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Well-known member
And her face is looking very slimmed down compared to vlogs
Who is she trying to kid? Herself? She posts a daily video to the world! We all know that you don’t look like someone on a snapmap! Your head and feet slimming filter is just making you look massively vain and insecure! Whilst we’re being bitchy....there’s more than a punnet of nectarines in there ? maybe when you eat a certain number of Nando’s a week they let you download a secret app that wipes it all away in Instagram and makes you like a 12 year old?
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Rachel-Mrs DD

Well-known member
16 minutes of a deserted beach a few rides on a pier –cracking stuff

And there off on the misleadingly titled road trip to spain
.I can see why they went to Blackpool there are many similarities
Opens with Chris doing what Chris does best – aerial footage from his drone.

This is rudely interrupted by Countess Chav strolling through her hall.
Once again she is talking gibberish about slow Sunday mornings etc. It’s another life. She comments something like if your fortunate enough not to work on Sundays.
This has been carefully edited to remove Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Friday sand Saturdays.
Sarah tells us in her zany conspiring mode voice that they are headed to Blackpool – Bingo.
Anyway Sarah tells us she absolutely loves Blackpool as it reminds her of her childhood.
She says how they used to go for the CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ? Eh come again love
If either Eileen Ormand or Alan Williams from Blackpool BID are reading this they should sign this bint up to switch the Xmas lights on. Actually it’s not a bad idea they would fill St Johns Square up with a meet n greet
However Sarah quickly corrects herself and says the illuminations was what she meant. She then tells us the reason why she loves it as it reminds her of her childhood
Her Dad is over there for the week he is thinking of moving there and is looking for a flat and transferring his job.
They can take Prinny with them too – I had forgotten about him/her
Cut to them journeying there and the girls are sat on theback seat.
Obviously this is a family show and they are all there Sarah announces that they are meeting Grandad in Blackpool and enforced happiness ensues. Issy is a great performer she can switch it on like a light bulb. She only just shows her disappointment
Chris’s driving is interesting he is a middle lane hogger and I think is speeding at around just under 80

They are then shown on the Promenade approaching South Pier opposite the Dean Street area and I wonder if grandad has booked into the Viking Hotel just opposite. It’s a bit windy but if they can walk behind Sarah they will be shielded from it a bit.
They are going onto the South Pier. There is then some footage of the kids playing on the pier the dodgems etc. It’s ok but a bit flat.

Then it’s time for lunch and the healthy eating thing is very conspicuous. It’s completely gone and in any case a hot dog is just right.
Talking of dogs Prinny is with them and they let him/her off the lead on the beach.
This is actually not allowed on most of Blackpool Beach in the summer seasonal months. It’s allowed further North the area from roughly North Shore through Bispham but is not allowed South of North Pier. A lot of people get caught out with this and you can get an on the spot of a £75 I think dependant on when/ who sees you. I doubt that ChivChav knew about this it catches many people out.

The beach is completely deserted all it’s missing is Charlton Heston banging the sand with his fist saying godam you all to hell.
It’ stunningly quiet and this is a few weeks into the illumination period.
Talking of the illuminations, Chris must have stained his Y fronts when he caught site of the We’re lovin’ it banner across the road as part of the illuminations display.

Anyway Prinny had a good run out
Sarah lies about having met many of the ifam – Perhaps they were hiding in all the other shots they took. I doubt they met any.
Then it’s time for a coffee and they either headed north along the promenade or along Lytham Road and are now slightly south of Central Pier . They pop into the Lindale Café and spend a while there.
Next up it’s Chris outside the McDonalds at fatmans corner on Preston New Road – this is one of the main routes into and out of Blackpool and leads down to the M55 motorway. They aren’t eating at this McDonalds, Sarah has just popped in for a wee. She loves to make a splash wherever she goes
It’s Nandos for these high flying vloggers.
It then cuts to Nandos and it’s a nice big healthy salad ok it’s not but when your probably slightly innardly depressed you eat crap
Then its back to the house and the kids are in bed Issy tells us she found a clam on the beach then it’s the other kids goodnights then its Chris saying bye
It’s all pretty dull really.
It's really sobering to see how Issy has melted into all of this. It really is lights camera action go show
Watch Planet Of The Apes instead

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It's me

Iconic Member
Nobody in a public position as an entertainer should be sending unsolicited messages about how a child looks or their mental health, it’s totally inappropriate they are not trained to do so. I’m still flabbergasted that YouTube hasn’t addressed this like BBC or ITV would have to. I know he’s a bit of deluded idiot but he must have known absolutely must have that messages like that were crossing a professional boundary and when looked at in any light or with any context completely wrong. Like he’s some guru that can cure someone’s suicidal thoughts by telling them to live themselves and meet up with him to rollerblade?! Sometimes when I’m watching him bod around doing all the housework and cleaning I almost forgot the full horror of what he did. I imagine if his legal ‘team’ hadn’t silenced him the explanation would be that the messages were taken out of context and it was banter and a misjudgment but that the recipients were unbalanced, that would be his public explanation I bet but still privately I bet he thinks that he was being ‘inspirational’ and bringing ‘positivity’ to them, reaching out in his own time but then it turned sour and now they re all mentally ill jealous haters, that’s what both him and Sarah have decided that in all of it they are the actual victims and no amount of tweets or comments or drop in views will ever change their minds. I hope they’re never facing a situation with their daughters where a 34 year old stranger from the internet is helping them deal with dark feelings, what could they say? Oh that’s fine he seems like a nice man on his videos, what a nice thing for him to do! I don’t know wether Chris will ever be foolish enough to send private messages again I think he’d like to and I’m sure he’ll be tempted but I don’t think he’ll risk facing the justice that this time he has sadly evaded.
I think he will... He's a groomer and he uses secret as a key word.

