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At university, freshers week. He put his hand up and told the lecturer he was going to be sick....took 3 years before we got together 😂
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Met my wife on in 2007. Chatted a few weeks. First date lasted 15 hours. We lived 6 hours apart and met half way. Took turns every weekend driving to see each other. Moved to be with her in August 2008. Proposed in august 2008. Married April 2009 and had a child in September 2010. Been married over 12 yrs. got the house, child, minivan and 2 dogs.
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He was in the year above me at school, he did ask me out when I was 13 but I turned him down as I was terrified about what my mum would say, very overprotective. I regretted it for years. 25 years later I got a friend request on Facebook from him and we exchanged a couple of messages. He had just moved back into his mum and dad's after a break up and I was visiting my dad when I bumped into him. Instant spark and gave me the drive to leave an abusive and long dead marriage. Been together nearly 12 years, married for 7. He is my soulmate and I so wish I had met him again earlier.
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Chatty Member
Met when I was 18 and he was 23 at a party. He worked with one of my good friends (whose party we were at) I ended up absolutely out of it drunk; unable to walk drunk. I passed out in the bed next to him and in my drunken state tried it on with him. Him being the gent he is didn’t go down that road given my obviously bad state I was in. Also the fact he had a girlfriend and wouldn’t cheat on her. (I did not know he had a girlfriend! Not that type of girl) I was sick (on his legs 🙈) and he cleaned it up and took care of me.

We started dating when I was 19 and he was 24. Been together 12.5 years, own our own house now after years of renting in a city, have travelled far and wide. Not engaged (plan to marry but will be eloping with no fuss) and no plans to ever have kids.

I’m so glad I ended up in his room that first night, I was the drunkest I’ve ever been and not making wise decisions. Very grateful for his actions that night as it really could have went badly the other way if he was a ‘typical lad’ Also he was being offered it up on a plate and wouldn’t do that to his girlfriend at the time. He truly is a good ‘un
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We interviewed for the same job on the same day then started work together.
Became instant friends, after about a year the friendship slowly became more.

We've been together now 12 years, married 8 and had 3 kids.

Oh and he's had about a million more jobs since then too 😂
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I worked in a bar, saw him thought "mmm yum".
When I went to the side door for a break he followed me out and slapped my bum.
It's been ten years, married seven, with two kids 😂
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A disco for people with additional learning needs. We were both support workers. Clocked him straight away. About 2-3 months of swooning and some pleasantries exchanged, I finally plucked up the courage to ask my friend to ask if he was single. 😂 The rest is history! 💙
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Jay-cloth Cow

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At work! Different departments, had never met and he emailed me asking if i could do a report for him. I refused due to data confidentiality, our respective managers ended up having an argument about it (mine agreed with me and vice versa)...met a few weeks later in a meeting. I have been making his life difficult ever since :ROFLMAO:
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I love reading through these! ❤
I met my OH at work on a trip to Madrid - he’s a pilot and I’m cabin crew ✈ I wasn’t even supposed to be working that day I was on standby and someone called in sick so I got called in. Was in a very bad mood as I drove to the airport. Soon as I met him it all faded away (sounds so cheesy). I knew straight away he was the one. We spent the whole trip together and have been inseparable even since! We were supposed to be getting married this summer but Covid 🤷‍♀️. Hopefully next year 🤞🏻
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I met my other half when I moved in with a couple of mates who he was also friend with. He came around often, as did others as we always had parties and all of us used to go out and drink together, we got on so well and had a really good friendship.
However I was with someone else and dated unhappily for a while after that, so it was two years before we actually became an item although I liked him, I didn't know he was interested in me like that, turns out he was in a big way!
It's weird to say this but the first time I met him I felt this massive sense of peace and calm come over me, like I'd come home or something. It's hard to explain!
11 years later, we're still together with our two children. 🥰
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My boyfriend is twice my age and we met because he was my Director at work. He never used to like it when I talked about my then boyfriend. My then boyfriend cheated on me after three years together and I just happened to bump into my now boyfriend in the street. I had been working somewhere else for a year and a half, so had not seen him since. After that, we got texting and chatting on the phone most nights of the week. After a while it just naturally progressed into dating and we have now been together for almost three and a half years. 🙂💜
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Wow guys I have just read this whole thread from the start and it has made my heart so warm :love: . I had kind of give up hope and thought the only way I would ever meet someone was dating sites (happy there is lots of positive dating sites stories though) but reading all the different and wonderful ways everyone has met their partner has given me a lot of hope!

