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It almost certainly isn't a family member. At best it's just a random troll.

At worst it's a sock set up to "attack" AE so she can get sympathy.

I know which one I think it is.
sorry for saying this but I wouldn't put it past Alice to set up one of her infamous sock accounts, trolling herself, to then claim it is a Bianca relative to try to make biancas family look bad to the world and to Ioan.
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I love this comment from one of Alice’s followers after Alice admitted to cheating on her boyfriends earlier.

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I hope all the publications who gave her a spot to sell her sob story are looking at this and feeling guilty. They are absolutely culpable in her spiraling to THIS extent and the fact that a 90 minute sit down turned into a 1:47 clip because she couldn't stay focussed should have been a tipoff. She just wanted to get a rise out of him and when he didn't play the game she just... broke. They shouldn't have given her the airtime in the first place.

As for whomever on #TeamAlice apparently lurks here and reads these: This is on all of you as well. All of you playing little junior sleuth to appease someone whom I promise does not care about you. You fed the delusions, you let her contradict and contradict herself ad infinitum and only offered uncritical support, you let her absolutely lay waste to any sense of privacy her small children had and only commented on what scum you thought her ex was, you went hunting for clues and connections to please her and returned with naught but endless fuel for her paranoia, and look at her now: everyone's Bianca. Everyone. The "husband" who hasn't spoken to her in ten months and left her destitute apparently isn't separated at all and wants her back. She's losing it in front of us all, and it's on YOU. Do you feel guilty? Or are you just going to coddle her some more whilst you help her spiral into an involuntary commitment? That'd really show Ioan, eh? Just stop. Please.
The tabloid press just care about clicks, and she is giving it to them. They know she has spiralled out of control and are feeding it, because they know they will get tons of comments and column inches out of her. I bet the 'big organisation' she is apparently finding out information about Biancas ex husband for is Mailonline, and they are just getting her to do their dirty work for free. They will get away with it, because she is participating in their stories, and can play innocent when their mean readers rip her to shreds. Its not like they will get roasted like they did when they pursued Britney Spears when she was having a breakdown, because she is willingly doing this to herself.
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All seems quiet tonight. I was falling asleep until my cat decided to fart on me 🤢
I was literally asleep till my cat decided to lie on top of me, nearly fell off and used her claws to hold on....OUCH!😦 and what did I do, gave the wee fucker some nice ham lol
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Ena Sharples

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I watched a documentary a few years back on male DV, his name was Alex Skeel, it was really tragic and very disturbing. His partner was very bad during her pregnancies, second especially. Police had repeated visits to their home, she was always able to manipulate the situation, into her being the victim. Although I hope in even the past 2-3 years training regarding spotting male victims has been increased due to increased awareness/ ability to talk about it more freely. Also since the introduction of coercive control becoming punishable. This was a uk programme, I am sure it would still be available to watch (on some platform) Alex did become a huge Twitter advocate for male DV, however he had to take a step back if I remember correctly.
I just saw a clip on youtube from about him, so very, very sad and uncomfortable to watch. It might go some way to explain IG's anxiety and I think someone said depression as well. Maybe if it was a straightforward case of a couple falling out of love and knowing all parties had each other's best interest at heart then he might have left earlier. But if there was fear on his part of what she might do then I understand his reluctance to leave and as said earlier, he may have found his strength in Bianca to do this.

I used to be pretty black and white about people having affairs when they were in relationships, be it married, living together or just dating. But reading through these threads this last week or so has cast some doubt in my mind. There will always be tossers who treat their partners badly and be totally disreseptful to them by having affairs but if IG was really abused and beaten down by her, then I can understand why he had an affair. I'm not saying it's right to do it but I can understand why someone would that.
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Domestic abuse is as much mental and emotional abuse as it can be physical. Even without narcissism an abuser is very good at making their victim believe the abuse is all their fault, that there is something wrong with them, that everything will be perfect if only the victim can do and be what the abuser wants. Many will be too scared to leave because their abuser has convinced them they are so useless and helpless that they won't be able to survive in the real world without the abuser. They break their victim down over time. Some victims will even come to believe that not only is the abuse their fault, but that it's exactly what they deserve. And eventually for many victims, the abuse becomes so normalized, especially if it isn't physical, that they lose sight of reality, they don't realize just how abusive and wrong and abnormal their situation is.
And a lot of abusers can be incredibly charming, make you feel a million dollars, like you're the only person in their world, they have to make it so that when things are 'good' they're amazing so that you'll try and put up with the abuse to retain the amazing parts of the relationship. Often people don't want to leave because they hold onto hope that the abuser will stop if they just do the right things (like you've said).

