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Pat Mustard

Active member
That reminds me...I heard Steve Allen mention that Belfield is harassing Jeremy Vine from prison. I played it back a few times to make sure that's definitely what he said. I haven't heard anyone else say this...
Steve Allen.🤣
He's a reliable source.
I listened to him read an email, as he doesn't take calls, on air.
(I may have mentioned I'm a night driver so anything will do bar that Bolton socialist on Talk.)
He actually read out, without any awareness, the "Mashed Up Dundee Cake In The Toilet" section of the Alan Partridge River Boat Promo.
It didn't even register with him what he saying.
I suspect it may have been an inside job by one of his young producers.
Think Steven Toast with Clem Fandango.

"Steve Steve Steve."

I'm torn. I think if a friend had put up with Alex Belfield's shit and they found they could make a few hundred quid out of the ordeal, I'd say "good for you." But it's Iain...

Definitely the more I watch/read about Belfield the more I think he's an absolute psychopath though.
Yeah and yer man Iain is the full shilling.
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Pat Mustard

Active member
Iain is probably looking after the kids today, as his ex wife must be doing overtime on the BBC. She was reporting from Windsor yesterday and even changed from a beige coat into a black coat an hour before the Queen's death was announced.

I am curious to know was Katherine's new job is...
How much more can they squeeze out of the sad passing of a elderly woman?
The inane drivel of reporters with their "say what you see" desciption of what is clearly visible on ANY modern television set for the viewer to observe themselves.

"It ain't radio no more, darlin'"

And spare me the kneeling down at the flowers and reading the messages.
Especially the scribblings of some halfwit's imagination of what is going on in the after life , yer know, "up there".

Then there's the literal serious face emoji expressions they wear and the "give it some gravitas" utterances.
Speculation abounds as to what each member of the Royal family may be thinking and feeling.
It really does pad out the content.
They'll get some old royal brownoser who will bang on about procedures like that awful Witchell character.

And I'm really sure that Iain's ex made the right decision changing her coat from a practical everyday affair to a big news garment.

And to be like a royal correspondent for a moment
"I wonder what Prince Philip would make of this?"
Phil the Greek "Just bloody get on with it."

She'd be great at the Manc chip shop chit-chat,

Kaffbo: "You alright luv?...extra large chip butty for you? Want some extra batter and grayyveh?"

Manc customer: "Yeah thanks, doing fine petal me Kaffbo lass. Can't wait to sit down and eat me chip butty and watch a bit of Corry. It's dead good"

Kaffbo: "Can't beat a bit of Corry, it's mint. Can of pop me ducky?".

Because Kaffbo's chip shop manager has given Kaffbo some sales "upsell" training: always ask the customer if they want a can of pop! Try and do some of your clever zingers/observations that you used to do when you were on Twitch with that celebrity radio/TV presenter Eyan Lee. The customers love it! Remember, Kaffbo, if you keep the customers happy - you get a chip butty bonus
Excellent scene🤣👍
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Active member
I did wonder if this might have had an impact; recommend to me thanks to YouTube's algorithm!

(Andy the Gabby Cabby's right of reply to Iain Lee).

Just watched this. Hope the newly qualified (‘I can help you with your problem’s.. yep bet you can…’) dic pic sending chancer, known as Iain Lee, acknowledges the pile on effect that his actions had on this individual, the bully, the targeting, having done to this guy exactly what he is claiming he is a victim of..🙈

Edit: no more money from me… wish I could get my £50 PayPal donation back …mostly cos that gave him more info than I figured…That’s where I went wrong….

