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Ive just had an online newsletter from my youngest primary school about safety on you tube, it actually said to talk to our children between the ages of 4-11 (as apparently thats the age group that watch more you tube videos! Frightening!!) about what they watch on there and what their feelings are towards channels it also said that it helps to actually watch these ourselves to greater understand content and lastly it mentioned to encourage the children to go on family friendly vlogs ....!!!
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It's me

Iconic Member
If I’m honest from time to time all the girls can seem a little full of themselves. Let’s not kid ourselves their behaviour is not impeccable like it’s made out to be on the vlogs. They have acted very, very spoilt on occasion too. I remember in particular this vlog where Esme was attending a rare birthday party and they had gone to smyths to buy a present which so happened to be a LOL doll. When they were in the car Esme had a face like thunder because obviously she didn’t get one!
Also the time when they were trekking around New York looking for LOL dolls and they were in the toy store but they only had 2 and Sarah said they couldn’t buy the 2 because Isabelle would be left out ( I did laugh my arse off at that) Isla looked pretty disappointed! I don’t think this is anyway their fault it’s just because they are used to getting everything all the time.
I wonder how they’re coping with not getting boxes and boxes of gifts these days?!
That's the parents making the problem though.

The children have been brought up that even on birthdays not one of them is left out.

You cannot chop and change goal posts all the time with children.

It wouldn't surprise me that any toy usually bought for a child's birthday party they all got the same. Sarah presumed because it's an LOL doll and they have loads that Esme wouldn't want another. Of course she did!

I am all about being fair, that if you are giving children say food and drink you can't offer one without the other for example.

However, they have seen to overlook the idea that birthdays should be special for the one person, and that's why they get presents. It's now deep seated so very hard for the children to understand and hard for them not to extend it to friends etc.
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It's me

Iconic Member
Ive just had an online newsletter from my youngest primary school about safety on you tube, it actually said to talk to our children between the ages of 4-11 (as apparently thats the age group that watch more you tube videos! Frightening!!) about what they watch on there and what their feelings are towards channels it also said that it helps to actually watch these ourselves to greater understand content and lastly it mentioned to encourage the children to go on family friendly vlogs ....!!!
Make a stand and ask them to clarify family friendly channels.

Also ask them if they are aware of the Ingham Family? Just stating how do we actually do this? Find a news article about Chris. Say until I read a news article online...

It's things like this that then get schools to act and those teacher training days are often when groups of schools come together.

Schools should always work in partnership with parents. You raising this issue... Shows you yourself are actually on the ball... Where other parents will be as dumb and Chris and Sarah and couldn't care less or presume.
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I’ve just caught up on last nights vlog and I understand what you mean about Izzy crying? She seems to be more upset crying rather than happy crying?

Part of me thinks they’ve had an argument or something and then started videoing again and just made it could like she’s crying about the gender reveal video?

She seems sooo upset the poor thing, I just want to give her a cuddle. Esme seemed so off too, really out of it. I found it so weird that they didn’t sit her on the same side as Izzy and Isla?
There was something strange about the crying last night, it was definitely caused by something other than that daft video! But it’s good for the views so never mind the reason, I think you’re right I think there had been an argument or squabble hence all the girls being sat apart from each other and Esme looking like she didn’t give a hoot about the video, I bet they did have a good old fashioned sibling scrap over (if they’re anything like mine a pen lid!) but had to all change their faces quickly, come on girls give me your ‘living your best life faces’
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See this is what I don't they can be removed from reality?! They've only come into ££ in what, the last couple of years? And they base their shopping hauls on cheap brands/shops anyway, so I can't see how they've lost touch with what the 'average' person can afford! I mean, it's not like they're brand Beckham, where they've had years of high earning so they have no clue of the real cost of things anymore.
It's down to greed, nothing more. They're like the people you see at the buffet......cramming every single item they can onto their plates, just because they can. You never know when those grasping hands can't cling onto things any longer!

I can't even get started on filming the kids when their upset or ill either! So many levels of wrong.
I love the buffet analogy ? I can actually picture Sarah’s paper plate bending under the strain!
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Well-known member
What was she going to cook in it?