They don't even have to have mental health problems...

Into him...

Cheerleading and teenage films...that's him he can relate to all that.

Emo/Scene music... Look that's him. Blink is so old school now but I bet he's keeping up with the music just so he can relate...

There is absolutely nothing wrong as a parent to understand what your children are into...but this is where Chris and Sarah's downfall is as parents..they are not interested one bit in what their own children are upto. Most Dad's I know and Mum's too have played on Minecraft, watched what the kids do on their tablets. Having no understanding on what the children are actually playing or doing as we have already mentioned Isla loves Granny and Slender Man I mean come on really?

Chris is selling himself to an audience of young impressionable teens.
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Active member
I think she’s disgusting, I don’t care about her upbringing she’s a mum and she should remove her children from him - they matter more than anything.

She has victim shamed those girls and employed her own family and friends to troll them she’s vile.

I would have some respect for her if she had left him.
I couldn't agree more!
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Well-known member
Yeah pregnancy worries, slow cooker recipes, baby hauls, Christmas and Halloween tat. I can also see a ‘how we deal with haters’ sit down vlog coming soon too which will be highly entertaining
I was getting a bit worried tonight that the slow cooker had been put into retirement, I think it’s done it’s job as a wholesome family accessory, can you imagine trying to get the burnt 11 hours over cooked volcanic lasagne cleaned of it? Nahhh the microwave is much more appealing ?
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VIP Member
Bit of topic,but but thank you to whoever it was that mentioned peeweetom,been watching his vlogs what an amazing man so sad had me in tear
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That’s shameful, also I’ve never heard them mention Next so much as they have recently.
Think it’s time we found that post from a while ago where Creepy is slagging Next off. I’m sure their PR Dept. would love to see that.
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VIP Member
I know personally with subsequent pregnancies ,alot of women get bigger faster ,but when you consider that "baby" is the size of a NECTARINE ???? Either she`s further along than she`s saying ,or there`s alot of Nandos` keeping baby company inside that stomach!
Anyone else wonder if she is further along and then going to go with the whole 'going into labour early' line to add more worry and clickbate. When it would just be her actual due date
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Chatty Member
Anyone else wonder if she is further along and then going to go with the whole 'going into labour early' line to add more worry and clickbate. When it would just be her actual due date
Hell yeah, I’ve thought this all the way along. Every last drop of trauma and click bait will need to be squeezed out of the next 5 months. Am not going to give any genuine content ideas but I can certainly think of a good few storylines yet to come...
Sarah’s waters break in Poundland!
Sarah’s strange pregnancy cravings (ie Nandos...)!
Sarah’s bump is the size of an orange air hopper!
Sarah’s legs are genuinely soooooo skinny they can’t support her body weight anymore!
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Active member
I don’t think Esme is a brat, she probably is jealous of the other girls but when people who watch 20 mins of their day can see how different she’s treated and how the other two have their roles (money maker and the baby) I can’t imagjne how obvious it is to her! Esme is less controllable because she doesn’t always want to be filmed (there’s been a few vlogs where she’s not been on for that reason as Sarah’s has stated) plus sisters fight and argue me and my sisters were always playing and then fighting and we are really close. I think it’s unfair to judge a 9 year old calling her a brat when you consider the environment she’s brought up in and her parents, if he worse she comes out of this is a brat she’s done pretty well!
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VIP Member
IMHO I don’t think Sarah has ever shown that much affection towards her children. Perhaps she has a closer relationship with Isabelle because she is her money maker. I just think Sarah only sees her kids as trained monkeys which bring in views and money. No real love or emotional support. If either of them are sick, having a bad day or generally upset it’s still business as usual. No putting the cameras down and letting them have a private moment It’s just them being constantly reminded how super duper everything is and how they have to be loving life. This is not reality and it’s sad to see them so detached from the real world. I don’t even think Sarah has formed any maternal attachment to her unborn baby. He is simply just a thing being used to help sustain their lavish lifestyle
Completely agree. I've never seen an ounce of genuine affection from Sarah towards the girls. The girls cry or get hurt it gets filmed. Where's the compassion and empathy? Sarah argues that the girls don't want for anything but money and gifts can never ever replace love. I know my two would hate to get home from school and have a camera shoved in their faces. I love hearing their stories about their day but I feel with Sarah that when the girls talk to her she's too busy staring down them lense and adjusting her hair! Can't stand that woman! Put the camera down Sarah and be a mother!
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VIP Member
Oh yes Sarah the brand new iPhone that’s out, erm not that clued up are you as there was 2 new released last week as my hubby had had the phone you’ve got for a year now so they are slightly cheaper now the new ones are out. Also poor Isabelle’s face when her mum revealed she was on her period..why would that even be deemed as acceptable to broadcast to everyone! And I am sure the kids watch the videos..they will soon watch what they are getting for Xmas..and she sends to Santa wtf?!
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I see the title of tonight’s vlog is something about lazy getting a new phone. She must’ve smashed the other one in outrage at missing a sale or googling ‘how to be healthy when pregnant’ and not finding one single site that agreed with her view. Either that or the constant deleting of truthful comments broke the screen. I’m going for that one considering some comments lately have lasted quite some time
Someone said on here yesterday I think it was, that for someone who has lots of money she has a rubbish phone... should add that to our tattle bill ?
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