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Active member
Poor Isabelle she’s going to look back at the photos of herself and wonder why her mother would allow these type of photos to be used online.Surely any decent parent wouldn’t post these type of pics of their young daughter.Theres a lot of creeps out their Chris being one of them.
Also I can’t believe it’s been two years since they had a homey day.Even then they have a camera shoved in their faces and are preforming for the camera.Im sure Isabelle would rather have time doing her own thing.When do the little two have time to actually play with all the toys they have.I expect the garage is full of unopened toys.For gods sake let them play and be children.A holiday to them would actually be a week at home.
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It's me

Iconic Member
This is the most delusional bunch of tripe I’ve ever read.
As a Notherner I take exception to the Minghams ways being likened to anything Northern in the slightest, cut out the condescending twaddle.
Lazy has never seemed like a ‘really nice person’ even before all this came out, she is an hard-faced, money grabbing bitch, who pimps out her children.
As for the idiotic remark that most men think about or actually do send inappropriate messages to teenage girls you must be mixing with some scummy blokes.
Grow up.
Well said...

I thought I had watched some other vlogs to the Inghams...thinking Miller homes, private school, excessive holidays and days out..need I go on..
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VIP Member
They will do the usual over the top Christmas with thousands of pounds worth of gifts as this is what brings in the most views historically. But I reckon that this year the receipts will be kept and the majority of the presents will be returned for a refund in the New Year. I guarantee we won’t see many of the Christmas presents being played with - they wont be able to afford to keep them in the garage from now on - they will need to get their money back.
I’m thinking this is what they do every year. They buy hundreds of presents specifically for the vlog and to show off, they keep a handful but return the rest. I’m sure even the garage wouldn’t be able to fit the amount of tat they buy
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This is a genuine question with no malice or judgement intended towards anyone that isn't Creepy or lazy *waves* at Creepy and Lazy but does anyone else think that Creepy and Lazy will be p*****g themselves laughing that new and extremely serious allegations have come to light about Creepy's alleged behaviour and we've just whizzed through several pages of the thread mainly talking about/guessing where they might be going on holiday?

I totally get that this is a gossip site and everyone is completely entitled to talk about whatever they want and I love doing just that with all of y'all. I also get that this is "just" a gossip site, that we're not officially Judge and Jury and that the Minghams have been hugely entertaining. It's just that with all the evidence that is out there about Creepy's alleged behaviour so far, it isn't inconceivable that there could be some truth in the latest very serious allegations - and IF there is, I'm done being entertained by him and Lazy.
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Chatty Member
This is a genuine question with no malice or judgement intended towards anyone that isn't Creepy or lazy *waves* at Creepy and Lazy but does anyone else think that Creepy and Lazy will be p*****g themselves laughing that new and extremely serious allegations have come to light about Creepy's alleged behaviour and we've just whizzed through several pages of the thread mainly talking about/guessing where they might be going on holiday?

I totally get that this is a gossip site and everyone is completely entitled to talk about whatever they want and I love doing just that with all of y'all. I also get that this is "just" a gossip site, that we're not officially Judge and Jury and that the Minghams have been hugely entertaining. It's just that with all the evidence that is out there about Creepy's alleged behaviour so far, it isn't inconceivable that there could be some truth in the latest very serious allegations - and IF there is, I'm done being entertained by him and Lazy.
Probably yes but don't worry JazzyHands, let them laugh. Everything will come back to bite that (alleged) pweirdo and his lazy bitch of a wife in the arse. WIthin the year this will all be over Chris will (allegedly) be convicted of sexual offences or worse and be sharing a cell with Sarah's brother. People like them always get caught.
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VIP Member
It's stuff like this I find really, really creepy and slightly disturbing about him. Just thinking of my husband, brother, colleagues etc.. who are all around the same age as Chris and I could not imagine a single one of them posing like that (never mind posting on social media), talking in the way Chris does, or using hashtags like 'Chaifamforever'. It's like something a young teenager does...not a grown man with children and responsibilities. Does he not have any friends to tell him what a complete and utter tool he looks?
Exactly!! I think of all the (older) Males in my life.NONE Would have ever thought to behave as Chris does/But then talking to my mum today (she`d never seen youtube "life" through family vlogs.I have to say she was horrified ,and ,when i asked her ,if she`d needed extra money when i was small/younger ,would she have picked up a phone/camera and filmed me without my knowledge ,and she said ,absolutely not! Her actual words mimicked what so many of us have said ,that she could "never have given up our privacy ,and natural childhood".(She ended with ,she`d have cleaned toilets first).
My late father (i know also) would have been horrified also at the idea.He was a gentle wise loving ,but quiet man ,who lived for his family.Any memories we have ,pictures and videos ,have been seen by only immediate family..I keep saying i must be getting old ,but it`s true.I find so much of what occours on SM as sad.Kids NEED that time to be just that ,Kids.Put away those devices ,and allow children to do as THEY wish ,not behave in the way YOU want ,to increase views and money for your channel.Right now we don`t know what the long term results of this will be for them ,but already so many are becoming precocious..NOT their faults ,but they are growing up thinking they`re important because people gawp at them every day...:(
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These people truly are vile.

