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Didn’t she just get yet another shit-ton of clothes for Christmas? (Answer ‘yes’) And the ‘midnight’ trip to Primark? Now she’s got a £200 savings goal for this crappy company that sells some very bad quality stuff according to reviews. (Yeah I looked them up couple weeks back)

This must come from her mother - this constant need to buy stuff.

They came to mind the other day when on the radio, there were discussions about how to get basic laptop to kids who are having to learn from home but don’t have the equipment. This lot have so much of everything- why not do a vlog of something truly worth sharing, and maybe encouraging others to step up.
If she's got a 200 pound saving GOAL. How little from her chanel is she receiving? It's love to see that one, I hope a bloody big chunk is going into savings if she's having to save £200.

They should all be getting an allowance from the Ingham Family Channel too. Not just "nest eggs" tht may never materialise.

Isabelle's reading is the same as any time any of the kids show an interest in anything, it becomes an obsession and a huge part of their personality overnight. Stuck on the worst road trip ever, she gets through a few books and then she's suddenly cast as The Bookish One, bullet journaling and unable to remove her glasses because Reader Aesthetic, innit, while her mother screeches at her to show the camera how many pages she's read.

'Rationing' her reading is a shit excuse to cover that she doesn't want to read as much as her character is meant to.
Rationing reading 🤣 ration screen time, sure. Ration time on the xbox or switch, sure. Raton the amount of time you spend with your Creepy stepdad, sure. But reading???
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I did the same! Not order, I mean screen shots (but your blurs are way better than mine).
So utterly wrong that this greedy bitch is taking advantage of super vulnerable folks who save what little money they have for these way overpriced pieces of crap. No morals.
The fans simply want attention from the Minghams. It’s just awful.

Another sad and disturbing comment - from a 12-13 year old. Crying because she played a video game with the two youngest? It’s reading comments like this that are giving the Ingham children a very unrealistic view of the real world, especially the youngest who has no frame of reference.
Shame on the parents of both kids.
As a mother of a 13yr old girl, the most disturbing thing for me is that Esme and Isla are left to chat to complete randoms on the internet!!!! FFS this “12yr old” could be anyone - how many “kids” are they chatting to and saying “we can be friends”??!!?!! Jesus wept this is actually terrifying!!!! Esme and Isla are too bloody young and naive to be left open to the internet like this - why the hell have they not got a private “Adopt Me” account - Chris and Sarah get your heads out of your own arses!!!! Fook!!!!!
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Yes there are plenty of walks they could do close to where they are. But it's also all a out Sarah. She finds it boring to walk around locally. But anyone that's had a toddler, looked after a toddler or even seen a toddler in passing will know that they are entertained by walking and looking at cars, buses, in the sky for planes, birds, waving at passing people. I can't tell you how long I've spent waving at bin men, not because I love them, but mine as toddlers loved watching them.
You're absolutely right. People like the Minghams nowadays have to have structured entertainment - films, shopping, Disneyland kinda thing - rather than finding entertainment in the everyday life, otherwise it's seen as "boring". When I was a kid we'd take a bat and ball to the nearest field, or take bikes to a park, or even get on a bus a few stops and walk back home (we didn't have much money lol!). These things are still available to them. Have they ever kicked a football around with Jace? Or fed the ducks on the canal, or been on a train ride? There's a train station not far away, they could just sit there and watch the trains passing. It just requires a bit of imagination ... which none of them seem to have.
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I wonder if they've always been this bad at time keeping in previous jobs?

At the airport - "Chris that plane you were supposed to clean left 2 hours ago"

At the hospital - "Chris we asked you to take that patient somewhere 5 hours ago. Whilst waiting they recovered and left."
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Lazy really does want to think before her motor mouth runs away with her. She truly disgusts me. It would serve her well to remember where she came from. Much as it grieves me to say Creepy did drag her out of the doldrums I understand Seacroft to be. She would presumably be a single mother on benefits when they met and whilst they are as bad as each other he is the harder working of the two. She could possibly still be there and have as many or more kids from absent fathers and have remained on benefits but for some remarkable luck with YouTube. If that was her lot she’d have much more to be miserable about and her shopping addiction would be forcibly curtailed. It’s with remembering it’s not that long since she learned to drive. Would that opportunity have presented its self in more reduced circumstances? She has a reasonably nice home and everything they need yet she cannot or will not be happy. It cannot be beyond her to study and get herself some qualifications. Even if she had to start with numeracy and literacy before she could advance to higher education. Some courses are free and there is funding available for the over 25’s. Lots of woman who have children young pursue careers this way. She has no interests or hobbies and no personality. Her only social skills are aggression and attack. My love of the woman must be evident for all to see.
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His hair is just hilarious. It's even funnier that he knows what it looks like and still stares at himself in the camera like he wants to flirt with himself.

He could shave it off and still wear the beanie and then at least it wouldn't be a big greasy mess underneath. It's quite normal for a man in his late 30s to be going bald (I know more that have some hair loss than those that don't). In the last couple of years my husbands hair loss really accelerated and straight away he said shave it off, not looking stupid with patches of hair. If anything, it makes my husband look like he used to be in a gang and now helps people. Being 6 foot 3 probably helps too but you're not *that* far off that are you Creepy?
He doesn’t want to be a normal bloke though. He’s stuck thinking he’s some 19 year old with groupies. He’s revolting, the state of it.

