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It’s amazing how much abuse is still in Alices Twitter. I just came across this one. It would be good if she was made to delete it all.
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Loopy’s activism is beyond pathetic. The majority of his tweets get no interaction.

He’s spent all that time preparing his word salads and bought his blue tick and now even Tony the Lonely, who only joined to support his sister, is getting more responses.

When people are less interested in what you have to say than Tone it’s probably time to give up.
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The following would contribute to a rave thread about Alice:
  • The proprietors of Panda Express
  • Rosé wine merchants
  • eBay shops selling discounted and almost-expired makeup and skincare
  • The staff at the Apple store in LA
  • The rat in the Prius, as it now has a home
The rat in the Prius is in therapy and no longer wishes to be associated with Ms Evans. Thank you x
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Andrea is about to get the IoanOnline treatment redux of lots of fake accounts by Alice with bluster. Like she's really going to see how deeply weird Alice Evans can be.
I was just thinking that Tattlers are giving mAlice the IoanOnline treatment, sort of. She's deactivated her account again (waagh) because she doesn't want people to see she broke the DVRO again. In the old days, she would just delete the crap she wrote on IMDB like it never happened but thanks to @welp we got receipts now. She's been 'gagged' on her favourite platform just like IOL fans were.

Karma bites 💅
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Chatty Member
I'm this close to nickname them "the coat" and "the leatherjacket"
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Is he getting younger? I swear the man has lost 10 years. Probably related to losing the dead look in his eyes, the pained expressions, the lack of sleep. Best beauty secret out there is to leave an abusive environment and be able to focus of health (PHYSICAL AND MENTAL).
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If it’s only words why does she hate Tattle which is also “OnLy WoRdS”? I see Andrea has them rattled, funny because she’s only a wittle tiny youtubelawyer after all, why does it matter?
If it’s isn’t the consequence of my own actions…
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Ice Cream Enthusiast

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I can't imagine ever publicly posting such demeaning things about my husband that way. How awful!

So he made sure he took care of himself physically and mentally while she spent the day lying down and eating and tweeting shit about his every move. Ouch.

It seems some things never change.

How is she confused by his desire to leave her? I mean, they were clearly like oil and water. He appears to be with someone now who likes the things he likes and also appreciates order and physical activity - despite her illness. Doesn't everyone deserve a partner that really gets and respects them?


There are such strong undertones of resentment and contempt in those Tweets. Who wants to be with someone they feel the need to mock and demean so publicly? I don't get it. Despite their obvious issues, he seemed to make the opposite choice and spoke so well of her in public. I find that quite honorable.

How anyone could tolerate that kind of behavior is beyond me. I'd always be afraid whatever I did or said would be made public. No wonder he had anxiety. Yikes.

Mad Betty is no cow, but damn, she always has the best MOO
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She is going to do a video for her con appearance soon, she says

oh god Alice's trolls try to take on that youtuve you can imagine they are embarrassing themselves

my highlight is this

Do these freaks not remember how many trolls went on Ioan's page with abusive messages to the extent that he locked his messages. The DM groups with vile messages where Bianca and her whole family were dragged into. Alice has not experienced a quarter of the online abuse Ioan experienced, and yet...
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Tabitha D

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Besides that Alice can no longer respond to the Amber Heard bit in court...Ioan said she made her threats verbally. She cannot disprove this unless she recorded him 24/7 and neither can any "witness". If a email (as Alice implies) exists with a similar subject but different spin it strongly supports that the matter was brought up in whatever context before, thus supporting Ioan's claims.
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Translation: Alice's previous side of her story didnt had the success we hoped for, so we are working on creating a new one. Release TBC
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awww so Loopy made an ultimatum as I thought. how the tables have turned Alice, eh?
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Frontlines...FRONTLINES wahahahaha
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Loopy getting absolutely destroyed with minimum effort by a Heard supporter. Glorious
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“The frontline”??
Dear god, what a pompous tit this man is. 😂😂😂
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Mad Betty

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They didn’t even know she’d been charged. Allegedly.
If I'm not mistaken, her counsel didn't thoroughly read a recent court document that they had signed and was then submitted to the court that contained some element of this information. Yes?

If I was the client I would find that rather problematic.

