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Chatty Member
Will Ioan go for 100% custody now that he has outright accused Alice of child abuse? What else can he do?
I think he could and would have gotten it and Alice knew that. She's made it impossible for him to get full custody due to the abuse and alienation. She'd rather her children be placed in care, with strangers, than with their father.

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I don’t know who half of these people are. Need an Idiot’s Guide. With the emphasis on the Idiot. Someone said on here once, I forget the context, it’s two cheeks of the same arse - that is the Twitter crew summed up nicely.
I don't have a Twitter account. I get my info on what's happening from here. And I lump AEA in the same category as the other nutter sock accounts attached to Alice on Twitter. They should all grow up. It's embarrassing that grown women or men are acting like that on Twitter baiting each other and interacting at the level of idiotic, bullying middle-schoolers.
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Even if you bought into the story as older guy dumps wife for younger woman and have sympathy for her because of that (looking at you MN - other site) surely the utter ruin of the children will change opinion pronto.
MN is absolutely blind on this issue. They are seriously writing off all the evidence - all the court documents, all the reams of horrific abuse - as poor Alice just having a nervous breakdown because her husband had an affair. If the sexes were swapped they would be calling for Ioan to be arrested.

I don't give a solitary fuck even if he *did* have an affair, frankly. If it catapulted him away from that bride of Satan good for him, I'd be happy with him having a hundred affairs.
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House of Tea

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Wonder what expensive gift Alice gave Ella for carrying out her mission. Sure it didn’t all go to plan because of the witnesses and the non reactionary way B and I conducted themselves but still she kept on until she got a bruise.

Ella and her mum planned to film it by way of Ella live streaming it to her friends. The don’t touch me comments when she was doing the shoving. The dropping the phone to look like she was being attacked when she shoved her own arm in the door to get an injury. No wonder she was laughing as she ran away. All planned in advance and very chilling.

However, all this has demonstrated is that Ioan has the patience of a saint. Alice abused him over a long period of time and now she is abusing her children.

No wonder her legal rep left her. Nobody will touch her with a bargepole now.

Alice has a long list of misbehaving and people who have gone non contact with her. People do not go no contact without good reason. One maybe, but a whole series of them?
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Massive Personality Disorder with knobs on.

Not a popular thing to mention but I said it was obviously a psychiatriic issue several times. Therapy won’t budge that. That’s before I saw the pictures and in those you can see the mental illness in her face, especially the eye area, you literally can see it. You don’t fix that with therapy. Of course being isolated with Alice will exasperate her issues, but she’s isolated with her because she wasn’t managing in school either. The red flags of mental health illness were there all along. Alice is just making sure they come out and accompany her for life. Like they do her.

Alice is doing her level best to raise detestable, vulgar and vile daughters just to spite Ioan but the genetic traits for personality disorder and pathologies are already there so everything Alice does now is triggering all the things that therapists, parents and doctors should be working together to overcome.

Both girls need psychiatric help. Ioan can’t fix them. Alice has screwed them over when she should have been helping them. Little E is still a pre teen so there’s more hope for her but not in the environments she’s currently in and Ioan can’t be the person to help. Alice made sure of that. I don’t know what the answer is. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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But what would the consequences for Ella be had she not done what Alice demanded? Would Alice have sent her to bed with no food, taken her devices away, hit her? Threatened to send her to a care home? She's already been brainwashed by Alice to believe her dad didn't love her and has abandoned her. She only has her mother and her sister left, as Alice has kept them away from Ioan's family (and her side that she's in contact with aren't great).

We are shocked by Alice from just reading about her. Just imagine what she's like in real life. Now imagine living with her. Now imagine she's your mother, and her having power over you, and you're too young to get away.

I'm pretty sure Alice has been manipulating Ella all of her life too. And Ella and Elsie have witnessed their parents arguing all their lives, per Ioan's statement. That would have affected them badly mentally too.

What Ella did was wrong, without a doubt. No one is excusing it. But people on here using language such as saying she looks like a quarterback and has a smug grin doesn't sit well with me (I am not policing though, if that's your opinion you're entitled to it, all I am doing it pointing out why I think differently). She needs professional help, now, and to be removed from Alice's care.
I had a narc mother. And by the time I was 14, I'd had enough and I told her so. She still tried but I just wouldn't listen or respond. I mean, she TRIED until she died when I was 34. I never went no contact but I did shut her down. There was no divorce but my dad was pretty passive where she was concerned. And he excused her behaviour (she had a tough childhood/upbringing, she means well, etc.) No, I'm not Ella and my mother was not Alice. And yes, a lot of people are excusing her behaviour. Yes, she is "just a child" but children (and at her age) are capable of terrible things they need to be held accountable for. Why she did this doesn't mean that she shouldn't be responsible for her actions. There are plenty of kids who have endured terrible physical and emotional abuse and they still don't go on to do the kinds of things Ella has done.
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I have been struggling to keep up here because of *life* but read the court documents. Alice is an unhinged, evil monster. She has taken two daughters who two years ago loved their dad to what we are reading in the filings. I can't offer a solution to what needs to be done next. It is horrifying, worse than I could ever think. She's got to little E, daddy's girl the utter, utter cunt
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Ella's whole behavior is manic. It's way beyond even her mother's behavior at this point. I hope Alice is proud of herself.
Ella has gone from being mother's little soldier, to being mother's little criminal. If something isn't done, Ella will have a criminal record and probably a spell in a jail or psychiatric hospital.

