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VIP Member
After the baby not moving clickbait all I can think is, Sick, vile couple!!! I really do hope they read every part of this topic! As if any woman who is worried about their unborn baby carries on as normal like Lazy has! The pair of them disgust me! I can't wait for the day their youtube bubble comes crashing down. He makes me feel ill, the greasy, sweaty creep!! I feel sorry for the kids! I feel better now, carry on people (y)
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It felt like a direct message, I haven’t seen him speak and specify where he is and at exactly what time in any previous IG stories. Given that we know the inappropriate accounts he likes on IG I am really very fearful here that he’s literally just swapped Twitter messaging for Instagram direct messaging! What’s to say he’s not messaging young girls right now ‘are you about tonight’? I really wish someone in authority would see sense and at the very least look in more detail at the private messages he sends!!! EDIT Didn’t they say the met some IFAM yesterday? Assuming this is true, they take a pic, he sends a message, then that story, it doesn’t bear thinking about!!!
I read a comment on their instagram from she looked about 12/13 year old girl saying imso happy I met youin the arcade thanks for talking to me, the one below it said Im 14 and suffering with anxiety and your vlogs helpme get through the day, I wanted to get these girls and say don`t you realise you are the type he goes for made me ill thinking about it, but I know they wont see it because it will be deleted.:mad:
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They must be VIPs as havens policy is dogs aren't to be left unattended in the caravan, yet when in the supermarket creepy broadcasts the fact prinnys stayed at the van ! And dogs sleeping in a single beds a big no no yuk..sandy dirty dog ...what a great advertisement for haven !
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They really are bloody vile and shameless. I've reported but doubt it'll do anything.
Yeh Gods!So ,Sarah if that`s REALLY the case ,why the **** haven`t you seen a bl**dy midwife yet??? Absolutely shameless ,clickbaiting young girls like this.They need kicking off youtube ,asap....:(
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Is it just me who it drives absolutely mental when he keeps saying 'man' and 'fool' like some little 13 year old street cretin. I only started hate watching these after the twitter scandal, finding it harder daily
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Oh this week is going to be priceless. If we thought her moaning and sulking was bad in Australia can you imagine what she will be like in a caravan in a UK seaside town in October. It's funny because some of the channel mum style vloggers have done sponsored vlogs for Haven and their caravans were high spec compared to theirs. How the mighty have fallen.
Karma is a wonderful thing, all this could have been avoided if he had admitted what he had done and she left him and carried on vlogging with the girls, the ones I feel for on holidays like this is the kids although if theyre anything like my 3 they will find stuff to entertain themselves,my biggest bug bear with Haven is most things are paid for , we go to Flamingoland now their caravans are lovely and all fairand entertainment is included and to be fair to them the supermarket on site is reasonable too , we are lucky that we can go abroad as well
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OMG.. the Inghams going to Donna Nook. They did a free activity ..not a free activity that they scammed but a free activity that everyone can do!

That's so not like them that because the mighty have fallen?

