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have 4 kids aged between 3 weeks and 15 years. I can honestly say that in my years of parenting, I have never ever made a thing of trying to compare my kids to me or what I was like as a baby/child… it’s just weird!.
Yes, there are obviously personality traits and physical traits, but the best thing about watching your children grow is seeing them develop and evolve into their own person -and that’s the absolute beauty of it!!
My eldest child has a very similar personality to me and people say she’s my double in looks, but what makes me happy is that she is so much more headstrong than I ever was, and has so much more respect for herself than I did as a teen, and that is what TRULY makes me happy, more than ever thinking she’s my ✨twin✨.
Also, what bugs me about Imo, is that she has a very unrealistic memory of her childhood, yes we all have memories, some stronger than others, but it’s very obvious she lies about stuff because no one’s memory can be that accurate!!
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She says garden centres are fine because of what ever reason she gave (think it was airey and something else) yet the gift shops are or indoor areas! You still get people in there touching stuff, children touching stuff like Ren is! That is how germs are spread aswell! Has she no common sense! If she was being that cautious she wouldn't even let family see her as I bet her mum is going everywhere!
So right! If she actually gave a shit about her child she would shield her at home. But by staying home she cant make pointless content of hauls etc. selfish woman

Something seriously isn't right who do we report concerns too surely if enough viewers report her to ss they'll have to investigate how manic this woman is?
Just please remember that although i agree Imo is an awful person. There are children getting abused and seriously harmed who social services need to make priority, they are already stretched. Although Imo is batshit crazy, Ren is well looked after and numerous calls to SS because we don’t like the mum takes help from those kids who need it.
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When Spencer has to do his speeches about doing the work around the house it definitely feels forced.
I think he’s brainwashed. You know that every time they but something or have a gifted day out she tells him “this is because of me that we have this!” And she’ll talk loudly to Rennie “mummy did this for us babylove! Because I work and I couldn’t give us nice things if your lovely Daddy didnt clean up after us”
It’s literally brain washing.
Absolutely no one should be doing everything for another person & give up their entire lives to “support” them whilst getting nothing back.

She always compares it to being the other way around but like… most one income households with a SAHM work like that because the dad is OUT AT WORK…
It’s not like Imo is out at the office all day. She’s sat. In her house. Doing fuck all. So no.. it isn’t fair.
You’re in all day walking around making a fucking mess, pissing about with your camera, occasionally recording yourself with your daughter and that’s it.
But Spencer is expected to - wake up early with Ren. Look after Ren. Cook all the meals for that day. Do all the cleaning up after Imo & Ren. Do his own ads / sponsors. Do all the bitchboy errands.
There’s no way that relationship is fair and it’s fucking embarrassing that he’s like “oh no mate I love being my wife’s bitch / servant” he’s got no self respect.
He’s not even allowed to look after his own daughter without being supervised by Imo. Like if she allowed him to take Ren out maybe SHE could get some fucking cleaning or cooking done & Soencer can actually do something normal and fun and not just sort shit for her.
His life is so depressing like an actual nightmare.
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Can’t sleep so thought I’d come and give my two cents. Firstly, before I say anything obviously it is very sad to have an unwell child and I do sincerely hope Renalia recovers quickly.

That being said, what the actual FUCK was that yt video? If that wasn’t evidence that this woman has munchausens by proxy I don’t know what is. She clearly is loving the attention from the fake uncle being in hospital and now this. The bit about her getting into the bed and being wheeled up to the ward absolutely killed me. You are aware you’re not actually ill hun? Why does she act like she has this weird special bond with Rennie and that whatever she feels, Grimmo can feel it too 🤣 Rennie is such a badly behaved, attention grabbing banshee for a child because that’s exactly how her mother is. What hope has she got! She’ll be terrified of needles now or having bloods done because Grimmo acted like she was dying. Kids completely respond to how you act. My mum took me to get my ears pierced at 6 months old and I can sleep my way through a tattoo now!

Also, I’m an NHS nurse. The bit about the staff begging her to complain so she could ‘help them’ was the biggest load of shit. As others have said, she’s clearly had a tantrum and shown true colours is worried about being called out by that nurse/angel hunny princess subscriber. Does she seriously think the bosses of the NHS and MPs will think ‘oh miss grimmy has complained about the way her darling renalien was treated in hospital, quick let’s get 40,000 more nurses on the ground asap.’ FUCK OFF. If anything, lots of serious complaints puts more pressure on a department or ward. No one would actually want complaints. It’s actually insulting how thick she thinks her watchers are how do they not realise…
I work for the NHS and when people get shitty and say they are gonna complain, I’m like here’s the PALs leaflet babes x definitely don’t beg them to complain but also don’t beg them not to, I know we are all doing our best with what we have got and a complaint from an entitled patient isn’t going to reform the NHS. This girl is deluded and they definitely gave her a private room because she was such a nightmare and they wanted her off the main ward
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Im getting really confused. She said a while ago that she didn’t want to talk about something because it was too triggering/raw (we later found out that it was about Ren) - Just watching her new video in the garden centre - she says it’s the 14th November that she was filming that. So she knew she’d be posting about Ren and was clearly just waiting until December to post them because views go up in December. She is so calculated and manipulative! That puts Rens hospital stay at around end of October- Early November. I don’t remember a day of her not posting? Considering she said she never left Rens side - surely she would have had time to post videos? Makes it even worse because the last thing on my mind if my baby was poorly would be to post videos whilst she’s in hospital! I really just don’t get her. She really knows how to play the game with her ‘huns’
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, something isn’t adding up. Either Ren wasn’t as poorly as they’re saying, or my newest theory is that Ren wasn’t in hospital for as long as they said. I hope I’m wrong because I would hate to think parents would use their children like that, but this is imo we’re talking about. I dunno, something just doesn’t seem right to me.
Also, the relationship between Spencer and her Mum is just weird. And why does she need her Mums help? What the two of them together can’t handle/look after Ren? 🙄
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Is she fucking stupid? The answer is yes but kids don’t learn tantrums from seeing them. Their brain isn’t developed enough to regulate their emotions so show it threw lashing out / crying etc. I guess she isn’t a natural born again Mother Teresa if she doesn’t even know the basics.
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Her new video about Ren in the push chair and how she has meltdowns - again comparing her as a child to how Ren is and saying the reason she screams is because it in her DNA?! Erm nope - it is natural for children to cry and kick off a little but distraction and consistency will help!

