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No. She didn’t “feel cheated on” for the first entire year of this separation, or all the years prior to that. The “cheating” is just what she’s hung her hat on to give her free rein to unleash hell on him.
He uses this narrative as part of her manipulations. A man gets a mid-life crises, cheats on his wife, takes off with a younger woman. It is such a tired trope. It has happened so many times. And there are so many women who have been left like that or men and women who know someone being cheated on and left like that.
So, she is deliberately using this lie, knowing that most people do not bother to look into things and buy it.
So there are even people who do not condone her crazy behaviour and yet make excuses for her, claiming that husband drove her mad, she is hurting etc. While she is absolutely enjoying it. It is a game for her and she believes she is the smartest one in any room

The truth is way more bleak. She abused and coerced her husband for years, draining the life out of him, making him miserable. She chested on her husband. She humiliated him in front of their children over and over. She threatened him with divorce.

Eventually, he could not take it sny more. He had been hanging on to protect his daughters. And now she had driven it so far, he lost a will to live, he felt he can no longer help his daughters by staying.
He told her straight that he'd rather be dead than continue to be married to her.
He did all he could to keep being there for his daughters until Alice made it impossible.
She also started to stall the divorce, play games etc.

He was lucky enough to meet Bianca who despite her MS was so positive. I believe they also bonded over Bee having experienced spousal abuse.

He has been patient, more than fair, done everything the best way he could.

But people buy the lie as this simple trope is easier for them to understand. And most people cannot imagine and believe that someone can be so thoroughly vile and malicious and rotten like Alice.
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I know what you mean - considering how patchy the contact has been and all the hostilities you’d have thought the first meeting could have been somewhere public and neutral maybe? Plus, the kids behaviour aside, they’ve never really expressed anything other than not really wanting to know B so first contact being them all having to spend the night together might have been a bit much. Even without the big E ‘behaviour’, it could have still been an upsetting, awkward and possibly overwhelming experience.

The sad thing is maybe they jumped at the chance because they saw it as a positive step in the right direction, naive maybe, but I guess if all he wants is for all this shit to stop and a real chance at getting a relationship back with his kids as well as the chance they may come to know and love his new partner, you can see why they might have agreed.

After all, they are far more genuine than Alice and there is no modus operandi from their POV other than to heal his family. I’m with you though - it’s a good thing all this has happened because this shows Alice for who she really is
We don't really know what the plan was as everything ended in chaos after 20 mins at the flat

It might have been the plan to meet B and eat dinner and then for her to leave - given Ella's "panic attacks" in public places perhaps meeting at a restaurant was not possible. Perhaps another chaperone was booked to come at 6pm. It reads that Ioan is taking therapist advice on how to advance the visitation and although they must have considered it a potential trap the alternative was to refuse a requested visitation - so a no win situation for I. The fact he booked a psychologist with 3 postgraduate degrees who lists anxiety and anger issues as his specialisms make it clear that there was concern

Obviously mAlice had planned for a long time to fake some allegations
- she had Alcotone asking about supoenas and serving legal documents before the incident
- the girls had been hostile to having a witness chaperone
- mAlice asks for the overnight
- the plan was obviously to get Ioan back to mAlice for some DV allegations with all the attempts around the leotard incident and gym class
- whenever mAlice thought that the girls were alone she was on the phone, witnessed in the parking lot by the psychologist (although Ella says she called her mother but the psychologist states that mAlice called her) and again when the girls were in the gym changing room where mAlice, Ella and Elsie all spoke.
- the plan to get I back to mAlice thwarted then they decided to improvise to try and get I to lose his cool
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Chatty Member
Unless you are steeped in the detail it’s easy to just say they are both to blame, stop making it public. It’s only when you deep dive you realise what is going on.
I think also on the surface it can look like middle aged woman has a handsome husband who has left her for a younger (by some margin) woman now she’s less attractive/child reared - classic infidelity/midlife crisis which is seen up and down the world. In a patriarchal society I can completely see why (in particular women, eg Mumsnet) people jump to the conclusion that Ioan is partially to blame for whatever is happening - in truth, he wasn’t separated long before getting with B (although I’d argue he knew the writing was on the wall for a while re: his marriage to Alice) and there are a lot of scorned women who have found themselves in similar situations.