My opinion.
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I'll bet my whole months payment from Ioan that by the end of the day we'll have the accusations that Andrea works for Ioans lawyers office as she knows far more than she could possibly know.
Or she's a friend of Bianca's and Ioans paying her too 🙄🙄
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I only usually have one coffe in the morning. I've had 3 in 2 hrs already so i may just be a little buzzed but i want to divorce my husband and marry Andrea. She's owning everything thrown her way and this is brilliant to watch. I bet Becky with the shit hair's sat there screaming at the screen cos she can't run circles around her. I'm waiting for tiny Tone to jump in and say BLOCK THIS TROLL! 🤣🤣
It’s fantastic that there is finally someone on Twitter who knows what they are talking about and are stating the FACTS and those facts are what a court will go on. 👏

The FM’s pathetic ‘Well you weren't there so you don’t know blah bloody blah’…’Well neither were you love, so why do you believe (over documented evidence to the contrary) what Alice spouts out and two years on she still has not submitted evidence or anything to refute what IG has said?

I’m just sat here waiting for what the FMs (and socks) will come up with to try and undermine Andrea and I have a feeling it won’t work, so yeah you are right it will be BLOCK IMMEDIATELY! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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I am certain Alice has shared her evidence with lawyers. Although she may reserve her daftest lies for her devoted subjects. Her problem isn’t that she didn’t have legal advocacy who could present her defence. It’s that she didn’t have a defence. Her evidence was a note sent with some flowers on her birthday, which was nauseating but has been explained, and a sickly reply to an email.

The evidence she wants to present are statements from parties including her children stating she never abused Ioan.

There is video evidence that the children seen her abuse and were subjected to her abuse. It would be cruel beyond belief to put a child on the stand to state abuse never happened when there is irrefutable evidence that it did. Ioan’s lawyers would deal with it sensitively but the child would be proven to be lying immediately. It would be traumatic and no lawyer or decent human being would put them through it.

Loopy claims he has statements from the children sent to him by Alice and no doubt taken by Alice. This is totally wrong morally and legally. If he had a smidgeon of legal understanding or integrity he would have sent them right back.
Legally btw this would be a pretty severe own goal, which does explain why actual lawyers didnt went ahead with this and why a psycho wannabe lawyer thinks it's a silver bullet.

If she lets the kids testify that Alice never abused Ioan or them (I doubt they are allowed to anyway), and Ioan has evidence to prove the contrary (and he has, he filed two videos for example), it would not only not disprove that Ioan was abused but also prove that the kids are manipulated by their mother as Ioan claimed. She would basically serve Ioan with all evidence he needs.

In general any reasonable mind would not believe any "we have evidence, it exist, trust me bro" messages for the following reasons
-any single claim they have made has been disproven by evidence Ioan provided, like how much he helped them financially, which automatically also disproves the claim of financial abuse (it was the other way around), coercive control is also nonsense.
-she has not turned up with those evidences to prevent the DVRO (she had 3 chances, so emotional distress is no excuse especially since she was perfectly happy to air all of it on SM) or prevent the house sale, it's certainly odd behavior to have a huge silver bullet and never use it
-Alice testified under oath that Ioan was perfect and she also claims that he cut her off, so there cannot be any abuse, whether pre or post seperation

the only reason why Alice may think she will have evidence but hasnt provided them yet, is because it's not produced yet (over setting up situations via visitation most likely)

but even IF there was abuse....what does this change about Alice? Why would you conclude that Alice is just reacting and not the one who "started" it (complete nonsense btw). Who would think that those messages to the grandma etc is a reasonable way for "reactive" abuse? We know no abuse occured prior seperation (Alice indirectly confirmed under oath), so why did Alice started straight away to harrass him?
What is remarkable about the whole mobilisation in NZ and Alice going undercover is that it in response to a video posted to a very very very small audience. It’s beyond irrelevant to the rest of the world. Local gazettes have wider circulation about the school fete.

To continue with the war talk, it’s embarrassing how the FMs with their pathetic excuses, lies and misinformation are getting shot out of the sky with logic and coherence. Alice should really arm and train them better. Being able to wind up AEA isn’t going to cut it with battle hardened legal YouTubers fresh from the Heard/Depp wars.

Poor loopy his regiment hasn’t just deserted him they are shooting him in the back. Mutiny..
it's hilarious. it has 15k views. Lorraine has 260k plus millions of TV viewers. I really cannot imagine Alice dealing in Ioan's shoes of being publicly trashed, financially drained off and being withhold from his kids. Alice had a pretty easy time the past years. She had her minions supporting her trashing while she continued to sponge off him in the 2 million house (and then by her followers). I cannot imagine how she will react when reality finally kicks in and she has to live by a budget and in a small place.
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I hope me calling her a massive cunt is in there.
I'm going to miss three weeks of tattle...not sure how I will cope. Hope I don't have too many threads when I come back...
Fare thee well @NarcRage hope all is okay.
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Exactly. It’s that chronic need to be the centre of attention at work. Some people are uncomfortable demanding attention but adopting a ‘health issue’ is easy because they’re less likely to be called out on it and they can play victim when they are. Alice can’t rely on her looks anymore so it’s another tool for her to get attention.

