invited and are upset) while you cant stop yapping about how the kids want to be flower girls at a future wedding of Alice just shows how hard she fucked them up. This is a woman that regulary complains about her father not attending her wedding, she wants the same destiny for her kids.
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Love to you Turds. I’ve tried to keep up to date. ahead of tonorrow.

Struggling mentally today with pain levels, but I am so here for tomorrow for the vindication. It’s strange that something to do with people I don’t know can have an effect on me. But I am here for it. Go Yo and Bee, be free and happy.
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I'm surprised people only noticed she was abusive after the DVRO was granted. He was abusing and harassing him and B via her SM and showing the PA in operation LONG before the TRO was granted in Nov 2021. It was just harder to deny what she was up to after the TRO but some people still managed to do it anyway.

We will probably always get FMs seagulling on here once in a while.

There are several crucial points that constantly were excused for her and over which she lost support once the truth came out

1.) she kept claiming Ioan cut her off, so people accepted her SM posts as venting over something very cruel. They didnt know that she was quite heavily verbally abusing him and how late he actually cut her off until the TRO request came

2.) then many excused her because it was post-break up hurt (silly IMO, but w/e). The custody filing proved that the abuse started pre-break-up.

3.) That filing, among others, also proved that her "I'm a poor single mom, he abandoned his kids" narrative was BS.

4.) many were in denial about her abusing him and even believed the opposite and were hoping for more favourable context etc., her refusal to fight the PRO sealed the deal for many. Only those who got baited by her "I will write a book" statements are still there.

5.) the house filing proved that Alice was lying about him not paying anything, in fact the opposite was true

She had plenty of supporters that were able to think somewhat straight (though her social media rantings should have been a wake up call, it was for most in fairness), but she lost those over these things, and has just retained the brainless ones that believe the earth is flat plus the usual misandrists.

Many people also lack context: most first saw her on Lorraine where she came across pretty well. Granted, she lost then many who saw her real self on SM, but plenty were still excusing this because she was "betrayed" (many thought that she and Ioan were still together when he announced his relationship to Bianca for example). They didnt witnessed pre-October Alice that was regulary ranting about Ioan and his mom.

A key mistake she is now doing is the attempt to paint Ioan as a child abuser. She believes (and many posts of Tone and Loopy and her socks made it obvious) that this would make herself look better and repair her reputation etc., but all it does (if people had believed her) is people thinking that both parents are shits. Nothing Alice will try now will improve her reputation, it's set in stone, the only thing she can do is move on and make people forget by showing perfect behavior. And people do forget long-term if you dont constantly remind them what a dick you are. And yes, she claims now she is technically silent, but she really isnt. Everyone with a brain knows who was behind the RO (in fact the request even describes her calling the police the next day, her calling the kids during visitation etc) and her IG post was a disgrace for all decent mothers out there. It was bad enough for even her biggest supporters on mumsnet to call her out.

I guess where Alice is lucky is that this case has become so complex at this point that your opinion really depends on how dig you deep (the deeper the worse for her) and if you are only following casually at which point you followed. She is also very lucky that the press portrayed her abuse pretty discrete (e.g. they often left out the worst things of the filings) while for Ioan they go out of their way to make it sound as worse as possible ("batterer intervention" when there is no physical abuse reported). Someone that hears the story only once will side for Alice because "woman turned crazy by cheating husband and now also kids want protection" is a pretty common story, but when you know the whole background (including Alice's whole story way before the break up) you will know that this is not the case here.
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I hope Bianca sues Tiny Tone for his latest bullshit with the photo of her with a dog ball toy. When you have to edit photos and make shit up like this, you’re losing you massive shitehawking, inadequate, cry-wanking because your wife left you, would-be Poundland Chuckle Brother tribute act, cunt. Alice doesn’t have any money to give you. If she promised to, she’s lying.
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