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This! I haven’t been through anything like this, but we all face challenges and heartbreak in our lives, but mostly we put our big girl, or boy, pants on and just get on with things making the life we have as good and as worthwhile as we can. If we have children, or others dependant upon us we try to protect them from any fall out and keep their lives on an even keel as much as possible.

What we don’t do is throw a huge toddler tantrum, throw all our toys out of the pram and expect the world and it’s mother to bend to our will just because we believe it owes us. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and face the world again no matter how broken and sad we are. I am a grown woman, an adult and would be so ashamed of myself if I behaved, in public at least, in any way like the Abuser.

Any tears, rage and morning would be done in private, either alone, or with close friends and family who would soon let me know when enough was enough.

Abuser, grow the fuck up.
This ☝🏻
100% this 👏👏
As a parent especially you put your kids first no matter what, end of. I've went through worst break up, ex was mostly everything A accuses I to be, through court for access and when asked what I wanted from the process the answer was and always was I want my child to have contact with their dad in a way I knew they were safe because no matter what I thought of him he was their dad, they loved him and needed that relationship. What I thought of him was irrelevant to that. Every single thing I said I provided evidence, to the point my lawyer used to laugh because if they asked for a few screenshots I could send 5 emails grouped by category 😂
What he done to me was soul destroying, but my child is happy and there are conditions to his contact. Your children should never be brought into an adult argument. I could have gone mAlices way and still be screaming into the void, but I chose my child's happiness and my own sanity ❤
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For those wondering why we call her Marjorie, it is from this video she made as "Marjorie:"

Followed by her filming herself under a cupboard:
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I think the thing with Alice is her whole life, and definitely her acting "career" was based on her being young, blonde and beautiful. She wasn't a good actress, never did anything to improve her acting and was a bitch to work with. Add in that she undoubtedly thinks the supporting parts she realistically could get based on her age, talents and current looks, are beneath her and it's highly unlikely she will ever get any kind of acting work again. Even D grade films aren't likely to hire a never-was who is just going to cause chaos on set. Time is money, the less money a film budget has the less time they have to shoot, the less likely they are to hire a diva who is going to waste time throwing tantrums, particularly when her only real claim to very minor fame/notoriety is a nasty divorce where she's shown herself to be a complete fucking psycho.
This is absolutely spot on. Since we're going down memory lane, we can while away the time till bifurcation by revisiting Alice's terrible acting. Megarace 2, anyone?

Screenshot for the uninitiated:
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Mad Betty

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I see no similarities in any of the sock accounts that have recently sprouted on the Twitter.


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I think it was more about having MS. There were awful comments made about having children and MS.
Sorry to quote myself. I’m high from starting a new thread (terribly) and yielding all my power.
This is what Alice said about Selma. I’ve used a spoiler because it’s pretty awful.

“Well, I can’t wait till she does the same to you. When her MS gets bad enough that you need to take her to all her castings in a wheelchair. I guess that love though ‐ and to end on a kind note, although you poo‐pood at times my ilnesss, hers is probably more grave and if ou look at Selma then she won’t be able to walk soon.”

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In context… THIS IS ALICE. This isn’t a heartbroken wife. This is a vindictive piece of shit who thought she could continue using coercive control, financial abuse and emasculating to get more money from a divorce settlement. She then spent even more of HIS money on three more lawyers from this point. Fuck her and her victimology. Abusive cunt.

EVERYBOY is telling me to distance myself for you as soon as I can l because you are about to go down so far that you will never recover. Some big‐wig has picked up your coming out Instagrams (seriously why did you do this? I know it was your because I’ve looked at videos of her and she is super sweet and I don’t think would ever want to hurt anybody)

People fel that because you were feeing low and in need of a boost then you took up with this teeny innocent cute girl who would do anything you wanted and make you feel big
So ‐ I dont care about you any more. Neither do the kids really. I’m sure they love you but they cringe when the hone rings and it’s you and they run away. Nothin to so with me. So could you stay away from me too?

Also Stop the fucking PRIVATE SECRETS that you’re telling everybody! I told you When I put on weight that I had a weird bulge BELOW my belly. IT CAME OUT ON TWITTER FFS!By your spokesperson! I also said the dog smears food around my freshly lauderedwhite sheets. This came out too. Also the thing about when the dog brought in what I though was a bone and it turned out to be a shit. How dare you tell these things to Bianca and her crew??? Do you want me to tell people that you can’t get it up and you’ve had a hair transplant? And propecia? FUCK ME ioan.

I understand. You turned me into a demon so that people would accept that you HAD to fall into Bianca’s lovey arms to be saved. Well you’re a shit. And everybody in the world knows it now. So lets get this divorce done (I want almost twice what is offered. If you fight it I’ll go to court. I have access to money. ) And then….. I never ever ever ever want to see your lying, creepy, angry, nasty , unkind and totally ungrateful face again. To think. I thought I was HELPING you. I thought I was doing my bit for our family. I thought I was part of out diusssions about how to get here and there. I was beside myself when we got you on the New Zealand fight.