Well at least when the money dries up someone will get a bargain at the carboot they do, to try and raise some cash!
Oh that’s the best idea yet, Sarah! Chris! Over here ?? click bait ‘check out Sarah’s big booty’ a massive car boot of the contents of all your garages and other dumping grounds, you’d need a field for yourselves! Think about it you could promote your merch and do some meet and greets, donate 0000.1% to a charity and everyone’s happy! Slow cookers all round ?
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It's me

Iconic Member
Is this Nandos thing Chris raising his game?

Nandos always are there at Freshers Fair offering freebies!

Then with NUS you get offers.. so to me Nandos is very much a student place too. Cheap meal out in the big scheme of things for most students.

Going back to the Inghams do you think at least one of them will ever dare eat the sweet potato at Nandos or is that too much agriculture?
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VIP Member
What’s the latest with the charity money also? Anyone know if they have had the money back yet? Or was is used to pay for the new iPhone!
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Member 658

I noticed how the large pillows/cushions the girls have on their beds has the tags on the outside so i'm assuming the covers can't be removed and washed, they must be getting quite smelly by now, I doubt they'll clean them anyway even if the kids get eye infections etc from them.

I bet the girls were roasting in those fluffy onsies, maybe they are saving on the heating bills. I wonder if the next purchase will be a stair lift for Sarah, she would have hated going up and down those stairs looking for clues for her treasure hunt.

The pasta bake they made was rubbish, I'm sure you have to pour those sauces on dry pasta in an oven dish with water to cook it in the oven. I doubt Chris even read the label, you'd think they'd prepare some vegetables for it or even a salad to go with it. Sarah could have done the veg, you get frozen steam packs which you heat in the microwave, but I guess even those would be too much effort.
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It's me

Iconic Member
If they didn’t go or it went badly chris needs to see he’s affecting his own children’s lives as well as the girls involved
Would he take responsibility for that?

Hell No... He will be shaking his Tic Tacs at us all again blaming the trolls and haters just like he did the other day about Julia's House. The 'official' statement started with something about trolls then he just lied lied lied!
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Now if the Jabba on the right was just holding his new phone I defy anyone to spot the difference.? E8A49E9B-2BA1-45D3-B723-9FFC465AB4B0.jpeg
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Ha yep. Genuine was a poor choice of words but I guess I mean she seems less fake that ditzy Sarah. Externally I still think Katrina is prettier but that's not to say she is pretty, just prettier than her sister.
Edit: Like how cruddy mop might be better looking than an even cruddier mop.
I’ve always thought Katrina looked a bit spaced out, like she sort of stares into the distance a bit, I’m not giving any reason for this but she looks as though her mind is elsewhere on camera, I think Sarah has the ambition if that’s the right word? She’s had a taste of earning lots of money quickly and has been able to move away from her roots into a nicer home and private schools, her accent is fake too, she sometimes slips up but she carefully thinks about her words before she pronounces them I think that’s ehy we get so many moments where she mixes them up and gets flustered, because it’s not her actual voice she has to consciously think about how she says each word, it’s so obvious despite her painting her family and background in a certain romantic way that she grew up in hard conditions. The reason I think that she’s just kept on without even flinching through all the evidence of his behaviour is that her income, position and fame is something she desperately needs to cling on to, the thought of going back to struggling and budgeting and relying on actual bargains is too much for her to even imagine.
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VIP Member
This is the scary thing...

It's the am relatable look to you the audience...who are teenagers. Not only did I skate, I was a cheerleader. Look I joined for you. What grown man does that? When your 9 your old child loves it?
It not about being a cool dad in my opinion... Real cool dad's show their children real love, trust and respect the relationship is fluid.