Iain, you really are a hypocritical shit… aren’t you?
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Pat Mustard

Active member
A transcript from Iain's last fanboy post has been recorded on antiquated cassette.
This is in memory of his disciples.
"How very much I'ved loved you. How very much I've tried my best to give you the good life. In spite of all that I've tried a handful of our people with their lives have made our lives impossible . There's no way to detach ourselves from what's happened today. Not only that we're in a compound situation. Not only that they're are those that have left and committed the betrayal of the century. Some have stolen children from mothers and are in pursuit right now to kill them. Because they stole them''"

Anyway. The long and short of it is the whole lot of them have some fizzy pop and die

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VIP Member
Yeah, I forgot those. And Alistair and Dave... Iain must have the heaviest fanbase in the world.
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Active member
So I don't know how you've come to the conclusion that "the majority of it had been covered here and plenty more", when none of it has been covered here.

If you could please address each and every point/comment The Big G makes and show us where it was covered on this thread that would be great.

Should be quite easy as the "majority and plenty more" has been covered here apparently.
Ok Kim. I will do that for you at about quarter past never.

I’m not going to get bogged down in this.

We know it’s Richard. We know it’s gold.

Come on team, let’s focus🤣

Genuinely, every time I come to this thread and still find it here, I’m amazed!🤣👍

Iain usually gets this stuff shut down quick.

May be things are changing.

Thanks Whybrows, for this thread. It was evidently needed.
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Pat Mustard

Active member
I quite enjoyed I, Partridge, but Nomad didn't do much for me. Nor did From the Oasthouse or This Time.

But hey, it's all subjective, and I may have been a little hyperbolic as I don't think any of the above are BAD, as such - it's just that at best they make me smile. Even now, the first few iterations of Partridge can leave me in hysterics. But that's exactly why the likes of Armando Iannucci and Peter Baynham, who wrote so much of it, don't have the time to be involved really anymore.
Don't what ever you do go to watch Alan Partridge's Stratagem.
Even Ken Dodd couldn’t make that material last 60mins on stage.

Mid Morning Matters was peak Partridge with Tim Key.
This Time was post comedy Partridge.
Great sketches in amongst the BBC state sanctioned w@nk humour.
Oasthouse had it's moments but too few.
I'm really hoping that Coogan's Jimmy Saville character will be a return to form.
Can't wait.

Hold up!
Has this thread now become intentionally Partridge as opposed to accidental.
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Was Kath working for Dick too, then?

And that, Charles, is a grift, with really big balls…

Maybe it’s not her first rodeo…

Don’t know.

Who knows what goes on in the shadows.

Edit: To be clear Alex Belfield appears to be an utter bellend. And I am going to assume he has been for quite a while. Never came on my radar, thankfully. Just clarifying.

Thanks for finding out and posting!

The Big G!!!

The exact reason why I thought it can't be The Big G is because he's a solicitor and would have seen through all of Belfield's transparent lies about the court case. So in no way would be "fooled" by Belfield.

Plus The Big G is a major financial backer of TLNA.

Anyone with a basic ounce of legal understanding and common sense would know what Belfield was saying about his court case was simply untrue.

So it looks like Eyan is misrepresenting The Big G.

The Big G wasn't "fooled" or taken in by Belfield.

Eyan is trying to manipulate his followers with that tweet by being disingenuous in coming up with something that's a half-truth. It's very clever what Eyan is doing.

Don't get me wrong, The Big G is a deranged loon (I have evidence of this). But, there's absolutely no way The Big G doesn't understand basic law and is denying Belfield was correctly convicted.

I simply don't believe even the UK's worst lawyer would be fooled by Belfield. So Eyan trying to make people think The Big G was "fooled" by Belfield is bordering on the mendacious.

Looks like Eyan's claims about being the biggest victim have been challenged by The Big G and that's what Eyan doesn't like.

See previous posts about Eyan not having the mountains of evidence he claims to have and how Eyan very quickly switched from his "personal" Belfield trauma to actually being about other people's personal trauma, like Kaffbo, and were "deeply affected" by Belfield (in a laughable and grossly melodramatic way).

Eyan was jumping on the bandwagon with nothing much of his own to offer, and it looks like The Big G called Eyan out over this.

Bang. On. Mate.

It's exactly that.

Please download this before Eyan deletes it. LOLs.

Sometimes I think your posts are a bit out there for me… sorry.