I don't even want to go into all this but they are vile.

I hope Isabelle's dad is taking screen shots and preparing for the next court date.

Chris with the rumors surrounding him should not be posting stuff like this, at all.

And I think he does it to get a reaction from us, he gets off on it.

It'll catch up to him though, so be cocky now Chris and Sarah, you'll fall harder when your time is up.
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Well-known member
From Sarah’s IG stories looks like another cold day at a deserted fairground ? its making me cold and depressed just looking at it. I took my children to a little farm today and a mini fair, it was fairly busy as it’s half term here but after an hour it was clear with the absence of bright sunshine it was too cold to spend the day outdoors, I imagine coastal towns feel the chill even more. We were all glad to get home in the warm.
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Chatty Member
IFAM #12 Staying in a caravan, Florida was the original plan, can’t go there though because Chris might get put in the back of a police van
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Chatty Member
I disagree. 20 minutes may only be a small part of their day but if this sort of stuff is what we see on camera then I can't imagine what life is like off camera. I have some serious concerns for those children and their development. the was they are reared, the food they are fed, their social interactions etc will all have an impact on their future lives. The fact that they get very little nutrition from their food. The behaviour of Chris and Sarah. What Chris done to those girls should raise serious red flags to SS.Some of them were just a few years older than Isabelle who is 13 and his behaviour is quite inappropriate; Walking into her bedroom uninvited, hiding under her bed. not to mention the fact they broadcast her periods and private information for the world to see. He talks to children Isabelle's age on social media saying god knows what to them. They risk the safety of their children by making it easy to find their house, schools, dance schools etc. Who knows how many paedophiles (or worse) watch their videos and may want to spy on the children. It's disgusting to say I know but this is the world we live in and we have to protect our children. They drag the girls off to all parts of the world and send them back to school the day they return without a care for their welfare. goodness knows how exhausted they would be and how much this impacts on their schooling. How did they deal with the sexual allegations when things got too much? They dragged the girls off to Crete and Australia. Their own mother can't be bothered and isn't able to do simple homework for a nine year old. A quick google would've helped. They're loaded with sugar with no thought for their organs. They are going to end up with diabetes or high cholesterol. We all saw how hyper Esme was last night, imagine how they must be with all the sugar Sarah loads them up with. The prank they played on Esme with the baby too; pranks are mean't to be funny but that was horrifically cruel. When the girls are sick they simply don't care and continue to shove cameras in their faces. They force them to go to school rather than keeping them off to recover. Sarah hasn't had a single midwife appointment for her baby. Who knows what diseases or infections she has that can impact on the baby. We've all heard about the deaths from Herpes recently and there she is waddling around like the Queen with a new cold sore every day doing absolutely nothing. A good mother who cares about her baby would see a midwife. All Sarah does is talk to the bloody camera. I think Social Services should have lots of concerns. There is much more that I could say.
Yeah sorry I wasn’t completely clear. I agree 100% with everything you’ve just said. And social services do get involved for a lot less contrary to what some may think. I was a very young mom when my daughter was born and that was enough for social services to watch me.
What I meant was that if one of us were to report them out of genuine concern like I believe many of us have at least some concern, especially for Izzy, I don’t think they would take our concerns seriously as ‘viewers’. I also don’t think, as has been pointed out by people before, that there are enough social workers to watch YT families and investigate whether the children are getting enough rest and are fully informed and consenting to being filmed. This is why it is so important that people keep discussing these families and contacting whoever they feel appropriate to highlight these issues so that laws can be brought in just like they are for other children that work.
Look at that family in America that pranked their children for views and caused them distress. They got jail time. UK laws aren’t strict enough in my opinion and children aren’t as protected as they should be.
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Chatty Member
Another day another clickbait about the pregnancy. We’re gonna get months of this aren’t we ?
Yes we are ?
Lazy, hun, you’re breathless because you’re overeating. Nothing to do with being pregnant. When you barely exercise and only eat junk you become overweight which causes breathlessness (amongst other things)
You’re welcome hun ?
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Chatty Member
Anyone see his story after this? Anyone recognise the sand dunes or whatever they are? Theddlethorpe Dunes/Saltfleet? There's holiday camps around there. Doubt it will be emotional though. We all know now after Izzy's little revelation tat the tears are forced. Sarah probably has them trained like dogs 'girls, cry' 'girls act sad' 'girls, act excited' with a bag of malteasers if they oblige. The only day that will be emotional will be when I'm crying with joy watching Ingham (hopefully) get sent to jail. After I've taken some lovely photos of him heading into court of course. Goodnight, will see you for my interview in the morning x
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VIP Member
I would piss myself if it was Scunthorpe (no offence to anyone from Scunthorpe) while we have Family Fizz gloating about their LA mansion.

