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Chatty Member
Love this title and as I think has been mentioned before, picturing lazys face every time she pops over to get some inspiration and seeing that ‘second son’ in the title will be priceless ?
Just having a browse on lazys Instagram, found some lovely comments . . enjoy ?


The delightful photo that accompanies these comments was taken at Alton towers so we all know why he was looking particularly pleased with himself that day ? no lazy it wasn’t you now was it hun ?
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Active member
It’s what they need to do and what any PR firm would recommend they do - but we know that Sarah and Chris can’t admit that they are wrong.
The suggestions to Sarah about Vlog content is because I’m sick and tired of watching clothes hauls - how many clothes do they need plus they undermine their own merchandise by showing the same designs for £15 cheaper. That’s just stupid!!!
Plus their current diet is making me feel physically ill.
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If you look at the amount of people who’ve commented on Isabelle’s Instagram (she’s the only one who’s uploaded an actual Instagram not story) then it would suggest that many will be buying or asking for it. Although again this is with Sassybelles merch shown, not all of it. Which is all the unicorn stuff etc.. which as I have said previous, I do feel for Izzy because she had got so many ideas of what she would’ve loved to have created with designs and on what, but she never really got round to it being completed as soon after, all this shit came out.
I have nothing at all against Isabelle but I have no inclination whatsoever to check on her Instagram. I feel sorry for Izzy but more for the level of responsibility they give her, the stress she must be under and all the crap Creepy and Lazy put her through on a daily basis than for the level of input she has on her Sassybelle merch. It's the welfare of the child that's left when you strip away all the "extra" stuff, poisoned chalice as it may be, I'm more concerned about. And as much as I *get* "pester power", I think there's a difference between commenting on someone's Instagram that you want whatever they're promoting, and then buying it or persuading someone else to buy it for you - if you haven't changed your mind by then.

That said, if people want to buy any of the Ingham merch that much, they will, regardless of what I or anyone else thinks. I just hate to see people being taken advantage of and I think it's painfully ironic that Creepy and Lazy are not only charging way more than that crap merch is worth but far more than they'd ever pay for an item of clothing for themselves or any of the girls.
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It's me

Iconic Member
That bump is huge for 14 weeks! She's definitely taken eating for two to the next level! I'm sure she'll so mention though how you show earlier the more pregnancies you have! ?
Bet she's annoyed she's not having twins.. ideally she would rather be eating for 3!
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Chatty Member
Awww thanks guys, must have had a mad moment of inspiration?
I’d like to thank Lazy and Creepy for the many, many...... so many..... soooper doooper daily moments of crazy inspiration.....they’ve given so much more than their usual insufferable selves this week and I can’t wait to see what utter nutters they are over the next few days. Special thanks to the underrated Prinny of course, who single handedly holds this family together. If this ‘TV show’ actually WAS a TV series it would be winning global awards for creativity because you just couldn’t make this shit up. Blended-family fallouts, inappropriate grooming accusations, exploited kids, missing Charity money, visits to the Graveyard, disastrous extended family get togethers, awkward teenage tears, pregnancy ‘stuff and nonsense’........all we’re missing is a body under the patio. Or an arty shot of a coldsore.
Well if we win an award for evidencing their indiscretions, keeping the conversation going about creepy and obviously all the inspiration we’ve given lazy the past year or so then I’d like to nominate you as our spokesperson when accepting the award. That speech was beautiful, it almost brought a tear to my eye ?
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Yeah pregnancy worries, slow cooker recipes, baby hauls, Christmas and Halloween tat. I can also see a ‘how we deal with haters’ sit down vlog coming soon too which will be highly entertaining
There is not enough popcorn in the WORLD for that vlog! :giggle:
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Well-known member
Sarah really selling their new 'blah blah blah' merch tonight. She managed to pick up a t-shirt with that phrase on in a pack of 3 for just £6 - whereas they're selling one blah blah blah t-shirt for £17.99!
I’ve only just watched it and that astounded me! You could very briefly see her embarrassment when she quickly said at a lower volume ‘which is just like our merchandise’ yeah just like it but at actual normal price!!! Why would she even put that in the vlog knowing the enormous mark up on theirs? She can’t be stupid surely? It’s like saying oh I’m selling my house but I just bought a new one for a third of the price has aaa suckers! So all you lot out there after watching my tremendous bargains can get your debit card out for your pleading children and pay double the price for just one, not three and I would think not anything like Next quality. FFS she could have just stopped at the t shorts before. I thought the hoodies enraged me earlier but the absolute arrogance of showing us a much
cheaper version of what she’s selling?!
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Well-known member
Good to see I’m not alone on The Real Inghams account.

