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I didn't mean because she had sex quickly, I meant that she's plastering it all over the internet so soon. And it's risky given she's not been in a relationship long at all.
It's really bizarre. Considering how long shes been online she doesn't seem to have developed those boundaries a lot of people have about keeping some of your life for yourself. But what else does she have to make content about I suppose? Shes not studying anymore and her travel vlogger digital nomad pivot has become a couples channel pivot.
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not trying to be horrible at all but imo it would be a “funny mistake” if she was a teenager on her first trip abroad but as a grown adult it just looks so……uneducated and silly, especially considering the calibre of unis she has attended😂 and i do wonder how it’s never come up in conversation for any of her family to correct her tbh
To add, a full blown adult who is trying to make travel content her niche
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It would just be so good for her to have a normal job and develop real life skills, she's such a weird combination of socially isolated, academically high-flying, zero common sense and no life experience... would do her the world of good to knuckle down and work in a normal work setting with colleagues etc.

Holly also thinks that Fortnum & Mason is a jewellery brand ...

and i find the presents from her family really odd..
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Latest vids have been a little laborious to watch.

theme of the last three videos
- Teheh i had sex
- Angry at C (think she is handling her understandable anger (because it was her first) really well)
- Realised she wasn’t in a relationship and it was just a casual fling (again impressive self-reflection from Holly)
- doing that annoying state secret hint at a new travel destination in the new year.
-Holly strongly implying she is very horny
-Holly’s mother being horrible to her on camera
-Holly’s mother making a funny joke after she complained why she wasn’t told about the birds and the bees to which muti said “well didn’t you do a degree in biology”

spookily for “C” she lists consent as one of the things she wishes she had learned about from her mother.

Holly is probably off to Australia/ New Zealand in jan.
Oh wow that's a lot to take in lol. Thank you so much for summarizing, I can't stand watching that cold, emotionally stunted woman (Holly's mom, I mean! Holly herself has had so much personal growth in that department imho)
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i noticed she has stopped sharing her routes on strava, i wonder if this is for a safety perspective (doubt that ever concerns them) or purely to hide extent as which they are exercising/hr/effort rate (this is typical ED behaviour).
I do wonder if it's to stop people commenting about how unhealthy her behaviour is with how much she is running, she doesn't seem the type to respond well to critism even if it's well meaning and concern..
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The fact that she shows a rabbit in poor conditions and just takes down the video, hoping that it will be ignored is awful especially when her bio says that she is vegan for the animals.
I know right! It's just wild to me - according to her own logic, she could eat meat from animals that were kept in factory farming in horrible conditions and it would be completely fine because she's not the owner of the pigs so they're "not her responsibility". That's just such a bullshit, morally complacent stance.

But then again, we already know she's not really vegan 'for the animals'; I remember her explaining in a video that her becoming a vegan was originally her sister's idea because her sister believed that veganism could cure Holly's ED. And the she became vegan in the summer before she went to Cambridge, it magically cured her ED and her parents allowed her to go to Cambridge because they were convinced that Holly was fine because she was eating 'so much food' after turning vegan. Like her veganism was literally tangled up with her eating issues from the start. (I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with going vegan if you have/had an ED, I honestly don't know enough about either veganism or eating disorders to judge it one way or the other. But it's just very clear from everything Holly has shared that her decision to go vegan was not, in fact, motivated by animal rights activism so that whole "vegan for the animals" catchphrase has always seemed a little bit disingenous tbqh)
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I think it’d be a massive red flag in a relationship for me if my partner cancelled their big move abroad a month after we met! It gives me the ick just thinking about it. By all means, adapt your plans, think on it and end the trip early. But don’t just not go!
Someone seems to have pointed it out to her...
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Still ignoring any comments about running though
Yeah and so pointedly ignoring it too - like, she chose to reply to this comment but not say anything in response to that commenter's criticism of her overtraining, instead only responding to the other points they raised. Almost passive-aggressive the way she's ignoring this lol
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She will run and underfuel no matter what, how many times has she been injured yet continue to exert herself, she ran the marathon seriously injured! She may be book smart but she is so immature and stupid is many other ways.
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They only took one backpack to share and have a bag of hand luggage each. I can’t imagine taking so little especially in such a hot climate like that!
I can imagine they stink then if they run all the time in a hot climate and share so little luggage - surely they’d have to be washing and drying their outfits every day but somehow I get the vibe that they don’t. I think this Angelo guy will move on eventually. What happens to their relationship if one of them hurts their knee or foot and can’t run? Suddenly they have nothing in common then…and I can imagine things turning sour as one will be holding the other back from running.

