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IG was gone when AE added the bark collar. So tbf I can’t imagine that his input would amount to a hill of beans. Plus AE would probably double down and add a taser just because she’s so defiant.
But I love your recap and you’re very courageous to take it on! 😆
Thank you, I'm sure I've missed so so much! 😅 😘 Would be great if people continue adding in anything else I've missed (y)

Aw I feel a bit better about that then, it really colours my opinion of people when they are abusive to animals and children particularly so it's nice to know he didn't have a say in the awful bark collar!

Having said that, I also dont think that Ioan is thrilled if people close to his girlfriend speak out.

Totally agree with this ^ Welp

And a nice bit of DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse the Victim and Offender) by saying that there is a timeline just of cruel memes and that is why she used the HT joke? People may seem like they believe you Alice but sensible people with a grip on reality see you for exactly what you are :rolleyes:
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Sadly it's not about being stupid. It's very, very difficult to escape from a narc parent because doing so means you essentially have to realise your entire life is a lie. Most often it's easier to keep the pretence up. Safer to blame the non narc parent.
I suspect this is why even in the before split photos elder E has bags under her eyes. I'm glad Jo Frost has commented, I've been a childcare worker for 20 years and what I am seeing is shocking. Definite PA and elder E assuming the parent role when AE is off her tits. I really hope he has a plan in place for when he gets back. Yes there may be histrionics from the girls because of what they have been fed but it's better for them in the long term.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Does anyone here have time to read any other threads? I’m can’t begin to tell you how exhausted I am trying to do life stuff etc
and read here. I can’t stop though because I would have a massive case of fomo. 😊
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Is it bad that If I won the lottery tomorrow I would so produce Supernanny with Alice Evans? JoJo knows her stuff and it would kinda be like Godzilla vs Kong. Seriously though I think Jo would help
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Some of you say Malice is pretty but I don’t see it. I look at people as a whole along with their personality and she is evil, complete and utterly bat shit crazy. The one on the right with those gurning mouth movements, I think she’s on something worse than prescription medication.

I really fear her demise soon. She’s proven she won’t accept advice and she can’t remember one day to the next what she’s tweeting. She’s completely out of control, only intervention from professionals can stop her now and it does need doing. If Ioan doesn’t do something drastic this week then I will lose all respect for him as a father.
My grandmother always said " pretty is as pretty does." When you are ugly inside looks disappear.
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I find the most bizarre bit the invention of people she said she was going to do an "experiment" and post a cute picture of herself and wait for the BW crowd to pile in.
Then magically what appears almost immediately to prove her right and her experiment a success?
A "cousin" of BW (with a name followed by a load of random letters and an account set up in November 2021 - not unlike the imaginary brother who appeared) saying that BW has Ioan inside her. Isn't that the same phrasing the narc onced used on IMDB?
And then another threatening tweet supposedly from the same family member of BW.
Does she really not think people see through this? It's sub playground antics.
She accuses people of creating sock accounts because that's what she does.
Okay I don’t agree with anything Alice is doing but she’s clearly having a break down and she is a real
person, even if she is living in her own narrative. But who are these absolute lunatics who create fake accounts just to wind her up even more?! I don’t feel sorry for AE she’s clearly brought a lot of it on herself but I think these “sock accounts” are worse.
Let me make it clear I don’t believe for a second they are IG or BW or anyone that even knows them.
Just sad little people with no lives who want to pretend they are linked to an online drama of some d-list celebs.
What is wrong with people?!
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IG has good lawyers and I am sure they are dealt with this all before. Still this is going to be a difficult 2 years for him. I found this.

"A narcissist wants to punish and/or control their partner and that doesn’t change on separation. Rather, if they feel they are losing control their behaviour is likely to become more extreme. Your relationship wasn’t normal, and your divorce won’t be either. Be prepared for a very tough ride, and get all the support and help you can.

Unfortunately if you’re divorcing a narcissist you’ll almost certainly end up in court sooner or later. The narcissist revels in the drama of court proceedings and will drag them out as long as possible so your divorce and financial proceedings are likely to take two years or more.

But you cannot mediate with a narcissist: it’s their way or the highway. Most (though not all) narcissists are fully in control of their emotions. Don’t view coaching or therapy as a luxury you can’t afford, but as essential support to help you make the switch from heart to head and get through proceedings which are tough for anyone (except a narcissist of course, who thrives on the drama).
Collect and keep as much evidence as you can. The narcissist lies. Convincingly. So the more evidence of the truth you have the more likely you are to succeed."

LOL there is no shortage of evidence. If his lawyers missed anything they can just come here.
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She is absolutely out of control now - I mean I know the reason there is nothing coming out of loan’s camp but I just don’t know how he can sit there and not respond to the repeated accusations, the threats to his new girlfriend.
He is showing a lot more restraint than I could.
Alice is in a deep state of paranoia and how all her wee minions can sit there and butter her up and continue to watch her do this is cruel, and they have a cheek to call the ones challenging her (trolls)
She cannot for the life of her accept that Ioan is gone and that she now needs to start a life without him.
I bet he’s done it their entire relationship. This woman gets something into her head with very limited, if any, evidence so imagine the things she has said and accused him of over the years. He’s had 20 years practice of keeping quiet and hoping for the storm to blow over.
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Rather than desperately posting glamour photos from 20 years ago in a vain bid to impress, Malice would do far better to start comporting herself like an actual adult and responsible parent. That would impress me far more than the ridiculously, Disney-tuned photos.

If you want people to admire and respect you, then behave in ways that garner you admiration & respect. It really is that simple.
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Madge Harvey

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In the very same interview he admitted that they have issues for the past 4 years. Are these people illiterate?

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View attachment 871770
“They all have the same MO, to stop me talking about it on Twitter”

No Alice we actually wanted you to get a grip of your life for your kids sake. If you want to be a complete attention seeker then please do so but leave your kids out of it. In my opinion she is completely gone, no coming back from the paranoia depths she’s sunk to.
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I think there is a fine line of commentary on the situation and just angling to create more hurt for AE, which filters down to the kids and others. I understand people wanting to tell Alice the truth or to get a grip etc but the mocking and antagonising is no different to the ‘supporters’ who are just riling her up whilst feeding her lies and false promises. It’s fuel to the fire of a human beings mental breakdown. Just my take on it.
I wish they would stop winding her up. She is obviously in a dark place. She is very reactive, they know she will go mad at every tweet. It isn't helping the situation.
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I've literally started getting anxiety everytime I read here or read her twitter feed. It's just that impending doom feeling. I really hope she gets help and stops giving people reason to think she is crazy. Its like watching a slow motion train wreck.
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Looks like Alice is now trying to pinpoint the exact date Ioan fell out of love with her by posting a love note from 15 months ago. It's so pointless.

HE'S LEFT YOU AND IS MOVING ON. Yes, it's shit and you can still care for the mother of your children. He just doesn't want a future with you. Maybe he was scared of you, plucking up the courage to leave. Maybe he was unsure what he wanted. Maybe you and he were having a good day.

Maybe it just became too unbearable, too unworkable, too exhausting. I don't doubt she's probably put some of his jobs and working relationships in jeopardy and the insisting he went home when they were filming Harrow during a lockdown (iirc) was probably the last straw. Divide and conquer seems to be her style.

I know someone said earlier that maybe Alice vents all her rage and frustration out in her Tweets, and may not be as bad in real life. What if she's WORSE in real life? We have no way of knowing, apart from that car rage video clip.
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I really hoped she’d actually go to sleep/step away from Twitter tonight. She needs a new nighttime routine - maybe a suggestion?
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