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Tired?!! Ill?!! This bloody woman is an absolute joke! Some of us actually have illnesses which mean we deal with chronic fatigue and other awful symptoms on a daily basis but have to go to work as that's what the general population do to pay for houses, holidays etc. I'd love to spend my day in bed or 'bargain' hunting but unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills.
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Next have both exact same print of there new merch. Both the unicorn one and blah blah blah. They have litrally copied there design
Oh my word it isn’t just similar it’s an actual direct copy ??‍♀ I wonder what @nextofficial would have to say if they saw that? Surely that’s got to be a copywrite issue no?
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Well-known member
She'll be one of those lucky people who throws some fruit down her neck and it'll be gone. Sadly i was an unlucky one and ended up with a blood transfusion but Sarah's a special case!
Actual severe anaemia is really hard to live with, the way she throws around diseases then miraculously recovers proves she’s as fit as a fiddle...She’s constipated looking enough wait until she gets the iron tablets ?
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Chatty Member
I went to Blackpool not long ago just to see if it’s as bad as some people say it is. This is the first of many, not so family friendly things we saw as we approached the main bit

I’m told it’s quite popular for stag and hen dos ?
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It's me

Iconic Member
Am I the only one who doesn't actually think she's got a pregnancy bump at all! Which is absolutely normal for someone who is her stage of pregnancy.

Like people have said about showing etc if she believes that to be a pregnancy bump she's deluded.

It is just her normal bloated stomach that she's now passing off as a baby!
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VIP Member
This family is just absolutely dire. Esme is a real brat. How can no one see she is jealous of Isla? There have been so many signs recently of Esme picking on her. I'll go through some old vlogs tomorrow and tell you which ones I mean but I swear Isla was nearly hit by a car door once. The kid needs to use her indoor voice once in a while.

As for Isabelle? I recon she will be a bit of a rebellious kid soon. Wanting to get out of the cult and lead a different life. I think she is being bullied at school though poor thing. She doesn't even deserve it. It's all Creepy's fault. There will be a vlog soon with the title OUR 13 YEAR OLD IS BEING BULLIED!!! The way she was speaking in her SassyBelle vlog tonight though made me think she is.

Lazy needs to stop screaming into the camera. WE ARE NOT ALL DEAF.

Their security is Shite. I found out where all three girls go to school and their twitter accounts have photos of the girls on them. All it would take is for someone to post those school's names on SM for there to potentially be a mob of people to go there and maybe hurt the girls. Someone who has a vendetta against the family. Especially now after what Creepy done. To be fair a bar near Isabelle's school describes Lazy perfectly.

Lazy needs to start eating healthily before she gets diabetes and has a huge kid like Joy Duggar did. She isn't even thinking of the child inside her when she shoves that Krispy Kreme in her gob. So if you are reading this you fat cow, put down those cadburys creme eggs and eat a carrot. At least people like me are trying to change their lives and live healthier.

Did anyone get a lawyer letter from them?

Sorry for the rant. Been creeping for a few days and needed to get it out.
Tbh I haven't watched enough (I just can't sit through it) to really take note of the girls behaviour but not sure I'd single one out as a brat. They are a product of their environment and I don't think any criticism should be thrown on the girls, considering the ages that they are. Their parents have a choice as to how they let their children behave. Their parents have a choice as to how those girls are portrayed on the vlogs. Maybe subconsciously they are editing how they see their least favourite (according to most opinions) child?

And as much as they are incredibly stupid for publicly displaying uniform, schools, address etc, I don't think the girls are at risk from a mob. No-one blames those girls, all I ever see is pity for them. The blame solely lays at the feet of the two idiots who've got their heads buried in the sand. Everyone else connected to the victims, and highlighting this creepy pair seem to be very level-headed and concise. Some might call them adults!

I definitely agree with your opinions on lazy though!!:ROFLMAO: She absolutely does my head in, so much so I can't watch the vlogs!
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Active member
If Sarah does get gestational diabetes I can’t wait to watch her try a low carb low sugar diet! She won’t able to have a banana to cure her anemia unless she gets put on insulin! That woman if going to have every ‘invisible’ preganancy illness going without any actual tests or medication, she’ll be dizzy next week blaming it on high blood pressure then she will probably have pre-eclampsia and god knows what else, all disappearing for her holidays and shopping trips, but making a huge return when their vlog suffers from lack of content
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VIP Member
Thumbnail today poor Isabelle! 13 yr olds epic make up fail! They are determined to get her bullied, my heart breaks for her. Has she no idea the impressionable age she is at with the kids around her at school..
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lastly it mentioned to encourage the children to go on family friendly vlogs ....!!!
Eh? Family vlogs are just just long adverts of people not doing any real work, pushing overpriced merch and encouraging to drop out of school to become a YouTuber!

Why can they recommend documentaries?!?
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Iconic Member
Did it look pritty
Super cute boo boo.
If your husband doesn’t talk like he has a crush on the teenage boy that lives down the road you’re missing out.

Yes I said teenage, yes I also said boy.
I will not confirm or deny if I’m linking this comment to any male emo you tuber.
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Member 658

Someone in the comments was asking what was wrong with Issy and that they thought she looked like she'd been crying in her own vlog and hoped she wasn't being bullied, Sarah or Chris replied saying she'd been to the GP and it was a viral infection.

They really need to eat better and get some vitamins in them, I don't know how Sarah can be so lazy as if being pregnant lets her off from doing anything other than shopping.
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Well-known member
On one on the vlogs Sarah moaned she couldn't afford to shop at Waitrose hence why they shop at Asda. As she was I think comparing herself to other family vloggers.

Which is again another lie. Yes you could if you valued food above the holidays and eating out all the time.

I actually don't care where anyone shops for groceries. A lot depends on your budget, your ethics and food choices.