I’m still astounded he has bred with two women (allegedly) and apparently had numerous affairs. Who are all these blind women?
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On the Baby and me instagram it says “rated excellent on trust pilot”. Doesn’t every negative review get deleted? 🤔
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Chris's speach about Esmes bedroom, we have basically not done anything in her room,
next minute Esme has not been in her bedroom basically since last time we filmed.

Esme is very particular about how she wants her bedroom and how she wants her bed. bla bla bla...
next minute, Esme has no idea how her bed will look like.
We knew we would have such a busy day today so we could not do anything, instead you went for a walk in a rainy park. I cannot remember last time Jace was in a park. hmmm how many vlogs has it been since you and Jace went to the park to play and the girls came out afterwards Sarah. and not long after that Jace And Chris went to the park to play several times.
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Anyone local able to frequent the local traditional butty shop at the same time as the minghams and maybe see if bacon butties are being bought?
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I mean she’s only 8, my bedroom was a bomb site until I was a teenager, of all things I don’t think she can be expected to keep her bedroom spotless, I don’t think Esme should be in there though sleeping under the bed that’s just going to make the separation harder in the long run!
I don’t blame Isla at all for the state of her room.
the child has spent a good deal of her life in hotels and no doubt the Inghams expected the people who cleaned their rooms to pick stuff up
if Sarah spent less time watching Netflix and more time teaching her children how to keep their rooms tidy there wouldn’t be such a mess.
a lot of decluttering needs to be done in that house.they need to stop begging for freebies That would be a start
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I feel so wound up by tonight’s offering....poor Esme, how embarrassing being paraded for vlog “content” 😢
Also Jace was trying to tell Chris something....but of course the filming is more important than his son trying to communicate!
Is Sarah that stupid that she can’t see if they all got out of bed earlier, they could have breakfast when we all eat breakfast time?! That would help lunchtime and hey....Guess what...that in turn would help dinner times! Wow, it’s revolutionary! Routine for a family! 🙄How are those kids going to get by in normal society when they are young adults is beyond me.
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Not sticking up for them, but I didn't get that impression. To me, it seemed as though she'd bought a multi-pack to see which one helped the most.
When a child/person has visual stress it takes a professional to get the colour correct. My daughter has the tinted lense glasses and it took the optician over an hour to get the colour 100% correct. Without the glasses Esme should at the very least be tested by a professional who would recommend the correct coloured overlay and be advising on printing all her school work on coloured paper. Sarah doesn’t seem to take it seriously, she’s not doing Esme any favours. It makes be so mad as I’ve seen the benefits your child gets when they receive the correct help.
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Izzy has started to use more words in the same sentence. Cute, cool and pretty. Well done.

The cute, cool and pretty clothes look very similar to those she’s got in her wardrobe - checked skirts, white trousers and vest tops. Hardly ringing in the changes for 2021. Bless her she really doesn’t need trainers - they rarely leave Chav House.
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Lazy wants to try shielding for the best part of a year and then tell me how bored and fed up she is. Only time I leave my house is for medical treatment.
Yep same for my husband, he's been out a total of 7 times since March 17th (not including our garden).

Oh and only 2 times were for 'fun' the rest medical and I honestly can't remember when hes complained about it.
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Also not only does she think printing out a worksheet for 10mins a day is homeschooling has she ever actually sat and done work with them?

Strange how since the "family death" chris is back being a twat in more of the vlogs I'm sure it was all a build up to something coming out hence the days off also but somehow they kept it quiet for now and again Lazy sticks by him 🤮🤑
Also only just turned it on but he seems hyper still when bouncing down the stairs sttage when he claimed he was so ill with a migraine 🙄
I asked on here the other day about numerous Twitter things saying ‘something was coming out about Chris soon’ and never materialising. And my post got deleted?

Not even a thank you from Lazy

View attachment 395459
Simple solution. Close your charity box!

So she's getting fed up is she of being in . She's only done it since just before Christmas the stupid cow. How she moaned at everyone moaning about lockdown. How they have not been cancelled I don't know .
Fed up of being in? The only other thing she did was shop and all the supermarkets, b&m ekcetera are still open?

Instant way to get rid of a headache. Put all of a perverts stuff into a suitcase. Change the locks. Simple
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So about her new personalised venture and the big secrecy about the ‘special equipment’ and probably not showing it on the vlog incase other people decide to try it and not put money into her pocket ...

Sounds like she has got herself a Cricut machine. I got myself one for Christmas and there’s a few groups online and quite the craft following with it. I’m gutted that she’s in the same club as me now, can I disown my membership???

Sarah why have you ruined Cricut for me?! 😭

-Disclaimer on behalf of Lazy, the software she uses is basically just taking off designs off a programme to download and use, so don’t be fooled that she’s designed anything herself! Although she won’t be happy as you have to pay for most of the designs yourself.

I don’t think this new fad will last long, Cricuts are quite expensive to run with the designs and vinyl etc. So hopefully it won’t be long until she leaves the club and I can rejoin it!
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