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I just watched a video about an incredible woman with early onset Parkinson’s using (adaptive) CrossFit to strengthen her body and now she can, after ten years in a wheelchair, carry her own shopping again - as well as doing box jumps, back squats, power cleans, etc etc. 💪 Amazing! I swear down once I’m through all my surgeries and investigations I’m going to be taking a leaf out of her book. Phenomenal determination!

Meanwhile, in Kent, malingerer Sarah is having a nap because looking for a school bus pass in the hallway is all too much for her marginal iron deficiency and old ankle break. Absolutely pathetic.
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It has tickled me to find out that this lazy scrounger has somehow managed to grift money out of notorious chancers Jack Monroe and Depher/James Anderson. I'm almost impressed.

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This is very surprising as I composed it whilst smoking a holiday fag on a very precarious feeling balcony 🍉 🤣

She's dreadful. To be honest, I'm not even convinced she's 'left wing' either, I just think she thinks folk on the left are more likely to be taken in by her the government/benefits system/THE MAN have shafted me narrative. She's probably not wrong (tbh).
She doesn't know who she is. Ppl like her could've just as easily fallen in with a right wing crew- they're just looking for a tribe and a gang cos they're a nodding dog. She doesn't have any convictions beyond her own immediate needs and demands.

Am finding it hilarious how these threads lead ppl to desperate clandestine fags.
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Wow well spotted! She has only tweeted “tattle” four times since the name change nine days ago - and they were all in the first two days. Not at all since the 5th. Previously she’s averaged 1.5 times/day ( for reference on the last day before the name change she tweeted “tattle” seven times).
Even Reann wasn't dense enough to moan about tattle to her audience and she's probably a flat earther.
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You bunch of thicko ninnies!

PS - I have a STEM degree from a real Russell Group uni. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Sazzer. And my dog has barked to me that your kids are no more #SEN than he is. You oaf.
We’re up in arms about it because he isn’t SEN you fucking wet wipe.
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Renan might have some shocking views but I actually think she is more intelligent than Sarah. Sarah is hands down the least intelligent person I’ve ever come across in my 37 years l.
I think reann is a nastier character but at least she actually is a FT carer to a genuinely disabled child. Sarah's just a indolent sloth. Good job they fell out though. If they'd have ever got together the surge of stupidity wouldn't blown out the lecky from Canterbury to Caernarfon.
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Even if she does blag DLA from her fortnight of form-filling and clutching at straws like “breaks stuff”, “loses stuff”, “gets a gacky mouth from too much chocolate” and “eyes light up at the thought of chicken nuggets from the takeaway”, she will only ever qualify for the lower care component of DLA which is £28.70 a week. There is not a single way on this earth that she can talk her way into convincing anyone she spends enough time looking after her kids to qualify for medium or higher, nor mobility element.

£28.70 a week is hardly going to make a jot of difference to a family that can’t budget anyway and piss money away like they do, she won’t even notice it once she’s gone out in a 7PM taxi for milkshakes. It’s not going to replace a telly or a laptop or a phone in any hurry on that either, let alone savings for university (hahahahahahahaha wtf).

She could be £28.70 a week better off easily just by changing her ways just a smidgen. Turn the heating off (it’s June), stop being a broadband snob, walk instead of taxis (or even get a taxi not all the way somewhere and walk the rest), cut back on daily junk snacks and takeaways. She’d free up that extra money in no time.
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No way has she tweeted these. I’m back to thinking she’s either on a wind up or she’s a made up character because I didn’t think it was physically or scientifically possible to be this mind numbingly stupid. How is she even still alive when she’s this much of a thicko? How are her kids alive? How can something this limited of thought even function? No wonder she hasn’t got a job, I wouldn’t even trust someone this thick to make me a ham sandwich.

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Have we considered her whole account is her doing a ‘bit’??
She’s back with her “receipts” that prove absolutely nothing. We are in for a fun day! Well done on not reading here anymore.
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Well it proves the “fundraising” was chaotic and that funds were passed through different accounts and were delivered late, and that there is no way to verify how much was actually raised. For all the Doubting Thomases.
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Did it not 'drop' about 9 hours ago? Mentioning your 'forms' for several solid days does not give you the appearance of an anywhere near productive human who doesn't exist on Rustler burgers and Monster like a Kent gremlin.
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Why is she making (presumably) the kids' tea at gone 7pm? Are they not starving? Absolutely no regular routine for the poor lads, who I can only assume are likely filling up on crap until she's ready to serve up the Rustlers burgers at 8pm.
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Sensible Susan

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Absolutely obsessed with us. She loves this thread.
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Much poverty

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Having to get shopping delivered because you were filling out a form. She can’t be real.
I really don't care what the form is, and you're right sweetheart, it's none of our f*cking business.
One thing's for certain though, you wouldn't take so much time over it if there wasn't a cash incentive 😘
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She's a nasty piece of work. A young lad is missing and she's gleefully retweeting horrible stuff and being nasty about him and his family.
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