Ella is doing just what her mother wants her to do - she isn't worse than Alice - she's the same as Alice. For example Alice assaulted Ioan and now Ella does the same.

I also called it correctly when I said Ella assaulted Bianca.

"Ella came close to me and demanded that I move out of her way. She began to nudge me, shoving me with her hand and repeating, "Don't touch me, you fucking slut. Don't touch me."
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Sounds like the kids were on some kind of manic high when they left the apartment - knowing how "well" they had done. Couldn't wait to get home and get praised by their commander in chief for their successful mission. It's like it's a game to them.
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Unregulated Loon

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Don’t jump on me, how bad does the behaviour need to be before we stop giving people a pass because of their circumstances? Pretty sure Alice had a reasonably privileged upbringing in terms of her parents education and house, then she was with Olivier and then Ioan, when do we hold people accountable for their actions?
I can’t imagine throwing food over my dad. Ever.
She was writing fuck in mustard. The therapist seemed disturbed by that.
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She's 14. She spent 12 years of her life being raised by her Father and mostly a nanny. I'm out of excuses.

I know many humans who overcame much worse abuse than being raised by Alice for 2 years. They are not like this.
I am not giving Ella a pass but the abuse went on for much longer than this. As Ioan said in his declaration "Alice has verbally abused and undermined me in front of the girls throughout their lives." The girls see abusive relationships as normal. DV has a terrible affect on kids even if they just witness it and are not directly abused themselves.

I wish IG had left WAY earlier. Even better, never married the megacunt!!
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For MS it's generally a 5-day course to relieve symptoms during a relapse. I'm on them now for this reason. Extra energy, insomnia and hunger are the side effects. "Baby bashing" is not.

We're giving mAlice a bit too much credit to entertain the idea that BW is angry/volatile because of corticosteroids.

And the fact that you take them when you're in the middle of a flare-up (and dealing with tremors/mobility problems etc.) makes the accusation even more ridiculous.

^ Don't mean to come across that I'm criticising you @HarHarPot by the way. I'm just sick of mAlice's ableist BS about MS.
It's so mad to me that they've hung this entire false accusation on B, who has made multiple posts about her physical struggles with walking, balance and the use of one of her hands. To say that she sprinted across a room like a raging banshee, accosted a girl much bigger than her and managed to slam her forcefully in a door (but not forcefully enough to leave much of a bruise) is SO dumb. I still can't get my head around how dumb it is.
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Wasn't it Alice (in a very early tweet) who said "I WILL wash my dirty linen in public"

Also it's either lies or it's true (and dirty linen). So if you're saying it's dirty linen you're admitting what he's saying is true
Courtesy of @welp's PDF

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 23.02.21.png

The ironic thing is she literally doesn't wash her dirty linen in public as her clothes are frequently dirty.
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I think we are all going to be floored when it's revealed that Angelina Jolie is the master tweeter & is just using the Yo/Alice case to rage at Anne Kiley. 🤣

Like Scooby Doo.
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It's about time the Abuser ends up under that bus she keeps throwing other people under.
I might get criticised for this, but days like today I wish that for Alice literally as well as figuratively. Sadly I honestly believe that will be the only thing that frees Ioan and Bianca and possibly the kids too from her clutches. But right now it feels like it's too late even for Elsie.
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Ally Pally

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I’m sorry for saying Ella kicked Bubba, I was reading the transcripts and read she moved the dog with her foot as a kick. I was imagining her kicking off and being the aggressor and saying “fucking dog”. Although I think Ioan and Bianca were being careful with their wording here.
I think given the "pushing with her foot" accompanied by the words "fucking dog". Ella wasn't being gentle and this was an act of aggression towards a defenceless animal who'd done her no harm whatsoever.
It was a nasty and cruel act designed to cause anguish.
We can all make excuses for Ella but for me there aren't any, moo!
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its interesting btw that Ioan confirms my suspicion that initially visitation was going well the past year. I bet they got loads of pressure and grief for this from Alice then (all changed when they were open to meet Bianca seemingly, the infamous vegan food etc), so had then to change behavior accordingly. It discredits the theory that they are just mad for him leaving, to an extent certainly, but the behavior is mostly caused by coercion. It gives me a tiny bit of hope that they are salvagable, but it will need full removing from Alice

PS: the fact that Ioan even entertained the idea to hug Elsie implies that their relationship on past visitations allowed for something like this.
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Tabitha D

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My god, this is just truly horrendous - even worse than I expected. It’s horrific. The attacks on Ioan and Bianca (physical and verbal), Ella sneering at Ioan’s flat on a live phone call, kicking the poor dog - and Alice engineered it all.
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