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Pool upkeep too. It all adds up when you are a big spender
yeah a B-list family can spend this amount per month quite easily even without a mortgage. Problem is just that they were C-listers and have a super expensive divorce, and no income is coming in (Alice refuses to work, Ioan takes a little break after working non-stop). It also explains why Alice perceives 300k pa as nothing. And it also explains how a house that was bought for a million is 16 years later still not paid up despite his earnings.
I keep wondering if Ioan worked so often away (he certainly could have found work in the states but lower) in order to provide Alice the lifestyle she perceived to deserve. Pressure must be immense on top of the responsibility for the girls.
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It's funny isn't it that mAlice's non-medically diagnosed "fibro" and "arthritis" doesn't seem to affect her hands when it comes to typing manically long dissertations on IG/Twitter etc. I have fibro as one of my medically diagnosed conditions and the hand and wrist pain are among the worst aspects and I cannot type for more than a few minutes or hold a pen to write.
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I mean if you’re Bianca and Alice is calling you a moose, that’s freaking hysterical. Good for her! I bet they laugh their asses off at her poor attempts to derail their relationship. When this all comes to an end and it is soon, I’m glad they had humour.
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Chatty Member
I mean... I don't know I just suffer from it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Yet still believe many traumas are way worse than what I have been through. I think we have way too many people thinking today that their stubbed toe is as bad as someone's leg being amputated because "it traumatized them!"

I live in a family that when I announced I had cancer where several members were quick to say "oh but it's not as bad as when I (hurt my arm, had pre-cancerous cells, had to have sinus surgery - play along and make up your own! It's fun!)"

My own psychologist and psychiatrist are quick to say that some trauma people claim nowadays is nowhere bad as trauma trauma.

There are people like Alice who think being told "no" is a trauma and I have no doubt her brain produces trauma symptoms.

But honestly - I'm old and just don't care.

Sometimes a cunt is just a cunt.
Jeez, I’m not sure how anyone can equate those minor ailments to cancer. There are some truly self-absorbed meat-sacks on this earth. Sorry you had to deal with that.
People that engage in one-upmanship over health concerns are despicable. Like Alice belittling Bianca’s MS whilst inflating her own ailments. She has supporters who claim Bianca has made it all up. I’ve seen tweets suggesting this that are just mind-blowing. Seriously, how fucking stupid and nasty can you get?
Seems with Alice and co, there are always lower depths to sink to. A cont is a cont for sure.
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If she hasn’t prepared the children they are going to be in for a big shock when they move to a small house or condo in a not as nice neighborhood. It’s unfair to the kids to let them believe their lifestyle is not going to change, Alice is fooling herself if she thinks Ioan is going to fund her a lifestyle that she has become accustomed to, not after all she has done.
Sadly, as mAlice is delusional, I have a horrible feeling that kids do not know they are moving, because mAlice truly believes she will keep the house. My parents divorce was different, my dad was a bullying alcoholic, who abused all of us and my grandad literally moved us out in the middle of the day, for our own safety. I was about 9 I think, my sister was 15/16 and I remember my mum saying that we was just going to stay with them for a while. I was old enough to understand that we wasn't going back, thank god. It's a very different case, but even through all the abuse, my mum still encouraged us to try and have a relationship with my dad. I last saw him when I was about 14, my choice. The point is that my mum still wanted us to try and have a relationship with him, it wasn't until I was 14 and stumbled across a load of old court papers did I truly understand what an absolute cunt he was! I thought the way he treated us was normal, as I grew up with it, turns out it wasn't.
My point here is that Ioan has done nothing wrong for her to stop him from seeing them.....argh she fucks me off 🤬. I really hopes she donates that money to a worthy cause!
Also shout put to all the ppl from the US here, the courts ruling on abortion is horrible, the UK is shit for a lot of things, but they would never rule on something like that 😔
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I'd love to see a grift-off between Alice Evans and Anna Delvey. Anna would DESTROY her.
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She really doesn't like women at all does she? Gill, Dena, Ella Newton, Bianca, Katherine Heresma(?), Ioan's sister....
... Except simple old lady type fans who love 'The Christmas Card' and who blow smoke up her arse. She likes those. Because they're dim and old and no threat.
That's where she is exactlyyyyyy like Trump. She goes after women, who she perceives as threats or feels disrespected by, in vulgar ways and with deliberately cruel remarks by attacking their looks, but in an extremely mean and juvenile way. I mean, she is truly Trump in that sense. I've never seen anything like it, and coming from adults over 50, way over 50 in Trump's case Horse teeth? Moose? Insinuating a very young woman is fat to cut them down for supporting Ioan, but pretending she is just relaying how her husband feels. Cruel remarks about his siblings being single, as if something to be ashamed of. Calling his mother vile names in public while married to him? She wonders why he left her? She's a piece of work.
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Alice clearly has a shopping addiction.
She sits around in bed all day what else is she gonna do but shop and fight online?
Her kids are looked after by Gloria. Her housework is done by Gloria. She gets meals delivered.
She needs a job then she would have less time to indulge her addictions. There is a grain of truth in some of the things she lets slip. His comment about her buying the colander.... I bet he was sick to death of her out if control spending on rubbish. I bet it was non stop parcels of shit old clothes arriving every other day. Not all sellers leave feedback so the feedback is the tip of the iceberg.
I have long thought this. She has multiple addictions. mAlice mentioned E-bay back when she and Ioan had just gotten married. There was mention of her makeup taking over baby Ella’s room if I’m not mistaken. If you look at her Instagram photos carefully their home never looked tidy. I still can’t conceive of Ioan marrying her no matter how hard I try. I’d pay a good chunk of change to read his story of their life together and what happened. In case you read this mAlice I wouldn’t pay one penny to read any crap you wrote! 🤭
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She doesn’t talk about her fibbermyalgia? If she talked about it any more it would be an encyclopedia volume. And she would crawl to the opening of an envelope. I don’t recall any red carpets from their marriage where he was there alone.
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House of Tea

