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It's me

Iconic Member
Bit of topic,but but thank you to whoever it was that mentioned peeweetom,been watching his vlogs what an amazing man so sad had me in tear
That was me...
You are welcome... However see the comparison of how he copes with true pain and agony it's unbelievable.

I struggle with clicking on his vlogs at time. Have had to be in the right mood to watch them or would be to upset.
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VIP Member
Those 2 guys sat behind them in Nandos...they seemed aware of what was going and laughing but I would be fuming if I knew I was in creepys video for all to see!

Poor Esme looked ill again when she was doing her homework with a mars bar, wee soul looked so drained. Shunned to the side when they were watching the gender reveal video, she looked so lost and blank expression.

And as for this feather shite, just an excuse to make everyone re watch the video for more views...why not just insert the clip?!
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Active member
I don’t want to be rude or cause an argument at all. But if possible could we please keep all discussion non Ingham related in DM’s please [emoji5]
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Active member
I had gest diabetes at 30 weeks. Had three injections a day. Can you imagine if smug sarah gets g.d. the blood tests..the injections...the pain. ..then worries. ..the Drama!! Major major vlog gingie fodder there? ? Boulder he be PLANNING G on diabetes?? Sad to say sarah gd stops when the baby is born.but will come back to haunt you for real later on...
Does anyone watch smug sarah on you tube. God she's hilarious!!
Also can't even hate watch today but are the inghams off to Spain? ???? Ffs sarah slow down on the travelling. .everyone in your family would benefit.
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Im stunned they don’t have pop sockets on their store. They are the latest craze, and even small time you tubers have their own personalised ones on the market. 10 pence worth of cheap Chinese plastic personalised shite and knocked out for up to a tenner a time. She will be jumping for joy when she realises the mark up on these.
Cue the next vlog where she says she has been inundated with emails from the IFAM requesting pop sockets
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Chatty Member
So just been looking at the 2 ‘bump’ photos - don’t do this if you’ve just eaten or are planning to soon. In the 13 week one she definitely looks bigger and the stretch marks are way more noticeable. Quite a bit of editing for this latest photo!
I wonder if the baby will be edited like this too?
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Well-known member
Here's a theory:
Start making really boring videos which contain a lot of moaning about pregnancy ailments. Flush out the current viewers and hope that in time the allegations will fade away too. Pop out another money maker, er, a baby and let the cuteness and clickbaits do their thing to bring in the new viewers.
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Haha I will have the other half of the profits we will be rolling in it , might spend mine soaking up the agriculture in Australia, you know the 7 /11, maccie Ds, Coles etc
Sounds so agricultural :’)

I’ll probaby just use my half to go to home sense and B&M. Do up the house with some velvet furniture and bits and bats. You know, make it real classy!
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VIP Member
And they hide so well. They never leave any clues and no one at all could guess where they are ?
I wish I had their income so I could play hide and seek with them.
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It's me

Iconic Member
It made me think too, my goodness you certainly did go through it! Mine didn’t get intolerable until only the last 4 weeks really it was impossible to do anything I had to take my maternity leave early from work, thankfully it started late on for me but I can sympathise with you fully. I think groin aches and pains are just a normal part of everything stretching and growing, the way she ran after the dog there’s no way she was in as much pain as he described. I do hope she doesn’t continue to use it as a reason to lie on the sofa because as you know it’s an absolutely agonising condition that makes ordinary life so difficult for many women who genuinely have it ?
You know she will...

She will have googled every pregnancy condition going that she thinks that she can pretend she has just to keep the clickbait up!

Have to have something there for us as there must be more scandals to come!
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Well-known member
You know she will...

She will have googled every pregnancy condition going that she thinks that she can pretend she has just to keep the clickbait up!

Have to have something there for us as there must be more scandals to come!
Oh goodness I hope I haven’t actually given her a diagnosis ??‍♀ That’s it, if she does share it on the vlogs I hope she credits me for my medical advice!!!
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VIP Member
I wonder if we will hear anymore about Sarah's rash? Wasn't she supposed to see a specialist?

