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Alice saying she can't work because the girls need her at home and don't want her to work is her setting things up so in five or so years time she can shift the blame from Ioan onto them.

I honestly think the only regret Alice has is letting him shoot abroad for long periods
Meanwhile him shooting abroad is possibly the only thing that kept the marriage going as long as it did because he had moments to breathe.
Would she have preferred less time with him in total, but more of that time spent with him at home, or a longer marriage where she didn't see him as much. Either way, the reason for her regret would just change.
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Agree, I think Leon was a good lawyer but he likely didn’t know what the evidence was until last minute. So much wasted time and money. No one can get Alice out of this. No one. She need to accept the PRO and accept she won’t get the money she would have had she done collaborative. If Ioan wanted I think he could now take everything including the kids easily. She wouldn’t get spousal or child support. She needs to get on her knees about now.
Thing is, I think IG is so much of a gentle and kind person he will still give a lot away in consideration for his children and for her as the person he used to know and love.

I know hubby took a long time to recognise how wicked and narcissistic his ex was, purely because deep down he's a genuinely nice person and doesn't want to think or believe that anyone can be or behave the way these people do. Even to the extent of almost losing what they have now, unless something triggers an "epiphany".
For us it was when she threatened to put the children in care then began a couple of years of legal nonsense (lies, changing lawyers, changing testimony, etc).

For IG, he obviously reached that point and had a legal support network in place when he decided to separate.

But the thing is, at his core he is not a malicious or vindictive person. He will want the best for the person he loved, even if he no longer loves her. And he will want the best for the mother of his children, despite the fact that she is a horrible, vindictive person herself who doesn't care about hurting their children in her desire to lash out at him. Make no mistake, people like mAlice take IG's values and ethics as a weakness and she will not stop unless she breaks him.

I admire and respect his values, but he does need to stand strong against her and continue to take all the advice offered to prevent him from falling under her wicked influence. But he seems to be receiving good advice and long may he listen to it. It will, in the long run, benefit him and his children.
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My god, what must her life be like? I could speculate. A lie in to sleep off the hangover, let the nanny deal with kids and clear away the empties, wake up, buy some crap off eBay (no doubt other outlets too), start drinking, order takeout, drink some more, get stuck into Instagram, argue with a few strangers, drink yet more, get abusive towards I & B, pass out drunk, start the whole cycle again tomorrow.
Well said. This sums up the absolute emptiness of her life. It‘s quite pitiful really. I wonder how she feels every morning (apart from like shit obviously) as she unglues her eyes and has to face another Groundhog day. Probably even she is getting tired of all this now, but she would never admit it.

It must be hell living with her, but also being HER. She seems tormented.
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Within 2 years my ex had fathered a child. We divorced. They married and we all got on with our lives. 16 years on from that he's about to move in with his new girlfriend and going to expand our family. We are still friends. We did the best for our kids. We have a strong united family. Very blended but we are all here for each other. What the fuck she thinks she is doing is beyond any thought that a sane rational person would have. She will end up with nothing. The girls will go back to Ioan after many years of finally finding out what she did. Unbelievable that someone could fuck themselves over so incredibly hard and turn what could have been a positive outcome into such an amazing disaster.
And the only common denominator behind EVERY. SINGLE. OUTCOME. Is her.
And when she is 20 years down the road with drink in hand ranting about it. IT. WILL. STILL. BE .YOU.
Read this Malice and for fucks sake, make a change and just do the best for your girls and for you.
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For those asking if she is selling anything … not on Poshmark or Ebay, where she has accounts. Maybe locally to consignment shops. But if so, perhaps she should consider a pause on acquiring new items on other sites. My understanding is that this wouldn’t be for cleaning out or Marie Kondo’ing her wardrobe, but to raise supposedly desperately needed funds. Either she needs that money to feed her kids or she doesn’t.
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A Little Grey

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Well that's a 🚩🚩🚩🚩
To be fair, I have had 4 different therapists too. My first at 13 and my last at 27. I didn’t change them because I didn’t like what they said the first 2 I changed because I couldn’t talk to them, I didn’t trust them or feel comfortable with them. The last one at 27 told me straight that she couldn’t help, anytime she got near to the issue that I needed help with I changed the subject, and even though she knew what I was doing she couldn’t seem to stop it and until I was ready to face it then therapy wouldn’t help. The last one was wrong, from her last talk to me I was finally able to admit the abuse I had suffered to my mother (although her reply was well it also happened to X does that help). Not every one who changes therapists do so to shop around, get drugs they want or get the diagnosis they want. Mine was 4 in 14 years, not sure how quick Alice went through hers. Maybe Alice has changed therapist to ‘shop around’ for what she wants, she certainly has with Doctors and it doesn’t seem that much different for therapists for her. I’m just trying (in a very bad way) to say we are not all like that.

