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Her most arse clenchingly awful content is when she's trying to live tweet an issue or debate because she has no humour, no intelligence and certainly no convictions. Watching her attempt to live tweet Questiontime is just mortifying. Wow. Agree tbf. Please enjoy this Rishi meme that's about as funny as a lump in yer (actually real) fellas bollock.
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It’s not that she can’t work. And it’s not that she doesn’t want to work. It’s just that she needs a Masters degree to work. Again, she got booted off her Masters 5 years ago.
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(That tweet from 8th Jan refers to the last beg for PE kit & laptop chargers before her BMAC was shut down).
My sister wasn’t ready to go back to work after having half her intestine out and having a stoma. Unfortunately she couldn’t live on SSP so she had to.

One of the reasons I despise this lazy fucking waste of space blob.
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Our self aware queen ❤

“if you haven’t got anything nice to say”


At least “that L woman” doesn’t tag people and beg them to reply to her 💀
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Not when it’s 11pm on a Sunday night and the school uniforms are in the washing machine.
And she was only doing tea at 21:45.

How is it possible that a woman of 47 is so bad at this? 29 years of being an adult and she still lives like I did when I was a student. She's setting her children up for a lifetime of terrible habits.

"Man hands on misery to man", indeed.
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I knew her grifting went way back but I’m gobsmacked at this description of her from two years ago, because it’s exactly how she’s described now, right down to the tweeting and retweeting herself. How can any human being be the exact person they were two years ago? Like, she’s not moved forward in any small way? How can she not have even tried to better herself a smidge? I don’t know any other person on this planet who hasn’t evolved or made some progress or had some kind of change in their life over the course of two years in some way. Her life is the epitome of Groundhog Day.

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Is she due another birthday grift soon then?
This is the bit that gets me. How can you get to the point where you are such a nasty, lazy, messy, unorganised, thick, useless twat who NO ONE speaks to or replies to (not even your own family) except one person on Twitter who’s account was solely created to take the piss out of YOU and not self-reflect?

And more to the point how can you have kids that scream you are feeding them shit and keeping them away from sunlight in every picture, trying to medicalise their behaviour stemming from you keeping an unorganised shack as their home and not want to better THEIR lives?

It confuses me so much she wants to live this horribly. As someone who works with people that have them I don’t mean this as an insult but I’m positive she has a learning disability.

Even more so as I sit open mouthed watching her reply to an account set up to take the piss.
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It’s a long time since I last said this but I’m finally back to thinking that she can’t be a real person:


An English Lit English graduate there folks. Who has just lived through the 2010s.
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No more odd than saying you’re leaving Twitter and then not leaving, locking and unlocking your profile, and then saying you’re actually just going to stay.

Who does she think she is to criticise the actions of others? She’s literally like the worst example of a human being ever.
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So her teen son's feet growing is now attributable to SEN.
Genuinely I'm starting to believe she is not the full shilling. No wonder he's constantly going AWOL and just telephoning her.
What an utterly bizarre society we live in. Parents like her desperate to medicalise normal child behaviour and profit from it. Keep telling their children they have autism because they're a bit clumsy, careless and like certain foods.
I find it really disturbing how quick some parents are to pathologise their kids. Oh your kid's clumsy, forgetful and got poor impulse control? Of course he does, he's fuckin 10 Karen.

In her case her kids are doing incredibly well given their home situation with a bone idle crackpot who lurches between smothering and raging. Plus no father figure to dilute her. Poor lads.
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View attachment 3006817
You’re doing your best to help deliver them an unassailable historic majority. How exactly are you planning to “go after them”, numbskull?
Surely the point of an election is you choose the candidate that aligns with you, if before you have even cast your vote their party's manifesto does not align then the polling station is where you "go after them" by not voting for them. Idiot.

At this rate I'm starting to think Labour won't be giving work shy malingerers an eleventy billion quid "pay rise" after all, who would have thunk it.
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VIP Member
She must be trolling right back, this is unreal.
Saz: Tenerife’s beneath my kids. They’ll go somewhere a bit more upmarket when they’re older.
Dee: like where?
Saz: raving in Ibiza
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Arrogant clown. We already pay for you and yours under the worst tax burden for 70 years. If your shit- that we already funded- breaks down, you pay for it out of the money we already provided. Get your snout out the trough or ask your fella to help you. He sounds tighter than a ducks arse, even for someone made only from papier mache and the occasional twitter breadcrumb.


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Twitter clearly makes her unhappy so she really should go. She depends too heavily on it and all she's doing is talking to herself in this weird loop. If something infuriates you cos you can't accept that you don't get to choose everyone else's response to what you put out there, why fuckin do it.

I always feel for kids without a father figure out there today so I hope she's doing something nice with her boys and bigging them up. A long shot.
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I think the Dee account played it perfectly. Didn’t get a bite the first time with the cat shoes, so circled back around. Played the ultimate shark-jump with this beauty

and had her scuttling off to Tattle to get her penny dropped.
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I hate that I'm about to type this out, but please be very careful if you're giving to Gaza crowdfunders. There's no guarantees at all that the fundraiser is genuine. I don't know if GoFundMe gives your email address to the recipient, or if you have to tick a box to opt out, but if it does and the appeal is not genuine, a scammer not only has your email address but knows that you're a kind-hearted, generous person.

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There's potholes round here she could use her new swimming costume in. I've paid for I don't know how many suspension repairs. But it's all about the families :rolleyes:
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Because they will get bullied apparently
If she thinks that's a logical thing that will happen, to me that indicates she's taught her kids to look down and laugh at other kids. Judging others standards by her own she found in the gutter.

She's retweeted silly cow Stanski saying if you pay tax you should have the vote. That's her sausage fingers barred from the booth then.
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Jelly Bean

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I'm still amazed she's not scarlet with embarassment over her long post about leaving twitter until after the election 😂
Fuck me she didn't last a couple of hours.
She is so utterly predictable it's quite sad really.
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