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House of Tea

VIP Member
I think Ioan could do a lot better than The Masked Singer! I hate that dumbed down show.

AE liked the lifestyle with OP. As others said there wasn’t going to be a wedding ring. She met a hot young actor, she thought he was going places, particularly with her pushing him. Thought they were going to Hollywood to take the place by storm, with IG ending up as James Bond. They did okay. The life of an actor is not easy, lots don’t make it. IG has made some decent money over the years, money most people can dream of. Looking at you Tone, who like to throw shade at his work. And Alice for that matter. He was the star of the household, not a Alice. He was the one bringing home the bacon, she was the one spending it on shite. He should have been cared for, not in a surrendered wife way, but as someone to be respected because he was keeping the household afloat. Instead he was put down, and eventually directed to live in the garage. (Still can’t get over that.) But that wasn’t good enough for madam. She wanted to be living it up with the big hitters in Hollywood. It didn’t happen. She got bitter. Bitterness and an overbearing personality is not a good mix. It certainly wasn’t for IG, as her victim.

I hope Ioan can get a few solid tv series under his belt. A stage role, a musical seeing as he can sing. Luke Evans has recently released an album, why not Ioan. Or developing their own projects. The show is not over for him by any means. Being released from his abusive marriage has probably fired up the creative juices as well. He was busy surviving before. He probably wants to crack on, she wants him to crack up, but I think he will be okay. He just needs to keep the faith. He is due a break.
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Sometimes it is very funny on this thread, as there are lots ridiculous things Big Mal has been up to, and some of her posts are not only delusional but completely bonkers, which do therefore provide a lot of humour. But when you actually look at all her irrational and venomous behaviour without the humour and in a serious light only, it’s actually very sad and worrying reading all the damage she has inflicted in her continuous quest for revenge, rather than moving on and trying to create a happy life for her and the girls.

It really is terribly despairing just how far she’ll go to destroy IG, and to be fair to B many another woman may well have walked away rather than have to deal with AE and all the abuse and stress that comes with her

And it is quite shocking really that two years later her behaviour is just as bad if not worse. I imagine there will be a lot more come out at the hearing this week that we won’t have heard before about some of her awful behaviour
Very moving sentiments, Blondie—I hold them with you. ❤ I was meditating this morning and I heard God telling me to stop being so preoccupied with my future and to live each moment as it comes. (That’s not some ~magical~ sorcery, talking to God—we all access Him in different ways and deep meditation is primarily mine.) My personal issue is that I focus so intensely on what I want my future to look like that I forget to value these present days.

Alice has literally wasted two years being furious and vindictive. I can’t imagine she has spent this time years thinking much of anything else except how to crucify her ex. It’s not only shocking and, in my opinion, pathetic, but it’s shameful. Those were two years she could have turned into something abundant and enjoyable; that could have been a time of healing and renewal, of observing every passing moment, evaluating her emotions, and using that knowledge to better herself as a person.

What did she make of that time? Nothing.

Like, think of the people you love who have passed on in the past two years—their lives are over. What do you think they would have given to be here with you again, to be awake and appreciating this world? Alice doesn’t realize how short life is. She hounds Ioan and B as if she’ll have a thousand more years left to return to her satisfied, content self. It’s like she considers this all a game.

God forbid she dies tomorrow…what does she have to show for her final time on earth? For those of you who believe in a God…what do you think she would tell Him about her behavior? How would she be able to justify this abuse? And what would be her punishment? How would the world remember her?

I get really emotionally sensitive when I pause and think about life, how we live it, and how we conclude it. Every time Alice lashes out, she disrespects the name of the good souls who have passed before us who probably would have wanted just a little more time here to spread love. Every time Alice lashes out, she exhibits little respect for the value of her own life. Every time Alice lashes out, she proves that she’s willing to take advantage of the little time we’re given here. It’s pitiful, and it makes me angry.

I don’t care about Alice; I don’t feel sympathy for her, and that won’t change. I’m not saying any of this to speak to her encouragingly, but to speak of her with disdain. It didn’t need to be this way. It doesn’t need to be this way. And the cruelest thing she could have done was MAKE it this way.
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What's your point

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I'd like to see Alice reaction if somebody would respond to her "fibro" that she is just being a diva
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I like how Bianca aced dog parenting compared to all of them.
You know what I hate? Animal owners of any kind who won't book a vet visit because of the cost. The dog could be in pain but she leaves it to suffer while she orders make up online.

If you can't afford a vet bill Alice don't buy a fucking dog, and if you do have a dog have insurance or set some money aside or an emergency credit card. Or worst case scenario give it to a rescue so at least it can be looked after by someone who has a fucking clue and be given any treatment it may need

Hate the thought of any animal potentially suffering just because its owner can't provide adequate care.

Your abs fucking useless Alice.
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In retrospect, it's obvious she's trying to bankrupt him. That's why she used a child to try and get him to cough up $50k for school fees, stole his money to pay for a maid and now refuses to stop squatting in his house. (He paid for it after all.) She was banking on his bankruptcy scaring Bianca (or anyone else) away.