Suppose its true you meet people when you least expect it? I feel like I have spent a lot of my time the past 2 years "looking" - maybe I should just wait and see what comes to me when I least expect it? Please carry on posting your stories I really love reading them and I am glad you are all happy! I only hope to have that one day! :)👩‍❤️‍👨
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My husband was a weird random hello in my Facebook 'other messages'. Not creepy, just weirdly random. Normally I would delete but I was recovering from swine flu and bored. Checked his profile and fancied him so replied. Been together 10 years, married 4 x
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His friend was dating my friend, who introduced us. I'd spotted him in a packed lounge when out with my friend that night, and felt really drawn to him, like I knew him well. I had no idea my friend had met him previously, through her boyfriend. When she introduced us, I got shivers down my spine - I knew we were meant to be together. It was love at first sight for both of us, it really was. And I had not believed in such a thing until then.
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Chatty Member
We met at University. I was in my first year of my Law degree and he was in his sixth year of his medicine degree. We moved in together on my second year/his core training years. Many long hours, 3 children and almost 15 years later we’re still together!

And all with this mother not liking me!
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I ‘think’ I’ve met mine. He’s 53 and I’m 29. We’ve been friends for 5 years. Adore the bones off him & he worships the ground I walk on, along with my wonderful little girl. I just don’t like the village gossips and it really holds me back. He openly admits how he feels, I’m terrified because I hate feeling judged.
I’m in exactly a similar relationship with the same age gap. Fuck them they will all look. Me and my husband been together for nearly 6 years. We are still crazy in love. In the beginning I always worried I was judged. Now I don’t care most of our stares is when we are on holiday. Sometimes if I’m in a sassy mood I wave at them. Get my iPhone and pretend I’m taking a photo and ask them do you want one ? Anyways if you feel you want talk I’m here. When I was 26 to 27 honestly I felt like you. You can’t let ppl you don’t know affect you. I know it’s hard but happy to listen or read in this case. ❤
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I was sat outside a pub with a couple of friends and one of them’s boyfriend arrived with a load of guys from his work. My boyfriend was one of them, apparently I blanked him 😂 but then we ended up going back to my friend’s house and sat up all night talking after everyone else had left/gone to bed. My friend said we could have her bed which was a bit presumptuous 😂 anyway we went up and I passed out before anything could even happen (in my defence I was really jet lagged as well as pissed) woke up in the morning thinking oh god how embarrassing, I was 23 at the time and he’s 12 years older than me, however he jokingly asked if I had had a nice kip and gave me a cuddle and asked for my number. He asked me if I wanted to go out the next night just the two of us in the same area, I actually had recently moved over an hour away and had only brought trakkies and a t shirt to drive home in so I said yes but to not sound overly keen didn’t mention the 3 hour round trip I was going to embark on to get changed/do my make up etc 😂😂 didn’t get my friend’s bed that night but an Ikea foam mattress on the floor of her box room was perfectly adequate 🤪

Anyway 5 years, a cat and a house later still going strong 😊
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He worked with my friend's boyfriend at the time. I was the only single one in my friend group and was feeling miserable about it and one day we were talking about my singledom and finding me someone and my friend's bf just went "What about X at my work? He's fairly liberal." they showed me his photo on fb and I thought he was cute so few days later told my friend to give him my number.
We then texted each other every single day for two weeks, had our first date and I stayed over at his every single weekend since then.
Been together 5 years now. Bought a house together in 2017, got our 2 gorgeous kitties in 2018 and last year he proposed ❤
We are due to get married in February! (Covid permitting 🤞🏻)
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POF - My excellent geography skills bagged me him... i thought he lived about 20mins away, turns out it was over an hour away! However, 4 years later, we are engaged with a one year old together, as well as three other children between us!
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Called a room to rent ad from a newspaper that was 3 weeks out of date and promptly moved in with a complete stranger. All his friends came round on my first night and I met my (unbeknownst to me) future husband - a few innocent dates later, we celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary this week and will celebrate 29 years in December! It was honestly love at first sight. I do though have to say that I don’t recommend moving in with a stranger but the fear was just not there in those days.
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