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Another one making Micks death about herself, Sparklesnest. Of course she has friends who are friends with Kirk, she’s 56, Kirk is early 30s.
She’s 56? No way! My mum is 55 and doesn’t look as old as her, she looks like she’s in her late 60s 😳
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So glad to see Taylormadehome in the hate list. Absolute beggar!!!
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God thelittlestonecottage is insufferable at the moment. Has anyone seen the condescending drivel on stories about her pissy candle? “Bringing my cosy cottage vibes into your homes” 🤢 what a twat
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I see yet more free things given to Oak Tree Home. I'm sure she was previously gifted a kitchen aid, and now they've given her another one.
This is the side of IG I cant stand. If you want one, just buy it yourself!
Hmmm... I wouldn't say no to a free kitchen aid, but no one needs two!
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Sparklesnest now caught up, now we have the drama of long covid with hubby, could’ve guessed that from the start that he would have some long term effect. Every ailment she hangs onto to. I was really unwell last March before testing of covid, I’ve been not right since with a bad chest and continuous cough, my gp thinks I had covid and this is a result as I’ve had chest X-rays and an endoscopy and nothing is wrong. I’ve still worked despite feeling shattered and it’s not even a big deal just something you get on with
The video of the sons with their designer bags is hilarious. She thinks it’s so impressive 😂😆 last week she was trying to convince us she has real Gucci shoes and this week she’s having a wet dream over a Prada carrier bag and putting it all over her stories and grid 🤢
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Annoyed 2

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I think it's all very calculated. I remembered her saying in her early Instagram days that she couldn't afford certain things. Now she gets gifted a lot of stuff and she's launched her own interior business on the back of her instagram page. I don't mind people using social media to launch a business but the way Alice has done it doesn't come across nice to me. Yes, I do feel sorry for her miscarriages but like many other influencers she's become very good at exploiting stuff to get what she wants. She particularly stands out for me because I remember her account from when it was small and her photos were very very different.
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Mrs fir tree omg really. Them sun beds aren’t doing her any good. She’s wrinkled up and her skin looks so dry !
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I think he should have a thread as heeees back just had 2 weeks off and feeling relaxed so I'm sure he's repainted his wall for the tenth time in like 4 months. Actually saw 1930s fixer upper doing a pisstake story on these instagrammers who take a brake. If they need a break that kinda sends a signal that it's a full time job which makes me question how they actually fit their real job into their life although id imagine that's made easier dye to lockdiwn. He still hasn't got round to buy any bloody socks yet and yet he's been busy planning and buying even more accessories 🤔. There is some bedside table styling coming up if you are interested. AGAIN.
I would guess Toby is a delicate snowflake that’s been pandered to all his life, he probably saw the criticism on here and needed a trip to a&e to be resuscitated 🙄
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Foxglove has sold their house. Another move and probably a refurb for the kids. She complained endlessly about this house and its amazing. Some people are never happy.
I know it was up for sale - so they’ve sold? They put it up for sale the minute they finished it. They completely changed the look of the house which is lovely but both sisters are annoying!
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I'm not a fan of her account now. I used to like it in the early days (I remember when she had about 3K of followers) but one day there was a shift were she just started tagging Neptune and Like to Know it. She keeps deleting/archiving her old pictures so that she just has the most popular posts up. If you look at what she has up now it's a lot of gifted stuff or ads. She followed and unfollowed me twice so think she is quite targeted in the ways she uses Instagram. She didn't need to follow me in the first place but I don't like it when people do that.
Yes she did that to me too, she’s a sly little shit tbh

I like tobys style. But it’s really just the house Neptune built. He’s taking about getting harsh messages today 🤔🤔
Oh he’s just so cringe, I like Tobys style too (because it’s mostly Neptune 😂) but it’s so ‘look at me, I’ve got money’ which makes it so try hard, and that just puts me off I think...
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She bangs on about how she wants her children to be polite and respectful, well if that’s the case then she’s seriously failed. Never in my life would I empty a fridge or draws/cupboards because my 2 year constantly trashes them and eats everything in sight. The child has zero discipline because the Mother is too bone idle to bother reaching her.