We have pointed out the excessive spending on things like clothes, never to be seen again, duvet covers that are never washed or changed for a bargain never to be seen again. They walked out of their old house leaving coats hung in the hall way, no doubt clothes etc and just seemed to buy buy buy new everything.
My children had favourite clothing items, that would be worn till threadbare if I let them. It all seems not how a household works.

To me a parent is a role model. It's setting an example of what people do in a day.... Normal households have the buzz of washing machines, the smell of cooking daily not suddenly one week of slow cooking, wet clothes waiting to dry, mad dashes for school uniform which is probably the only thing they *may* wash, smells of the iron. Arguments of where's this item of clothing? The sock monster...there it just seem to be buy buy buy it's easier.
We both just posted ‘buy buy buy’ at the same time ?? I just can’t wait for it to be ‘bye bye bye’ for this pair of absolute leeches
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I was also thinking about ethics too... You know about reusing rather than replacing and shopping. You know if they shopped at Waitrose and bought say British tomatoes hypothetical as they would be hard pushed to know what one is...than Asda which may have transported them from Spain. Less air miles!
Even local markets might have better produce and local but it's like to them hilarious and how they couldn't lower themselves to shop at places like that. They aren't busy parents. Two of them are at home all the time...unless Chris is *skating*.
Chris may do some cleaning in a day. However not cooking or actually hardly being in the house how much mess can they actually make?
I’ve always been suspicious of their devoid of tat house, either they have soooooper storage which is hidden well or they don’t lead a normal family life, where is the pile of ironing and the overflowing recycling box? I know they don’t ‘cook’ but the house looks like they don’t do anything there. They go out shopping or eating most days so there wouldn’t be any mess in the day, I’m pretty sure his Mum helps clean cause Sarah just doesn’t look like she could complete any chore without moaning for dear life. The only one that appears to reuse his clothing is creepy but maybe that’s cause it’s getting harder to get teenage emo clothes to fit? His beanies look fit for the bin sometimes. I’d love them to show us the cupboards full of shite or the 1000 odd socks, I’d relate far more to them if they showed us that behind it all they were a normal loving family and as others have said without the kids they’re pretty dull, if they did look at family life using local markets, reusing and cheap meals/days out etc then as a parent I would watch, but I don’t think they have the intelligence or depth either of them, they are just an odd couple at the complaints desk at Asda, that’s all they’ll ever be too
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VIP Member
On one on the vlogs Sarah moaned she couldn't afford to shop at Waitrose hence why they shop at Asda. As she was I think comparing herself to other family vloggers.

Which is again another lie. Yes you could if you valued food above the holidays and eating out all the time.

I actually don't care where anyone shops for groceries. A lot depends on your budget, your ethics and food choices.

We have pointed out the excessive spending on things like clothes, never to be seen again, duvet covers that are never washed or changed for a bargain never to be seen again. They walked out of their old house leaving coats hung in the hall way, no doubt clothes etc and just seemed to buy buy buy new everything.
My children had favourite clothing items, that would be worn till threadbare if I let them. It all seems not how a household works.

To me a parent is a role model. It's setting an example of what people do in a day.... Normal households have the buzz of washing machines, the smell of cooking daily not suddenly one week of slow cooking, wet clothes waiting to dry, mad dashes for school uniform which is probably the only thing they *may* wash, smells of the iron. Arguments of where's this item of clothing? The sock monster...there it just seem to be buy buy buy it's easier.
Correct if I’m wrong but I’ve never seen the washing machine on, Sarah sorting the laundry or even washing hanging on the line (over the warmer months) surely as a daily vlogger this would be seen on a regular basis especially with 3 children.
It just seems like Sarah can’t be arsed to wash /dry anything especially bedding, probably a chore just to change bedding hence why it’s seen on the beds for months on end UGH!! so she just buys new. How pathetic!
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VIP Member
I just skipped to the end to see about the merch. It's ready to launch this weekend, but they wont as they haven't had the samples yet and want to test them. "Sooo many people have been asking about merch" and what happened to the store so they just said they are working with a new comapny.

They should have had the samples weeks ago before launching / getting them printed.

Poor Esme, she seems so sad - like a child being forced to work.

Poor girl she looks so down then has to have a fake smile for lazy
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Rachel-Mrs DD

Well-known member
Sarahs simply an inadequate parent. Way to quick to criticise other peoples family arrangements. Way to quick to mouth off about adopted kids. The fact that her husband adopted Issy is irrelevant. Putting aside all this Chris as predator stuff you still have the issue of the kids parenting. It's appalling.
Issys privacy is non existent and she suffers because of it
Issy isn't well doesn't look well and to be blunt I think it's disgraceful the way she is expected to perform as part of this unit.
It's unfortunate but by actually posting that it adds to the criticism of the kids in some way.

Izzy really needs a break. I went back and it seems she hasn’t spent a single weekend during September at her dad’s?
She doesn't anyway. Sarah has used the vlogs to criticise the father repeatedly. It's all there you just have to look back through the vlogs from some time ago. Sarah lays everything out in her vlogs. She has mentioned in the past of a lack of hugs and stuff from her mum and even hinted it was due to something in her mums past. Basically hinting her mum was abused. All this shit is there in the vlogs. Sarah has always been very good at exposing and hinting at what she wants to.
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I just hope Esme goes on that residential trip next month she was so excited about!

Also I find it weird the girls wear the same pjs for about a week (surely they should change there jammies more regularly?) And then get brand new ones! Are the old ones just binned? They're never seen again!
I think they must throw away clothes, otherwise they’d need a house for pjs alone. When she said about getting merch samples to do a ‘wash test’ I thought you’ll probably have to find the instructions for your washing machine cause you clearly don’t use it!
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