I thought she knew B was a sugar mama?? Lol

Obviously she is fucking up her kids' futures too but they are collateral damage as always. The need to ruin Ioan always comes first. Mother of the Year.
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We aren’t likely to witness anything from any of the hearings, only the documents uploaded to the docket after.
So best case scenario for Alice is homelessness with less than 50/50 custody and no spousal support?

She may have destroyed Ioan financially and emotionally at what cost to herself and her daughters? It truly is unthinkable. No wonder I think she’s a cunt.
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Mad Betty

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Am I the only one creeped out by Alice allowing the older daughter walk on Melrose?

Mainly bc she's publicly posting that online for all the randos to know.

Just no mothering instinct at all...none at all..
I don't like it because I live here and know what happens on Melrose. There are two big weed shops right there and one attracts a bad crowd called Cookies. Even the sheriff's want it closed down. There have been shootings in the past year or so. Rappers and gang folk love to go there. There have also been armed robberies on Melrose and there's more, including some of the homeless men wandering around and exposing themselves. Yep, that's happened more than I'd care to admit. I rarely walk it and even then I'm doing it with my eyes wide open. A 13-year-old girl alone? I don't think so. Maybe with other kids, but not alone. Alice can track Ella but what happens if someone grabs her and throws her in a car or a tent they're living in? I'm all about the buddy system for kids.

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You know what the most terrifying thing is in all of what we have read soo far? She’s no where near finished with this campaign against Ioan. It makes me shudder what she is capable of. This unstable behaviour has seemingly be going on for years. Whilst she was with ‘her soulmate’ she was slowly killing him, mentally abusing him in front of the kids, involving them in her vile attacks on his whole character and that of his family. Horrific behaviour and it doesn’t take a genius to work out how she is with the girls now he isn’t there. They will know every ins and outs. Every tweet in her favour and against IG from randoms, you can bet they know about. It’s despicable and unforgivable what she is doing, it really is.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
When you see it written down in such stark unemotional words, you can still feel her malevolence. She wants him dead and buried for daring to leave her. She is monstrous- there is no other word for her although I think @M33L4 might have another one.
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I’ve always thought this! Every woman that has ever been dumped is Team Alice! It’s quite pathetic. She acts like she is the only woman to have gone through this, shock horror Alice you won’t be the last!
Exactly! My husband of 23 years dumped me around the same sort of time, but I've behaved well(ish) and now things are fine. We coparent, have respect for each other and can call if ever needed. My kids love seeing that we can have a decent relationship. She is robbing her own children of this. She and her hurt feelings will always come above them.
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Who is asking Alice Evans to audition? Come on. It’s the delusion I can’t deal with. She’s a muppet.
She never thought he would leave her.
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Thank you @ButterTart for the document.

I noticed while he covers off not seeing Big Al during handovers and arranging transportation, he missed a trick in the part where he lists the the decisions about the girls that they must jointly agree on, by saying ‘shall consult with each other” rather than “shall consult with each other through council”

Also how shitty of Big Al to be sharing her other brothers twitter account. He’s a private individual, the guy has blocked her and they appear to have no relationship.
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What's your point

VIP Member
The best move IG made in this whole messs was retaining his legal team they make Alice's responses look so amateur.

She is fucked, it's all their in black and white, she had bled the poor man dry and still doing it.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the judge eventually states she can't provide a stable (financially and emotionally) home and gives primary custody to IG.

Which lets be honest would be best all round because at least they would have a present father and an amazing female role model with B.

Get in the fucking bin Alice, your toxic..she deserves nothing at the end of this.
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I think this makes it pretty obvious that Malice tried to interfere and be present in therapy sessions. I’m sure she was always there on zoom and that’s why the therapist had to ask to see the children in person. Malice wasn’t happy about that when she had to take them there. I wouldn’t be surprised if she insisted on being present there too.
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Further to the implications of a conviction… and it can also mean total loss of community property. The court can also take it into consideration without a conviction. This is a portion of the relevant section, Family Code section 4325 (there is a lot more):

(a) In a proceeding for dissolution of marriage where there is a criminal conviction for a domestic violence misdemeanor or a criminal conviction for a misdemeanor that results in a term of probation pursuant to Section 1203.097 of the Penal Code perpetrated by one spouse against the other spouse entered by the court within five years prior to the filing of the dissolution proceeding or during the course of the dissolution proceeding, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the following shall apply:

(1) An award of spousal support to the convicted spouse from the injured spouse is prohibited.

(2) If economic circumstances warrant, the court shall order the attorney's fees and costs incurred by the parties to be paid from the community assets. The injured spouse shall not be required to pay any attorney's fees of the convicted spouse out of the injured spouse's separate property.
I'd bet a quarter that Alice was unaware of this when she continued her online harassment campaign, and that perhaps her blood ran a little cold when she read this post over her morning coffee.
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