Its such a shame it isn’t run by someone who cares about posting clips in order, all clips sequentially and more importantly, stop posting heresay and rumours as though they are fact.

The fraud stuff was pretty distasteful to be honest and then they went and doubled down on it as soon as people questioned it.

Im also pretty certain that some of Chloe’s videos were put up without permission, as they appeared within minutes of her posting on Twitter. She has constantly had to post messages saying the reason for her depression is not solely due to the Chris situation, which this account and others on Twitter try to make out

Im sure it’s not intentional, but all they’re really doing in the long run is helping Chris sink further into what seems to me to be a classic case of persecution complex, where he boxes the thousands of people who are disgusted with his behaviour and whom have genuine concerns with those that run these accounts.

They are also quite rude when people politely ask about context or what a clipped to shit post is suposed to mean. I’m really hoping they might come on here and explain what it is they’re trying to do, and maybe take some advise so they don’t come across like a pitchforked local screaming for blood. I’m sure we all want the same thing ultimately, but they are seriously going the wrong way about it

If anyone has wondered why Instagram powers that be haven’t removed it, currently you can set up an account and clearly break their terms of service. When you complain (I haven’t for this account, but did on one of the ones that threatened to kill Jess if they saw her) you get a stock response back saying they haven’t broken the terms of service so cannot do anything
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Member 177

P.s. I've had to scroll through far too many pages of personal argument for updates tonight. We don't want this thread to have the same fate as the one on GG now do we
GG died due to Hellyeah and her over zealous moderating and removing relevant posts allowing a troll to takeover and turn the thread into a pathetic playground for her own entertainment and no context to the debate being seen only her claiming to be bullied, this lead to the 20 regular posters going elsewhere.
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Well-known member
I thought she was going to make a diagnosis that she had diabetes next after she said that, I mean her body must be filled up to her neck with sugar so she hardly needs more!
She’s Dia-naemic don’t you know? She must be, she’s pregnant, so every single adverse symptom that any woman has ever had in pregnancy ever will be fully experienced in this pregnancy! Whilst all of us who had genuine severe life threatening conditions during pregnancy watch open mouthed...
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VIP Member
So more shopping?! Seriously what a bloody boring mundane life you both have! How the hell are people still watching them and enjoy it is beyond me..Here are some tips for better content when the kids are at school Sarah...don’t bloody vlog! Or maybe go to a cookery class, make new friends who don’t know about the indiscretions about your husband and make HEALTHY meals for your kids and yourself..or tidy out the shit tip that is the garage. Volunteer at a charity, go for a long walk with the dog..the list is endless..or maybe just maybe her off your arse and do what normal mums do and clean instead of making your husband do it. I do get why you are though..after all he’s done i would be making his life hell also! ?
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Well-known member
So I could only get through the first 5 minutes. Just not in the mood for their crap. So glad I didn't watch yesterdays clickbait. About those Hatchimal plushies, why would she need to buy 3? First of all, Isabelle probably would not be interested as she's a teenager and secondly, they don't all need to get one just because one did...what's wrong with completely different presents? Just another example of their completely limited thinking.
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Chatty Member
Actual severe anaemia is really hard to live with, the way she throws around diseases then miraculously recovers proves she’s as fit as a fiddle...She’s constipated looking enough wait until she gets the iron tablets ?
This. I have severe anaemia. I’m not pregnant and hold down two jobs whilst also looking after three children and having monthly hospital appointments and regular iron transfusions. I’m probably going to need a hysterectomy in the next few months but keep putting it off due to work and needing to have a wage coming in.
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It's me

Iconic Member
As much as I think Angry Manc is a prick his Ingham's videos are spot on.
I thought the same...