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Because B isn’t all bells and whistles AE sees her as someone to look down on. She can’t believe that anybody would choose anybody else over her, her ego will be her downfall, it is what is perpetuating this mess. She was an attractive woman until a few years ago, and that gave her attention, but it was predicated on youth in the early days and then being a striking woman later. She isn’t used to being overlooked or not the Alpha female in the room. But she isn’t anymore and life will be more peaceful for her if she accepts that.
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House of Tea

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Is the "M&S" dress jibe some sort of veiled attack on B having MS?

... and why does mAlice knock 6 years off B's age?
Who knows, more likely that she considers M&S basic and therefore BW is a basic bitch. And knocking years off B’s age is to make the age difference between her ex and B larger than it is.

Whatever age B is she 100 years older than AE in terms of maturity.
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Alice, a major Hollywood star with lots of friends and supporters DON’T YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS isn’t doing so well with her GFM is she?! 85k followers, only 86 contributors (some of which are definitely her!) and only 4.5k. I am cringing so hard for her. Maybe she could call in some major Hollywood friends for help, like Glenn Close or Jessica Alba? Maybe the supporting cast of Harrow?! I mean she was such friends with them all

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Feather fans

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Alice clearly has a shopping addiction.
She sits around in bed all day what else is she gonna do but shop and fight online?
Her kids are looked after by Gloria. Her housework is done by Gloria. She gets meals delivered.
She needs a job then she would have less time to indulge her addictions. There is a grain of truth in some of the things she lets slip. His comment about her buying the colander.... I bet he was sick to death of her out if control spending on rubbish. I bet it was non stop parcels of shit old clothes arriving every other day. Not all sellers leave feedback so the feedback is the tip of the iceberg.
im thinking basically she is either a superwoman or got her hands on Hermione Granger’s time turner. Most of my wwking hours are spent on Tattle (with occasional breaks for sleep, work, rest etc) and I no longer have time for friends, allotment, husband.. even cat gets neglected. She however manages to:
- continuously shop at least on two different sites
- (probably) get drunk
- fight on twitter
- create sock accounts everywhere
- "look after" her babies (it takes at least some attention even if Gloria does all the work)
- post and delete and comment on Instagram
- be bed bound for 4 days a week (how well regimented!) from very severe whatevershewantstocallit
- go out with girlfriends
- do pap walks with blanket and dog she uses as clutch
- order takeways
- follow and critique B’s fashion choices
- "write a book”
Im sure I missed something out but Im dizzy writing down even that much. I need to lie down. The woman is a hurricane!!!
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Group Hug 💩😂😘

The only thing I know she's requested is sole custody, she's definitely opposing the house sale. I'd love to know what agreement she offered to try and cancel the tro, it obviously backfired given she sacked Leon.
If I was Ioan I’d want a full and frank apology to Bianca, his mum and himself.
50/50 custody.
Her financial records and I’d publish them too. Because fuck her.
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There’s always a chance she might take the kids and make a run for it to the UK. It would take time to get her back here, kicking and screaming, but I can definitely see her doing this if she feels cornered.
She can’t afford to buy a plane ticket. She’s totally underestimated Ioan. I still can’t believe some people believe he should fund her for life. Let’s face it, she’s spending the child support on herself.
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Just William

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Ioan didn’t sign up for marriage to an arrogant drunk who thinks the world revolves around her and her only. If she was in bed all day it was because she was always hungover! There’s so many instances of that on her very own Instagram in her very own words. Hungover on Christmas Eve, hungover when Elsie was barely one, hungover when she should have been present for her children and Ioan. She f**king blew it and she deserves all the misery she’s now feeling. It’s a shame that innocent and good people, especially Ioan and the two E’s have had to suffer. 🐝and the pupper Emma too.
💯 this, (y)add in all her abuse & this marriage was far from the 'perfect little family' she loved to post about. He gave her enough chances to change her behaviour but no effort was made to even listen to how Ioan felt, let alone respect him. If the rumours are true she cheated on him after Ella was born but before Elsie & he forgave her. Like many others I too think he stayed way longer than he wanted to or was good for him (mentally/emotionally) for the sake of the girls he loves so much, until he had to get away for his own sanity.

She'll never change as she refuses to own her behaviour. Unbelievable.

Screenshot 2022-03-05 182923.png

Screenshot 2022-03-05 182827.png

He tells her but she still refuses to listen & twists that to him still not telling her the truth!

Screenshot 2022-02-24 194924.png

But admitting to herself that she was the only reason he left is a fate worse than death as her ego couldn't take it. So it gets twisted to him doing her wrong which in her mind justifies the hate & revenge campaign. She'll never change.
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