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Shoes too small = SEN.
What kind of aggro though?
View attachment 3005387
Jordans are NOT cheap. If you choose to buy expensive Nike shoes for growing lads, don’t go crying when the cost tallies up you utter mug. That’s a you problem, not a Universal Credit problem.

But obviously her wickle babies must have the best of the best, “all singing all dancing” so they don’t get bullied by kids they never leave the house to cross paths with.

Little does she seem to realise, kids at school will be well aware her kids are getting special treatment and freebies as Pupil Premium kids, that they never have the right uniform, and go into school smelling of rotten food and damp tumble dryer. If they’re going to get bullied for anything, it’s not what broadband package she has or what shoes they’ve outgrown each term.

ETA: Does she not realise how fraudulent her “poverty” stance looks when she is brand name dropping like that all the time? Not to mention how much it reinforces the idea benefits are “too much”.
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The rubles are coming he's just got to sort the really long form and first he needs us to buy Crowdfund him a new laptop, money to PayPal obvs no you don't need to see a receipt and anyway here's one from 15 years ago
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Since herself and Jack have stopped chaos-ing I’ve been reduced to cleaning my kitchen for entertainment. Guess what Sare, I even scoured the oven! IMAGINE!!!

It’s been used once in the last year (All hail the Ninja 🙌🏻) for Fathers Day salt dough crafts yday… which didn’t quite go to plan hence the fucking scrubbing! 🙄
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As sure as night follows day….
Is this the laptop she begged fivers for just last year? Have both lads now broken and lost both phones and laptops? I can't keep track.
Or is it like the rent arrears which were crowdfunded at least twice before stubbornly and mysteriously continuing to exist?
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Make him walk. He won't do it again then. It's summer, it's light, do him good. Unless ofc it doesn't matter cos she expects some knicker sniffer to cover it.
This. Logical consequence.

Telling him that the consequence of his carelessness is that he will need to get up earlier and leave the house sooner to walk to school until the bus pass can be replaced will help his brain to wire itself to remember the significance of looking after his bus pass.

I was a latch key kid. I left my house key at home one day, and the consequence was that I had to sit in the cold and rain for two hours until I could be let in. Every morning after that I patted my zip up blazer pocket to check for my keys.

My kid didn’t put their PE kit in their locker and left it kicking around at school. A brand new £40 PE top and brand new trainers got pinched. I told my kid that we all make mistakes but we are accountable for putting them right; I would help replace the trainers, but they were replacing the £40 top out of their own savings as a consequence to their carelessness. Got them to put their own card details into the online order form and everything. Didn’t happen again, funnily enough!

Fixing all their problems doesn’t help them find solutions for themselves in the longer term. They’ll become useless adults just like her.
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Still not filled in the DLA form, still looking for any reasons her son is SEN. I think she's trying to bore her 200 trolls to death at this point

View attachment 3004993
Phone gets ‘nicked’, the tv gets broken and he goes through £40 worth of ‘tech’ a month (whatever that entails)… The explanation? He’s SEN 🤬

This really grates my gears; as someone who works with kids- that labels are just slapped everywhere on everyone irregardless of actual diagnosis! Children of all ages can be frustrating, unruly and naughty but when loved & nurtured (no matter what your social class/ income/ martial status) they can also be little rays of sunshine in life.

It’s the lack of actual parenting that is your problem here Sarah. Not your poor lads failing, ITS YOURS!
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She doesn't know who she is. Ppl like her could've just as easily fallen in with a right wing crew- they're just looking for a tribe and a gang cos they're a nodding dog. She doesn't have any convictions beyond her own immediate needs and demands.

Am finding it hilarious how these threads lead ppl to desperate clandestine fags.
View attachment 3010738
Agree tbh.

This is more me on my hols though:

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She's seriously criticising other parent's cooking skills? That plate of food looks like mash and mince, if some peas were added it would be perfectly fine. Her children appear to live on pizza and crisps 🤷‍♀️
Don’t forget the fizzy pop!


(Spanish holidays, much poverty.)

Shop bought pancakes full of preservatives because she has never in her life just whipped up a batter.

(I mean, she only made her first, and no doubt last, ever banana bread this year too and tweeted about it 19 times because it was that significant an event.)


The light shop to last two days consisting of a trolley filled with 4 loaves of white bread, Wagon Wheels, milk chocolate, and Wotsits.


McDonalds delivery, sometimes paid for by some random bloke on the internet who happened to have a girlfriend.


Oh, we can give her this one. We all do these kind of half-arsed quick dinners every so often


Dinner kits at 9 PM. Or maybe tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. Sod it, we’ll just have 11 PM Chinese.