The reality of the situation is far far different, and only takes a little bit of digging/reading to discover what the fundamental issue is at play here - it’s not Ioan, it’s not really Bianca - Alice was a mess long before Ioan even left, her behaviour volatile before and after the split, and more so since she discovered Ioan’s relationship. I always feel a bit uncomfortable (but understand it) with the comparisons to Betty B because her husband a) had an affair (legitimate) and b) was an absolute arsehole to her too - she genuinely sacrificed so much of her life to her family. The issue is Alice, pure and simple, and she’d been an issue for a long time before the split.

I think a lot of us probably jumped to similar conclusions in March 2021- I had a bit of sympathy for Alice initially, at least although I felt she was clearly unstable. Because neither of them are A list actors, people will pass over a headline and draw their own conclusions, and it’s usually when they discover Ioan has DVRO against Alice that they connect the dots. Incidentally in a lot of my article reading I don’t that often see the DVRO mentioned explicitly .
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Alice referenced dozen of times, that Ioan in his interviews always said good things about her. She even posted an interview from Australia which was done not long before the split.

it always puzzled me, why she doesn’t understand BASICS of social etiquette.

When I was younger and misbehaved- my mum would give me a lecture, ranting and shouting and threatening me with a leather belt ( yes, old school) and we had for example an unannounced visitors- she would stop and smile, put everything aside - like it never happened and would tell the guests about my good grades at school, my achievement etc, she would never say a bad word about me to anyone, no matter how angry she was with me. ( she would continue the lecture when they left)

Same with my bf- if we had an argument- and someone asked me about him- I would only say good things, I wouldn’t say that he pissed me off the other day. I might say it in secret to my BFF, but not to a group of people, work, events or interviews.

I always thought this is the norm, but Big Bird totally doesn’t get it.
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Pretty stupid move for the smartest person in the room.
Par for the course with Big Al. She’s breadcrumbed all of her schemes because she cannot resist showing off. Long may her stupidity continue.

Right now I have a cat trying to stick its bum in my face. I am not pushing it so much as trying to use my hand as a shield/re-orientation device. He likes to bite my nose too.
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I’ve never been part of any online community- especially anonymous one!
I don’t comment that much, out of fear of making grammar mistakes- since English is my second language (3rd or 4th actually 😅)

I mostly look 👀 and reading your excellent, spot on opinions, experiences and very articulate posts, something in me wants to know more about you!

After connecting for more than 2 years I want to know how’s your day been, how was your childhood, how do you relate to this toxic situation? Through your marriage? Or family matters? Or you were just curious ?
do you have any pets? What tickle your fancy?
what job you do? What’s your life experiences?

shame we can’t go to a country pub for a beverage and have a nice face to face chat 💬

Do you feel the same? Or is it just me?

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Alice believes Bianca's statement is an attack on Ella. Poor Ella will feel the same because of her Monster' influence. They both are so removed from reality it's frightening. Both of the girls need to be removed from Alice as soon as possible for their own mental health.
FFS Alice, Ella and all the socks are allowed to make all sorts of allegations publicly and through the courts but the people being accused do not have the right to reply? Fuck off Alice.
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But they are all things that point to BPD too. The thing is you have to have a good therapist who strikes the balance of supporting you while pointing out your negative behaviours. Obviously, I don't know if she has one but I think she needs help reining herself in, for her kids and herself.

If you have a personality disorder though it's not that straightforward.
I’ve known people with personality disorders and I had to go no contact with them. Why? Because they don’t want help, unfortunately. They change therapists the moment they hear something they don’t like, the moment they have to admit some responsibility for their actions. They only want people to agree with them, adore them, and if you dare disagree you are automatically jealous, an enemy. Alice could have got help and could have got better if intervention had taken place earlier in life. Now, I don’t think she can change. And what she’s done is appalling, cos now she’s actively destroying her children. Her need for revenge is more important than the well-being of her daughters, now and in the future. That is a choice she alone made.
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Lotus Flower

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Wow, I miss a few days and come back to the utter insanity of the latest court documents. I cannot believe that mAlice engineered this whole thing… on second thought, yes I can. It’s a jaw-droppingly brazen scheme. And shockingly cruel, even for Alice. The level of abuse she has inflicted on both E’s, and Ioan, is hard to fathom. I think the court has to remove the kids from her care at this point. I don’t see any other option.
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I wonder if this was the first time in her life that a man had left her.

