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House of Tea

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Good morning from LA. ✌🏼

Alice's shopping habit has come to light and one hopes the good folks donating money to the poor mom who refuses to work is held accountable for the GoFundMe shake down. I hate seeing people taken advantage of when so many good people are actually struggling and likely don't have bank accounts they choose not to touch. That's my opinion.

Also, that's definitely her eBay account and that top is most definitely the one she purchased. There is no amount of spin that will cover the fact she's shopping for herself right now, despite the broke girl narrative she's pitching.

I do wonder if financial abuse (coupled with the DA) was a factor in the demise of the marriage. She mentioned Ioan questioning her about what she was buying, and now it sheds a little light on why he'd be concerned. Just my thoughts.
As fast as he could make it she was spending it. All seems to be loads of pointless tat. Those two Ganni hats with the danglers - she bought one, not sure what to do with danglers, but then bought another one. Still those hats have proved rich fodder for comment. Us plus Bianca’s photo of a random scarecrow. I like it when B shows her minxy side.
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That top is rank 🤢. Okay if you're cleaning the house in it (oh that's right, mAlice doesn't clean, silly me 🤦🏼‍♀️) and it's too small as well! She hasn't realised yet that wearing something in the wrong size, makes you look worse ffs!
Bring back the dog blankets 🤣
Every time I see those photos I burst out laughing at the look on her face. Gloria Swanson in Sunset Blvd vibes. MAlice, ready for her closeup.
Back in the olden days when she first started going after Ioan’s fans the worst insult she could come up with was to insinuate someone was old and fat, so I’m sure she’s utterly terrified to admit to herself that she’s not young and thin anymore. But someone would have to be remarkably ageist, shallow, and fat phobic to think her looks are the problem. Of course she IS remarkably ageist, shallow and fat phobic herself.
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Jeez, I’m not sure how anyone can equate those minor ailments to cancer. There are some truly self-absorbed meat-sacks on this earth. Sorry you had to deal with that.
People that engage in one-upmanship over health concerns are despicable. Like Alice belittling Bianca’s MS whilst inflating her own ailments. She has supporters who claim Bianca has made it all up. I’ve seen tweets suggesting this that are just mind-blowing. Seriously, how fucking stupid and nasty can you get?
Seems with Alice and co, there are always lower depths to sink to. A cont is a cont for sure.
I'm oldest daughter caretaker of almost 90 year old parents. Certain siblings and other family members had a vested interest in making sure surgery and treatment were shoved off as being a minor inconvenience and complete cure no worse than a bad cold and back to work right? Make those appointments! Drive those parents. And my Mom makes Alice look the picture of mental health.

They are also real assholes so there is that. 😂
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As a menopausal woman myself, I feel I have to reply this. Roe vs Wade DOES affect me and the women I love.
I am not irrelevant as a woman or in any other way because I am passed child bearing age.
My long lamented biological waste uterus still feels this. So many women in our family AND it matters.

Alice should stay worried for her daughters!

It is a perfect representation of Alice's style, tho. Put two things that don't match together, and one of them has no other function than making it all look tacky and ugly.

Might be just me, I find all animal prints cheap as fuck, even if the item costs a million dollars. Animal prints scream "tacky" to me every time.
Guys. She was probably covering up a spot where her/Emma peed/pooped/barfed on the other rug. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Have a heart!
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Just William

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I genuinely worry for Ioan about 50/50. How can he ever prevent her from continuing the PA when they're with her?
There is no way Alice will ever co-parent amicably & we know how she feels about the girls meeting Bianca.
Even if she was court ordered to attend parenting classes of some sort I can see her just ticking the boxes/doing what's needed to get the pass & at home with them being her usual toxic self.

Any problems Ioan could encounter with the girls he isn't going to know whether she was continuing the PA (unless one of them said something & I doubt they would dare speak up against her) or whether it was because they were still traumatised & confused by the PA?

I personally find all of her hideous behaviour unforgivable & irredeemable but her PA has been so deliberate & tactical it is evil.
It goes beyond malicious as she's fucking up those beautiful innocent girls purely to cause maximum pain to Ioan & she truly doesn't give a shit.
They're just pawns in her sick revenge campaign. It's heart breaking for the girls & for Ioan.
I know I'm a broken record but Ioan getting full custody is the only way I can see that would guarantee an end to the PA as she wouldn't be able to do it with supervised visitation.
She doesn't deserve the girls. Two parents aren't always better than one.
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I can still see that eBay account but the purchases are hidden, even though you can see the feedback. The feedback that user has left for others gives it away.

