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Chatty Member
It just occurred to me that they remind me of my in laws. They bought a pub, did all the cooking and made it a roaring success, fully booked at the weekends, put on garden parties and events etc. Novelty wore off, started buying food in, hired a ‘chef’ and sat back whilst customers drifted away and the business folded. The Ingham’s take the absolute piss like they did, worked hard in the beginning but have ended up lazy and ungrateful. There’s so much they could be doing - promoting caravanning, DITL of a caravan holiday, showing the set up etc, but instead, they choose to film themselves on holiday, put it on YouTube and wonder why people are bored of them and stop watching. I actually pity Sarah and the work she put into the channel at the beginning. They obviously think filming yourself doing mundane tasks to reduce to 20mins of footage is like a license to print money. Done properly, it is, but you still have to work for it or subscribers get bored and move on.
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That is a very unsettling sight 😣. Although almost obliterated by the suns rays, the look of him without a top and naked hair is too much for me 🥴 I feel like I need a wash!! UNCLEAN!!!😫😫 He’s full on extra creepy looking there!

You're not the only one. He lost nearly 100 followers with that one pic :m

Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 09.23.19.png

He really is flogging a dead horse
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Hahaha someone hasn't bought any views yet haha
Maybe that’s because creepy is currently in ICU, he was bitten by a murder hornet, unfortunately the hornet died from toxic shock, creepy is in a critical but stable condition! 😂🤣😉
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They are in the ‘trip of a lifetime’ and they’ve run out of content on day 3. France is freaking beautiful, there is literally too much stunning, beautiful, OMG stuff and they done Lidl, pizza and the toll both.
I’m still not over how fucking stupid she sounded, not even a bonjour 🤦🏼‍♀️ My kids have been able to hold (albeit broken) convos with their little friends they make since about 3. But that’s because we encourage it. It’s rude not to even say hello or goodbye in the language of the country you’re in.
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Chatty Member

that poor boy has been only used for views since before he was even is either him or his two eldest sisters posing inappropriately or poor Isla coming on screen with some random fact which no one understands /cares about.
Sadly for almost 3-4 years now these kids are like child actors coming on screen for the show...I hate lazy and creepy but more than that my heart breaks for the kids.
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Vlogs up - why we became vegetarian 🙄😂

How many times have they been veggie/ eating healthy the last few years?
Vegetarian is a great diet - if done properly, which they definitely won’t do. The kids are already at risk of diabetes, adult obesity and rotting teeth from the sheer junk they eat, now let’s add anemia and B12 deficiency to that 🙄
Edited to add - hope they realise a very lot of the dirty pick and mix they are always plugging aren’t vegetarian!
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Esme starts the vlog by telling us she has set up the breakfast table. The girls are having their favourite French sugary cereal that they found last year. Jace even has a bowl. Isabelle freaks out about a wasp.

Isabelle tells us that she and the girls are going down to the pool for the last time whilst Creepy packs up the caravan. They weren't sure if they were going to go but thought they should go and have one last go on the slide. Isla says something about her swimming costume. Esme tells us that she and the girls have been down the slide a few times to test what they can film. The girls all go on a slide together. Isabelle does an impression of Isla landing in the water. More pool footage.

Lazy is trying to keep Jace occupied with books whilst Creepy and the girls are having fun in the pool but it isn't working. Lazy gives him a nectarine to try and stop him walking over to the pool. More footage of the girls on the slide. Creepy tells us that Isabelle clogs the water at the top, Esme waits further down the slide and then they go down. Creepy follows them down the slide. More slide/pool footage.

Isla has got out of the pool because she is cold. Lazy says she can go and get a shower in a second when she can drag Isabelle and Esme out of the pool.

Lazy says the girls have gone to the shower block to get ready because they need to get on the road. They have one more campsite tonight before they arrive in the South of France at a caravan site they're staying at for a whole week. so they'll be able to set up the awning and the corner sofa they have to go in there. Lazy and Creepy have been packing up the car so they can leave as soon as the girls get back.

Some lovely shots of the French motorway. Shaky footage of the sat nav, Lazy pays the toll. More road. Lazy tells us they have arrived at campsite number 4 and it's windy. She is taking the girls and Jace for a walk whilst Creepy puts the legs down on the caravan. The park is too busy. Lazy films a tent that has blown over. Lazy is trying to find out what a noise is. She can't see anything is confused. Esme eventually spots a bug and Lazy zooms in.