I bet when Alice wanted to be she was a wonderful partner: fun, charismatic, attractive enough to turn heads, outgoing, exciting, keeps things fresh, always up for adventures. Some people like their partner to be a little possessive or jealous, they see it as 'well they must REALLY love me to be this way'. Over time however the abuse takes its toll, but it can take years until the balance finally weighs on the side of leaving.
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I am used to it now. I was older than Big E but my sister was younger. Parental alienation (or bitter twisted woman syndrome) is so fucking draining. Not till we had our own kids we realised how bad it was
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you know, I wonder how many break ups these people ever had to find this unusual? (and this is one of her more reasonable friends she DMs about her life about)



(the link is to that guardian article where he mentions them struggling, which totally contradicts their point wtf)
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I think people (Alice and the FM) are pretending to be Biancas family then saying bad things to make her family look bad. Funny cos I fall for it myself. So I imagine most are. Which is sad for BW and her family.
Also did the FM just make another account and carry on probably. They may have stopped for possible legal reasons but I doubt they have stopped just on another account. Sorry if this has been said already I got a few pages to catch up on (like 20).
Honestly I'd think this was far fetched if @welp hadn't told us about the crazy nonsense that went on in the old fansite. Now it's just like 'oh yes, of course it's a sock puppet - that's classic Alice'. Which is just so so so pathetic!
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Her Instagram is so fake meanwhile on Twitter she is showing her poisonous true colours. Ioan made the right decision leaving her and I’m amazed it took him this long !
It’s likely he tried many times in his situation. It takes sometimes at least 7 tries to get away from an abusive narcissistic partner, man or woman. That’s why his own daughters told Malice they knew he was coming back. And also why she’s so batshit and enraged that he’s not coming back this time.
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A new thread title suggestion (and a cry for help - I just cannot keep up here without neglecting my family 😁)

Alice, please, finally give us some rest, by now there's too much material on tattle to digest.
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Listen, there are definitely things exacerbating the situation and her behaviours (underlying personality issues, all the SM influence etc) but when you look at the widely accepted model for how people deal with grief and loss, she is not that far off it.

Yes, she may be spiralling pretty significantly but I argue that could be contributed by the fact she is missing 2 key components to being able to navigate this -proper emotional support and guidance and direction. Sycophants on social media do not count, and lawyers and counselling can only do so much - I mean, proper people with her on the ground.

Whatever her faults, she has no parental ot obvious family figures providing support, no best friend coming round to clear the empty bottles, stick her in the bath then put her to bed and hold her while she cries. She seems to be totally and utterly alone and that is just desperately sad.View attachment 872301
I would really be on board with this if there wasn’t so many examples of her being controlling, obsessive, abusive and and out and out liar/fantasist. She’s dug her own pit
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Just William

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So now she adds white trash to home wrecker, ho, slut, horse teeth, bitch, bogan ... the keyboard warrior/SM addict speaking up for other women. Pass me a bucket. 🤮
Adding hooker & monster to her insults, this from a woman who claimed she is always kind, riiiiiiiight, she wouldn't know kind if it smacked her in the face. Oh & calling BW big nose along with IG (who according to her is also grumpy, miserable, boring, a pussy, etc) & now he's baldy. And as for her comment on how she hopes their daughter doesn't get his nose. Vile. The ugliness & emptiness of the AE soul is on clear display.
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While I agree she is not in a good place mentally, she is getting counsel as to what she should be doing (deleting SM, therapy, stop drinking) but is *clearly* ignoring this advice and instead listening to the rabble rousers who are living for the drama.
After a point, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

Still deluded

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