This one though, that video… hmmmmm.

I think you know what I think of him, so, for me this is ironically funny…

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General Kim

Chatty Member
Someone's just posted on DS that Iain is now a qualified counsellor. Unbelievable, and just shows that they'll take anyone.
It's literally a meaningless "qualification". Nothing stopping me creating a course and handing out certificates "qualifying" counsellors.

I could issue all on this thread with a "Certificate or Counselling Competence from The General Kim School of Counselling".

All you've got to do is recognise Eyan's personality disorders to qualify! LOLs.

"In the United Kingdom, counselling is not under statutory regulation, and is overseen and supported by several organisations, none of which are officially recognised by the government" [Source: Wiki]. Yes I know Wiki is not to be relied upon. It's just a well written summary saying what I already know.

"Can anyone be a counsellor in the UK?

A BBC investigation has uncovered there are no laws against anyone operating as a therapist, psychotherapist or a counsellor in the UK. Cheap online courses allow you to cheat to complete them, meaning qualifications are often meaningless.

I'm not saying Eyan did a "cheap online course". I'm saying Eyan did an expensive in-person course. This makes it worse, imo, as he could have saved a few quid and got the same thing. Just need a laser printer at home to print out the certificate.

The obvious reality is. Knowing what we all know. Would anyone feel comfortable with Eyan having a position of authority over a vulnerable's welfare?

Even the most staunch TLNA fanatic can't honestly believe Eyan is in any way suitable to counsel vulnerable people.

I hope this never turns out to be true. Cases of Eyan's patients clients going public with some true horror stories.
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Both I&K have protected their Twitter accounts. I have no doubt that someone like Gregorian who was throwing hundreds of pounds per month at the show, knows a few things that they would hate to be made public.
It speaks volumes that when Eyan thought Gregorian’s back was turned he began slagging him off, in public and private using lies to discredit him. Thought Kafbo was his producer maintaining order and reminding him of the difference between private and public. To lose someone so supportive to the show for so long, is like pulling the back the curtain.
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I tried to listen to the radio this morning, but then some bore called Jimbo called in, so I switched off.
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This has been going on so long, my profile pic looks out dated!!
Innit. At least this thread has survived ( so far) …That’s a result for me, cos that means this thread is still here for anyone looking for this kind of thread, for whatever reason…to find it. Perhaps more pertinent now, than ever before…£££🙈

What more can you do…. Nothing changes.

Edit: Is he even this qualified? Is there any point complaining to them?
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I fully agree about the James O'Brien dog whistling, which I think I noted that Iain does do himself - if I didn't, I certainly meant to. I just don't believe that was ever the case with Cristo.

Granted, a Twitter search doesn't bring up deleted tweets, but I think the link I posted gives a pretty fair overall picture of what happened - it's just a pity that Iain's own tweets are always missing from things like this.

As for Paul Scoins, their on-air relationship before and after the incident in question, and indeed after Iain's time at 3CR - I just had a look and Scoins tweeted several times last week about Iain joining Jack FM - makes me convinced Scoins was in on the gag. But it's cool, I've no desire to change anyone's mind, only put my own perspective across 🙂

Pat, I'm afraid you lose me at Hartley-Brewer. I think she's terrible. But it's a world of many opinions!
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General Kim

Chatty Member
TBH, I struggle with some of your post sometimes (as I’m sure do some people with mine 😂)
Thanks for letting me know about your struggle. I can try and help if possible.

I wouldn't want to presume to what you allude to through a process of conjecture. So if you could elucidate further with some particular aspects, that would be greatly appreciated. Outline and define what caused the struggle. That would be a good starting point.

Also, if you could describe the emotions you experienced during your struggle. That would be helpful in assisting my understanding of your struggle.

One question, if I may ask at this stage, why tell me? But, I'm delighted you have, tbh, as it's good to share.

If it's a matter of reading comprehension, for example, on your part, then I'm more than happy to explain in a suitable way tailored specifically to you.
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