I also wonder if they'll kick Izzy up stairs to the cinema room when the baby is born and turn her room into the nursery?

I just can't get my head around why they'd want a baby now (apart from the obvious views!) All there girls are now in school and are pretty independent, why would you want to go back to sleepless nights and nappies? I'm sure Sarah said ages ago she wouldn't have another baby once Isla turned 5 as the age gap would be to big!
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Well-known member
I swear when Izzy got her hair dyed they said they were cutting the blonde out before she went back to school?! Surely she would want it cut out?? Can’t imagine many private schools would like her hair looking like that whilst in their uniform?

I’m all for letting kids do what they want etc but it is looking pretty ratty
I’m really surprised that the school allows it, my kids school wouldn’t. It needs a cut desperately, the bleach plus all the chlorine in the pools they’ve been in, a few inches off would let it look healthy again. Sarah could also do with a trim, I’ve never understood her fringe, like it looks like when you’re growing out a short fringe but it stays that length then it’s really long at the back, it’s a very unusual choice for an actual hair style, though with times being hard...cue ‘surprise shock at the hairdresser!’- they all get a trim coming atchya next week
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VIP Member
I mentioned this when after Izzy had been off school for 8 weeks this summer, she was doing her homework at 7am on the morning she went back to school.
They’ve just paid for a private school because they think that’s what you do if you have the money. The girls will never be able to make use of all the extra curricular activities on offer as they are dragged from pillar to post to perform on cue in the family farce.
Expect tomorrow’s vlog to have them telling us how well Esme is doing at school and shots of Izzy doing her homework.
I think we should all be invoicing them for script writing fees.
Oops sorry didn’t know you’d already mentioned something like this, sometimes it’s hard keeping up with everything. I also didn’t see the vlog where Isabelle was doing homework at How bloody ridiculous though! Who wants to be catching up on homework at that time of the morning. They’re going to certainly have an early wake-up call when the school starts noticing how Isabelle’s Schoolwork is suffering.
Of course not that they’ve ever mention it in the vlogs as we have to keep everything super duper and picture perfect and show there are no consequences for anything! Isn’t that right, Chris?!”
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VIP Member
ive just watched Isabelles latest video. No wonder shes unhappy and confussed, im confussed watching her, somedays she plays with toys ( nothing wrong in it) next minute doing sit down videos and talking like a mini sarah trying to be adult. Her bullying talk clearly was scripted by sarah and rehearsed. I find Isabelle quite patronizing like Sarah its not her fault its only what shes learnt by lazy , so sad lazy is ruining her children.
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Well-known member
As a few others are now picking up on the issues I raised previously about the girls working, I've been doing a little digging. Here’s the law

During term time children can only work a maximum of 12 hours a week. This includes: a maximum of 2 hours on school days and Sundays. a maximum of 5 hours on Saturdays for 13 to 14-year-olds, or 8 hours for 15 to 16-year-olds.

This is Sarah’s job. She has admitted it on camera. Sarah and Chris have registered the business as a Limited company and accounts are due soon. I honestly think these are the sort of thing that could spell the end of the channel. Would be interested in others opinions and of course if anyone has any employment knowledge on your own children clearly working for you with what look to be no contracts, that would be awesome. It’s clear from yesterday now, that many people just want to constantly take the piss out of a couple of very easy targets and who isn’t fine with that? But it leads me onto ...

Yesterday I apologied for any offence caused re the Real Inghams Instagram discussion. I’ve been keeping those discussions private and will continue to, but thanks for those that messaged me privately with your support

As some are reluctant to mute, block or simply scroll when they see the name of an OP they don’t care for as I and most other people do, they get rather upset and start spouting all sorts of wonderfully strange things like very relevant discussion about the Inghams shouldn’t be discussed on here, or that someone is hijacking the thread for nefarious reasons. Not much I can really do to help other than take stock of the first line in this paragraph and maybe go easy on the 4/20 ?
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