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VIP Member
It's stuff like this I find really, really creepy and slightly disturbing about him. Just thinking of my husband, brother, colleagues etc.. who are all around the same age as Chris and I could not imagine a single one of them posing like that (never mind posting on social media), talking in the way Chris does, or using hashtags like 'Chaifamforever'. It's like something a young teenager does...not a grown man with children and responsibilities. Does he not have any friends to tell him what a complete and utter tool he looks?
Also, the children are old enough to play in a soft play area on their own. They do not need to be supervised by Creepy. You didn't see the other husband in there. I know he was filming for the vlogg but the girls are quite capable of holding a go pro.

Where did Sarah go on her girls weekend, could they be heading there again so she can fester in her pj's and craft?
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Member 177

The fact that they are using the baby as clickbait again is sickening (whether it’s the truth or not, clickbait doesn’t necessarily mean lying but embellishing the truth) however I don’t understand why the hatred is just towards Sarah? There is an obvious issue with her being so concerned and yet not doing anything about it (unless that’ll be tomorrow content) however Chris edits the videos, makes the thumbnails and title, so he is just as bad, if not worse. Personally he probably loves the fact that the heat is now on sarah rather than him and the allegations because he can continue to “normalise” his life again (sic). Alongside that and his editing skills to make sure that she looks like the worse parent, with everyone saying how lazy etc she is - he will be relishing in it. Typical narcatistic behaviour.
I agree with all you have said, my hatred is towards them both but given Sarah's diva like attitude I can imagine her saying "Babe, I've filmed a bit saying how worried I am about movement. Make sure it will get us attention and everyone will comment"
They both seem to have narcissistic personalities and put brand Ingham before Ingham family.
Chris' time will come, he won't be able to hide behind pregnancy clickbait forever.
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Rachel-Mrs DD

Well-known member
So Sarah has an at home day for the first time in 2 years and all of a sudden she's parent of the year and putting other parents to shame. Ok then!
hold your head in shame its the most moving 2 and a half minutes of speech
It moved me to tears
Of laughter
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Bet they are kicking themselves as they could have had a warm, lovely lodge with a hot tub at forest holidays for £100 or so more..but they can’t do that now can they..the list of blackmailed companies is growing all the time..hopefully haven is one of them..I hope to goodness I don’t see them filming the kids in the swimming pool tomorrow! Some memories are made for just family I wish they would remember that! But money comes first doesn’t it!
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Well-known member
Just spotted this ?
Edit My Husband and I have a slightly different name for Country Baskets, for no reason other than its very sweary and hilarious when said quietly without the kids hearing but I won’t lower the tone here, leave it to your imaginations....


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VIP Member
Hi all, new here! ? Came across this last night-

This family are at the same haven and got there the same day as the Inghams. Looks like not all is great in paradise ? (I'd love it if this was the Inghams posting but changed details slightly to not out themselves)
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VIP Member
Wtf was his latest insta story?! A back to front logo on his hoodie of blazer gang old is he really?!
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Probably a shout out to someone...he's a groomer he will never stop.
I swear he uses his vlogs to carry on grooming
The other week it was pointed out he put old footage of him skating in. Completely irrelevant, not once did he imply he was off skating but shoved it in there. Like he was definitely trying to impress someone. I don't think it was a heads up to here saying that hey I still skate... I mean no one is impressed by a grown man spending time in car parks skating are they!
I completely agree that it could be a nod to someone. A little bit of time has passed now and he would have had a new wave of groupies supporting him or the ones that have stood by him through 'thick and thin'.

I don't imagine that he was popular with females before all of this youtube bullshit. I think at first he started with older fans and the boundaries started getting blurred and as he got more and more addicted to the attention and admiration, he fell deeper and deeper into his mess.

I don't believe he would do anything to his girls, though other peoples daughters are completely fair game.

He's going to do this again. Won't be able to help himself. Dirty pervert.