Having said that, I just want to add that I love reading your posts. Long ago, when I first started reading here I would read peoples stories and it really helped me with my own, made me realise that I’m not alone. Through your posts, I have gained a better insight to myself. So thank you for posting.
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Every time I see those photos I burst out laughing at the look on her face. Gloria Swanson in Sunset Blvd vibes. MAlice, ready for her closeup.
Back in the olden days when she first started going after Ioan’s fans the worst insult she could come up with was to insinuate someone was old and fat, so I’m sure she’s utterly terrified to admit to herself that she’s not young and thin anymore. But someone would have to be remarkably ageist, shallow, and fat phobic to think her looks are the problem. Of course she IS remarkably ageist, shallow and fat phobic herself.
If Alice was sweet, kind, happy, and well groomed, plus had integrity I’m positive I wouldn’t even notice her figure.
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Dear Lord. This is not what raising children is supposed to be like at all! They are supposed to grow up craving independence.

We had a not quite two year old screaming bloody murder because she didn't want any help getting in the pool today.

I can think of people who have done more wrong with raising a child - but not too many with Alice's supposed smarts and advantages.

She only wanted those children as an extension of HER and as someones to love HER.

My fee is 125$ per hour. I take most insurances and credit cards. Payment plans are available.
Aren't toddlers just complete and utter arseholes? So cute though.
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These are my thoughts
Alice drinks, so she’s not always able to control what she’s doing in that moment. She can’t remember what she’s said so it’s all contradictory and wakes up full of shame and dirty deletes. She actually does feel shame and that’s what’s ultimately driving all this bat shit behaviour. She has to believe Bianca is a POS who is destroying her life, because the real truth is too hard to accept. She knows she has no proof of B setting trolls on her, but as it’s what Alice has done for 20 years, she’s judging her by her own standards. Alice genuinely believes that nowadays people else live their best lives online, investing hours of time into setting narratives and ‘making friends’, tattle doesn’t help this theory as we all come here a lot and she’s now fully immersed in her internet addiction she can’t stop looking, to her it’s all real. It means as much to Alice as it does most of us IRL, to try to make connections, talk to people and use it as some weird therapy, to post all your inner thoughts and ‘be real’ and it infuriates her that Tattle members and ‘trolls’ come on anon and that someone like Bianca, and us, have outside non internet lives because it doesn’t make sense to her anymore.

She ultimately doesn’t really understand how people have an internet life and a real life because hers have now entirely merged, I think she’s being truthful when she believes she’s ‘being real’ online and this is what makes her so angry.
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I wonder if she will ever regret all of this.
She could be sitting in a nice house with the girls 50/50 Co-parenting and getting all the rest she says she needs. The girls would be quite happy, no anxiety as she claims and she would possibly get to see her beloved Ioan
How arrogant do you need to be to turn down what Ioan offered before she scorched their whole world down?
I honestly think she has more regrets than she will ever let her pride admit, but she’s so stubborn she won’t back down
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You can be proud of what you have achieved - unlike that grifting growler that is Alice
Thank you. I am really proud, I had no idea I was so resourceful till I had to be and the really wonderful thing to come out of it all is that all my girls are all real grafters, they are determined to never be financially reliant on anyone
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Me! I’m going to start one for high-end sushi, $500 bespoke prairie dresses, a weekend trip to Iceland, and my infant daughter’s life-saving medication, which I just learned will cost me $750/month because my insurance won’t cover it! Not as tragic a need as Alice’s, of course, but I may as well throw it in there.
That is so terrible to hear @cherryjuice , your beloved baby girl needs medication that insurance won't cover and that must put such a strain on any family finances. Not to even begin to imagine how awful it must be to have such a poorly child. ♥

Then that bitch is getting cash from strangers to fund her shopping habit.

That really is heart breaking. Wishing you and your family all my very best wishes (and a bloody big lottery win to at least ease financial stress). I realise nothing will help with the worry about your darling child.
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So again, I know that because I am not brain dead. I asked for literal receipts.
They’ve been posted. And again … in my opinion spending even a few dollars on clothes or makeup when you claim you have no food and are begging others to support you is reprehensible. And this isn’t $10. It’s 17 or 18 purchases in one month.
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Has she been reading here again? I'm not finding that buyer on eBay and the url given by that poster for her feedback isn't working for me either.

Which would kinda prove that it is her eBay account.
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I bloody knew the mad bint had blown all her money on shopping/concert tickets!

How the heck she has the brass neck to show her damn face anywhere, never mind on social media to potentially thousands of people worldwide, is totally beyond my comprehension.

She's a horrible - or to use her child-like expression, horrid - person for trying to scam money as an emergency. A complete con artist.

And she's basically raising her children to be hard faced con-artists like her if she's allowed to get away with it. It should be considered child abuse, because for sure those kids are going to get bullied when it becomes known that she's a lying scheming fraudster!

Every day I don't think she can surprise or sicken me any further, then she does.

She's a disgraceful Twunt.
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I like gay men they’re fabulous. I’m probably far too cynical of her and see everything as performative.
Nah. Alice sexualizes everything. She probably meant she was such an incredibly alluring and attractive woman even the gay man wanted her!
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