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I honestly find Alice revolting and I haven’t even had to live with her. She thinks it’s quirky and eccentric but you can see from her photos she’s unhygienic and grubby. I have doubts she uses clean make up, I think she’s even says she has a hoard of it, she’s obsessed with the idea of ‘vintage designer’ as she thinks it’s a personality trait - Alice you clearly are using ancient disgusting make up on yourself and your kids as it doesn’t even go on your face properly it’s all patchy and crusty. Her eyeliner looks like it’s a 100 year old lead pencil
She got a new eyeliner recently on eBay. 😆
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There's buying bigger clothes ....but also - you cut your coat according to your cloth. If you need bigger clothes buy cheap ones if you're that skint you can't feed your kids. There was some hideous jumper /horse blanket she bought for $399
Plus it's mid summer in Los Angeles.

ETS: she didn't buy the $399 jumper. Her GFM mugs bought it. I wonder how many of them own a $399 jumper?
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It's is confirmed that the ticket was a freebie?

Also this kid never had tickets that were not VIP obviously.

How many people here believe AE is poor? None hopefully.
I believe Alice is buying the tickets. I suspect she has more financial resources than she lets on.
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Wanted to add … Alice projects. She bullies others online so she thinks everyone does. Or accuses them of it. She also loves being a victim so very much. In her mind, if someone gives her advice she doesn’t like … how dare they? They are bullying her. She will turn everything into people coming after her, harassing her, trolling her … when 9 times out of 10 she is going to another site, reading what is said and then commenting on it. She reads here more than anyone else. It gives her oxygen, this attention. People haven’t even been hard on her on her own socials … mostly telling her to pick herself up, move on and start living her life without focusing on Ioan. She HATES that.
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This occurred to me on the last thread, when there was a post that said she couldn’t agree anything because he wouldn’t see her to sign anything.
She is DESPERATE to contact him directly - to see
him in person, ALONE, in the flesh, face to face - and she has been from the start.
Why, we can only guess. But I find it disturbing. Especially when he fled the house with only the clothes on his back and even had to arrange a police escort several months later when he went to collect his things (in Alice's pre-arranged absence). He fears her and what she might do if they met, particularly alone. I wouldn’t put it past her to hurt herself and say he did it. I think he fears this too.
Obviously, things like selling the house, signing
agreements etc. can be arranged through his lawyer.
As she well knows.
It scares me to imagine what she would do alone with him too. It would be terrifying no doubt. Anyone being alone with her in a house scares me. I am way behind with everything but just read this recent stuff and it shows she is too far gone now. She doesn’t want to change, thrive or consider others - she just wants vengeance in her warped mind.

I have never seen someone enjoy being (truly) psychotic until Alice, it is her lifeblood now and she is enjoying it to the point she is happy and willing to destroy herself and her children for her fake victim campaign. It’s fascinating but mostly horrifying and tragic. I hope those girls somehow make it out of all this and get to be with their sane parent.
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Just William

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Yeah we can all hear Ioan saying that cant we?! :rolleyes:

Screenshot 2022-06-25 194920.png

Lmao at her loving to work!
The sickly sugar coated BS is what she wants people to believe is true. Further proof she has no idea how to parent because raising a child to be
that co-dependent isn't healthy. I've been there & it sucks. She really does love to portray herself as this amazing Mother of the year but she really doesn't have a clue & everything is always so OTT. :rolleyes: Pass me a bucket. 🤮

Screenshot 2022-06-25 201724.png
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I bloody knew the mad bint had blown all her money on shopping/concert tickets!

How the heck she has the brass neck to show her damn face anywhere, never mind on social media to potentially thousands of people worldwide, is totally beyond my comprehension.

She's a horrible - or to use her child-like expression, horrid - person for trying to scam money as an emergency. A complete con artist.

And she's basically raising her children to be hard faced con-artists like her if she's allowed to get away with it. It should be considered child abuse, because for sure those kids are going to get bullied when it becomes known that she's a lying scheming fraudster!

Every day I don't think she can surprise or sicken me any further, then she does.