Not sure I’m allowed to give the direct link so add the username to the end of this link below:

That’s deffo our Alice, look at the words used on the feedback (Kind, Kindest…her favourite words (which always makes me 🤢 when she over uses them.)

Sort of suprised (or am I 🤔) that her ex bestie is adamant this isn’t her, either she has a lot of reading ( 🙋🏻‍♀️see the WIKI!) to catch up on or something isn’t right with her story.

Look, if she hadn’t have set up a GFM page pleading poverty and desperation and putting it in the Emergencies section. Nobody would be interested in her bloody Ebay (in fact you could say, she is tightening her belt and buying her clothes from there instead of at an expensive good for her, that’s responsible etc..) but she did set up one and anyone with half a brain could see why she set it up on the very same weekend as MC. So the fact that she is merrily buying clothes using her outed alias (i’m sure Ioans lawyers could find out if its deffo her if needed) is what is soo despicable to me.

The concert ticket was another thing that annoyed me, whether its a free ticket or not …..Alice as a mother should have sat E down and gently explained that it just wouldn’t look right for E to be going as she has had to ask people for donations as they are in a dire predicament atm, So maybe wait until they are out of the woods and have sorted themselves out and then you can go to a concert. (Just my opinion.)

I agree with others that she is emotionally immature ( have always thought this since seeing her bag offerings.) she’s like a big teenager, and she really hasn’t thought of the implications of defrauding people on a GFM site, nor does she care. The goal was to humiliate Ioan when he had cameras stuck in his face and if B suffered a flare due to stress then good. IMO she is desperate to break them up and for him to come back her outbursts from someone aged about 14 on their first love breakup.
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Question about the lawyer... people make a big deal that Yo is represented by Brad Pitt's lawyer, but that hasn't exactly turned out well for BP. They're still wrangling in the courts and his relationship with his children seems tenuous, at best. The lawyer is not exactly known for really going after the other party and resolving things quickly..or at all. The same thing seems to be playing out here. Cue not going after the countless violations of the TRO. How much of this is Yo and how much is his representation?
I personally think comparing Alice and Ioan with Brangelina is apples and oranges. Brad and Angie are both extremely wealthy and can afford to drag this out to try and get what they want. The lawyers are doing what their clients want knowing they will get paid.

I think in Ioan's case they are waiting for the PRO to go in for the kill. It's Alice delaying, not Ioan. His lawyers know they need to sell the house or they won't get paid. They won't be wanting to drag this out too long.
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If Alice was a buyer for a vintage store we would have heard about it before now framed as 'I am doing everything I can to put food on the table for my starving babies who have been abandoned by their father'.

Odds on favourite we will be hearing about her vintage 'side gig' any moment now as a cover for her eBay spending
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Ally Pally

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She said he said that in relation to her illnesses, but I reckon it was more likely in response to her SM behaviour. I can't imagine illness would trigger a comment like that (exhibit A: he has chosen to be with Bianca) but I can def imagine her many behaviours on SM would prompt some comment like that. You naturally expect your spouse to be working with you, not sabotaging everything you do and everything you've worked for.
I think the sabotaging of the Harrow shoot was the final nail in the relationship.
When Ioan alighted from that taxi there was absolutely no pleasure in his eyes when he looked at Alice, that was the beginning of the end imo.
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Ioan knew she was lying about all the failments hence the “I didn’t sign up for this”. She tells on herself far too much.
Ioan didn’t sign up for marriage to an arrogant drunk who thinks the world revolves around her and her only. If she was in bed all day it was because she was always hungover! There’s so many instances of that on her very own Instagram in her very own words. Hungover on Christmas Eve, hungover when Elsie was barely one, hungover when she should have been present for her children and Ioan. She f**king blew it and she deserves all the misery she’s now feeling. It’s a shame that innocent and good people, especially Ioan and the two E’s have had to suffer. 🐝and the pupper Emma too.
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Ally Pally