And because she's so far removed from reality, so used to getting her own way throughout her entire life so far, often by throwing tantrums or using manipulation, that she honestly thought that he would see this, stop the divorce proceedings, leave B and come back to her.
We don't know how many times he tried to leave her before and gave into her threats. I suspect this isn't the first time
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Watching that Lorraine clip for the first time since the the time it was shown and you can see she’s a filthy liar. She made him come home and shut down the production the first time, right? He returned humiliated and emasculated. He’s no doubt talked about it with other cast members (possibly Bianca, who knows) and realised how unacceptable and weird that was. She’s a massive lying Cunt. He told her three years ago he was leaving because he didn’t love her, this was before the Bianca reveal when she was blaming his mother.
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The AG account is back and it’s NOT Alice, okay?! 🙄 only tweeting the same things that all of these other random AE supporting accounts have been saying for three weeks+
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Nope nope nope
She lives for getting revenge. I don't think he had an affair before he left. I'm quite sure he was sick of her and how she treated him. MILLIONS of people, EVERY year, get divorced. Nothing special about her except she thinks she's special. If she treated him lovingly I think he'd still be there, gunt and all. It was who she is inside he left.
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How embarrasing. I can’t imagine being almost 14 and my grown ass uncle behaving like that on Twitter. Going after Tamika randomly for no reason is bizarre. Fucking Fruitloop. He’s a sandwich short of a picnic that one.
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omg Bear and Ioan are so cute together
Who was missing Ioan's leather jackets? Still there!
And Bubba, the amazing flying dog!

They look lovely. Ioan's hair colour is cool. I worry that Bee looks so fragile...
Slightly off topic I suppose but has Malice mentioned any of her 501 as yet to undiagnosed ailments causing her intolerable pain lately? Her obsession and focus has obviously moved solely onto Twitter
Well noted. She's forgotten about these :)

And.... soon she will read here and then she'll remember.
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It's not surprising a new sock has been set up ahead of the court date tomorrow. We will be treated to the abuser's take on things. Unfortunately for her and her little soldiers there are so many tells that the incident was a set up and Ella created the incident as some kind of sick joke. After all, mAlice trained her well. The TMZ rant is supposed to be 'funny'.

Iris said "Ella ran away from the apartment toward the stairwell, laughing and yelling and holding the phone in her hand, and Elsie followed her. [...] Ella was in front, laughing and talking into the phone, Elsie was behind her. Ella gave me her middle finger and Elsie glared at me."

Bianca said "The children then left the house, running and giggling, and I called out to loan, who was in the kitchen cleaning the oats off himself, to follow the children.

The Psychologist said, "After leaving the apartment, the girls began running away, laughing and giggling as they did so. There was no sign that Ella was in pain or distress. Later, Mr. Gruffudd and I searched the neighborhood for the girls, and I saw them again running and giggling as they attempted to evade their father."

Ioan said "Ella again went from screaming, to almost a quiet manic giggle or laugh. [...] She vacillated between being loud and obnoxious, jumping up and down, and laughing to herself and her friends. [...] I caught up with them for a while and asked them to return. They
were laughing and seemed to enjoy the drama.

I'm sure tomorrow will be lots of laughs too. For us TURDS! 😘
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Ally Pally

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In a way – bear with me – migntn’t it be better in the long run that this has happened now? ‘Better’ than what is subjective of course and totally shit. But at least now they know not to have Big E anywhere near them again. And that means she can’t do or claim anything worse. Better not attempt to see the little one either until some major changes have been made. It must break a father’s heart but without being dramatic, Bianca’s life is in his hands here. She needs to not have to see those girls, possibly ever again.

Sorry but the Doc let her down badly too. There she was, an extremely vulnerable woman, attempting in her own words to stand close to him for support. Was ‘reading the mustard’ REALLY the priority when a huge, ‘furious’, ‘unhinged’ teen was coming at her in a doorway where she had nothing but the door frame to hold her up?? After all this, I’m with B, more than any of the others. Even Ioan’s actions piss me off in terms of their unfairness to her. She deserves so much better than all this mess.
The worst thing Ioan could do is abandon his kids now when it's crystal clear they need help and guidance and support.
The child psychologist was only there to observe not for any other purposes.
I'm sure all three adults were well aware of what could go down, all of this reflects terribly on Alice no one else imo.
I believe Ella was fully in control of her actions from the off and was "acting" the unhinged teen.
Ella was squaring up to Bianca but was careful not to break the law with assault, all this was window dressing for the events that took place afterwards, moo.
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