She's a disgraceful Twunt.
She’s the lowest of the low, how anyone can still support her is a mystery. Her supporters are obviously as low as she is.

Hallelujah, preach sister. No matter how dark the days ahead may be, it could Always be worse … we will remain Galadriel, we shall go into the west ❤
And she has the nerve to say we are “jealous” of her, we are on our knees thanking God we are Not her.
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I dont know if context matters here but this was around the time she and her besties lowkey pushed the narrative that he had something with his teenage co-star (she outright even claimed that it was a 19 year old which she rapidly deleted, and one of her besties liked posts of people claiming this based on the sun speculating), I wonder if her "accusation" is based on that

At 14 their opinion can in theory be taken into account (a judge can still refuse though), Alice already announced that it is her plan to drag the divorce until Ella is 14, and she may succeed tbh.

Ella is in a runaway age, I'm not convinced that she can be forced either way. I think realistically that relationship is gone until she either falls out with her mom or needs something her mother can't provide (money), which tbh might be in the not so distant future. Again, I'm not blaming the kid, but teenagers usually view relationships to their fathers more materialistic and have a much stronger bond to mothers, especially if their parenting is more lax than the father. It's very different for younger kids, they are more playful, and can be more easily swayed: that's why it's strongly recommended to break up before kids reach pre-teen age (if you think the realtionship is not salvagable). The younger one probably still falls under this, but time is running (and perhaps it is already too late), and it's probably extra hard if you have sister and mother influencing you.
The PA has been going on full force since January 2021. The longer it goes on for the harder it is to undo and mAlice knows this which is why she said she wanted the divorce to take 3-4 years.

In the UK IG could have reported Alice to children's services as soon as the eldest refused to see him in April 2021. It is probably way too late now for both kids. I hope IG has a good therapist.

Also I don't think the kids are happy. Alice banging on about how happy they are is a red flag.
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Alice and Ioan did not seem to be wealthy, not by Hollywood terms. They were comfortable, much like many regular people are. Many normal everyday people are millionaires, they just don’t go around advertising it. Alice probably has far less money than most of us, she just spends far more than she actually has. She is not going to like being less off than working class people, she sees herself far above them. I can’t wait to find out what kind of house or condo she can find in her price range, maybe there’s a house near Gloria for rent, that would at least be convenient. 😂
Alice's house is smaller than my house. We are middle class. Admittedly real estate is much cheaper here than in LA, but when people can her house a "mansion" I laugh. We live in the average, Australian, suburban house.

I think Alice wants to project that she lives a glamorous, wealthy Hollywood life style and while many have believed it, that's actually has never been the case. She is now trying to say that Ioan is using all their shared wealth to live the high life with Bianca. Except there is no wealth. He is just a jobbing actor and they are middle class like the rest of us.
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$30,000 is about 15 concert tickets.
Knowing Alice, it's probably 3 credit cards of Ioan's maxed out at 10,000 each. There is no way her attorney didn't inform her that he's had enough and is cutting ✂ her off.

She probably kept overdrawing a bank debit card. We don't know yet what financial arrangements were made in a divorce case like this.

We know one thing though - Alice has refused to file her own financials.
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Very good! I think it’s a bit of a disservice to any poor creature to be compared to Alice tbh, the snake and shark are quite elegant and beautiful in their own ways.
I have to join in and offer up this poor thing, the ugliest creature in the world apparently …

The blobbing around is key here 😝

View attachment 1370382
The Blobfish may be unfortunate-looking, but it probably has a lovely personality!

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I don’t feel Ella is a candidate for running away seriously. Where would she go? This is a child who has lived a very privileged life not a child from whom the abuse going on at home makes the streets are better prospect. I fully believe she would threaten to do so and may make a half hearted attempt, but she’s never going to genuinely stay away. Her friends are likely from affluent homes and their parents wi know what’s going on with Alice etc and won’t be supportive of her either.
Also, apropos of nothing, we did learn via the hacking saga that she has a potentially very expensive hobby--a video game that is technically free to play but the best items and such are all--of course--available only via purchase through microtransactions. Some mod of a fanzine was recently outed as having embezzled approximately $21,000 USD from a fan-funded project and spent much of it in the video game. There's no way she's going to run away from her source of funds.
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The PA has been going on full force since January 2021. The longer it goes on for the harder it is to undo and mAlice knows this which is why she said she wanted the divorce to take 3-4 years.
It’s a worry. Alice flip flops how the girls feel every few days; some days they are happier than ever in their girls only house now evil Ioan’s gone, then she’s claiming they are terrified and broken he’s gone and she needs to be there - always - to make everything ok.