You properly took the piss out of me didn’t you. I’ll never understand what I did wrong ‐ or why you could;t just sit me down and say look Angel, kids I’ve fallen in love with a millennial who has been stalking Alice for a while. I would;t have minded. We would have sorted it out. I would go into the FOUR other marriages she’s ruined; Yes. I do have a private detective on her. So does one of th British tabloids

Well, I can’t wait till she does the same to you. When her MS gets bad enough that you need to take her to all her castings in a wheelchair. I guess that love though ‐ and to end on a kind note, although you poo‐pood at times my ilnesss, hers is probably more grave and if ou look at Selma then she won’t be able to walk soon.

I thin taking on THAT, when you know if will make. You career very difficul, is. HUGE sign of love. Go Ioan and Bianca
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When you actually see where the skylight was situated (Google earth) it's virtually impossible for anyone to throw a bloody cheese string that far. It's just more evidence of Alice claiming victim hood and pointing the finger that Ioan and Bianca are leading a harassment campaign.
I've seen Bianca with that Tennis ball launcher for the dog. I reckon that would be her launcher of choice to get the cheese string up here.
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Alice thought/thinks she is some type of acting guru directing his career. But she didn’t have the credentials for that. He was the one with the promising career, she was an also ran. Berating him for not getting the roles that would propel them into the Big Time, but despite that he kept on acting and getting roles that he might not have wanted to do, but it was work. It was more than she had or will ever have. She suppressed him but twisted it so it looked like he was just a failure. I think the penny dropped for him a few years ago. She worked a number on his confidence and he was too nice a guy to tell her advice was not credible because she had not been a successful actress herself. I hope that after this has been done with he goes on working and making a success at that part of his life.
Alice deserves credit for pushing Ioan to change agents after a stalled career. He has stated it. I believe it. That's when he said in an interview he began getting television shows. Ringer was on a cable channel, and 22 episodes were filmed the first season.. Forever was on a major network channel, ABC, with also 22 episodes a season I'm not going to blame Alice for his career hitting a serious downturn at one point. In fact, sometimes it's just luck added with talent. If Ringer or Forever had taken off, he would have been doing fantastic. Matthew Rhys was not the lead, as it was an ensemble cast, but he ended up on Brothers & Sisters on a major network channel. It was a hit TV show and ran for five seasons. Great luck. I didn't even know who he was before that. I thought he was American. LOL

Now we cut to years later and that transcript in June of 2020, I believe it was. It's hard to decipher her drunken ranting, but it's clear she's berating him for being a loser in front of the children. He had done three seasons of Harrow and two seasons of Liar during those last years. He was providing for his family at a cost, being away for long periods. She carries on now online about how he was away all the time, poor Alice, yet that transcript of the audio shows something else. It's COVID. 2020. It was the worst time for the industry as far as planning any projects in the future to be filmed, because it was unknown how long the pandemic would last. He doesn't have anything lined up after he goes back and finishes Harrow in another month. The industry was coming to a grinding halt. It sounds like she's furious over some shit offer he had. What is she doing? She's definitely not talking about how she can't wait for him to go back and finish the last bit of Harrow and be back home permanently from Australia. She's effing screaming at him that he doesn't have "it," that his career is over. She's in a drunken rant and mad that he doesn't have another job lined up. His hair is an issue. WTF? She has all the answers, this drunken shrew, demeaning him in front of the kids, scaring them. All she's looking at him as is her bank. Get back out there, go wherever, and bring home that money. They weren't flush with cash obviously, and she wanted to continue on exactly as is, not have to tighten their belts, so to speak, until he got another project. What a supportive wife who missed her husband all these years because he was filming far away. LOL

She had become worse and worse as the years went on. Whatever good parts of Alice there used to be that offset the ugly parts of her were few and far between in the last years of their marriage. What he was left with was an abusive, lazy, alcoholic, pill-popping, hypochrondiac wife, who knows everything, and he's nothing but a loser according to her.
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What I find a little concerning is that the only place there is any suggestion that I&B might be planning on getting married is here yet the socks are frothing at the mouth about it.

We’re speculating! I&B both may have been put off marriage by their previous experiences. We all know that the MS society got a nice donation because someone reading these threads can’t recognise a joke when they see one so we probably should be a little careful we don’t inflame the situation.
I think what I’m trying to say is bear in mind everything you say is going to be read by someone malicious, able and willing to act on that malice and incredibly fucking stupid 🤪😬

I agree, and also think the speculation about Bianca and Ioan having kids is not helpful. Because it's only her and Ioan's business if they have kids.

But also, a woman doesn't need to have kids to be complete. She might never want to have kids, and that's more than fine.
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I thought I would help you out a little
Ok so being fixated on finding out the truth is in part, a natural process of grieving and coming to terms with deceit.