The 11PM Chinese, and the selective food aversions of the non-diagnosed kid, depending on how autistic she’s decided he is that day. Seems weird that he goes from only chicken dippers to fried onion in pasta and potential jambalaya and chinese food so willingly.


Diet Coke. She can’t go without her Diet Coke.

And caffeine and melatonin for the babies.

All of this. Which all forms part of a balanced diet if the rest of the diet isn’t also all of this.


A few light snacks for the growing lads.


You know, I’m not sure the grey lady is best placed to be commenting on nutrition.
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Has she ever explained why they can't just use the official fundraiser? Why they are doing their own? I just don't understand tbh.
Because Sarah doesn’t believe the lovely teacher organising this already have her work cut out being Director of Humanities & PSHEE, a full time teacher, with marking and lesson planning to do, with students doing end of key stage exams at the minute, probably a parent herself, with a house to run and a family to care for and no doubt pets to feed and appliances that break and bills that need managing etc. etc., and then organising an event that requires meticulous planning and risk assessing to safeguard FIFTY 11-13 year olds, outside of school hours, overnight, to raise money for a charity for people who genuinely are in poverty.

Sarah wants to add to this teacher’s labour load because she has absolutely no respect at all for the hardworking folk who make the world go round (and pay their taxes so Sarah can slob about in faux poverty with her heating on in June).

That’s right, 50 kids are taking part. Imagine if all of them did their own individual crowdfund page, it would be mayhem to keep a track of!

Why does she think her child should have different treatment to the rest? This isn’t about him.

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Anyone else perpetually amused by the “couple of hundred bullies”?

At a push, I would say there is maybe 15-20 regular commentators and maybe twice as much readers on her “page” here. Hardly being paraded, naked, covered in shit through the streets of Westeros (or whatever it’s called!) is she.
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Clutching at straws much? Small child finds it uncomfortable to walk with a sock rolling down inside his shoe or the insole ruched up.

Piss off. All human beings, neurotypical or neurodiverse, would find that distracting. If that’s his “most obvious trait” then he’s categorically not autistic.

I bet he’d find it too scratchy if you knitted him a wire wool jumper as well. Must be SEN!
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I love it when the grifter multiverse has a crossover. Better than DC comics or Marvel.
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I know she doesn’t even go read here, but if she did I would hell her: As the ex-Chair of a registered charity who was at the heart of all of the key fundraisers for several years, SETTING UP YOUR OWN SEPARATE GOFUNDME PIGGYBACKING OFF ANOTHER ORGANISER’S EVENT IS LESS THAN HELPFUL, not to mention poor etiquette (even if your intentions are pure).

Go and organise your own damn event with your kid. This one is an opportunity for two year groups to band together and raise dosh together for a good cause. No one child is more important than another in this, it’s a collective effort. It’s a lesson about team spirit. It’s being organised by a member of school staff (in their own free time) and they already have an official fundraising page, they don’t need you to over-complicate it and give them extra work, so just comply with their instructions please. Separating your kid from the rest also defeats the object of collaborative fundraising.

If you want to centre your vewy own speckle wittle baybie boy then go and do something different with him and organise it yourselves. Don’t hijack this event, it ain’t yours.

Stay in your lane, and keep your grubby mits off that money!
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No one mentioned Tattle.
View attachment 3005026

Thread title nomination:
View attachment 3005028
Haha I wrote something similar on the Roadsidemum thread

It's because we're fecking hilarious. Our little corner of the worst people on the internet, filled with deadly wit.

I'll be sure to let my crew know I have no friends. At lunch tomorrow. When we leave the house. To share food, laughs and time together. And when they ask me how are the freaks of your Tattle hobby, I'll tell them you asked, Sarah, and that Roadsidemum DELETED HER ACCOUNT!!

ETA clarity: when I say freaks I am referring to the SUBJECTS of our threads.
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“Waiting for an op”

Omg I’m cringing for her. Your iron is a bit low love. They have given you TABLETS. If your haemoglobin or ferritin were low enough to be seriously affecting your life you would be straight in for BLOOD. Not an iron infusion (which takes two weeks to work), BLOOD. My sister has been so low she’s had to go into the day unit at hospital the next day and the day after to have four blood transfusions to bring her back up. She’s been in hospital countless times in A&E because it’s got so bad.

And guess what?

1. there’s no op for her. She’s got an IBD. This is her life, she’s never going to absorb iron and she doesn’t bang on about it every tweet.

2. she gets up, gets herself to London every day and WORKS.

Also. Still talking to the pisstake account.
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