In the TRO she tells IG he has ruined their lives by leaving. A good mum would cushion the blow. She rubs their noses in it. I think AE is deliberately traumatising the kids so they trauma bond with her. Like the PA that seems to be successful, as the kids seem to have anxiety and to be very clingy with mAlice.
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House of Tea

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Yeah I wouldn’t even comment on spending £10 on a top (we all need clothes) if there wasn’t 17 other items, mostly all designer and more expensive than she can ever claim are essential purchases.

I pity her, she’s literally living in a hole of denial and shame, every time she gets a parcel she gets a buzz off it for 20 mins, tries it on, doesn’t fit, then she’s back to staring at her phone for 19 hours a day.

I can only imagine her bedroom is a dusty stale dingy hovel, all her clothes and counter tops covered in concealer and crusty eyeliner, the sides over flowing with take out containers and glasses. She spends all day planning a natty outfit to wear, which she flings on 20 mins before a drop off from yet another kind offer of a sleepover for an E’s friends parents, she runs around with a trash bag shoving everything in, spraying febreeze all over herself. Alice is the lady who has crusty smeeru glasses on her face and her handbag is full of crumbs and used cotton buds
You can imagine BW makes considered purchases and hangs them up, keeps them clean and in good order. I can imagine her luggage is minimal, Alice would be dragging a trunk through the airport. They are polar opposites. Wonder why Ioan chose someone so different to his ex? 🤔
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I wouldn’t mind so much if she bought a few things from eBay. We all need to buy clothes and make up and she did say it’s much cheaper on eBay. The issue I have is that she did it in the last month when she knew money was tight. But also she clearly has shopping addiction to buy 96 items over 6 months. That is fucking excessive. Remember the colander thing, I think Ioan knew she spent all the money buying crazy amounts online. Not only does she fight chat all day online but she shops all day too. I wonder if excessive spending or the need to buy new things is part of having a PD?
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What does she mean regarding 6k zoom??
How much it cost in lawyers fees for her and Ioan (with their lawyers present) to have zoom calls to discuss settlement during collaborative divorce
fun fact: even this she cant keep straight

From November 27th

She didn't want collaborative because she thought using the Law will give her advantages/drag on the divorce longer. Collaborative is definitely miles cheaper (and less painful), everyone knows that.
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Severe fibromyalgia? Wow that skipping must have hurt 🙄
Maybe it was your domineering, controlling, childish, lying, abusive personality that made Ioan leave, Alice, and not your diagnoses (assuming they are real)? Clearly he isn’t this cold hearted guy who can’t handle illness or disease considering his girlfriend has MS - he would have run a mile if what you say is true. Just a thought….
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Mad Betty

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She has been financially abusing him while telling everyone he fired the kids “beloved”nanny and how traumatising it was for them. Chuck her in the bin.
She really has, hasn't she? She would have been warned this was coming and bills would have been put in her name by now. That's what happens. And she would have been given deadlines for accounts being closed and funds withdrawn. And credit cards would surely be cut off if there was chronic overspending.

What a mess she's created. Selling the house now is a must at this point. It has to be sold so she can pay her debts, legal fees can be paid by both parties, and she can find a place to live. The sooner the better.

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A Little Grey

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Sick face this if you’re here because you’re jealous of Alice?

Heart if you’re here for Ioan and the girls to get justice and see Alice get her comeuppance?

Smiley if you just think she’s a cock-thundering-cunt
I want to do a heart and a smiley. She is a cock-thundering-cunt who needs to get her comeuppance ❤😁
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