You can tell the difference between genuine sufferers because they resent their illness no matter how well they manage it. Whereas fakers talk about it and how it affects them with enthusiasm, they’re happy to exaggerate the symptoms (three times more painful than childbirth!!!) they rarely miss an opportunity to bring it up because it brings the conversation and the attention back to them. Genuine sufferers don’t enjoy that part.

Fakers get called out by family and friends, and they hate that but their family and friends know them and know their personalities. Real sufferers generally don’t have that problem, for the same reason.

I find it interesting that all her health problems stem from the birth of Ella and were made worse by the birth of Elsie. Imagine that. Not only putting it on them - but using it to steal the attention that should have been theirs.
Willing to bet she’s told them she is sick because of them. She tells on herself so much with her stories of illnesses, pill popping and how despicably and abusively she treats people. She lives in that home and not once has she contributed and she bemoans the state of it, she hasn’t recently since the reality of Ioan’s finances right enough. She lashes out for the slightest thing and riles up Tonely the lonely and three or four sickofans that feed her ego. It’s straight from the narcs playbook. Note she gets very little blue tick engagement anymore. She doesn’t even have humour, the jokes are weird between them all and they certainly could communicate privately but they perform knowing it gets screenshot and talked about here. WhatsApp is a thing ye know.

She has very little talent and lives off a famous-ish man. I’m surprised she didn’t make more of her time, narcs tend to become perpetual students of something. Sometimes it’s academic or religious studies (she’s not worthy of being a witch! 😂) and they like to belittle others for not bettering themselves in the same way. They also love nothing better than spending someone else’s money. I will abuse you and when you set me boundaries I will punish you by spending all of your money on frivolous things like arts and crafts to make those horrendous bags.
She’s lost the charisma and the looks that got him, every relationship she has is transactional, how does it benefit Alice? I notice that even when she’s chatting politics or law she likes to change the subject ever so slightly to what she wants to say, nothing like a narc for going “off-topic” with a cursory “oh and such and such is awful, am I right??” added in. Social media has shown narcs for who they are, I can see it clearly with her. The little band of supporters who applaud everything she says no matter how batshit, off-topic, nasty or boring it is, she’s worse than mediocre.
The manipulative pats on the back with the 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥or 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 is so obvious. Love-bombing 101.
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I've followed it since the murder happened. He is 1,000 percent guilty. I will say that. He's done so many repellent things leading up to the murders also. He's an awful man. He's soulless. I truly believe he also murdered their housekeeper years ago. She died suspiciously at their home, and he bilked her family out of their money. That sounds crazy, but I am shocked by how much he got away with in that town. So in that respect, it's not so crazy to think that.

I personally don't have a problem with Alice following the trial and commenting Plenty of people are. If you're completely following a trial and the case, you become invested. I've done that a couple of times over the years when following a trial. The Johnny Depp trial comes to mind with the awful Amber on the stand. My friend and I were texting and calling each other every day being armchair experts. LOL
I think people are commenting on her passing judgement since all her FMs have said no one can give credence to Ioan’s claims because they weren’t there …. So it speaks to Alice saying “guilty!” when by her own standards, if you didn’t witness it personally, it can’t be true.
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Chatty Member
Eww I just popped on Twitter (where I don’t follow ANY Alice related stuff because I’m simply not interested in getting sucked in to Twitter) and she came up on my ‘you might be interested in’ notifications. Mortified.
Anyway, said tweet mentioned lawyers using tattle screenshots by @welp. Forgive me if this was mentioned in the last thread but surely Alice realises it isn’t screenshots of tattle that people will use… it’s screenshots of her. HER actual tweet and delete bollocks. FFS.
I wonder if she thinks that IG’s team will throw a few of our supportive messages and funny meme’s to say “look see the people here agree with me” as if they would. Their paperwork and signed statements so far have been professional and faultless. Not a dot like her rants and error filled filings.
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Oh my goodness, are you saying she was…LYING?!

Fetch the smelling salts! I simply can not and will not believe it!
I'm still laughing at big Al saying who the fuck is Andrea, thinking she was someone big Al could wrong 🤣...quickly deactivates twitter
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