Everyone is back at the caravan and Creepy attempts some French. They got back to the caravan at 6pm, had dinner indoors because the wind is savage. The girls are watching a movie on Netflix because the caravan site has really good wifi. Oh good, so Creepy is a happy bunny tonight because he can buy lots more views so he can download music for the vlog tomorrow. They're going to try and get an earlier night than usual tonight because they have a very exciting day tomorrow when they drive to the next stop, where they'll remain for a week and there's a lot of cool things happening. They've had a few night stops on their way down France and it's been so nice but tomorrow if the first of many crème-de le crème stops. Creepy then tells us that 2+3=6.

Lazy was about to end the vlog ad she feels so bad for Creepy. He was going to go and get the camera out of his car and everyone heard him screaming and he's been stung by a huge wasp that was in his shoe and he now has a can of coke on his foot. 'Oh my lord the pain'. Lazy asks if it will die after it's stung and Creepy says no. Creepy films the 'little bad boy' that stung him and tells us he thinks it's a bee because it's big but Lazy tells him it's a wasp.

Lazy saw two wasps fly past the car when they arrived and told Creepy they were birds. 'I think they're hornets - Europe Hornets... European Hornets.' They're ending the vlog because Creepy wants to nurse his wound. Before they end the vlog Lazy wants to speak about their vegetarianism. They're not pushing the views onto the girls and are allowing them to eat meat if they want to but at the moment they don't want to. There's a couple of reasons and the first is for the health reason because they ate too much red meat. They researched the treatment of animals and couldn't look at meat in the same way again. Lazy says they were ignorant.. no not ignorant.. uneducated. You're taught as a kid that milk comes from cows but not about the cruel treatment they endure for you to get the milk. The Inghams decided they didn't want to be part of that. Creepy says something inside him has clicked to the point where he knows he'll never be able to eat meat again. Didn't he eat that pastry with meat inside from that café a couple of weeks ago? They all missed meat when they went vegetarian for a month last year They now haven't eaten meat for three weeks. They saw lots of farms in Scotland and it made Creepy feel bad. They educated the girls but didn't go into gruesome detail. They're not missing meat and think the vegetarian foods are more flavoursome. Lazy could never eat a burger without eating it really quickly because the sight of meat putting her off. If they ordered chicken curry they would only eat the rice and sauce so Lazy doesn't think they're missing out. They're not vegan but are making small changes as a family. Creepy moans about the pain and Lazy says the foot has swelled right up with a tennis ball sized lump on it she asks if it's normal. Anyway they found vegetarian cheese.

End of vlog

The bee wasp hornet.. tattle's hero

Imagine coming down a waterslide, turning around and seeing this behind you...

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That shot of Sarah sitting in the car shows what she actually looks like - every other picture she takes is at an angle to make her look slimmer, including when she puts on insta stories. She's fake as fuck in every sense of the word.
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He couldn’t move himself away from Issy. He makes my skin crawl and Lazy is just as bad for allowing it. Where on earth is Issy’s real dad. Surely people must tell him what’s going on if he’s not watching 😡
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And now we have it straight from Professor Seacroft - they were ‘IGNORANT‘ no they were ‘UNEDUCATED’......., about eating meat etc. She’s wrong again they ‘ARE IGNORANT AND UNEDUCATED’ FULL STOP. Stupid temporary vegetarian tart. When she are a burger she had to eat it fast because she didn’t like the look of it. For gods sake woman you
ate it fast because your an overweight greedy 🐷
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Esme starts the vlog by telling us she has set up the breakfast table. The girls are having their favourite French sugary cereal that they found last year. Jace even has a bowl. Isabelle freaks out about a wasp.

Isabelle tells us that she and the girls are going down to the pool for the last time whilst Creepy packs up the caravan. They weren't sure if they were going to go but thought they should go and have one last go on the slide. Isla says something about her swimming costume. Esme tells us that she and the girls have been down the slide a few times to test what they can film. The girls all go on a slide together. Isabelle does an impression of Isla landing in the water. More pool footage.

Lazy is trying to keep Jace occupied with books whilst Creepy and the girls are having fun in the pool but it isn't working. Lazy gives him a nectarine to try and stop him walking over to the pool. More footage of the girls on the slide. Creepy tells us that Isabelle clogs the water at the top, Esme waits further down the slide and then they go down. Creepy follows them down the slide. More slide/pool footage.

Isla has got out of the pool because she is cold. Lazy says she can go and get a shower in a second when she can drag Isabelle and Esme out of the pool.

Lazy says the girls have gone to the shower block to get ready because they need to get on the road. They have one more campsite tonight before they arrive in the South of France at a caravan site they're staying at for a whole week. so they'll be able to set up the awning and the corner sofa they have to go in there. Lazy and Creepy have been packing up the car so they can leave as soon as the girls get back.

