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The grief card always troubles me when it's loud/ obvious as many around may hold their pain and hurt. Being quiet isn't being cold, being loud isn't 'more hurt' than others.
I agree. Grace for eg. spent the last few years nursing her father through dementia (Alzheimer's?) and her mother through cancer, both of whom passed away. She will be grieving, and there might be others in the camp. Nella doesn't seem able (admittedly from my very brief knowledge of her) to look at things from other people's perspective so this has probably not occurred to her.
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At no point did she listen to anything he said. To be fair I wouldn't either I'd just walk away but she's gonna get into so much trouble in there.
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I’ve just been looking at TikTok and think it’s so complex!
Nella is a black woman so the racists are stereotyping her as as aggressive which is wrong.
The fact that she is grieving is separate to this because it’s not an excuse to treat people like shit. She should have therapy if her grief is so intrusive that she can’t even have a conversation with someone. Although she probably won’t unless it’s gifted. 🙃
But we should also be able to hold her to account. Roxanne Pallet was held to account and lost out because of how disgusting her behaviour was.
I doubt she will apologise. She lives in an influencer bubble. She isn’t accountable to anyone and just sits counting her money!
You can just blanket say 'the racists'. She was aggressive. She was a rude agressive brat. She's an actual nobody given a huge platform and shown herself up. Saying that does not make me racist.

People can dislike her without being called racist. This is starting to sound like the BB thread where everyone put St Trish on a pedestal and it turned out she, herself, was a vile racist, bigot, dirty Jew hating bitch - among many other things.

I think the general consensus should be she was out of line and the excuse of grief is not good enough, nor an acceptable apology.

She must have passed psych tests to get on and if she is such a delicate and fragile 'just a girl' she needs immediately removed for her own safety.
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Miss Havisham

VIP Member
sorry, but I can't ignore this

no, we don't live on a tiny island. It's 1000miles head to toe with a population of 67m. the uk isn't tuvalu

the infrastructure is "creaking" and the NHS is suffering due to years of tory neglect

and how great is the whole "taking control of the borders" thing going when there's people still out there dying in the channel?

nigel is partly responsible for these ideas taking hold and this is why I hate him being there
People bypassing various safe countries to cross the channel to the UK is horrendous. It’s a dreadful situation and I don’t know any right minded person who doesn’t want it stopped.
Unfortunately The UK is pretty tiny - we have a huge financial deficit and a huge lack of housing and resources.

Jusr editing to apologise as I understand this is a TV thread and not a political one - sorry
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Daisy Steiner

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I risk getting myself cancelled here, but i think Nigel is only saying that this tiny island of ours can only take so many people. Our infrastructure is creaking. We have a housing crisis. Our NHS is stretched beyond help. There's an unemployment issue etc. I actually don't think he's racist. He's saying our country is on its knees and needs to take control of it's borders. The more people we take in in an uncontrolled way, the more we have to support them. If you go to Australia you have to have x dollars in the bank, a job or skills you can offer the country, medical insurance etc. They won't take you over a certain age! Australia is known for sending illegal immigrants straight back without housing them at all. We provide accommodation, immediate nhs care, money.
The more people we welcome the more the population will grow. We are literally a teeny tiny country - how can it go on unmanaged?
I think that's why he was saying 'just think about it' to her but Nella was just hysterical and screaming in his face.
Should i see myself out? 🙈😅
Thank you for saying that, agree so much.
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Poor Fred apologising to her when he did nothing wrong! The way Nella spoke to him is disgusting. I hate on twitter or TikTok seeing there’s people who will use the race card to make her the victim and it’s so wrong because this is nothing to do with race this is nothing to do with how she looks so seeing tweets or comments of people bringing race into it is wrong when there’s people out there who have gone through or are going through actual racist situations or receiving racist insults.

Her parents dying while she’s so young of course that’s sad but it’s not an excuse for her to get away with being childish and horrible. She’s the one in the wrong she completely misunderstood what he said because she only heard it the way she wanted to hear it and made it all about herself playing the victim acting like he wanted to hurt and offend her when nothing he said was wrong. He apologised when he didn’t have to , he explained what he meant which everyone understands what he meant and she should of listened and admitted she got it wrong and they could of moved passed it.

Her ego is so big the way she was saying “once you disrespect me you can’t be my friend” you’re not that special I’m sure he’ll be fine not being your friend. She’s built a career for herself and fair play to her but she can’t go around speaking to people like that or else she’ll find life even harder if she has this victim complex forever. I hope she doesn’t make Fred feel isolated or uncomfortable for however long they’re both in there for because that would be very unfair on him.
You've explained it much better than I could've and I was scared to in case I said the wrong thing. Nella was aggressive towards him accusing him of disrespecting her, she didn't let him speak at all or try to discuss calmly.

Fred has 2 children and his partner is from Jamaica so I don't believe for one second he'd mean to upset her. I'm kinda worried how she plays this 'victim' card going forward not just with Fred but with others. If you're a mature adult and going to be stuck together for maybe 3 weeks you would try to work it out and get on. Lets see how the food thing plays out, I predict she'll say she's ill due to the lack of food but of course it's not her fault.
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I just saw a TikTok blaming the edit for making Nella look bad. 🙄 It gives me Roxanne Pallett vibes.
I saw a comment on Twitter earlier asking why black women can’t criticise black women. If someone is in the wrong, it’s okay to say so.
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Nella is actually unbearable to watch.

Firstly, she isn’t knowledgable enough to discuss Nigel’s politics - she ended up doing him a favour, and really highlighting how childish and aggressive she can be with her tone and volume.

Her behaviour towards Fred was gross, and the amount of people who are trying to excuse her on Tik Tok is baffling. I was told earlier that ‘you lot just want to have a problem with her’
I did ask who ‘you lot’ were, but didn’t get an answer. Something tells me that it’s not the ‘lot’ of us that know how it feels to lose their parents at a young age though.
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Finally caught up on the threads. Honestly, Nella's behaviour and manner has been disgusting. She's unbearable. Her conversation with Nige yesterday was painful to listen to. She doesn't let people get a word in edge ways, and when she does she's screaming or pulling stupid facial expressions rather than actually listening. I've seen loads of people on Twitter (who aren't even watching the show, but the clips posted on Twitter) saying how ridiculous she has been. Praying we see less of her, and more of other camp mates in tonight's episode.
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Finally caught up on the threads. Honestly, Nella's behaviour and manner has been disgusting. She's unbearable. Her conversation with Nige yesterday was painful to listen to. She doesn't let people get a word in edge ways, and when she does she's screaming or pulling stupid facial expressions rather than actually listening. I've seen loads of people on Twitter (who aren't even watching the show, but the clips posted on Twitter) saying how ridiculous she has been. Praying we see less of her, and more of other camp mates in tonight's episode.
Honestly I just want her gone, she's an unpleasant person who is just ruining the show for me.
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