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Fred is so cute 🥰 Nella needs to chill tf out fred didn’t mean anything bad by it
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Yes she was looking for IAC classic moments - 'when Nella schooled Farage' - but he won't bite and simply doesn't care.
Others have said it - as an influencer she's used to giving a so called savage response then blocking people who disagree with her. Real life is not quite the same.
But of course this will not stop her from claiming it happened anyway, and it won’t stop any number of her followers reinforcing her delusion by telling her she did online.

The truly depressing thing is she probably genuinely believes that she smacked down Farage with her brilliant debating skills.
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I risk getting myself cancelled here, but i think Nigel is only saying that this tiny island of ours can only take so many people. Our infrastructure is creaking. We have a housing crisis. Our NHS is stretched beyond help. There's an unemployment issue etc. I actually don't think he's racist. He's saying our country is on its knees and needs to take control of it's borders. The more people we take in in an uncontrolled way, the more we have to support them. If you go to Australia you have to have x dollars in the bank, a job or skills you can offer the country, medical insurance etc. They won't take you over a certain age! Australia is known for sending illegal immigrants straight back without housing them at all. We pro accommodation, immediate nhs care, money.
The more people we welcome the more the population will grow (when they have children etc). We are literally a teeny tiny country - how can it go on unmanaged?
I think that's why he was saying 'just think about

it' to her but Nella was just hysterical and screaming in his face.
Should i see myself out? 🙈😅
sorry, but I can't ignore this

no, we don't live on a tiny island. It's 1000miles head to toe with a population of 67m. the uk isn't tuvalu

the infrastructure is "creaking" and the NHS is suffering due to years of tory neglect

and how great is the whole "taking control of the borders" thing going when there's people still out there dying in the channel?

nigel is partly responsible for these ideas taking hold and this is why I hate him being there
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The interaction between Nella and Fred was such a non-event, it wouldn't have even made the show if she hadn't overreacted. Seems like she's just causing drama for attention.
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Zara zara

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Nella reminds me of that Shouty Shola Mos 🤣 I'll resume watching when she's kicked out . Massive Cunt
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If she is so easily ‘triggered’ by her parents death then she probably isn’t ready to be on a show like I’m a Celeb - cos let’s face it, people are going to talk about their families as that’s what they will miss most!
at the end of the day, she is an influencer and we all know you can’t disagree with an influencer or they will 100% accuse you of bullying
True! Also when it comes to letter from home will no one be allowed a letter from their parents in case it upsets her?!

I lost my mum 5 years ago and I’ll be honest when I see young women my age with their mums shopping together especially this time of year it really gets me. I don’t storm and rage at them cos I’m upset. How can she think her actions are justified?!
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The whole Nella and Fred drama (poor Fred) just shines a massive light on how much control the producers/editors have on these shows. Nella annoyed me on Sunday, I warmed to her yesterday, but today I want her to get in the bin again. I'm glad they've showed her true brat-ness early!
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Get this fucking frotesque, obese, vile, potty mouthed entitled nella off my screen. Why the fuck are they giving her airtime. She's a nobody.

Say what you want about farage, but he's diplomatic, holds himself well when it comes to his views, which let's face it, a lot of people believe in, but the wokefest camp mates dare not say or agree.
She needs a dramatic hunger strike to get rid of that disgusting gunt.
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Sorry very late to the party with the Nella/Fred chat…

Absolutely appalled at how she handled what was clearly an innocent interaction… ignoring him and then being rude to him was so uncalled for, and I’m glad to see that the majority of social media agrees.

1. Fred is fucking French, with English being his first language.

2. Fred is married to a black woman, with whom he has a child. There’s more that connects them than separates them.

3. It was so clearly taken out of context.
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Restless Native

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Catching up
Whoever called JLS... Jamie Lynn Tears is right lol

With Nella. Yikes. She overreacted but why are people calling her Roxanne Pallett 2.0. That's crazy! She wasn't right, she should of accepted Fred apology and moved on. I always go down the quiet route when people discuss parents/siblings because it's hard but you gotta understand where they are coming from too. Fred meant no harm Nella.

That story Marvin told about Rochelle was a little weird.
Grace is a bit of a mystery to me. I dunno, I need more of her.

Random: I was thinking if Ant and Dec weren't hosting anymore. Who would you want? I don't see it working the same tbh
Grace made me chuckle when she said she couldn't sit with her bold red lip in camp while JLS cries lol
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Nella is a cunt and she's getting too much screen time. She's clearly has a low mental and emotional intelligence level, however, there's no such thing as bad press so as long as we're all talking about her she's gonna keep getting screen time to keep ITVs ratings up.

ps I said last night Jamie Lynn would do well!! Although how easy was that challenge?
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I’ve seen a few comments on tiktok actually defending her and justify what she was saying ????? The fuck is wrong with people
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Chatty Member
I can’t believe she’s ok with Nigel talking like that to her but kicked off so badly to Fred. What a trip
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This Nella woman really is very basic. I bet she’s throwing in this ‘debate’ to curry favour from the voting public.

I will tell you, it’s scary how many people were equally ill informed about what it was they were voting for. I worked with a girl who though the referendum was a vote whether or not to stay in Europe, and bemoaned no longer being European. We didn’t have it in us to correct her. Scary.
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