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The Inghams are onto wash load number two already. Jace is screeching in the background as usual. Esme is having a bad day because she got up and has used one of Isabelle's Asda moisturisers that she has used before, and she's had a reaction. Lazy say Creepy has sensitive skin and he probably takes after him. Jace chases Isla around the living room.

Lazy is now sat with Isabelle, looking through a student cookbook. She will be getting some ingredients today from the supermarket. They lack inspiration for lunchtime but usually skip breakfast. The girls have their lunch at 11am and Jace isn't keen on breakfast. The girls snack a lot during the day and Lazy thinks it's because they're bored. So Lazy is off to the supermarket to get ingredients so she can make juicy lunches. Jace plays with his dinosaur.

Jace has his hat and boots on, and is off out with Creepy on his bike. Jace starts to get upset because he wants his police bike so they go back and get it. He needs some help to get on the bike so Creepy pulls him on by his arm as usual. A couple of minutes later, Creepy has been joined by Esme and Isla because Jace got bored. Clip of Creepy falling off the skate rail and doing his one trick.

7 minute long Isabelle and Esme sketch.

Lazy asks Jace what he is doing. He's on the sofa taking all the cushions, which he lays on. Lazy tests Jace's counting. She doesn't feel like she's vlogged much because she's been playing with her new machine, walking around the house looking for things to customise. She has also bought an engraver tool online and acrylic keyrings. They're taking the day off vlogging tomorrow because Lazy did a launch on Baby and Me so has hundreds of packages to post. She wants the girls to focus on schoolwork, Creepy will be looking after Jace and he might even need to go and help Lazy at the office. They couldn't make it any more obvious that vlogging is a chore to them now. Thanks you to everyone for their orders. Lazy has another big order coming within the next week or two.

End of vlog

Why he can't just put the camera down or 2 seconds instead of dragging him on the bike by his arm I'll never know.
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Young Hollywood probably thought this guy was admiring his skillz, but really he was just thinking 'oh it' the twat in the hat again'
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The twat in the hat 😂😂
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I wasn't aware of any Chris in hospital rumours. I do think there is more to all the days off they are taking recently though. However I do think he's been mainly absent in the last couple of vlogs because he's been at the office. Lazy can't be bothered to do the work for the business that she started, and I imagine when she does go to the office she spends most of her time looking/shopping online so there's still all the work to do when Chris goes in.

The more that is said about Esme, the more it seems that the school was actually doing things to help her. Which makes the decision to remove her from school even worse, not to mention all the times they went away during term time knowing they had at least one child who was struggling. And if she used the page colour things at school and found them helpful, why has it taken until now for Sarah to buy them for home use?
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Sarah wouldn't know how to not take too much. Remember when she bought about 100 Easter eggs?!
Or when they were in Scotland at New Years last year, the tins of Celebrations and Heroes eckseteraaaaaaah were reduced and she cleared the shelves?

You seen the comment a few down from that? Someone said they should change their name to poo head 😂 Then she tells the person to shut up.. talk about people throwing insults!
If EVER there was an indication of how far the #MightyMinghams have fallen, it's responding to someone who advised them to change their names to Poo Head. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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DMK 99

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All she does is moan. Get a flipping grip 🙄. Sarah "Too busy to have a bath but can't wait to get my ass down the cafe" Ingham .
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Chatty Member
Typical inghams for chris to have a 'migraine' making the new wardrobe but sarah and isabelle who could make the wardrobe instead, are lazing about watching a film. Isla putting the dirty top back in her wardrobe instead of in the wash 🤦🏻‍♀️
Creepy wants to be experiencing what I’m going through. I tested positive on Tuesday and I feel like I have the worst jet lag possible coupled with losing my smell or taste
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So yet again the idiots have broken the rules! You can go out for exercise not for a picnic absolute cretins!
I shouldn’t worry too much, I live locally and the sandwich shop is a mere 5-10minute walk from their house, not sure you can even call it a walk really? The stretch of the canal they walk used to be the 5min walking warm up for my runs 😂
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Izzy says she rationing her reading because she will run out of books and need to buy more!!!!!
What on earth is that about - there’s no shortage of books, just ask the British library for titles if your stuck for ideas. Better still get the gcse English list of titles. The dim witted girl is saving up for some clothes - I was so impressed with her saving target drawing (is she doing art at gcse as well?). Just typical tatty and cheap clothes over books.
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Kikini Bamalam

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I don't care how many times Princess Lardarse says it ,but I simply do not believe she has hundreds of orders to pack and send out. She is bullshitting, there is no way people are shelling out £50+ for a shite blanket, that they could get themselves from ebay/amazon marketplace/the local market for at least £20 cheaper.
I don't doubt that some of her deluded fan base buy a blanket here and there and maybe some person wanders across her insta and buys something, but hundreds of orders? Nah not happening, not at those prices.
As for her showing orders of multiple blankets/wankets? Don't make me laugh! There is more chance of Creepy washing his rancid beanie than someone buying more than one of those sweatshop rags!
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Ava girl

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Lazy said that when Esme's bedroom is finished they need to start on hers and Chris' room, what about finishing Isabelle's eye sore of a miss matched bedroom.
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Lazy films Jace crying because she wouldn't let his throw blackcurrant juice on the floor. He remembers his car and cheers up. The Inghams have had a couple of days off vlogging but the past couple of days have been stupidly busy and there was no time to vlog. The girls are home schooling Creepy is off to the Post Office and Lazy is going to try and occupy Jace for an hour. Lazy has mum guilt because she feels like Jace has been left on his own. Jobs get in the way and he has to occupy himself. She tests Jace using flash cards but he can't quite say pig or monkey yet so just makes the sounds. Next, Jace plays with his wooden toys and Lazy tests him on colours. She is going to start teaching him numbers yet because he can only count to three but can't recognise numbers. Apparently he knows ALL colours.