He certainly shouldn't be commenting on young girls edits. He hasn't learnt and I am already rubbing my hands together for the next fuck up.
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Well-known member
Hi all, new here! ? Came across this last night-

This family are at the same haven and got there the same day as the Inghams. Looks like not all is great in paradise ? (I'd love it if this was the Inghams posting but changed details slightly to not out themselves)
Oh dear, I do feel very sorry for the Mum posting that. It is absolutely gutting especially when you’ve spent extra to find accommodation in that state! The stains on the beds would have done it for me I’d be itching too much to sleep I reckon I’d have packed up and gone home regardless of the time!
I’m pretty sure that Haven haven’t in the slightest sponsored or given a flying f@ck that the sooper famous Inghams are staying, you could tell they just queued up for the same big standard (hopefully clean) caravan as everyone else, they kept saying it was doggie friendly meaning it really smelt of other dogs ? There’s just no way a company who wanted to showcase their holidays wouldn’t go to a little effort to improve the inside for it. Remember the Butlins accomadation??? Well if and that’s a big if looking at those comments it was clean and warm which again I think is possibly under question, my lot would probably be happy enough, a day out in the cold today wouldn’t be their cup of tea mind you, fully agreed when they were little they loved clubhouse entertainment on the stage with mascots and running around the dance floor, as parents we always just tried to make the best of that bit and leave to go to our caravan before the more lairy behaviour started! Being a bit older I think we’d rule that side of it out now and I can’t see Sarah with her eyes down for bingo at 7! These upcoming vlogs are gonna be nothing if not entertaining for us! X
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It's me

Iconic Member
As if going somewhere like Donna Nook will get any views. There's nothing to do there apart from look at a couple of seals and the Inghams know it... unless they're going somewhere else afterwards. Their views are and will continue to flop.
Actually it would work it's a family vlog and it's what families do. It's relatable to all. Doesn't cost the earth, and actually to get to see new born seals that close and personal is a really nice thing to do. Not everyone was as privileged as you to travel abroad as a family as a child. So for once the Inghams could have done something right.

However, no baby seals so pretty pointless and two it's a big no no for the seals and dogs to be in close proximity.

We don't even know if they are at Donna Nook for definite.

Am not defending them but it's getting tedious listening to your appalling drivel about them, asking people to have a go and film. No we don't like them..some of us have never even liked them but there seems something more twisted about the hate you share for them that's actually healthy
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VIP Member
No she went to get a referral to a different hospital for the birth.
Priorities..birth is months away but that needs done..sorry Sarah but you need to see a midwife. How the hell can you have known for this long and still not seen one. That to me is neglectful parenting. Hope the health visitor flags it up!
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VIP Member
Lol calm down hun not everyone that points out something that isn’t wrong is Chris or Sarah ???
You called them hun. I say that that gives it a 51% chance there is an Ingham connection somewhere.

Have you, or anyone you know, ever sold Avon in the Bradford area?
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* We find Sarah sat on the stairs babbling on about nothing as usual. She's in the house but apparently it's so cold in there that you can see the mist coming out of her mouth. All I can see coming out of her mouth is bullshit. They realllllyyyy need to sort out that heating. They're off to see Esme's harvest festival in the chapel. But if Sarah continues talking they will be late. :LOL:
* After going to Esme's performance they went to the doctors. Sarah was moaning that it was a sit and wait service. IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR DOCTORS THEN MOVE TO A DIFFERENT SURGERY!!!! Shock... horror... Sarah wants a hospital birth. She wanted a referral to a different hospital than is with i her catchment area as that's where she had the other girls.
* Next scene is Sarah asleep on the sofa as usual. Bet she loves it when Chris puts that in the vlogs. Chris goes for a skate. Prinny is running after him. She's probably thinking he's off on holiday and wondering why he's abandoning her again. Then Chris rants about the weather as us Brits love to do.:giggle:
* After getting the girls from dance they go to the shops. They get some crisps and popcorn for Sarah, along with more unhealthy stuff for the kids. Sarah is stuffing her face with the popcorn as they leave the store.
* They're home after getting Esme and she shouts at Sarah not to reveal her crush's name. He gave her some money and some bracelets. Might be time for Sarah to do the Birds and the Bees chat soon. Although I doubt she will.
* Esme is quite clearly high on sugar. Oh the joys of being a kid. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
* Isla is having some pink panther biscuits and a gingerbread house covered in chocolate and jelly beans,Isabelle is in bed with a box of jaffa cakes. I don't mean to keep moaning but their diet is going from bad to :poop:. Those girls will have diabetes by the end of next year if this continues. Does Sarah care about her kids? Nope!!!:mad::mad:
* Sarah got out of breath walking up the stairs. Shows how lazy she is.
Surprised they weren't struck down on the doorstep of the
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