Omg she loves saying how she and Ren are so alike and how Spenny isn’t like Ren at all.

She is odd really odd!
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She said in the video that Spencer wasn't happy with her eye though and her and her family shut him down.
I really do believe she controls Spencer but got no sympathy anymore because him keeping his gob shut is really affecting his own baby now.
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I think if he left her she would make his life hell and make out Ren doesn’t like him or want to see him and use Ren as a weapon x
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That video of her asking for tips on a back carrier for ren? The way she talks about that girl is like she’s a rebellious teen ‘she won’t go in a pram’ ‘ she won’t let spencer have her’. She’s ONE. Still young enough for habits to be broken. Yes at first she may kick up a fuss but consistency is key with children. I bet she’s not even that bad. She might make a couple of little sounds but I can’t imagine her screaming the place down with Spencer.
Thing is in vlogs Ren makes like one noise and they take her out of whatever contraption she’s in. IMOGEN YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Also what toddler likes sitting in a buggy being dragged around shops? My son kicks off if we’re stationary in the buggy in a shop but you just have to get on with it. I’m not gonna let him dictate what plans / errands I have to run
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“Any suggestions how I can go out with Renalien?”

Here’s a suggestion - she’s the child, you’re the adult. Parent them, don’t pander to them. Maybe that’s my education hat on. That’s the problem come parents evening - oh they behave in school but why not with me at home? Well perhaps because I’ve got rules, boundaries, structure!!!! Omg I hate her!!!!
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Why do they keep saying it was the nurses fault that the cannula was pulled out?? It came out essentially because Renaelia was fighting and pushing against them! Dicks!
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Today's video.... Where do I even begin. I cannot believe that Spencer has never been left alone with his child for more than an hour or two or that he has never put her to bed on his own. The way she said 'well you've put her to bed with your mum' as if he's not fucking capable of looking after his own daughter. I bet you at the time she would have suggested he have his mum there because he doesn't know what he's doing as she always wants mum mum mum. She then proceeds to come home dead early from the event to 'suprise' him, more like you didn't trust him to have Ren because he can't do anything without her criticising him.
Anyone else get the feeling that when she said she was nervous about going to the event because she didn't know who would be there, that it was really because she knows half of the influencers attending can see straight through her shit and don't like her.

I also noticed that when they went to that thing at night with the lights and trees etc that when she had enough of the buggy they put her straight in the carry thing. I was baffled as to why she didn't let her walk some of it. If she's getting Aggy about being in the pram I bet she would of loved to have walked for a bit, touched some of the things on display, etc. But noooo, she was strapped to Imogen.

I'm tempted to enter her giveaway so that I can see what kind of tat she's sending to her HUNS
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I’ve been under anaesthetic twice in my life and although it is daunting, the anaesthetists are amazingly diligent. Why was she screaming in the ward? What a self-centred idiot. Haven’t watched the video but this has annoyed me. Everything has to be the Imo show, shut your big false rubbery flappers you dickhead and let the talented, skilled and intelligent NHS staff do their crucial jobs. She really pisses me off. Her ‘platform’ online needs to be pulled from beneath her big stinking cheese block feet. These people that work in healthcare know what they are doing, not that Imogen would know what being skilled/talented at anything feels like.

I wish the Drs and nurses escorted out the banshee when she was acting like that, those poor unwell children and their parents on the ward having to witness her false theatrics. This isn’t a pathetic TikTok video Imogen, this is real life. Some of those children could have serious, debilitating or even terminal illnesses. Inconsiderate twat. Truthfully despise Imogen at this point.
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In her latest video she said it’s 14th November and it’s 2 weeks since they’ve been anywhere.
From her previous video it sounded like Ren was in hospital for 2/3 nights at least. So that brings it back to 28th October when she first went in.
5 days before going in she had the inward turning eye.

Here’s date stamps from those periods:
22nd October meet and greet
23rd October the upload of ‘taking a break’ and ‘everything is prerecorded as going through something’
12th November (may have been prefilmed content) in the garden centre
13th November in the park
14th November - ‘first time out’ ‘two weeks so far on steroids’
20th November licking the window in costa (this is 2.5 weeks after coming out of hospital supposedly

She’s lying. About timelines, how poorly Ren was. Everything.


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