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Sarah really selling their new 'blah blah blah' merch tonight. She managed to pick up a t-shirt with that phrase on in a pack of 3 for just £6 - whereas they're selling one blah blah blah t-shirt for £17.99!
I loved that. ‘Here’s a much cheaper and probably better quality version of our t shirt...but buy ours anyway ok?’

For someone who loves a bargain, it just shows how up herself she is thinking people will be happy to pay ridiculous prices because it’s brand ingham!
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Chatty Member
Yep wonder what scandal happens next week...
They must be running out of clickbait to cover up I mean now they have done the gender reveal..what's next???
More pregnancy worries???
Yeah pregnancy worries, slow cooker recipes, baby hauls, Christmas and Halloween tat. I can also see a ‘how we deal with haters’ sit down vlog coming soon too which will be highly entertaining
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Well-known member
I wonder what sort of legislation we will see in the future regarding children’s welfare whilst appearing in their parents limited company ‘TV Shows’.

Are the children employed? Should they be? Should they have contracts and be paid? Are they old enough to understand what they would be signing? Do current children working directives apply in these cases, or should they?

I know us British are still only in the early days of the American sue your ass for every penny culture, but without clear directives on this, the floodgates will be open for later in adult life. Emotional trauma, filming when I was to young to give or understand what consent is, work without any proof of payment or employment contracts. I know one thing during all this, my online supermarket shopping cart has popcorn on repeat order ?
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Active member
Esme' s face was completely blank after watching the 'most emotional vlog they have ever done' I genuinely think this tv show has gone one surprise too far for her now she was unable to even force out some tears or a shocked face for the camera and I'm sure mother dearest wasnt too happy with that. As others have said previously I think that little girl is going to need some support as she is struggling.
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Anyone else wonder if she is further along and then going to go with the whole 'going into labour early' line to add more worry and clickbate. When it would just be her actual due date
I don’t think she is further along - she does nothing all day, eats crap and cocoons herself in a duvet for a minimum of 12 hrs a day. The majority of her diet is beige and is taxi around by everyone. She would have put on that amount of weight pregnant or not. Most exercise she does is having a walk round matalan.
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I don’t think Esme is a brat, she probably is jealous of the other girls but when people who watch 20 mins of their day can see how different she’s treated and how the other two have their roles (money maker and the baby) I can’t imagjne how obvious it is to her! Esme is less controllable because she doesn’t always want to be filmed (there’s been a few vlogs where she’s not been on for that reason as Sarah’s has stated) plus sisters fight and argue me and my sisters were always playing and then fighting and we are really close. I think it’s unfair to judge a 9 year old calling her a brat when you consider the environment she’s brought up in and her parents, if he worse she comes out of this is a brat she’s done pretty well!
I did feel for her in last night's vlog as the one on one time was actually an excuse to go skating while she was left walking round the outside of the park hitting a broken branch on the floor.. real one on one time.
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22 minutes drivel

I thought after a few weeks of being away and not commenting on anything for a very good reason I thought I would revisit these self absorbed clowns.
This crap starts with Sarah her hair up wishing everyone a happy Monday err no Tuesday feigns puzzled look etc. She informs us Chris has nipped out to the doctors because he may be getting tosilitus. She blithers on about the poor boy suffering with it.
She recalls he didn’t take anything for it when he started with it in Australia. She doesn’ seem to grasp the fact that you don’t take antibiotics like smarties but hey ho. She tells us Chris just ploughs through and even gives him a thumbs up. It’s a pity this massive moaner couldn’t learn from his example.
Sarah tells us the old bag Jane is coming and they will be out looking for winter clothes Sarah tells us she is thinking about Xmas.
They are then in ASDA Sarah looks at tat and pops on a unicorn head. That sex shop in Blackpool should start selling them

