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So… FizzPlops is the PI Alice has hired?? 😂😂😂😂

I hope there’s a refund policy or there’ll be no groceries this week at all!

Get Better Soon Al! Not that you’re ill you just need to get better at whatever the fuck it is you’re trying to do!
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Oh there’s plenty of horrifying moments but reading that she flashed her arse at him in the street and also the times when he mentioned she physically assaulted him.

And then those times where she denigrated him when Forever got cancelled, telling him what a shitty actor he was.
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This FM isn’t really up to speed is she? 😂


Mean while…… 😍😩😘🐶

(and bianca sounds Like she got a cold for Thanksgiving 👎🏼)


It’s cute B recycled her mums dress for the event. Stylish meaningful vintage unlike mAlice’s eBay vintage!
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Hello from across the pond. You know, Thanksgiving is kind of a big fucking deal here. Mainly for the food. 😂 Alice has two children now home on Thanksgiving vacation and has nothing better to do than be on Twitter still bitching about her handsome husband and gorgeous girlfriend?

Hell, I'm getting takeout tomorrow and still have to run to stores today! She should get off her ass.
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I'm actually crying reading this, I can't believe that a human can be so vile. I feel like I just want to give you a hug, you dont deserve any of this, the cancer, the ex, the depression and all while trying to be a mum. Truly horrendous what he did to you, absolutely disgusting. I'm so sorry, what an absolute cunt (I know he is the father of your children, but it doesn't stop him from being a cunt).
I really feel that I need to try and help or support you in some way ❤
Bless you - I wasn’t the mother of his child, though: that was the one he had impregnated four years before, expected me to welcome her, had her round to stay, got up in the middle of the night, and shagged just feet away from sleeping me. I wanted my own children at the time but he denied me that while demanding I take care of this woman’s daughter (and cope with the woman’s endless demands and tantrums). It ‘should have been enough’ for me, apparently. It was more the fact that he deliberately accommodated this woman’s needs ahead of mine to the extent he would harrass me by phone/text at the Breast Clinic that was my breaking point. And the look of disappointment on his face when he found out I was going to live - I’ll never forget that!
It’s too late for me to have children now, and perhaps that’s a good thing. I did really adore that little girl, though. I wish she could have been mine, though he denigrated the relationship I had with her; I loved her and she loved me. A lifelong connection just - lost. It’s sad.
PS I’m so sorry to have upset you. His behaviour became so normalised for five years that I sometimes don’t appreciate how devastating it was. Bless you. Xx

ETA I’m so, so sorry that I distressed you. I perhaps just present things in such a blasé manner but don’t appreciate that the retelling of such events can emotionally injure others. I’m terribly sorry to have inflicted this on you and will ask my autism support group what is appropriate to share. I really am sorry.
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She stopped the "abs" a while back, it's definitely too obvious.
I came to the same conclusion as you pretty much instantly upon seeing the MN post. Someone is trying to be a smartarse, and failing miserably.
I think AE is sending her FMs on fishing expeditions. First Fizzplops comes on here ingratiating herself and then wants the proof AE said IG hates Ella. It's like AE knows she went too far there and wanted the screenshot for some nefarious reason. To claim it was doctored by Tattlers before the Court hearing?

Then another FM (or maybe the same one) goes on mumsnet on another fishing expedition on how to get revenge on ex. Malice is rattled by the custody discussions that are clearly going on (so they don't have to go to court on it) and is trying to both cover her tracks and find some shit to fling at IG to scupper his chances of getting 50% custody.

Nice try, cunt.
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this reply to Fake/Alice cracked me up lol

NoMoreShit · Today 06:36
You do absolutely nothing right now. You behave impeccably but you screenshot & document everything. In my experience, if you give people like this enough rope, they will always hang themselves. By not reacting (which is what he wants) you'll force him into making more extreme & ridiculous accusations until people see through him without you having to say a word. It's awful living through the 'giving rope' period, but it's very sweet when they're on their self constructed gallows.

some OP trolling lmao

Ahhhh, a potential hearing this Friday, all this tweeting and going off at the smallest of things. She is worried big time. She said in one of her tweets, when she was saying she has 1000s of bills etc, that she's going down and has no option. So, maybe something has kicked in to that brain finally, that if the time is spilt 50/50, her allowance from him will be halved, and she won't have enough money for takeouts twice a week (who does that on here out of interest? I do maybe twice a month) or to pay for her blue ticks and weekly hairdressers appointments gin.
again this is moved together with the custody hearing to next year. court-wise there will be nothing till february (probably neither the trial setting since Alice's new lawyer filed that date as one of the dates she is not available, but strangely no request has been made yet)

What should Alice get better at?
A. Being a mother
B. Parking
C. Acting
D. Designing handbags
E. Keeping her mouth shut
F. Budgeting
G. All of the above
definitely the handbags
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I think telling him via email that she has employed security and that he'll be arrested if he attempts to see his children is pretty much refusing him access.
The time she threatened to call the police if he was 1 minute past 8pm 💀

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Well 'someone' was manic yesterday! Indulging in her favourite pastime - arguing with strangers on twitter.