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Severe fibromyalgia? Wow that skipping must have hurt 🙄
Skipping and the rest of it!! Posing on a hardwood floor to take a drunken selfie, throwing her head back to shout piss off at a helicopter. I could go on, those of us who have genuine Fibromyalgia and autoimmune disorders will get my drift. Alice is as fake as fuck right down to her fake GFM.
I see you Alice and others will eventually realise what a nasty lying vindictive bitch your are too. 👀
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the whole ebay thing is just evidence that the food cart deliveries/ GFM was a publicity stunt aimed at grabbing the headlines that she knew he and Bianca would get from their first red carpet appearance. She had this "the kids are starving" stunt in her back pocket and was just itching to do it when the timing was right.
It's not for the money, never was. It was to further the abuse and try and cause a flare up.
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My god, what must her life be like? I could speculate. A lie in to sleep off the hangover, let the nanny deal with kids and clear away the empties, wake up, buy some crap off eBay (no doubt other outlets too), start drinking, order takeout, drink some more, get stuck into Instagram, argue with a few strangers, drink yet more, get abusive towards I & B, pass out drunk, start the whole cycle again tomorrow.
I think this is extremely accurate.
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Yeah, that sexual comment regarding Ioan and his mother was horrendous and sickening.

I would typically just mention it but for any lurkers in here who are still supportive of Alice without having actually reviewed the TRO documents, tell me how you feel now:

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Do we have a literal receipt of her buying that for $399, though? So far the only dollar amount I’ve seen in a screenshot is $9.99, and I know we saw something expensive with a “best offer” attached to it, but we don’t know what offer she made other than to assume it’s also high. She could easily lie and say she made a low, low offer that was accepted.

I’m hoping we have receipts of high dollar amounts spent this month, is basically it.
I sold on Ebay for a long time. Rule of thumb among super sellers (which Linda’s Stuff is) is that you will accept a modest reduction for a buy it now. She likely didn’t pay less than $300 for that sweater. No one lists for $399 to sell at $9.99.

Also, bear in mind she is up to 18 purchases this month alone. If you are so desperate you need to beg strangers for money to buy food, you don’t go online and buy up a ton of clothing. Not even if you need something new. You buy one or two inexpensive things and make them work. If the sweater was ten bucks plus shipping (and I very much doubt it) she could have bought food with that. Someone desperate would have. She is not desperate. She has money. She chooses to spend it this way.
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Yeah, being raised to be a codependent child sucks hard. But comparing her girls' emotional development to that of the family dog? As a good thing? Shows how needy Alice is , too.

Children are supposed to become independent of their parents -that differentiation is is crucial to developing into a non-codependent person.
The terrifying thing is Alice things this clingy co-dependency is a sign of her excellent parenting (it’s her never-ending excuse for not working, keeping the children from their father and gives Alice a couple of friends because that is her mentality). She is too lost in the ego boost of having these children do anything to make her happy to realise the flip side of all this will be car crash. Her girls will not be able to function in the world at this rate; you slowly need to teach children to go out into the world and not be scared, not cling to your psychotic mum because your psychotic parent thought of her own needs and not yours.
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Stupid anecdote but while I was having abuse troubles at home at age 11, I went to my friend’s birthday slumber party. I was so anxious I couldn’t join any of the girls playing in a blanket fort in the basement with the lights off. I was scared of the dark, had bad nightmares from the shit going on at home, kept picking my lips until they bled.

I climbed the stairs to the kitchen and my friend’s mum found me there. She made herself a Shirley Temple with just a splash of some alcohol, made me one without the alcohol, and we sat at the table and talked about everything I was experiencing. I was 11. I didn’t think I could talk to adults that way, but we talked late into the night, until the girls downstairs all fell asleep. I’m not really friends with the girl anymore but I’ll always remember her mum loving me in the way I needed to be loved.

This is random af probably, but I just hope the families onto whom Alice shovels those beautiful girls are at least very kind to them. Like maybe give ‘em a good meal, maybe take everyone on a day trip to a toy store or something, or a movie theatre. And talk to them. I hope they find home, or peace, or something in one of these parents. They deserve to.
Please - I'm not patting myself on the back to reveal this:

When my daughters were teenagers they were often openly embarrassed by me giving their friends a long warm hug during greetings.

My daughters each later shared with me that many of their friends said their own parents never hugged them and that they looked forward to and wanted/appreciated my hugs saying they could feel "love" in them.

When I returned to college for my 2nd degree (often my classmates were my stepson's former classmates - I didn't previously know them) I was so surprised and pleased that many looked forward to my hugs (and encouragement in their studies) - they were away from home and often a bit lonely. Needless to say, I received the reputation as a giver of "free hugs" and I loved giving a warm embrace filled with my love for them.
ETA: many students asking for a hug were students I didn't know.

And, so, I'm sending each of you a long warm embrace if you are in need of just a little bit of my love.

I also am hoping that the Es are receiving warm hugs from others.
@ReturningthePearls - I am so glad this mother gave you this "gift" of her time and understanding. ❤
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