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I agree with @neroli, I can’t see Huw doing the “quietly retired” thing for long. He’s way too driven for that. Any confessional type books or editorials he’d do would surely be for the purpose of landing him sort of new media venture.

I on the other hand would like to retire today and do f*ck all for the rest of time 😂.
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Wonder if whoever stole his phone was the one who posted the bum pic
I assumed he’d sent that to someone who then had sent It on to someone else. The person who uploaded it on to Twitter left it up long enough for people to have seen it and take screen grabs, then deleted their account. All very suss. I’d imagine there are other photos out there.
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There are no comments for me either.

Wonder how Huw’s MH is doing. Wonder if he still (allegedly) likes willies and hairy arses.

Hope the estranged young addict he was (allegedly) funding is doing ok, and his worried family.
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It would be and he would LOVE it, no doubt.
Actually, in the typical UK celeb redemption tradition (the jungle, Big Brother, Strictly, etc), his best shot at any media thing right now probably is light entertainment. Which I wonder if that wasn’t something he secretly actually was quite keen on. I understand that it wouldn’t have been compatible with his news job but now that he most likely doesn’t have that job, do we think he’ll go for it (if offered)?
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I hope Huw (or AC) is taking notes on this. 👀

The author of that article is definitely a Tattler and has been reading this thread. So many familiar statements in there! 🤣
I honestly don’t care to read the speculation about what Huw does next . Huw is a very wealthy man, and has enjoyed a career some can only dream of.

inhonestly have zero interest in seeing his face in media ever again. Dishonest public figures are ten and penny. Show me an honest, hardworking journalist who lives with integrity and focus on them please Yahoo News.
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“By now, though, Edwards is old news. Wily, ink-spotted scavengers have had their fill of his story’s carcass. Inevitably, as is their nature, they will return. Edwards’ inevitable reemergence into public life, the impending end to an internal investigation into his conduct, not to mention a potential TalkTV interview with the parents of the alleged victim (sure to be a worthy successor to David Frost’s tete-a-tete with Nixon), will see to that.

Given the Met Police’s admission that, on the evidence, no criminality had occurred, it is unsurprising that many are doubtful of The Sun’s insistence that their story, which brought deeply private details into the public arena, was of public interest and, thus, deserved to be published. To many, the tabloid had once again done irrevocable damage to an innocent man’s reputation through its careless reporting of vastly overblown indiscretions. However, The Sun did not act alone; the country’s entire media apparatus served as accomplices. As Victoria Newton, editor to the paper, pointed out, even the BBC itself participated.”

if I was a journo I’d be holding the pen on the claim that “to many”… an innocent mans Reputation has been damaged.

I think I’d be wanting to wait the result of an internal investigation before weighing in furthur. He claims that the sun and the BBC have done HEs dirty, essentially. But doesn’t writing about it with speculation and opinion not… contribute furthur to the exact same situation?

id suggest that contrary to the suggestion that news reporters have “picked the carcass” and moved on from the story is done to the fact that…nothing recent has occurred. There hasn’t been any activity or movement on the story. The investigation is ticking in the background and Hugh is hospitalised.

for most journos, it goes against their guidelines of conduct to report on someone if it might endanger their well-being. So Huw‘s treatment has effectively gagged them anyway.
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Think he would need a stint in Celebrity Big Brother like Barrymore had to try and change public opinion.
Why is she still going to the Sun…? Why hasn’t she learnt? Her son doesn’t trust her, going back to the Sun and talking to them isn’t going to help.

The second one is an attempt for the Sun to claim they were morally right to do what they did. I’d be interested in if Huw sues them and what the outcome would be…
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Maybe he just waited long enough until he stopped getting sick pay and then resigned.
Late to the party again. I somehow missed the news earlier. I think this is likely. I’ve known a number of cases where people have been off sick and a disciplinary has been on hold but they suddenly quit when the sick pay runs out.
Any chance the BBC could pay his autocue-reading replacement a far more sensible salary than almost £1/2m? I'll do it for a hell of lot less if they like?
Same here. I can even do it with a slight Welsh twang as I was born there and have one already despite the elocution lessons!
Am I the only one who's caught a huge whiff of misogyny from both Huw Edwards' and Philip Schofield's falls from grace? Schofield betrays his wife, then hides behind a huge song and dance of coming out. Huw Edwards does the same to his wife, and it's up to her to face the music from the press. For saying what left leaning organisations the Beeb and ITV both are, they certainly don't give much thought to mothers and housewives. The only role they seem to play here is having dog shit smeared in their faces by their chickenhawk husbands, and keeping a stiff upper lip in the process
No, you’re not. Should we be surprised given the Left (with some exceptions) seem to struggle over the whole self-ID and issue of “trans women” insisting on access to single sex spaces e.g. women’s changing rooms;competing in women‘s sports and insisting lesbians who aren’t interested in dating them are transphobic and appreciating why all of the above aren’t right an are trampling over women’s rights?
Sadly not.
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Birthday boy 🥳. Twitter post from last year:


Our old friend Edward Coram-Jones, PR Expert is back experting in an article comparing Huw’s crisis to that of Phil Schofield and James Martin:

Edward Coram-James, from Go Up, believes that ITV and best pal Holly "threw Phillip under the bus", while Huw Edwards' wife's response 'saved' his career, and that James Martin learned 'cues' from Flind that saw him escape further public scrutiny…
"None of them should have resulted in permeant damage to their careers. Feathers lost? Absolutely. Lives destroyed? Absolutely not," Ed began. "In my opinion, when looking at the three different crises, Martin's is the most serious, followed by Edwards, followed by Schofield.
"None of them should have resulted in permeant damage to their careers. Feathers lost? Absolutely. Lives destroyed? Absolutely not," Ed began. "In my opinion, when looking at the three different crises, Martin's is the most serious, followed by Edwards, followed by Schofield.