Especially liked the part when Chris was showing of the fabulous view which was nothing really but a pedestrian crossing.

The point about Sarah says this is her 'job' and she works hard but they only really film from mid afternoon plus all blogs are really the same old except weekends..where he and no doubt others can manage family vlogging and hold down jobs!

They don't think what they put on camera with the children... Inappropriate stuff whether underwear showing or illness.

The top of it all... Remember it was before the accusations came out there is no way Chris is editing those vlogs till 4 in the morning! Haven't we all mentioned this before... However we all know now what he's been upto till 4 in the morning!
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New member
Just to let all those wondering about the realinghams on Instagram know, the account is run by the victims and their parents. They all have the logging in details so they can post on there if they wish. In regards to a certain post about the son it was posted as many people had messaged the account asking about the son.
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Chatty Member
Scrolling through the merch, you would think if they were rereleasing the likes of their “ifam/ingham family” hoodies/etc, they could have at least put SOME thought into it? Like to actually change it up a little?
I really wish I could just tell everyone who’s thinking of buying one that if they or their child really wants something like that, go purchase a hoodie or tshirt from primark & you can then get whatever you want printed on it for half the price.. in a less boring font and design? like it just doesn’t look nice at all? fair enough the quality is decent but for just slightly more you could buy a superdry one which is actually decent and long lasting.

Also confused as what relevance does the “blah blah blah” tshirt have? Apart from that’s all we hear with all the BS spewing out their mouths? And girl power? Like at least when other youtubers have come out with merch it’s at least phrases they say or things that involve them. But save the money, I’m sure primark and H&M have lots of “girl power” or “blah blah blah” printed on clothes.. Which’ll cost a fraction of the price.

Again I feel for Izzy because the designs of her merch (which as it’s her own for her own channel surely she should have it separately...) were actually decent (actually thought about and had care & attention put into so were relevant to her demographic also). But although the money is probably put in an account for her when she’s older, I don’t thimk she’s really been let the freedom to do as she will with her channel a- even to the point that they used a lot of her clips (if she’s doing a vlog) in the daily vlogs, because there’s been plenty of times the comments were “oh we’ve already seen this..” because the daily vlog is edited and uploaded first as izzy has school/etc. Like I just found it unfair on her. (Not to bring it up again but still that Lego friends meet and greet just did not sit well with me in the slightest, it was her opportunity & yet they made it about all of them.)

On that note about m&g’s as well, I am still shocked that they did such long meet and greets & made the girls be there for such long times, yes they may have had chairs but that still doesn’t mean it’s easy to say “hi” and have random people hugging you and smiling for photos... like they were there for over 5 hours for one of them and I just think that’s ridiculous, like fair enough you didn’t want to disappoint the ifam but then there should’ve been a cut off point & time limit, as wasn’t fair on the girls at all. (I guess that won’t habe to be a worry now though.. if they try and have a meet & greet now could you imagine what it would be like?)
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Active member
That tuna bake (that wasn't actually a tuna bake) just looked like a pile of slop. All this eating meals at home just tells me they are watching their money now or they are worried about being confronted by general public. They barely used to eat a meal at home all week before chris was exposed and thought nothing of spending money like it was going out of fashion now it's every meal at home and sarah not wanting to spend £45 on squishies.
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I’m really surprised that the school allows it, my kids school wouldn’t. It needs a cut desperately, the bleach plus all the chlorine in the pools they’ve been in, a few inches off would let it look healthy again. Sarah could also do with a trim, I’ve never understood her fringe, like it looks like when you’re growing out a short fringe but it stays that length then it’s really long at the back, it’s a very unusual choice for an actual hair style, though with times being hard...cue ‘surprise shock at the hairdresser!’- they all get a trim coming atchya next week
Sarah’s long hair always reminds me of a child’s hair style. Really ratty. She’s always pushing her fringe about too, just leave it or grow it out [emoji23][emoji849]
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