It's the undertones how he talks to the audience that's still worrying.
Yep, and Snapchat! (Not saying Snapchat is only a younger person's app, but I think it does have a largely teenage audience)

I noticed recently that a lot of predators seem to use Snapchat as their 'app of choice' now, because they think everything will disappear. (Thankfully I think they've changed it and have apps you can record messages without the other knowing)

Its just so strange. Even most children's entertainers on TV would just do their job and go home, rather then interacting with fans on social media. (Other then maybe a few tweets now or a Facebook page to advertise themselves) Its not something he HAD to do for his 'audience' or for 'more exposure'.
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Well-known member
Does anyone remember a time when after reading about the vile behaviour of Chris, they had sympathy for Sarah? Mine lasted about a day

Since then I’ve honestly struggled to find one redeeming feature in her personality. ( Chris I made my mind up within a few seconds after reading the allegations and seeing a picture of a 34 year old man dressed like a 14 year old )

Maybe it’s because I had the misfortune in the past to work with 4-5 woman like Sarah. Woman who have absolutely no self awareness or room for self reflection. Women who become extremely hostile at any criticism, no matter how gentle and constructive it is, and who will turn into something akin to a honey badger with rabies that’s been chewing on a baggy of discarded crystal meth

As time has passed I’m convinced now more than ever that they both genuinely believe that Chris’ behaviour isn’t wrong. That he was trying to help vulnerable girls that opened their hearts to him. Girls that when he met or attempted to, was being their knight in shining armour. Their famous hero come to save them from their suicidal thoughts and bad feelings about their bodies

Poor old heart of gold Chris was a little naive and forgot that there are bad jealous evil people in this World, and before he knew it, he was being asked all sorts of things he couldn’t commit to because of his family. Trying to desperately salvage the situation he panicked and may have said or did the wrong thing, and now these girls he so generously tried to help have all ganged up on him and trying to destroy everything he worked so hard for

I’d be interested in what people’s theories are currently. Have they changed since the beginning? Are you sticking to what you originally thought? Am I miles off? Have I lost it? ? Do they both know he’s guilty as sin, but decided on the denial card and are sticking with it?
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I think he will... He's a groomer and he uses secret as a key word.

They don't even have to have mental health problems...

Into him...

Cheerleading and teenage films...that's him he can relate to all that.

Emo/Scene music... Look that's him. Blink is so old school now but I bet he's keeping up with the music just so he can relate...

There is absolutely nothing wrong as a parent to understand what your children are into...but this is where Chris and Sarah's downfall is as parents..they are not interested one bit in what their own children are upto. Most Dad's I know and Mum's too have played on Minecraft, watched what the kids do on their tablets. Having no understanding on what the children are actually playing or doing as we have already mentioned Isla loves Granny and Slender Man I mean come on really?

Chris is selling himself to an audience of young impressionable teens.
Perhaps he will, it’s really worrying that there are parents out there who still probably don’t know.

They are both the most arrogant people I’ve watched publicly, they pretend to be so humble and grateful but from little peeks at the real side of them, snarky tweets and fb comments about their business you just know it’s all pretence, all a huge act.

Here’s hoping if he does it again this time he gets fully exposed.
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It's me

Iconic Member
Wow, could you let me know their handle I’d really like to support ?? They could have made a gesture with their merch or with lots of things. They’re in (or were rather) a hugely privileged and influential position and even a percentage donation or something more than a stunt for their vlogs would have been received brilliantly, especially now given the money that Julia’s House lost out on, a gesture like that would be doing some good after the bad
Pee wee Toms
He's on YouTube but has links to other sites.
His last vlog was pretty grim. As I say he went in a hospice haven't checked today.
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Well-known member
Another Nando’s! Trying hard for a sponsorship there aren’t they!
They’re going to end up looking like a Nando’s, I’ve not watched today’s gem yet but I’m betting it was soooooooo nice, I wish someone would chuck them a thesaurus (at their heads!)
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Well-known member
I just skipped to the end to see about the merch. It's ready to launch this weekend, but they wont as they haven't had the samples yet and want to test them. "Sooo many people have been asking about merch" and what happened to the store so they just said they are working with a new comapny.

They should have had the samples weeks ago before launching / getting them printed.

Poor Esme, she seems so sad - like a child being forced to work.

Christ, that one clip sums up EVERYTHING that is wrong with this family :cry:
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