Some lovely shots of the French motorway. Shaky footage of the sat nav, Lazy pays the toll. More road. Lazy tells us they have arrived at campsite number 4 and it's windy. She is taking the girls and Jace for a walk whilst Creepy puts the legs down on the caravan. The park is too busy. Lazy films a tent that has blown over. Lazy is trying to find out what a noise is. She can't see anything is confused. Esme eventually spots a bug and Lazy zooms in.

Everyone is back at the caravan and Creepy attempts some French. They got back to the caravan at 6pm, had dinner indoors because the wind is savage. The girls are watching a movie on Netflix because the caravan site has really good wifi. Oh good, so Creepy is a happy bunny tonight because he can buy lots more views so he can download music for the vlog tomorrow. They're going to try and get an earlier night than usual tonight because they have a very exciting day tomorrow when they drive to the next stop, where they'll remain for a week and there's a lot of cool things happening. They've had a few night stops on their way down France and it's been so nice but tomorrow if the first of many crème-de le crème stops. Creepy then tells us that 2+3=6.

Lazy was about to end the vlog ad she feels so bad for Creepy. He was going to go and get the camera out of his car and everyone heard him screaming and he's been stung by a huge wasp that was in his shoe and he now has a can of coke on his foot. 'Oh my lord the pain'. Lazy asks if it will die after it's stung and Creepy says no. Creepy films the 'little bad boy' that stung him and tells us he thinks it's a bee because it's big but Lazy tells him it's a wasp.

Lazy saw two wasps fly past the car when they arrived and told Creepy they were birds. 'I think they're hornets - Europe Hornets... European Hornets.' They're ending the vlog because Creepy wants to nurse his wound. Before they end the vlog Lazy wants to speak about their vegetarianism. They're not pushing the views onto the girls and are allowing them to eat meat if they want to but at the moment they don't want to. There's a couple of reasons and the first is for the health reason because they ate too much red meat. They researched the treatment of animals and couldn't look at meat in the same way again. Lazy says they were ignorant.. no not ignorant.. uneducated. You're taught as a kid that milk comes from cows but not about the cruel treatment they endure for you to get the milk. The Inghams decided they didn't want to be part of that. Creepy says something inside him has clicked to the point where he knows he'll never be able to eat meat again. Didn't he eat that pastry with meat inside from that café a couple of weeks ago? They all missed meat when they went vegetarian for a month last year They now haven't eaten meat for three weeks. They saw lots of farms in Scotland and it made Creepy feel bad. They educated the girls but didn't go into gruesome detail. They're not missing meat and think the vegetarian foods are more flavoursome. Lazy could never eat a burger without eating it really quickly because the sight of meat putting her off. If they ordered chicken curry they would only eat the rice and sauce so Lazy doesn't think they're missing out. They're not vegan but are making small changes as a family. Creepy moans about the pain and Lazy says the foot has swelled right up with a tennis ball sized lump on it she asks if it's normal. Anyway they found vegetarian cheese.

End of vlog

The bee wasp hornet.. tattle's hero
View attachment 203175

Imagine coming down a waterslide, turning around and seeing this behind you...
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When the constipation gets too much

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I'm surprised they didnt show where the kids sleep but I suppose that will form "another riveting vlog"
Absolutely. There will be another tour of the girls' shite, filmed by them, whilst their parents busy themselves out-of-sight doing admin*

*blocking, stalking, doxxing, posting under false accounts, trawling influencer accounts for modelling poses, lifting blanket designs off Stutterstock (c) SLIngham for Alibaba orders and buying YouTube views.
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Totally random and haven't read through all the posts but... why don't they turn that sofa around so the long back is against the caravan? That way the corner bit won't cut the area in half, Jace can run around the entire floor area and play, and from the sofa they'll actually have a view because they'll be facing the awning windows (as apposed to facing the caravan)!?? Sarah harping on that Chris said it's staying as it is - that's because I suspect he's left to do all the physical stuff... why the hell can't she turn a bloody inflatable sofa around herself!?!

She behaves as though she's completely incapable of actually doing anything practical. Just turn the effing sofa!!!!
Any normal person would have put that sofa the other way, but these are the inghams, you can't argue with stupid !
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I feel so sorry for Isabelle. Shes gonna grow up with a whole load of issues, especially mental health problems.

Theyre exploiting her for their own gain and shes gonna realise this sooner or later and how much would that crush you knowing your parents used clickbate titles of you in the bathroom or with your mouth open ect knowing who they'd attract.

I just pray that if there is any photos on the dark web of the 3 girls that they never see them!
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