She has decided that Gilda is Bianca, cos you know, the names are virtually the same. ;)

AE: Gilda, Gilda... come on. Don't be jealous. I know you've only ever done one episode of something that failed but that's not YOUR fault, Gilda! You just need some lessons and realize that money won't buy you stardom.

Doubt Bianca is really jealous of you Alice pmsl

AE: Here's the lovely Gilda. Saying things you just can't imagine saying - even more so about strangers. Although - maybe I'm not a stranger? Maybe Gilda isn't actually Gilda. I'm in the right mood tonight. Scroll past if you must but this is the shit I get every single day.

LOL I think Bianca is too busy shagging Alice's ex for this type of thing. Also she takes the high road on SM and has no desire to wrestle mAlice on the dirty floor, metaphorically speaking.

Another picture of the Kitten Who’s Moved In With Me as a palette cleanser…
How cute! He's a big kitten but just wasn't ready for his close up. :)
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I swear this KNOB has fallen off before???
Does this justify all the Panda Express?

View attachment 1756008
View attachment 1756013

bloody hilarious story Alice I’m glad you warned me before I started reading!

Here come the Thanks Giving potato excuses! Yawn!!!!

View attachment 1756015
Yet another very timely coincidence that her knob broke off the cooker. Puts a stop to posting her usually delicious looking meals NOT! And into the bargain hoping to rinse Ioan of more money.
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Her legal bod has probably given her a strong warning that she is off if she carries on posting impulsively and that the one where she falsely claimed IG hated one of his daughters was very bad for her going forward. At least I hope so. AE is floundering now. She has absolutely no impulse control, so problematical.
I don’t think her legal bod gives a shit about how Alice behaves. At the end of the day she doesn’t get paid for success. She gets paid by the hour and the more work Alice sends her way the more she gets paid. I don’t for one minute think she monitors Alice’s behaviour on SM. The first she will know of a problem is when a letter gets sent to her by the court, police, Anne or Alice. Then she asks Alice for instructions. She can explain how ill advised a course of action is but has no means to stop it unless it is unethical. And she is not Alice’s keeper or her nanny.

Alice thrives in chaos and conflict. She doesn’t want this to end or for things to be resolved. She will keep it going for as long as possible and sacking lawyers is a means to an end. Delaying her day in court when a judge ends her reign of terror.

The lawyers have limited scope to bin her off. They just go through the motions until it ends. Then they get paid.
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I’m cautiously optimistic about Ioan’s relationship with both girls being good again.

Yes, they may blame him for making mom sad but they are not stupid. They will know things aren’t right and be worried about her.

I’m sure they love her to bits but they will have missed their loving dad and having a parent who can actually be a parent will be a relief after having had to parent themselves.

Not saying it will be easy or overnight but they’ll get there. I’m sure Ioan will have more sense than to grill them about Alice and they will realise they don’t have to tiptoe around him.

It would be wise not to force things with Bianca and just concentrate on the daddy daughter relationship but I suspect he knows that and always factored it in.

I hope they can rebuild their relationship.
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She wants to be a victim. Losing everything would fulfill that goal and, I suspect, make her quite happy.
She can continue to blame Ioan forever for that too. Ultimate in switching the victim narrative from him to her.
A judge who saw all the evidence has decided he is the victim and she the abuser. It won’t be long until the children start to see it that way too. Part of me suspects that’s what’s slowly happening so she’s trying to prove “daddy’s trolls” made her.
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All Gaiman did was like what seems like a well-informed book. I don’t see how that’s insulting to anyone here.
We are here to talk about Alice and Ioan and maybe Bianca. Although Alice and I are in our fifties and human I don’t feel slighted by her being called a cunt because I share those traits. I sort of know it’s not about me. If we proceed on the basis that the criticism of Alice doesn’t extend to other posters life would be easier.
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AE: Ioan running up and down screaming blue murder, me trying to calm him down, the girls not quite understanding what was going on - it was so much fun! We still enjoyed it though.

She's talking about IG getting excited when Wales play and look how she spins it. We saw the video bitch so don't bother lying. IG didn't start 'screaming blue murder' and AE was sneakily filming him instead of 'calming him down'. As if it's wrong to get excited by footie?? And no, the kids aren't as thick as you make out either.

Get ta fuck!
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She didn’t get her DM article about the poor under fed children or disrupt Ioan’s weekend so she’s shut down her Twitter to allow only sicko-fans to comment. Someone doesn’t like accountability.
Haven't her and her monkeys made comments about Bianca's Instagram comments being limited to people who follow her? Yet now Alice's Twitter is now totally locked unless you follow her. Hypocrisy that she will never recognise.
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