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This jovial take on shopping then cuts to the boy himself.
Living with Sarah is rubbing off on him as he moans about waking up with his sore throat. He looks bleary etc.
The doctor has suggested him having his tonsils taken out. I hope that Sarah realises this is his tonsils and not other parts of his body
Chris has been able to stay in bed and its 3pm. He is off to pick the girls up.
Then it cuts to the 2 youngest dressed up in new pink onesies acting silly and thanking Grannie ratbag for buying them the onesies and some squishy toys.
Cut to Chris still not well but he is going to cook dinner he jokes about it being the girls favourite tuna pasta bake and its a cooking with chris segment.
Sarah laughs but unless thigs have changed Sarah is a bone idle fat arsed layabout who does no cooking at all. Chris says something like have you something to contribute and she says no and he says I’ll carry on. It’s done in jest but maybe there is some steel behind the comment.
Personally I would have slugged the unpleasant bitch with a frying pan and left it in the vlog
Then he cracks on cooking
Cut to Issy in her onesie stood in the kitchen. Sarah says she has been slothing in her bed then thoughtfully adds it is Issys time of the month. This is very thoughtful of her and it must be very nice for Issy . It’s a funny thing that our own daughter same age turned and looked and said all her mates at school must know
Sarah says she IIssy) is feeling very hormonal and has cried 3 times for no reason. Perhaps being exploited by your parents and having to deal with name calling by people her own age is getting to her. Just a thought like
It’s a truly awful low point to see this. It’s just my view and perhaps we must be terribly old fashioned parents
We then see the kids eating the pasta bake.
Then it’s a cut to Issy in her bedroom and it looks to this viewer that her mother has said go on Issy go and tell them how crap you feel just don’t mention it’s because of anything to do with school and getting called out .
Issy puts on a bit of an act. It's just not something this viewer can relate to. This kids whole life looks to be being filmed mercilessly
Then its a cut to Chris getting something out of the garage he mentions the kids are doing homework or chilling and Sarah is having a bath . He says its right where he wants her. Maybe he is getting an electric lamp and is about to re enact a scene from Goldfinger.
** Interesting shots of outside of the house here **
Chris rabbits on about why he is replacing her phone and its along winded ramble as he justifies it.
It’s ok Chris we get it the phones fucked and you have the money to replace it it’s not a big deal its what people do.
A lot of peoples phones last a few months some people can take very good care of them and last years others don't
Chris has decided to get Sarah burning the calories so he is going to send her on a treasure hunt with notes around the house.
Then he is bidding night nights to the kids. Issy is looking not good and again I think the invasion of this girls privacy is simply wrong.
You don’t have to show that your daughter is upset and feeling down at her time of the month or need to show that making her a cup of tea is a nice gesture. You just love your kids and offer support it really is as simple as that this is not love this is disrespect for her privacy. It's wrong IMHO
Then it’s a cut to Sarah without makeup sat on the couch she looks tired must be all the energy she's using up eating calories she has in a day.
.She trots upstairs and reads the clue .I cant say the seasoned slob looks too happy at this change to her routine.
To be fair she has gone upstairs and then back downstairsand now upstairs again She has to look under a chair and lies down. She is absolutely massive. This must be like going to the gym for her
She finds the last clue and then the phone and its very contrived. Instead of just grabbing it and saying thanks its’ all well that’s like an xmas pressie you shouldn’t etc. It’s staged to make them look more humble and its dishonest but will no doubt resonate to some of their sheep fans
Amongst all this pretence Chris says “when was the last time I proper surprised you” This reduced my daughter to say wasn’t it when you got caught asking the fans to pap you
They then pretty much sign off.

Shocking positively shocking

** this blatant showing of where they live is very odd as itcontrasts sharply with their claims of privacy invasion I haven’t and wont lookat a lot of their vlogs but if this is how they safeguard their privacy its strange

You just have such a lovely way with words! Your recaps are so much better than the actual vlogs!
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Sorry just remembered something else. Did Lazy really need to embarrass Iz again after periodgate? Seriously? Saying the LOL Dolls are on her Christmas list. Has she no sense? Does she want her kid to be bullied? I was bullied to hell and children will pick up on ANYTHING. I bet half the school watch the vlog and they'll defo say something tomorrow. Even if Izzy was to move schools (which she will soon as the money will dry up with their school fees. £4000 each per term according to the school website) she won't be safe as half the country knows what Creepy done.
Not just periodgate. When going to Spain (I mean Blackpool!!!) did Isabelle at 13 years old really have to wear matching Next jumpers to her little sisters? How embarrassing for her. As if her parents aren't embarrassing enough in their own entirety ?
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Who sets off for a day out at gone 11am? I live further away from Blackpool than the Inghams and set off there at 8am a few weeks ago to be there for 10am so we had the full day
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The kids are innocent prawns (sic) to be used in the games of creepy and lazy.
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Completely agree with not judging the kids. Kids are supposed to be able to make mistakes and learn. Mostly around the safety of the family home where they won’t be judged. But posting them on the internet for everyone to have an opinion on them is such a disservice to them.
That being said, I also have a problem with this ‘perfect’ sisters who never fight image Sarah tries to portray. Siblings fight. Then they make up. Then they fight etc... it doesn’t make them bad kids but I think Sarah rams this ‘perfect sisters’ crap down our throats so much that if that mask slips just a bit, they get comments of ‘this sister is bullying’ ‘that one isn’t very nice today’.
Thryre kids. Just let them be kids. They’ll figure things out as they go.