Isla and Jace play in his police car. Lazy chucks a blanket over it to make a den. Then Esme comes down and Lazy gets Jace to shout everyone's names... literally shout. Then he decides he wants the camera to go away so lazy says goodbye.

Isabelle makes a drink and Lazy shows us Jace's sandwiches. Upstairs Lazy shows us the mess in his bedroom and opens his blind. He wasn't too happy to have to go upstairs and have his nappy changed. Time lapse of Lazy tidying the bedroom and Jace going on his slide. Jace decides he wants his slide downstairs.

Lazy is leaving the kids to make a mess of the living room. Esme and Isla are arguing about who's turn it is to play on the triangle with Jace telling them to share. Lazy has come to see Isabelle, who is on Pinterest. Lazy is out of breath and gives Isabelle some Hunger games books from Granny. She thought Isabelle had the first one but she doesn't so asks Isabelle why she started from book 2.

There are still a few Prinny teddies left. They're like a real baby because they're weighted and the arms and legs move. Lazy films Jace holding it.

A couple of hours later and Isla has been watching Harry Potter with Esme. Esme is grating cheese. Isabelle has been reading and Lazy has been playing with her new machinery. She has been trying new pr-oh-jects and has moved onto easter egg holders and keyrings.

Isabelle is upstairs in her bedroom, dinner is finished. Lazy has just given her her pocket money. Isabelle is going to save a lot of her money to do a Shein order. She shows us some of her inspiration outfits and says the order if over £200. Esme has earnt £30 and decided to spend her money on fidgets, and so does Isla.

Creepy finally appears and says when you take a day off camera you feel lost. Lazy says people will start talking and wonder if he is in the caravan if he doesn't appear on the vlog. He constantly walks around with a camera in his hand and it felt weird not to. Isla is about to go to bed and Creepy is taking Jace to bed. Jace says thank you to Lazy and Creepy.

Lazy shows us the Easter Egg holders, which are too spacious for a Creme Egg. She's also made some ugly keyrings for herself, Isla and Isabelle. She enjoys crafting so it's nice for her to make something and be able to see it straight away. She has to wait a while for her blankets. Tomorrow Creepy and Lazy will have to be at the office all day because they underestimated how long it would take to get all the orders out from the launch on Saturday. They were at the office from morning until evening on the two day they didn't vlog, today was the same and tomorrow will be too. They're still only halfway through Saturday's orders because there was so many. Creepy took 29 sacks to the office today. It's difficult to catch Jace's personality on camera but it was nice to film him today. Lazy just uploaded a clip to Instagram of him outside the girls' room before he read him a story and got him ready for bed. The girls wanted time to themselves but he doesn't understand so lays there banging on the door and shouting their names.

End of vlog

She said she designed them but a quick google shows you can buy them off ebay
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He's such a wannabe American. How embarrassing. It's Mumma Creepy, not Momma. You're, not youre.
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The keyrings are just ugly and the colours are so wrong
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FFS!! Stealing ideas and passing them off as her own again!!
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I’m not even trying to be a hater but Chris posting skating clips to his insta is objectively boring as fuck, whether he posted it or the most loved influencer on the internet posted it. It’s boring and I can’t tell one from the next because they’re all essentially the same thing. And he went off on that woman calling him a one trick pony last time :ROFLMAO: Come on dude
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Things that have mysteriously gone missing - a list (not comprehensive)
- The snack control baskets
- The copious amount of personalised water bottles they get sent
- Those lunchboxes and babyish backpacks gifted to them before the roadtrip
- Basically anything gifted
- Their self respect
- Chris' hair
Their wedding rings
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Wonder if there's any truth to the rumour that Creepy has been in hospital. Would explain the non-vlogging, his absence from vlogs and the excruciatingly slow progress on the renovations room tidying.
Wait, what’s the rumour? In hospital for what? I’m sure they would have definitely vlogged that for some “juicey content”
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They were recently moaning about people parking near their estate to walk along the canal, saying that it was against the rules to drive anywhere for exercise, then they go and do exactly that today!!
Doesn’t anyone else think it strange that this lockdown the Inghams seem so well versed on the lockdown rules. Considering this is a family who consistently broke the rules of the first lockdown. Then didn’t quarantine properly (the main reason we are now in lockdown number three is due to this very thing). But now suddenly want to observe every little rule of lockdown 🧐 I often wonder if they were pulled up by someone about breaking rules.
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I don't think Isabelle actually reads as much as she claims, however if she does what kind of household thinks you should ration reading. The reality is some people have to because they can't afford more books - especially now with lack of library services and charity shops closed (which are a great source for cheap books). But the amount they spend on other tat?! And books are available in supermarkets and online so still quite easy to purchase for people like them.

Scrunchies, cheap clothes and sweets are in endless supply, but books are something to be rationed? And the thing to save up for is yet more clothes! When most of us have barely got any plans to leave the house for the foreseeable future (other than work), they think they need to buy more clothes, to wear where exactly?
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