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Omg thicky Mc Thick thick! You daft bitch you pointed most of the people on tattle here by mentioning it on twitter you daft bint! I for one wouldn't be here without your expert guidance to the site and thank god you did or I might have dam well exploded thinking I was the only one who didn't believe a word of the utter shite spilling from the toxic pit that is your clicking, pouting drunken gob, now you are crying because you think the lawyers will be taking screen shots from here, nope Alice they will be taking it from the string of posts you wrote, ugh .... I'm on holiday someone pass me another pinacolada, thicker than double cream this one 🙈
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Lupine tweets all these people with a Call to Action. They show up and say, yeah we looked at this case and like the judge ruled she is guilty of DV.

Loopy replies, how verydare you comment on this case that I asked you to comment on. I am totally objective about this friend of mine who I refer to as my Queen.
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So now anyone speaking out against Alice is commiting DARVO against her and will be held accountable.
Go fuck yourself. She's a lying cunt and you are a stupid lying cunt.

And you are arguing with an Amber supporter.

Mum! @M33L4 I need some tea down here!
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Her self-deprecating humour isn’t self-deprecating at all, it’s mostly used to demean Ioan (like her other ‘humour’) and make her own laziness and lack of hygiene sound more palatable. You get the feeling she Tweeted about him like that to punish him whenever he called her out.
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So she‘s gone to ground again. She knows that infantilising herself and playing the “helpless little woman” act doesn’t wash with smart people and certainly not clever women. Placing her daughters between herself and any criticism is her next line of defence but it makes no sense in this context.

Fact is Alice put a huge amount of time and effort into making her divorce public and defended doing it aggressively. She knew there would be commentaries about it and as long as they’re bashing Ioan she’s totally fine with them.

She doesn’t get to put the Genie back in the bottle when it suits her. She can move on all she likes while other people discuss it, nobody requires her presence for that.
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Mad Betty

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Why is she searching out Tweets that someone trolling her has responded to about IG? He is very obviously tagged in those Tweets. That's direct contact on Twitter.

And the sudden shift to defending him after two straight years of tearing him down and essentially trying to harm his career on two public platforms is really something. One might think upcoming hearings involving criminal charges for ongoing abuse and violations of her RO might have something to do with it.


If only this was her position from the beginning. Both of their lives would be far easier right now and the girls would have both parents in their lives on a regular basis.

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Chatty Member
Well, well, well.

So if I've got this right, it's ok for the Abuser to spew vitriol on SM, spread "her truth" via radio, television, podcasts, write an article about her divorce, continue to harass and abuse via SM, voicemails, facetime, text messages, emails, OFW ... but it's not ok for an independent person to commentate on her divorce ... that she made public.

The Abuser is vocal about First Amendment rights and free speech, but that doesn't extend to someone passing comment on her divorce ... that she made public.

The Abuser can spend an entire weekend Tweeting about a murder trial and commenting about the accused (for example), but doesn't welcome commentary about her divorce ... that she made public.

The Abuser wanted to control the narrative.

Now she has lost that control.

So, we skip to the section in the playbook about performative bullshit, gather the flying monkeys, throw in some emotive comments about the children, and shut down SM for "effect". Then, a short time later, re-emerge as if nothing happened.


View attachment 1990641
BRB just printing and framing this fantastic post @frobly-mobly 💜💜💜 I liked, I hearted, I said YES out loud several times but the gif finale has ended me 🤣👏

Loopy’s war-themed blurb was amusing at first, but I’m finding it offensive now. Particularly at a time when there are actual wars raging, and people are *actually* fighting for *actual* causes. You’re not on the frontline you twat, you’re sitting at a computer screen, arguing into a void in support of a legally-proven abuser, and for what? The attention of a woman who at best was a minor celebrity ten years ago, and is nothing but infamous now. You sound like a pompous student whose parents bought your college place, but couldn’t stretch to buying your essays too so you write them with your word-a-day calendar.

Don’t even get me started on all the FM’s whining that words aren’t abuse. Fuck all the way off on that one.
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Chatty Member
Ms. Burkhart took a careful look at the case and presented an analysis. Ms. Burkhart got slammed by the FMs. Ms. Burkhart isn't scared of the FMs or mAlice. Ms. Burkhart lays out the evidence (and not even fully, just an intro). mAlice tries begging Ms. Burkhart to stop. mAlice tries threats. Ms. Burkhart continues on, because she presenting the legal facts, as a professional. mAlice doesn't like the truth coming out and spins the fuck out. And her own lawyer can't spell things correctly on her webpage and she signs legal documents only to later say she didn't read them and didn't know what was in them.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
This might force her to settle the custody and divorce now before the criminal trial.

She said Yo lied to the court. You can't let that go.
Yes, I don't think you can let anything go at this point. She can't keep calling him a liar and telling the world he perjured himself and not be held accountable. She had her chances to go before a judge and plead her case and she refused. There's no do overs.

Despite the abuse apologists that follow AE, words do matter and domestic violence is indeed not limited to physical acts. What she's doing is abuse as determined by the State of California. And others have pointed out, he has stated under oath that she was physically violent to him in the past.

If someone has to repeatedly quit Twitter because they keep putting themselves in danger I'd say they need to stay off Twitter for good. In my experience, if you can't quit something that keeps ruining your life it's likely an addiction.

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Didn’t she say years ago that Luperv is the one who made her realise Ioan is a narc or coercive or something like that? If she genuinely listens to him don’t try telling me she isn’t thick!
considering that she gave up supporting Depp in order to stay friends with him (it's clearly what he implied last night) you could say that she is more willing to do compromisses for a dude she never met & that has given her life ruining "advice" than she was for her husband.

Let that sink.
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Tabitha D

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By what she says, you wouldn’t know she has a criminal case coming up, for repeated harassment towards Ioan and breach of a restraining order, would you.
And if she reckons that things Ioan has testified to in his statement are not true, then she has had multiple opportunities to put her own case. But she hasn’t.
She’s so stupid.
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Reading Tattle this morning, and I just said to my husband "I am still trying to catch up with mAlice"

His reply?

"So are the police"!

♥ :LOL: ♥
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Alice made it clear that she supported Johnny Depp fully, no? How rich that she's now love bombing the Amber stans on Twitter. She's moving straight into dangerous territory. And via the hypocrisy high speed train at that.

Oh my, now she's stating that he made things up and lied in those court documents? He said she threatened to call him a drug addict if he left her. Didn't she then give interviews saying he had a cocaine habit after he left her?


I see more criminal charges coming and future hearings unless she stops this and gets off the Twitter.

ETA: Where are her friends? Why aren't those who care about her begging her to stop?

My opinion.
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Besides that Alice can no longer respond to the Amber Heard bit in court...Ioan said she made her threats verbally. She cannot disprove this unless she recorded him 24/7 and neither can any "witness". If a email (as Alice implies) exists with a similar subject but different spin it strongly supports that the matter was brought up in whatever context before, thus supporting Ioan's claims.


Translation: Alice's previous side of her story didnt had the success we hoped for, so we are working on creating a new one. Release TBC

awww so Loopy made an ultimatum as I thought. how the tables have turned Alice, eh?


Frontlines...FRONTLINES wahahahaha

Loopy getting absolutely destroyed with minimum effort by a Heard supporter. Glorious
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She only has one condition. Munchausen syndrome, is a factitious disorder in which those affected feign or induce disease, illness, injury, abuse, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves.

That and being a narc

I am also worried the girls will be told they are ill constantly so she will get attention that way too. It was scary how quick she lied about the 'sick child' in the parking lot fiasco.
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