I think Holly needs to come back and get a regular 9-5 job, get some routine, be part of a team rather than just obsessing over herself. Having a 9-5 would give her some structure to the day that isn’t just running. She could socialise with friends/colleagues and then maybe after a day of working, contributing to something meaningful and, intracting with others, she’d then be able to take a reasonable run to exercise, relax, rather than obsess over it all day.
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btw, i don't recall what video it was (perhaps the one in which she cries about turning 25) but definitely a recent one, in which she mentions that her idea and emily's when they were younger was to buy a house and live together for the rest of their lives, (which i think is one of those funny little promises you make with your best friend when you're children) but then emily started dating dan and holly was crushed and had to learn to accept emily's boyfriend

isn't that a bit weird? why doesn't holly realise that living forever with emily wasn't ever a realistic option??

i understand that holly has always looked up to her sister -emily was the first of the family to get into cambridge, to become vegan, and if i'm not mistaken, she partially fueled holly's ED and herself's because they used to compare how little calories they consumed in a day...maybe holly's looking forward to date people just because it's what her sister is doing too?

i think this attachment and dependency to her older sister is unhealthy for her
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Has she actually done anything in this trip other than run?
and find vegan food which is "literally SO good" ... no sight seeing, no culture, no interacting with the community etc. v boring and may as well still be in the UK
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I have watched the video and to me it definitely looked like she was having second thoughts about doing the run the night before because when she was looking at the elevation chart she didn't sound happy about the fact that she was going to be running up the hills. Even on the day when she arrived at the venue she looked like she wanted to back out as she didn't look happy at all about taking part and it makes me think that she knew she wasn't fully prepared to run this marathon.
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Idk why you're being aggy with me for saying Angelo exercises this much. They can both have an unhealthy attitude to exercise - me pointing out that Angelo is the one who runs multiple times a day at home is not me signing off to say Holly has no issues. Calm down.
And to be fair, I would be way more surprised if Holly had found a normal-ish boyfriend … Angelo is pretty much as anticipated.
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Do you think her and her family read this forum
I definitely think her and her sister do. I feel like we probably have some of Holly’s peers from Cambridge lurking too. If it were me I’d want to know all about how Cambridge’s former #1 student is now a freeloading unfluencer.
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He doesn't seem to have a traditional job or be involved in any kind of education so he could have joined her a bit later and combine periods of long distance if he needs to be in the UK for some reason.

I know they are young and maybe see life differently, but if I now met a guy who had planned to be going abroad for an extended period of time and had everything arranged I wouldn't want him to cancel, i would be very put off if he did that for me. Even now with a full time job I would think it's a cool oportunity for that person and I would be looking for every chance I got to go visit him.
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Just when I thought she and Ruby couldn’t be further apart since Holly’s transformation, she does a full Ruby: realises she’s f’d up but doesn’t actually quite get it so makes a non apology about having shared the animal neglect, rather than actually feeling bad for the rabbit and doing something about it. Classic “I’m sorry for having shown how little fks I give about animals and that you all immediately noticed how helpless this poor rabbit is being subjected to neglect and cruelty and it hadn’t even crossed my mind. Im sorry I got caught out”. Maybe she and Ruby are not so dissimilar still!
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Declaring theyre soulmates already? I'm happy for her but this could end so badly.


He has a twin, and seems very sportsy/outdoorsy, I hope it doesn't push her to become more obsessed with exercise.
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