Not saying it's not nice to see all those baby seals either but I thought they would prefer to pay to visit somewhere like Nature land at Skeggy where there is an actual cafe as we all know they rather than Sarah likes her food!
She’s taken inspiration from here, saying you don’t need to spend loads or go abroad to have fun,
Damn we should be on commission don’t you think?! Or it could be that they are total wimps by not travelling anywhere other than the U.K and really need to watch those pennies! I love it! Also Sarah if you really are desperate for views I suggest you and your husband do an “honest” vlog about how the “rumours”have affected you and your family and not pretend like nothing happened. It would mean you are actual human beings and not the heartless robots you make out you are. And maybe clear up Julia’s house money info also?
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Chatty Member
Vlog starts with Sarah in the car saying they aren't staying at home like yesterday. Prinny is being abandoned spending the day at Granny and Grandpa's. Only a few more months until she's there for good. Esme lifted her jumper to show a crop top which I thought was highly inappropriate and Sarah should've either told her to put the top down or it should've been edited out. Sarah had a rant about how she wasn't happy Esme had put it on as they will be in public. She should've checked beforehand.
They go to Canon Hall Farm and Chris says the car park is full. Their other pumpkins went mouldy so they had to throw them away.
They watch a ferret race and then got and see the Meerkats. Izzy says it reminds her of Paradise WIldlife Park. Chris says its it London but its actually in Hertfordshire. Sorry to be petty but I can't stand the thought of him thinking he's always right. Chris wants a pet Meerkat:eek::rolleyes::mad:. Izzy loves the animals. I don't think she'll become a doctor, at least not a human one. I think she'll become a vet. Either way maybe she can castrate her (alleged) paedophile of a stepfather.
Quick trip to the park and then it's off to pumpkin carving. The kids don't carve them for health and safety reasons. They draw the design and the carvers do it.
They go to indoor play and Chris goes on the indoor equipment with the girls.
Sarah moans about the satnav as they go to get something to eat at a pub. Sounds like to girls got some healthy food inside them. Back home they share a slice of cake.
Sarah says they have to pack secretly for the girls as they're going away. The girls are probably wondering whey they haven't gone away already. Sarah apologies for people who feel like a parent after the day they spent at home. These people are blind. Sarah is a shitty parent.
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We all know the reactions are fake...remember the pregnancy reveal and esme was more excited for the biscuit, and didn’t seem to really care that s was pregnant? And then they posted the photo of their three excited little girls with their balloons and cookies and it looked like esme was in pain from smiling so hard....
I truly believe that they go on lots of holidays and buy lots of tat to show off- to make people think (and by people I mean the young kids) go ‘oooh I wish I had that...I wish I was an Ingham...I want to go on that many holidays too...’
They literally cannot go a day without spending money , and we all know creepy wasn’t huge on family before YouTube if you look at his Instagram- this whole train wreck disgusts me quite frankly. I was lurking through comments on GG months ago- before the skeletons emerged and someone said Chris didn’t have the time of day for his kids until he started YT.....wouldn’t surprise me. Those poor poor kids are who I feel for. Especially Isabelle - they need to remember she’s not Islas age anymore....
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It's me

Iconic Member
Just rewatched his insta story! A clip of mostly Isabelle and the lyrics I’ve fallen in love I wish you were mine?!
Probably a shout out to someone...he's a groomer he will never stop.
I swear he uses his vlogs to carry on grooming
The other week it was pointed out he put old footage of him skating in. Completely irrelevant, not once did he imply he was off skating but shoved it in there. Like he was definitely trying to impress someone. I don't think it was a heads up to here saying that hey I still skate... I mean no one is impressed by a grown man spending time in car parks skating are they!
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VIP Member
I debated long and hard before writing this post because it’s something so personal to me. I won’t share all the details but I have personal experience of a baby born sleeping. I deliberately didn’t watch tonight’s vlog just because I knew it would cause me personal pain. I don’t want any pity or to sound like I have some right or authority over others when it comes to the disgust I feel for using such subject to gain views. Then with no trigger warning, I see this on ig, posted by him. With it’s jaunty font inviting me to swipe up for more! It’s left me reeling. I don’t think I have the emotional strength but I really hope that a professional organisation such as SANDS can get this stopped. As they are so fortunate to not have been through the agony I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and guess they’re being naive about the pain and retrauma they are casually causing people. It’s left me list for words tonight, I’m no snowflake if anything the whole experience made me the Mother I am now but anyone who has been through this does not deserve this to be out there. Sorry for the monologue x
Ditto ❤
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Just noticed their vile ‘can’t feel the baby’ click bait video is only at 124k after two days.
Guess their fool proof disgusting use of potentially losing their unborn child isn’t even pulling in the views as it was before.
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Chatty Member
SHe hates it when anything bad is said about her poor poor husband and yet she thinks it's ok for him to try and chat up 14 year old girls? Excuse me whilst I go and puke:sick::sick:
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Love how he has to go on insta stories to show everyone that Sarah has allowed him to go out on a nighttime skate again ? that’s such a weird thing to do at half 1 in the morning is it not?
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Chatty Member
Aww look at the cute little meerkats using their little paws to cover their bits and bats when Chris gets his vlogging camera out! Have the rumours reached the meerkat community, or are they Ifam meerkats who after seeing last night's thumb nail are imitating it for views?
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