This is a fun game anyway.
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Member 177

Are they in the onsite pool, when they are recording? If they are I'm going to email haven to complain that's disgusting and against there guidelines
I do believe a famous groomer, sorry I mean famous vloggers are allowed to break rules and guidelines. Picking up a G7x seems to cost the basic understanding of life and gives you the right to ignore every rule or guideline businesses and the NHS put in place. Morals also get left behind.
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Active member
I do believe a famous groomer, sorry I mean famous vloggers are allowed to break rules and guidelines. Picking up a G7x seems to cost the basic understanding of life and gives you the right to ignore every rule or guideline businesses and the NHS put in place. Morals also get left behind.
I've still messaged them whether he has been given permission or not it's wrong
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VIP Member
Didn`t/couldn`t watch after hearing here what the vlog was about.Has anyone left a comment for them ,letting them know this is way out of order?
They truly make me sick ,i just wish they`d disappear from youtube altogether.Desperation Chris and Sarah ,doesn`t mean you have to forget your basic morals.Yesterday`s vlog was just wicked. :(
Im just glad that my niece does`nt follow them,she lost her baby son last year at 30 weeks after discovering he had`nt moved in 24 hours, she is just coming to terms with losing him(although she will never fully accept that he passed as he did), I have seen the effects first hand when my niece said she wanted to go to be with her son and leave her other children without a mum, so I am repulsed by this clickbait thats all it isand neither of them give a shiny shite abot who it upsets, im just happy that I didnt bumpinto him in Liverpool because after that I wouldnt hold back,Im so dreadfully sorry for all on this site that have experienced any loss of their precious babies,may all our angel babies rest in paradise, love you Gabe my angel great nephew to good for this earth baby boy xx
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Imagine Sarah’s face if people ask them not to film near them,she would be so mad because she’s so above everyone else ??
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I loved that bit! Also Sarah pulls a face at not liking ‘girls wearing crop tips in PUBLIC’ but in a thumbnail has no issue that they’re in pj vests??? Where’s the logic there? Surely far more people will see their vlogs than a handful of hot sweaty children at a soft play? What is her definition of the word public I wonder ?
Those classic Sarah ingham double standard right there.
I guess she can’t make any money from Esme playing in a crop top so that makes all the difference
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