"This might seem like an odd statement. If you asked any punter on the street to rank these three men based on the seriousness of what they did, almost universally people would claim that it was Schofield, followed by Edwards, followed by Martin. However, this perception is not based on the facts surrounding the crises, but on the fallout from those crises: how they were reported and how the principals reacted. There is a significant disparity between the on-paper scale of the actual crises, and the scale of the crises as they were reported."

When it comes to what happened with Phillip Schofield, Ed argues there was a degree of homophobia with the public outcry. But what didn't help was those around him, he says, with Holly admitting on national TV that she had been left "shaken, troubled, let down and worried" amid the scandal.

"You only have to look at the fallout from the Schofield saga and the double standards in terms of society's response to, say, Huw Edwards, to see that Schofield had every reason to fear the potential for unfair and inflated scrutiny of his private life…" Ed continued. "He was also a well-loved and famous television personality, and thus even more open to unbalanced criticism.

"Most ordinary folk would have lied about having an affair, and he had much more to lose in his affair than most ordinary folk. He was abandoned and thrown under the bus by his protegee and friend, Willoughby, abandoned by his employers, fired by the talent agency that he had remained loyal to… was the affair inappropriate? Yes. Affairs are always inappropriate. Aside from his wife, his younger colleague and himself, was it anyone else's business? In my opinion, absolutely not."…

"I don't believe that, from a crisis comms point of view, there was any good reason for Willoughby not to close ranks around her old friend and mentor. Doing so would have had the same cooling effect as Flind's statement had about Edwards." Ed claims that when the speculation was mounting against Edwards, it looked as though his world was about to implode on him. But the way his inner circle responded was his saviour.

"Social media was awash with rumours about who the BBC presenter was. A witch hunt, in the truest sense, had begun. However, even when the engine was seeming to be gaining more and more momentum, Edwards' inner circle closed ranks around him quickly and decisively. His wife, Vicky Flind, who one could argue is one of the only people whose business her husband's alleged behaviour actually is, defended him vociferously.

"In one short and sharp but human and balanced statement, she underlined his struggles with mental health, reminded the world that it was no one's business, and demanded privacy for him and her family. It worked. Celebrities and colleagues jumped to his defence, setting

"The public and media reacted accordingly. The public is often very empathetic when it comes to human struggle and very compassionate when it comes to the mental health issues of others. By humanising Edwards, Flind turned him from being an object of fair game attack to an object of sympathy that people wanted to rally around and defend.

"Had Flind not come to Edwards' defence in a calm, collected but precise way, Edwards' career would be in tatters. Hers was a crisis communications masterclass that defanged social media and The Sun, allowed the BBC to react in a balanced way and paved the way for others to come out and defend him. On the other hand, ITV and Willoughby's handling of the Schofield saga was, in my opinion, the decisive factor in his downfall."

Those were supposed to be two separate posts but alas, I can’t edit them.

here’s the article:

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Linda Lee

With the way he's been so hidden away for so long how, and his wife being so protective I am inclined to believe he did have some sort of massive mental health crisis when the story came out.

I feel like he's going to just live as a private citizen from this point and the public generally won't hear from him again. I just hope it won't become the new standard, too many people accused of wrong-doing use mental health issues as a shield.
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To me, the fact that the BBC is stating he’s still unfit lends credence to how serious his mental health issues probably still are. The BBC wants this resolved. They’d probably do anything in their power to get this process going. If Huw is faking it, surely they’d sue him for breach of contract or something. Their reputation is at stake. My guess is that if the BBC says Huw is unfit to discuss his future, than he really must be unfit and ipso facto, it must be serious.

I do wonder at what point the BBC can say he’s incapacitated and they’re allowed to break his contract.
The BBCs position doesn’t tell us anything. Even if they themselves thought he was faking it, as an employer they would be on dodgy ground to speed up any process and Huw would be covered by the equality act so a reasonable adjustment would be to give him extended time off until he’s ready to face their process. All they would need from Huw is a doctors sick note confirming he’s still unfit.

Eventually they could dismiss him on capability grounds (due to ill health) but that is also dodgy territory once someone is covered by the equality act. BBC can’t afford for Huw to take them to court for discrimination / unfair dismissal. He has them by the balls no matter what the true situation is. I presume they aren’t paying him any sick pay now so it probably doesn’t cost them anything to prolong it for however long Huw wants.
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To be fair to us, most people only knew Huw with his serious news face on so you can’t blame us! I bet people in his personal orbit must have wondered and/or knew for years.
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