Unfortunately there is a balance where it can become an unhelpful coping mechanism to remain focussed and fixated on your ex partner and asking questions that you can never answer, therefore it becomes an obsession and you become stuck in time unable to move on. This is not good for you, it’s emotionally damaging and almost like a form of self harm.

A liar lies for a reason, and a real liar will be so ashamed of being caught out they will run away from the truth and never answer your questions. They won’t be able to put you first as they have discarded you and don’t value you anymore

The more you go chasing after the person who devalued you, the more obsessed you become with forcing them to admit the truth. It consumes you. It’s preventing you from truly moving on. I would say kindly that anything that becomes an obsession you should seek help for.

‘The truth’ eventually means nothing to you because you won’t be able to believe what you hear, you can’t accept it because it doesn’t fit with what you have convinced yourself of. Also it’s disappointing - it doesn’t make you feel better. It doesn’t change anything.

Don’t go chasing the truth, it won’t help You. If you are displaying worrying obsessive behaviours it’s because you are not coping with the situation you found yourself in. If you are not careful this could go too far and become very bad for your mental health, like Alice, who is running the real risk of jail as time goes on
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Well, that's clearly a completely made-up story of what happened. I'd like to hear the what really happened version. The stories her dad could tell!
A mother loses her child. Alice barely knew the young girl, if at all. Alice was in her 40s when this happened. The stepsister was not in Alice's life at all and was a young teenager. And her father, with whom she is estranged, specifically states his wife, a woman dad married when Alice was well over the age of 30, does not want Alice there, period. It's the stepmother's child. It's the stepmother's pain. What does Alice do? Flies there anyway with her family in tow, ignoring the wishes of a grieving mother, the woman Alice said horrible, nasty things to (except the stepmother refused to take Alice's abuse). And we know Alice is an unreliable narrator. The reality is Alice was making this a big performance: the princess taking back her rightful place next to daddy, making herself the center of attention The stepmother saw right through her.
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One of the socks was praising Christina Applegate a few days ago (around the time of the bizarre "good MS" / "bad MS" crap).

So transparent – she knew she had already ballsed it up with Selma Blair.

I'd love to see Christina meet up with B too. You come for one MSer, you come for us all!
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As Alice often likes to comment on other people's looks, how beautiful do Selma and Bianca look it those Insta posts? BTW, Selma is 51, someone else 52 at the time of recording...
View attachment 2277675
How dare you! This was taken two years ago now, time to move on now.

Here is a beautiful woman so very upset that she's managing to cry without any tears falling. Now that requires some serious talent.

You are so MEAN and NASTY for sharing this photo of a woman in so much distress that she had to go on national TV to talk about it, and then send her estranged husband an email saying "Want more?" immediately after the broadcast.
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Sorry to quote myself. I’m high from starting a new thread (terribly) and yielding all my power.
This is what Alice said about Selma. I’ve used a spoiler because it’s pretty awful.

“Well, I can’t wait till she does the same to you. When her MS gets bad enough that you need to take her to all her castings in a wheelchair. I guess that love though ‐ and to end on a kind note, although you poo‐pood at times my ilnesss, hers is probably more grave and if ou look at Selma then she won’t be able to walk soon.”

Selma is walking with the help of her service dog when out and about doing errands or with a cane. She's not in a wheelchair. And she is walking a lot more than Alice, who only gets off the sofa or out of bed to pour more vino and spends her time creating multiple socks on Twitter spewing hate.

Selma had her vocal cords affected terribly, but after all she went through with the stem cell transplant and chemo also, she is doing remarkably better. I mean, what a difference compared to a couple of years ago. It's amazing. That girl is a fighter for sure.

And guess what Alice? She said once said in an interview she has a circle of friends who are in wheelchairs and that she looks to them for grounding and her confidence. She said they are the light bearers to her: people that are trying to live their best lives and also working to implement change.

Here is Selma in a recent interview. Pass the word around about her book, "Mean Baby," and buy it, if you can, to show support for her.

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This post alone tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Malice. About how she sees things and how she is the main character, how little she feels about other people's feelings. About how she piggy backs people's grief. I truly find it disgusting how she intruded on that situation which was absolutely devastating for her dad and his wife and made it worse because it had to be about her. She really is an absolutely vile individual totally incapable of thinking about anyone except herself. Rot in hell Malice, I try to be kind and understand in everyone's situation but you really are the exception. You deserve nothing because you have never given anything to anyone else in all your years on this planet you absolute cunt.
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One of the socks earlier. So how are they able to eat, dress, live in a $6/7,000 a month apartment? Alice hasn’t done anything of monetary value in years. The gofundme raised less than $6,000 and she claimed to have $26 in her account. Someone please explain this miracle so that I too can sit on my ass all day and not earn money for my precious children.
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