I also see that, that joke of a friend/enemy of Bargs and bellies, Miss Mummy Blog is on the beg for their ‘girly night in’ (what kind of adult even says that!). She’s also an absolute mess, begging for money for her Son who has additional needs to get a car seat, all whilst getting lip filler and buying hot tubs. Her face makes me feel I’ll, she’s so miserable!

Boobs and bargs needs to take her kids out them maybe they wouldnt be bored shitless and trashing the house! She dont even take them to the park for a hour! Lazy cow.
the shit she buys from charity shops is embarrassing and then claims they are to skint to eat a proper meal. The amount she has spent on those shitty crystals could have paid for a family dah out to the farm/zoo then maybe her kids wouldnt be so feral!
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Is there a thread for lucys_hillside_house? She’s got far too big for her boots since gaining a few followers and having a few vital reels... thinks she’s gods gift to Instagram now. Hopefully they die down soon and she gets back in her box. It’s not as if her house is even that nice.
Omg I’m so glad someone said this. The reel she did on going viral was so cringy. Fuck off Lucy. Everything about you is so average!
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It's what I imagine Mrs Hinch’s nan's house would look like. How does she have 10k+ followers?!
She talks absolute drivel, her sparklers all love her and she thinks she’s an agony aunt. I found her when she was mentioned on the BeckyHomeSweetHome thread. I can’t believe anyone would want to watch her and enjoy it. She’s a complete know it all and obviously isn’t someone who thinks of others with what she’s done in the last few days.
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Omg thank you!!! It’s not just me who’s angry about her. Someone on Tattle messaged her and asked why Rob went into McDonald’s and she lied saying he didn’t, he went to the toilet and no one was inside so no risk. I wish I’d screen recorded her, she’s a liar. On her stories at the weekend she said Rob had gone in to order food because the drive through queue was long, so how can she lie to someone saying that didn’t happen, how can she lie when it was on her stories. She’s a disgrace! Acting all high and mighty wanting to be the covid know it all. Didn’t even have the decency to inform the restaurant incase their staff now spread it to hundreds and their own families. She is disgusting doing that.

I wish she had her own thread on here. I bet so many others saw what we saw but he sparkles are too up her arse to speak up!
She definitely said he went in to order on her stories, but neither of them should have even entered the premises to use the toilets either. They shouldn’t have left their home at all while waiting for a test result.
There was a thread on her once, but she cried on her stories and it got taken down!
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Love dustandbricks and crack_the_shutters
Cant stand sparklesnest either. Never liked thegreybuild but stopped following her so dont know what she's like now. Always found her so smug and she would make stupid faces on stories with silly voices thinking she was hilar. House looked like all the other grey ones too
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_millergrey. Used to really like him but then he started bitching about his landlord’s choices when having a new bathroom put in. Mate, you rent, you don’t know what your landlord’s budget is, be happy you’re getting a new bathroom whether it’s your aesthetic or not.
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Me too! Giving us rules, fuck off you bellend
She seems like an absolute nasty bitch. Why people follow here astounds me.
She’s rude to her followers, thinks she’s super important and above everyone else and her hone is just basic and boring with a million plants chucked on shelves
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I thought she was nice enough at first but it’s just eye fucking herself all day, pouting and every word that comes out of her mouth is over pronounced - I can’t help but stare at how many teeth she has as well. She seems really up herself and smug: like if you’re posting about a hairdryer, show us the hairdryer - not yourself pouting AGAIN.

They’ve clearly got some money to be doing a house like that up in one go pretty much but there’s like no insight really into the diy or the work that’s gone into the house? I don’t think they’ve done any of it themselves - just see it as a bragging account and a way to get some freebies really?

click on her engagement highlight for further info 🤣🤣🤣

I used to follow her but she’s so in love with herself. A while back she and her man came in from a night out and “just happened to take a photo shoot of themselves in their kitchen using their big camera” Aye. Okay. Vapid, vain freaks. Unfollowed then and there.
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ourmiddletonhome has become annoying. Don’t get me wrong it’s lovely she’s pregnant and excited about it all but she’s forever in your face with it about how tired she is and also would you like a discount code for our bed
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