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Fuck off Nella!!!!! We are missing out on what the others have to say while focussing on her trying to redeem herself
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I cannot believe that not one person stood up for Fred. Shows how afraid they all are of being cancelled.

Nella is a fucking arsehole, she's done it for airtime and its backfired massively. I cannot see any way she could ever be defended for the way she behaved. It was utterly disgusting, completely classless and so entitled.
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How Nella lost her mum at 19 is sad but she was not a child. Her dad she lost 4 years later he lived still in Belgium.

I lost one of my parents when I was 20.

It’s sad but it’s not a ticket to be horrid to others.

Nella is an influencer she will do / say anything for freebies / recognition / likes / clicks. It’s about manipulating viewers and people.

She isn’t in a 9-5 job with a boss where she has to curb certain behaviours to get along.

The influencer life is full of self entitlement. It’s nothing to do with good or bad mental health. Nella may now try to get an army of supporters against Fred, or slowly get enraged no one is sympathetic to her ‘pain’.
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I’m just watching Good Morning Britain and Ben & Susannah are saying that Nella has a big personality & we need to see more of it???
Why is nobody saying the truth - that she is a narrow minded, self-absorbed fool who won’t let any one speak or listen to any other points of view - she just shouts over everyone
Scared of being labelled bullies or of not understanding mental health issues, or worse.
It should be ok to call out anybody who is behaving appallingly, as long as it’s done in a respectful manner.
She's uncomfortable to watch because she doesn't articulate any intelligent points, all she does is SHOUT and SHOUT but doesn't say anything constructive or that adds to the debate. I'm not a Farage fan by any means but I really would've taken his side in that discussion 🤦🏼‍♀️
I sound really old but this seems to be the new way of discussing anything; shout over the other person, don’t listen to what they’re trying to say, then convince yourself you’ve won the argument.
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Chatty Member
Someone mentioned earlier ITV trying to redeem Nella and this episode is exactly it. I wanna see more of the others. Grace, Nick and Sam? Where the fuck are they?
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If she is so easily ‘triggered’ by her parents death then she probably isn’t ready to be on a show like I’m a Celeb - cos let’s face it, people are going to talk about their families as that’s what they will miss most!
at the end of the day, she is an influencer and we all know you can’t disagree with an influencer or they will 100% accuse you of bullying
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No Nella you’ve spoken TOO much today I am not a NF by any means but the same as with Fred she needs to respect her elders
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You've explained it much better than I could've and I was scared to in case I said the wrong thing. Nella was aggressive towards him accusing him of disrespecting her, she didn't let him speak at all or try to discuss calmly.

Fred has 2 children and his partner is from Jamaica so I don't believe for one second he'd mean to upset her. I'm kinda worried how she plays this 'victim' card going forward not just with Fred but with others. If you're a mature adult and going to be stuck together for maybe 3 weeks you would try to work it out and get on. Lets see how the food thing plays out, I predict she'll say she's ill due to the lack of food but of course it's not her fault.
I appreciate you reading all I wrote and understanding. I completely understand why you felt scared to say the wrong thing cause there’s times I’ve felt scared too because the world we live in now you will be called racist when you’ve said nothing racist you’ve just called someone out for their words or actions that are so disgusting and wrong. I hate when the race card is used to defend her because it takes away from the actual racism happening in the world to people who are getting insulted or treated badly because of their race.

Nella is completely in the wrong and had no right to speak Fred like that he did nothing wrong which I hope he knows and millions of people every day say the exact same phrase he said as he was referring to the age gap between them which is normal thing older people say to someone younger than them. She needs to be humbled her ego is huge and she needs people in her life who will call her out and make her take accountability so that she can grow as a person because the world don’t revolve around her people should not have to walk around on egg shells around her. Her thinking she’s something special and trying to make it seem like being her friend is a big deal I don’t like people like that who are big headed thinking because of their job and the amount of followers they have it makes them entitled to talk down to someone.

She could took time to think about what he said and meant before having a go at him even though it was very clear he was just talking about the age gap but she just made it all about herself. He said sorry to her when he didn’t need to be sorry and he was actually so patient to her while she threw insults at him and anyone could see he was so confused because he did nothing wrong so she should of took that moment to calm down , take accountability for her being in the wrong and genuinely say sorry and then moved on. Her keeping her back to him and ignoring him saying to the others “why’s he keep calling my name?” then refusing his cooking is horrible. I hope she gets voted out before him maybe it’ll humble her.

An attitude like hers could ruin her reputation which in a way it kind of has as she’s come across horrible so she needs to work on herself as a person and get over this victim complex or else she’ll cause problems like this again and again for herself.
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Nella is as thick as mince - both emotionally and intelligence wise. Not getting the nuance of Fred's comment shows both, even moreso when you factor Fred has English as a second language.

Anyone else notice that Tony completely shit out when Fred went and spoke to him about it while Tony was washing his shirt. Gutless fucker or clever editing... I'm going with gutless fucker!

Oh and make Fred responsible for ALL FOOD including the base rice n beans - that'll show the petulant little madam.
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When Nella was being briefed for her No Time to Cry trial, Ant and Dec seemed very subdued and unenthusiastic. Even they could tell she'd been OTT. When she won 3 stars after doing an IACGMOOH they were as equally unenthusiastic because it was an easy enough task but an elaborate one we didn't even get to see the rest of.
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Literally can't get over Nella, she's gone from being quite funny to an absolute dramatic cunt that's rude and pretty thick to misunderstand that interaction?! I felt like I was missing something as I was like "how was that offensive" well because it wasn't 😂

Sam is my fave at the moment. The rest seem to be sitting on every fence available.
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Too much air time for gobshite Nella it’s spoiling the show.

Can ITV focus on some other campmates? Would just like to see Nella do some horrid trials but otherwise I don’t need to see her.
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