Also just want to add as my last post could have been taken out of context. Don’t think I worded it well. I wasn’t saying I laughed at Isabelle for talking about being sick. I was pointing out that Sarah and Chris moan about every little thing so it’s crazy that when Isabelle is generally sick for days, she doesn’t milk it like they do.
It’s sad when your 13 year old child is more mature than you.
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Rachel-Mrs DD

Well-known member
Sarahs pregnancy is like no other. It's advancing alarmingly quickly
Giving birth wont be a problem for her. It will burst forth like the Alien in 1979
Chris will capture this and be heard to say that's amazing
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It's me

Iconic Member
Could bring a new range out drop the towel range n creepy range ifam cult range
Drop the towel range and resend...

Amazing idea

We don't wear trousers in Leeds...

Another trademark statement

Far far better than Positive Pineapples!
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Said this elsewhere that “girl power” hoodie annoys me he most. I am all for girl power but not when it’s sold by a mother who victim shames young girls. Vile
It’s not in the best of taste is it? It’s like they had 5 minutes to think of something inspirational ‘girl power’ and errr ‘blah blah blah’ £27.99 please. The equivalent one was the first that came upon google, it’s George which I find wears well, it’s also sequinned and it’s also £8, which is about the price it should be, maximum of £15, absolute maximum.
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Chatty Member
I can’t look at some of their thumbnails at a glance some of them look like adverts for adult phone lines. It makes me laugh when she says that she’s vlogging (especially the pregnancy) for her own memories, rightio the thumbnails are going to be such a fabulous record for your son to look back on when he’s older. It does sum up their bargain basement Poundland image though. There’s very little they do that I see as original, I don’t even think it’ll be Chris’s behaviour or lack of acknowledgement (unless like as previously said this morning, something undeniable appears) I genuinely think that their fickle market will move on to someone or something else, they are human loom bands. I think it’ll be a relief for the children when that happens it is absolutely painful to watch the forced shock surprise, as someone pointed out the clip in the car when Sarah shouts Blackpool, Izzy is like a rabbit in the headlights waiting for some stage direction. Living like that each day has to take its toll also all families have days when arguments or upset dominate the day or evening, these things don’t last long but they have to be given time, it makes me sad that whatever they’re doing whatever mood they’ in if they just want to go to sleep straight from school or just don’t want to be filmed they have to put all that aside and play happy families at least once daily, it’s an awful burden to ask anyone to do that. The final straw for me was Sarah announcing Izzy’s time of the month, what normal 13 year old girl would agree to that?! It makes me so sad for those children they are being exploited to make money for their lazy parents this sort of thing just shouldn’t be allowed in 2018!
Agreed! Also when that poor unfortunate child looks back on their ‘once in a lifetime trip’, all he’ll see is that his so called mother wasn’t bothered in the slightest that she may be having a miscarriage but was devasted at the idea of losing a couple of hundred pounds on a scan to check he was okay. Priorities eh?!
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Well-known member
Agreed! Also when that poor unfortunate child looks back on their ‘once in a lifetime trip’, all he’ll see is that his so called mother wasn’t bothered in the slightest that she may be having a miscarriage but was devasted at the idea of losing a couple of hundred pounds on a scan to check he was okay. Priorities eh?!
So Mum, you thought I might have died so you put it on a video thumbnail? Yes son, you were only made to get us views so we got to work as soon as we found out you existed. That boy isn’t going to need therapy at all, when he discovers that he was conceived solely to increase views on a YouTube channel ??
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Apparently they are still at Blackpool , it’s 5.30. If they left now they’d be back for 7/7.15. Which I can’t see them doing.
The girls have school tomorrow , I know if it was me I’d want my kids to have a good nights sleep before school tomorrow.
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The kids will feel awful but it’s ok because Sarah can lie in bed and catch up on her sleep.
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